I've been able to generate doc for all the modules (see 
I had to change an import statement in vm.py (from: "from vdsm import vdscli"
to "import vdscli") - to solve an import error generated by sphinx.
An update to PYTHONPATH is necessary though.
There are still some warnings to be fixed in different modules
in which an update to doc strings is necessary.
I didn't find a cleaner and less intrusive way to solve this little issue.

Cheers Giuseppe 

Giuseppe Vallarelli

`All code is guilty until proven innocent.`
www.giuseppevallarelli.com (http://www.giuseppevallarelli.com)

On Saturday, February 2, 2013 at 3:32 PM, Giuseppe Vallarelli wrote:

> Dear vdsm developers 
> I'm Giuseppe I've recently pushed a little work I've done to improve
> vdsm's sphinx documentation. I've moved doc structure to the
> project root folder and updated references in the different *.rst files
> used. The way the import statements are used in vdsm doesn't allow
> sphinx to generate documentation especially when auto directives
> are used, so to try out my change set, is important to update
> the python path env variable by making it pointing also to the
> vdsm python package. Unluckily the modules clientIf and vm still cause
> troubles when sphinx wants to extract documentation (see import
> error: from vdsm import vdscli).
> More work needs to be done to clean up documentation, this is
> just a starting point. In the commit messages I've linked
> this bug (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=491467) cause I thought 
> it was the most appropriate.
> I do apologize for creating more commits than necessary.
> I usually split my work in small chunks, but with gerrit it seems
> that reviews are done on a per commit basis (I'm used to 
> github's pull requests).
> Cheers Giuseppe
> -- 
> Giuseppe Vallarelli
> `All code is guilty until proven innocent.`
> www.giuseppevallarelli.com (http://www.giuseppevallarelli.com)

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