Re: Lion and Time Machine wreaking havoc

2011-12-14 Thread Gabe Johnson
Not sure if you have it sorted out yet, but to delete the .svn dir you
might try:

rm -r .svn

The -r flag deletes the target and if it is a directory, all the
files/directories it contains.

On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 11:33 AM, Bass-O-Matic  wrote:
> Sadly, I upgraded to Lion.
> If I create a local folder with new files in it and try to ADD in
> Versions to my repository I get a message that the file is "locked" or
> something like... "already under version control".
> A friend of mine who is more "command-liney" pointed out that if I
> Terminal to that folder there is already a .svn folder in there and to
> delete it.
> Which I tried with "rm .svn" Which didn't work... just kept saying...
> "That's' a directory Dumb A!"
> Of course admittedly, I'm not great at going into the command line and
> doing much. CD, LS, and a little VI stuff with copious notes is my
> skill level. I like UIs. They're friendly!
> So, I did some googling and I found that Lion's new versioning BS will
> lock files so you don't accidentally delete them. Furthermore, Time
> Machine has an option to LOCK any files not touched in the last two
> weeks. I have to say I'm increasingly perturbed at the controlling
> attitude Apple seems to have towards their users.
> I turned off Time Machines lock option... still I don't see why it
> would effect files I JUST created... I have no idea what's going
> on any pointers?
> Thanks
> --
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Re: Terminal

2011-04-28 Thread Gabe Johnson
Yes, and in some situations it is necessary.

On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 1:57 AM, Gert  wrote:
> Is it still okay to use the CLA next to Versions?
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Re: Commit didn't include new files...

2011-04-27 Thread Gabe Johnson
On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 5:52 PM, Spokane-Dude  wrote:
> I had a project which imported into Versions, then did a checkout.  I had
> then added two files that I had worked on.  When I went to do a commit, the
> new files did NOT get updated to the repos.
> A: What did I do wrong?
> and B: how do I now fix it so it doesn't happen again?

Here's something that happens to me a lot. Maybe this is your issue too:

I click onto Versions to focus the window, and I happen to click on a
spot that causes a selection. Since this isn't what I was thinking
about doing I don't even notice it. Then I commit, thinking it is
committing from the root of the project (I commit the root like 95% of
the time), but instead it commits the thing I selected, so it won't
get everything.

;; Gabe Johnson
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Re: Naïve user query

2011-02-17 Thread Gabe Johnson
> I know how to do it.*  I'm just saying that from the point of view of
> someone used to working within the Finder, it seems very strange and
> rather inefficient.  The way this seems to work, we have to perform
> three steps to rename a file: rename in Finder, delete old (missing)
> file from the project within Versions, add renamed (new) file to the
> project within Versions.

Subversion (and Versions) has a 'rename' function that does this. It
is in the right-click menu for the versioned file.

> *Though I did have to figure it out by trial and error.  Is there a
> manual anywhere that tells me about the user interface of Versions,
> what the numbers after the projects refer to, what the question mark
> in the blue bubble means, etc.?

There are tooltips that pop up after a while (maybe too long of a
while) that say what those are.

> What I'd like Versions to do is, when a folder is committed, notice
> (as it clearly does) that some files are missing and *assume* that
> this means the user intends to delete them (maybe even pop up a dialog
> box asking for confirmation), and then pass Subversion the command to
> delete these files.  Similarly, if it notices on commit that there are
> files present in the folder that aren't in the Subversion database,
> I'd like it to *assume* that these files should be added to the
> project as part of the commit.  (Obviously this should be an option
> rather than the only possible behaviour.)
> Or is this not the way Subversion should be used?  If not, what should
> I be doing instead when I want to add or delete files?

I'd like to see the feature to automatically add as well.

But the reason why this is not the default behavior has to do with the
dominant use case, which is programming. It is common for your
compiler or editor to make a bunch of a auxiliary or temporary files
that live in the same folder as the files you really care about. So if
you could make it automatically add things, you would get a lot of
extra stuff in your repository that you don't need. If you're working
in teams, you wouldn't want to deal with all the random things your
colleagues put there, and vice-versa.

Source code control isn't a fancy snapshot of whatever is on your
disk. There are other tools for that, but I haven't used any for a
long time since I have been conditioned to deal with subversion's
neuroses. Subversion and other tools like it are social things that
represent the combined efforts and maintenance of groups of people
over time. The more it does automatically, the greater the risk that
unwanted files sneak into the system. You said you were deleting and
re-adding files under different names. In doing so you lost the
history of a file because subversion doesn't know the connection
between the old and new versions of the file. This probably doesn't
really matter in your situation, but at some point in the future it
might if you need to revert to a previous version of the file from
before its name was changed.

I wonder if there are tools similar to source code control but for
media projects?

;; Gabe Johnson
;; PhD Candidate in Computational Design - Carnegie Mellon University
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Re: Merge

2010-12-31 Thread Gabe Johnson
On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 11:05 AM, Mike Combs  wrote:
> No offense intended, and I'm just a Versions user, but I think it's rude to
> use this thread to plug the competition. Surely there must be other forums
> for that, where people are still trying to decide which tool to use.

Agreed. The merge thing is something everybody is aware of, including
(I am sure) the Versions team.

;; Gabe Johnson
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Re: Can't create new folder in repository

2010-06-09 Thread Gabe Johnson
Maybe this from stackoverflow:

On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 9:49 AM, Cue  wrote:
> I get this error when committing after creating a folder in the root
> path of the repository:
> Server sent unexpected return value (500 Internal Server Error) in
> response to MKCOL request for '/!svn/wrk/a7cd57d4-ffb0-46a6-8305-
> b4a6b0878d5c/foundandco'
> Does anyone have any ideas?
> On Jun 9, 2:10 pm, Gabe Johnson  wrote:
>> No problems with that dir name for me.
>> On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 5:47 AM, Cue  wrote:
>> > How strange is this, think of any word and I can create a folder with
>> > that name in my repository.
>> > However, I try creating a folder (in the root of my repository) with
>> > the name "foundandco" and Versions won't let me. Can someone else try
>> > this and confirm?
>> --
>> ;; Gabe Johnson
>> ;; PhD Candidate in Computational Design - Carnegie Mellon University
>> ;; CoDe Lab:
>> ;; Personal:
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Re: Can't create new folder in repository

2010-06-09 Thread Gabe Johnson
No problems with that dir name for me.

On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 5:47 AM, Cue  wrote:
> How strange is this, think of any word and I can create a folder with
> that name in my repository.
> However, I try creating a folder (in the root of my repository) with
> the name "foundandco" and Versions won't let me. Can someone else try
> this and confirm?
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Re: Keyboard Shortcut for "Ignore [item]"

2010-05-21 Thread Gabe Johnson
That's really cool. Thank you!

On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 11:57 PM, Fabian  wrote:
> I made a feature request to add a keyboard shortcut for ignoring the
> selected item. Making a custom shortcut in the usual way doesn't work
> since the name of the menu item changes to reflect the selected file.
> I got impatient and made a work-around that others might be interested
> in:
> or download the Services menu item directly:
> --
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Re: Unable to select 'ignore [item]'

2010-05-13 Thread Gabe Johnson

As for the files you're trying to ignore, do you need them to be in
SVN? Is that where you got them?

Subversion doesn't have a concept of "part of the repository but
ignored". It sounds like your CMS files are are in the repository.

If that is the case, you won't be able to ignore them directly. You
would have to remove them from the repository first so they are
unknown to svn, and then individually ignore them (no multi-select in
Versions). What icon does Versions use for these files? Unknown files
have a blue question mark---that's what you'll need to ignore them.

On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 4:18 AM, si...@vg  wrote:
> Thanks for this reply, still a bit unclear. Are you saying that:
> - I should delete the directories from my local repository (or copy
> them out) and then commit the changes?
> or
> - delete the items from the repository (where I do not seem to be able
> to edit the properties so do I then set the property in the working
> copy)?
> Either way, at what point can I ignore the item using the contextual
> menu?
> Thanks for the help though.
> --
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Re: Unable to select 'ignore [item]'

2010-05-12 Thread Gabe Johnson
In addition to what Quinn said, the "Ignore" function is disabled if
there are more than one items selected. You have to ignore each one
individually. I'm sure the Versions people have this on their stack of
things to fix :D

On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:27 PM, Quinn Taylor  wrote:
> Are these directories already versioned in the repository? If so, you would 
> have to delete them first and commit, then set the svn:ignore property for 
> the containing directory.
>  - Quinn
> On May 12, 2010, at 8:56 AM, si...@vg wrote:
>> I am pretty new to this so apologies if I am being dense but...
>> I am trying to get Versions to ignore the directories which are
>> managed by the CMS and the cache directory created by the template
>> engine that powers it (Dwoo).
>> I've got my working directory checked out and i am trying to set the
>> ignore property on the relevant directories. For the record these are:
>> images
>> files
>> _thumbs
>> media
>> core/dwoo/compiled
>> The option to ignore any of the above in greyed out in the contextual
>> menu and setting the ignore property on the parent directory appears
>> to do nothing.
>> What am I doing wrong. Like I said, I'm a noob - any help appreciated.
>> --
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Re: Adding and committing simultaneously: is it possible?

2010-03-29 Thread Gabe Johnson
> I'm a new Versions user and I'm trying to figure out a way to add new
> files automatically by committing any changes (in this case the
> addition of extra files to the folder). Can it be done? I've noticed
> that I have to first add the new files to the repository and then
> commit. If there is any way around this, any help would be
> appreciated.

Sadly (happily?), this is the way subversion works. Each operation
(add, commit, update, etc.) is meant to be an atomic event. So if you
want to commit a file that isn't added yet, you have to add it first,
then commit it.

This does make life easier if you're working with other people, since
you can queue up a bunch of changes (including adding files) and
commit them all at the same time. This helps make sure the repository
isn't in an unstable state. For example if you added and committed
files over the course of an afternoon, anybody else who checks out or
updates will get some, but not all, of the files necessary to compile
the thing, which will ruin your friend's afternoon.

;; Gabe Johnson
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Re: Ignore edit pane

2010-03-18 Thread Gabe Johnson
If you'd like to ignore several files, it currently requires a bit of
work. Right now you can't ignore several files at once. It would be
neat if you could select several files, right click one of them, and
ignore the lot.

You *can* ignore using wildcards: select a folder, then 'Edit' the
ignore properties (right pane). You can supply wildcards like "*.txt".

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 12:02 PM, Quinn Taylor  wrote:
> An easier way than typing all the filenames to ignore is to right-click on a
> resource and select Ignore from the contextual menu that pops up. Still,
> that's not to say that a non-modal window wouldn't be nice to have...
> Quinn
> Sent from my iPod
> On Mar 18, 2010, at 8:19 AM, Robert Goldman  wrote:
>> Would it be possible to make the svn:ignore edit pane NOT be pinned in
>> front of the versions window?  I.e., would it be possible to make it a
>> floating modal dialog box?
>> Here's the use case:
>> *  Look at the main Versions window and discover filenames that should
>> be ignored.
>> *  Press edit button under ignore.
>> *  Realize that I can't see the filenames and have forgotten some of
>> them.  :-(
>> If the window floated, I would slide it out of the way, and be able to
>> copy filenames from the main versions pane into the ignore edit pane.
>> I'm hoping that this would be a simple matter to change
>> Cheers,
>> r
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Re: Missing from Versions

2010-02-12 Thread Gabe Johnson
>> Also cannot do an svn copy that I can see.
> Drag while holding option, just like in Finder. :-)

"Tip of the day" that you can manually invoke and browse through.
(maybe would expose some of these 'missing' features)

;; Gabe Johnson
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Re: svn st

2009-12-17 Thread Gabe Johnson

> I use the command line client to do "svn status" to get a summary of
> all the changes/adds/missing-files/etc. It is useful to get a compact
> listing of of the local status. It is possible to see the local status
> in the tree browser, but it requires the user to tediously open each
> folder with the little yellow dot on it.

Sorry to bug everybody. There's two buttons, All and Changed right
above the tree browser. It seems the Changed button is what I wanted,
but I didn't know it because it took a bit longer than I expected for
it to open up the tree nodes, and I had already clicked back to All.


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svn st

2009-12-17 Thread Gabe Johnson
Hi, this is either a feature request, or it is a request for somebody
to point the feature out to me.

I use the command line client to do "svn status" to get a summary of
all the changes/adds/missing-files/etc. It is useful to get a compact
listing of of the local status. It is possible to see the local status
in the tree browser, but it requires the user to tediously open each
folder with the little yellow dot on it.

Since somebody else seems to have requested this earlier, here:

So, +1 on this feature for me.


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Re: Thanks for the update!

2009-12-10 Thread Gabe Johnson
I had to force quit. It didn't seem to do any damage. (!)

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 10:57 AM, Hardy Macia  wrote:
> How long should I wait for "QUiting Versions… Waiting for transactions to 
> finish" before I force quit? Because "Quit Now" button doesn't do anything.
> On Dec 10, 2009, at 10:42 AM, Quinn Taylor wrote:
>> Trying it out right now. I haven't been experiencing most of the issues 
>> addressed, but the improvements are certainly welcome. :-)
>> - Quinn
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Re: downloading files from google code

2009-11-30 Thread Gabe Johnson
On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Dazzid  wrote:
> HI,
> I’m new with svn and Versions. I already have an account but I don’t
> find the way to download files from google code. The addres is the
> falowing
> I just need a little help starting with it.
> Thanks
> David

I think that URL is for a Googlecode user. (the /u/ part indicates user)

You probably want to hit a project's source page. E.g. here:

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Re: Problem: Google Code SSL certificates

2009-11-20 Thread Gabe Johnson

I too am having this problem and am using the command line in the

On Nov 20, 4:14 am, stefanix  wrote:
> I have pretty much the same problem: GC and Versions started barfing
> at me recently. It is super annoying to the point that I am about to
> switch back to the commandline for now. Hope you guys figure this out
> soon. Thanks.

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