If anyone is interested in trying out a Qt5 version of Veusz, there's a branch available here:

I haven't found any problems with it so far. The only thing I might do is to rename all the qt4 symbols to qt, but this would make a big diff.

Does anyone have any objections to moving to Qt5 for the next release (after 1.23)? The only problem I know is that for X11, native drawing support has been dropped, so everything is done in big bitmaps and makes X11 network support perhaps sub-optimal.

We could also move to only supporting Python 3 at the same time to reduce workload. This would cause problems for people writing plugins or using the embedding module. However, it might be possible to make the embedding module able to work across the Python2/3 boundary. The other problem is that the EMF export is Python 2 dependent, though I have a fork of pyemf here which appears to work:



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