Dear Douwe

On 08/18/2015 01:05 PM, douwe van der veen wrote:
1. The "Export()" call is not working. From the file 
"...\veusz\document\", line 152, I seem to provide three variables to it instead 
on the single one on the command line: doc, filename, and pagenumber. I only provide filename here. 
How do I obtain this 'doc' value? Can I also access this thing from the command line?

Have you tried using interface.Export(...) instead of Export(...)? Inside a plugin, the command interface are methods of the interface object, not plain functions. You shouldn't need to pass the doc item - this is internal. The interface object is defined in veusz/document/

2. When I modify my plugin, I have to close and re-open Veusz in order to load 
the plugin's latest version. Is there a way to force reload of the plugin from 
the command line?

There's no support for reloading plugins, unfortunately.

Hope this helps


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