Re: [videoblogging] Keeping tapes

2009-10-05 Thread Pete Prodoehl

I put my 20+ year old box of audio cassettes to good use...

And you can see some of the results here:

I consider myself an archivist and documentarian which are fancy 
words for packrat and guy who doesn't throw things away... ever!

Sometimes you can only see the value of things later. Sometimes much later.


Adam Quirk wrote:
 I'm in the middle of a move, and came across the box of mini-DV tapes I've
 accumulated over the years. I'm seriously considering chucking it all.
 Will I, or anyone, really ever want to watch two-hundred hours of random
 clips from my life and work?

 There's a part of me that wants to keep everything, every second that I
 shot. But there's another part of me that knows I already cut and uploaded
 and shared the best parts of these tapes.

 I'm not really sure what I'm asking here, but you guys would probably have
 the best insight into this sort of thing.



[videoblogging] New media -- new ways of seeing the political and social universe.

2009-10-05 Thread ratbagradio
I'm looking for online documentary recommendation but stuff that keeps within 
the 10 minute format.I'm not after news shows per se -- but POV internet video

There are two internet video streams I really appreciate that are hallmarks for 

# Shadow World by David S. Kessler
which is an extraordinary exercise in cinema verite . Does anyone know sites as 
good as Kessler's that work a similar focus? 

Kessler writes:The process is fairly straightforward. I walk the streets under 
the El tracks, and tripod in hand, mostly concentrating on the play and power 
that the El structure has on the buildings and streets below. I stop at points 
where I feel that its impact is the strongest, allowing the trains and the 
tracks to be the one reoccurring character that forces itself into each moment. 
The people I talk to are all strangers. I try to let them steer the 
conversation. There isn't much (if any) prying to get them to tell me their 
stories. The intent is to appreciate that moment of interaction - whether 
something is revealed to me, a stranger, or not...The moments I capture are 
boiled down to three to four minute episodes. 

# Albatv
which is a product of the mass scale push in Venezuela to democratize the 
media.I like AlbaTV because its in mixes amongst it all and doesn't have  
'journalistic' pretensions.It's very  plebeian video -- in Spanish. 

AlbaTV shoots a lot of the activist stuff like I'm engaged with but it does it 
much better than I have done as it works much closer to its subjects whereas  
I'm hampered by journalese. 

As the Venezuelans say, it's Video communication without intermediaries:Alba 
TV plans to construct a different communication model, antagonistic to the 
dominant model of social communication, a task that can not be delegated but 
must be undertaken directly... because in this model of communication there can 
be no intermediaries.

I'm interested in accessing examples of engagement with web video that suggests 
a new way of seeing the world of everyday political and social reality without 
necessarily being a skilled end product. 

There's a lot of videoblogging personalised stuff but I was interested in 
material that was more outward looking but wasn't just 'news'. 

I'm unaware of  resources that monitor web video by genre and report on trends, 
review and make recommendations. The scale of the video universe is so large 
now you really need a guide book that can see beyond each online aggregator.

However, the potential power of the short online video grab packaged in a 
series, as Kessler has done, seems very large indeed. There's a difference 
about shooting for the web -- which  is not about trying to ape television or 
play film schools. 

dave riley 

[videoblogging] Videographer Needed Friday in San Francisco

2009-10-05 Thread dkaye23
Hello, local (San Francisco) videobloggers. We're looking for someone who can 
shoot an all-day event (single-camera) on Friday (10/9) and stream it to 
Livestream. Budget is negotiable. Best is to email me directly.


Doug Kaye, Executive Director
The Conversations Network 
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit
twitter: dougkaye