Oh dear sweet Caseycaseycasey, poor Casey; have you lost your mind? Do you mean 
Billie the cop with the insane lips?  Bo and Billie never had a daughter, 
silly! When on Earth did they do that? And even if they did, she'd be like ten, 
or something. Not that ten-year-olds can't have videoblogs, but still.
  Granted, the last time I watched Days of Our lives was after the mystery of 
The Salem Strangler had finally been solved, Bo's true heritage was revealed, 
Kayla was living in the loft with that rascal Patch (before she lost her 
hearing and learned American SIgn Language overnight) and Roman was still Roman 
and not that other guy who was someone else for several years before suddenly 
turning out to be Roman after some serious reconstructive surgery and 
international spy work. Back in the Golden Era of DOOL when Marlena was going 
to marry The Real Roman before his supposedly dead wife Anna showed up with 
Carrie (as a 5-year-old!) after being held captive as a sex-slave on Roman's 
  Bo and Billie's daughter...seriously?

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