[videoblogging] Fw: [LAProducer] FW: Forward - Grossly unjust act

2007-06-19 Thread Nora McDevitt
Unbelievable. Check this out.

- Forwarded Message 
From: thomas nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 3:07:09 PM
Subject: Re: [LAProducer] FW: Forward - Grossly unjust act


If these are full time employee's, I can't see how he can legally 
do this.  I think California has specific laws that require all firms with more 
than 10 full time employees to provide health insurance.  The only exception is 
for financial hardship.  I doubt that is the case with IA.  Interesting how the 
normally liberal world of Hollywood is following the lead of other mainstream 

Ryan Vernon <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:   Just pulled this off one 
of my other boards and felt it would be worth


Ryan Vernon

-- Forwarded Message

Good Morning! I'm sorry to send such a large, mass-email, but I readthis

article in this morning's Daily Variety, and I felt compelled to send this


Scott Harris, the President of Innovative Artists Agency in SantaMonica,

announced, via MEMO, on Friday, that he was cutting ALL HEALTHBENEFITS for

the 50+ assistants and LOWER-level employess, RETROACTIVEto June 1st. He

stated that the decision was made " "after muchdeliberation in the face of

the ever-increasing costs of medicalpremiums. " However, the move did NOT

affect the AGENTS orAGENT-TRAINEES, only the lower-level employees, all of

whom earn inthe range of $400-$425/week. MAXIMUM. Harris only offers

payincreases 1 time per year, in the amount of $25/week. What does thismean?

If an assistant stays at Innovative for 3 years, their endingsalary would be

$475. In addition, an amount of roughly $40 per WEEK is deducted to cover

HEALTH BENEFITS. So, after each employee contributes an amount of about $170

PER MONTH for a health benefit program that only covers 60%, (after

deductable), Mr. Harris decides to CUT the benefits for these GROSSLY

underpaid assistants, in order to save money. Yet his cuts do NOT affect

those whose salaries are MORE than enough to cover private health care. He

even had the GALL to say this: "Most Innovative assistants are very young

and do not have medical issues (and hence do not get much value from the

coverage),"he wrote. Harris said the agency would institute a new pay

structure for assistants that would allow them to make more money, which he

felt was a higher priority for them."

The worst part? He was OUT OF THE COUNTRY when he sent this memo.This coward

didn't even have the strength of character to FACE his employees when he cut

their benefits. Why does this bother me? Many reasons:

#1. This is just one example of the huge injustice that these large

companies get away with time and time again. It occurred in the Wal-Mart

corporation just last year, the US Government cut Veteran's benefits - its

an unending cycle that is continuing to propagate because the majority of

people are turning a blind eye.

#2. These cuts are primarily affecting the lowest paid individuals.

#3. He made the assumption that most assistants are young and don't require

medical care. If this were true, then children wouldn't require

Pediatricians. Young people wouldn't require Preventative Care. No one,

especially not the YOUNG WOMEN who happen to become pregnant, require any

healthcare. YOUNG = NO NEED for doctors.

It is reverse ageism, if nothing else. It is no better than cutting the

prescription benefits for the elderly.

If this were just an issue at one small company in Santa Monica, I probably

wouldn't be so bothered. But this is a MUCH larger issue that I am starting

to see a seriously disturbing pattern of.

So, I've decided to try to spearhead a grass-roots campaign.Obviously, we

can't change everything. But if everyone shares this information with other

people, we can reach a large enough audience to enact change.

To start, I am beginning a letter-writing campaign to Mr. Scott Harris,

President of Innovative Artists. My goal is to have him innundated with at

least 500 letters stating our outrage at his AUDACIOUS and CRIMINAL act. If

this works, then it will be a good sign that affecting a greater change is


Please join me in writing a letter to express your opinions to:


1505 10th Street

Santa Monica, CA 90401

The Daily Variety Article:

Innovative cuts health benefits

Move does not affect senior, junior agents


Talent agency Innovative Artists instituted a cost-cutting innovation

that had 50 or more assistants and mailroom staff threatening to call

in sick on Monday -- because they no longer have health benefits.

In a memo from agency president Scott Harris dated Friday, staffers

were informed that their health benefits had been eliminated,

retroactive to June 1. In the memo, a copy of which was obtained by

Daily Variety, Harris told the staff the decision was made "aft

Re: [videoblogging] AFTRA Jurisdiction Over Web Media?

2007-05-04 Thread Nora McDevitt
Email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I can answer some questions...

- Original Message 
From: Justin Kownacki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: videoblogging@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, May 4, 2007 2:04:28 PM
Subject: [videoblogging] AFTRA Jurisdiction Over Web Media?


Hey folks;

One of our cast members joined AFTRA today (for an unrelated

production), and it turns out the gent he was talking to at AFTRA

knows of our show. He also explained that AFTRA has full jurisdiction

over internet productions, and they'd like to sit down with us to work

out a deferred payment contract for our entire cast.

Has anyone else been involved in discussions of this sort? I'm

completely unaware of AFTRA's jurisdiction over the web, though I

presume I must be late to the table on this.

Anyone have any negotiating tips?


Justin Kownacki

Producer, "Something to Be Desired"

http://www.somethin gtobedesired. com


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