Does does anyone have online resource for the math, or dimensions that
will scale correctly so I can pick any size I want and change it. And
is putting letter box into normal res smarter? etc. 

I've been feeling like such an idiot working with getting my new Canon
1920x1080 footage to the web (YouTube, Blip) without messing up the
aspect ratio. Using FCE 4, the drop down compression is
confusing...There's 16x9 and 4x3 settings for 720x480, etc. Then
there's the "preserve aspect ratio" options, and more often then not
my video ends up squeezed. 

I just came up this post here, and I'm trying it.
Heath Says:
November 11th, 2007 at 9:04 pm
Thanks, Arin, you rock. If anyone is using ***HDV 1080i/p footage,
your frame size in QuickTime Pro/Conversion can be 600 x 338.*** This
was given to me by Jon Fordham, who shot parts of Four Eyed Monsters
and my feature film 9:04 AM. It's been GREAT!

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