I was contacted by Carter Harkins who founded a directory of 
environmentally minded videos. He calls it a 'green youtube'.
He will be launching it in 2 months and is inviting video creators to 
upload material. Since the creators of Galacticast were interested in 
something similar, I thought I'd let them and everyone here know about 
it. The Web address is http://planet2025.tv

Also I need to clarify that I am not part of this new enterprise, only 
flattered by being contacted. Previously, I commented that, in my 
opinion, filming anecdotal weather anomalies such as off-season snow in 
Arizona and sunshine in Quebec, is not insightful and will be ripped 
apart by people employed to do just this. The best illustration of this 
is how AL Gore got ripped apart on CNN which showed his carbon 
footprint is not consistent with his message on Oscar night.

Anyway, since people here have shown environmental awareness, beyond 
our own lifestyles I think we can make a difference within our shows. 
Mine has a very modest audience but I did make a video about the 
greenhouse effect in the context of space, my show's topic. How about 
you? Especially creators who make entertaining shows, and so have 
larger audiences, couldn't you make a parody/comedy of global 
warming/ice age/Oil industry execs. ?

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