Long overdue videoblog clean-up is proving to be a biotch.

I ping and I ping but to no avail. I know the posts and their videos
exist and can be subscribed to in some capacity because people are
seeing my posts, and I'm sure they aren't all site visits...although,
I just noticied this today so maybe this problem cropped up while I
was asleep. This new  Blogger Labels thingy has resulted in posts
being zapped from my feedburner feed. Did my site feed change with
migrating to New Blogger? I checked iTunes too and those posts are
old-old-old. So I know the feedburner feed is working, but it's
totally out of date. It is only showing chronologically backwards from
the posts I have not yet labeled using Blogger. I had to republish
each post with the new labels...what on Earth did it do? I am so
peeved. Should I re-sych the feed? For some reason that scares
me...probably because Feedburner associates the word "nuclear" with
it. And I was poking around in Bloglines and see that I have
subscribers to three different feeds NONE of which are my feedburner
feed? Huh?

Any ideas out there?

Sad and cranky,

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