Hi everyone:

I'm looking for a program (Namely a freebie) that will capture video 
from a video source (Be it a webcam, camcorder, etc), allow you to inser 
text AND (Ideally) image overlay.

This software should also be able to playback video as well to apply 
text and video overlays, although that can probably be done simply by 
reconfiguring FFDShow to do it.  VirtualDub can also do it with 
pre-recorded video & with the right plugins.

Now I know that ManyCam will do this, but the text on it wipes out half 
my face because it's so big (I know because I've seen the preview on the 
ManyCam software).  And mind you, this is with the size set to THE 
SMALLEST size (Size 8).

If I moved back, my face wouldn't be viewable at all.

The cam I'm using is my old Logitech QuickCam STX (The Microcrap LifeCam 
I had been using before died on me).

But now I need video capturing software that's capable of doing it right 
off the bat.  This way, I won't need to take that extra step of 
transcoding the video and risking pixelation as a result of packet loss 
and other general video degredation stemming from the transcoding process.

If anybody can help point me in the right direction, it'd be MUCH 

Many thanks in advance :D

Cheers :D

Pat Cook
Denver, Colorado
AS MY WORLD TURNS - Blogger Page - http://asmyworldturnstv.blogspot.com/ 
BlogTV Page - http://www.blogtv.com/Shows/20453

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