In my own circumstance I pass on Blu Ray because having a BR copy means
that I also buy the standard DVD version, since not everyone has a BR

A technical issue that most folks miss is that in a classroom using data
projection, the image is no better from a BR player than from a standard
DVD because the projectors are not equipped to handle the additional data.
 Projectors that are so capable are considerably more expensive, which is
a prohibitive cost.

-deg farrelly

On 10/22/13 12:16 PM, ""
<> wrote:

>A related question:
>I would be interested to know if academic libraries are passing on
>Blu-ray media due to the lack of players (as Deg mentioned) or because
>they were burnt on laserdisc adoption in the eighties (or HD DVDs in the
>Blu-Ray war).

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