Hello everyone,

I’ve recently submitted a proposal to Video Round Table for consideration at 
the ALA annual.  They accepted my proposal, with a caveat – I mentioned that 
this would be a brief panel discussion and Q & A and that I would find a few 
‘co-presenters’.  VRT would like some ‘names’ to go with my proposal.   I turn 
to videolib to see if anyone would be interested in this topic.  I have humbly 
attached my proposal and would be very interested in working together.  I’m 
hoping to work with a vendor (or two), media librarian (or two), and anyone who 
has worked with PPR and/or a PPR film series.

I’m focusing on PPR in specific – that can be as simple as understanding the 
differences between PPR/Educational Use/Institutional Use - through and 
including ways to secure rights, access to venues, and other issues that come 
up with PPR specific questions.  This has been a ‘pet’ of mine especially this 
year, as we are having faculty/students want to show films at the Athena, Ohio 
U arthouse, owned by university.  It brings up many questions that I would like 
to address in the presentation:

·         Diff between PPR / Institutional and Educational (the basics)

·         Where can you show a PPR on campus?

·         How to establish a work flow so we don’t get into “I want to show 
“XXX” Saturday at the Athena” – do they need to understand that rights have to 
be secured?  How can we help them?  What can we do?

·         How to work with Circulation Desk (where we keep our films) and 
creating an environment where PPR can be best understood.

·         Our cinema asks for permission from rights holder to screen in a 
theatrical venue, can we work around this?

·         Can we work more collaboratively with vendors?

·         Once we have a head wrapped around the basic do’s and don’t of PPR, 
how to we promote to students faculty and staff?

·         How do vendors that offer PPR deal with these situations?

What I’m hoping for is a few takers on working with me, and then fleshing out 
the raw material and addressing at the conference.  All the bullets above are 
just ideas, concerns, thoughts.

I will be at Mid-Winter, so that would be one place to start.  We could also 
meet over Adobe Connect or some other ‘webinar’ tool.

I look forward to your responses and apologize for not being 100% clear in what 
I want to focus on – besides PPR issues.  As you know, all we have to do is 
say/speak or write the word PPR and a plethora of responses will floor the 
email.  I’m aware that this is a slippery slope.  Just trying to make it not so 
slippery to get the films out there to the world.


lorraine wochna
Alden Library, Ohio U
Instruction Coordinator
Liaison to African America Studies, English, Film, Theatre
Athens OH  45701

Attachment: VRT_Proposal_ALA_2015.docx
Description: VRT_Proposal_ALA_2015.docx

VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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