Re: [SPAM] Re: [Vietlug] skype: noi chuyen Pc To Pc ro? ho+n dien thoai

2004-10-12 Hội thoại chairuou
On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 13:18:30 -0400, Tran Vu Hung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ngo^. go.i tu+` linux sang windows trong mo^i tru+o+`ng LAN nhu+ng da^u
> co' ddu+o+.c.
> po' tay
> mo^i tru+o+`ng LAN, cu`ng lo+'p luo^n.
vu. na`y nge chu+`ng ko pha?i do linux ha windows ca`, cun`g 1 me.
dde? ra thi` cha('c format data , encode, decode cha('c ko kha'c nhau
la. he'n, ba'c check ca'i linux cu?a ba'c coi co' tu+o+`ng lu+?a
tu+o+`ng kho'i gi` ko ?

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Re: [Vietlug] Re: VietLUG e-zine: Loi nhuan hay phi loi nhuan

2004-10-12 Hội thoại Thái
--- pclouds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok, la`m ba'o thu+o+ng ma.i cu~ng to^'t. Va^.y
> ai/to^?
> chu+'c/nho'm na`o se~ ddu+'ng ra la`m ba'o ?
> VietLUG, dda so^' toa`n
> da^n ky~ thua^.t, tha`nh pha^`n pha^n ta'n
> kha('p no+i, kha' nhie^`u
> tha`nh vie^n ti'ch cu+.c dde^`u dda~ co' co^ng
> a(n vie^.c la`m .. 
> -> kho' co' the^? ddu+'ng ra to^? chu+'c
> (chuye^.n ta`i chi'nh, qua?ng
> ca'o, tie^'p thi., in a^'n, ti`m qua?ng ca'o
> ...). Kho^ng bie^'t co'
> ai ddu+'ng ra la^.p ca'i linux-zine cho ba` con
> co' ca'i dde^? ddo.c (va`
> dde^? .. khoe :D ) kho^ng?
> On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 12:50:29PM +0300, Le
> Thanh Phong wrote:
> > 
> > Viec to chuc cho mot bai bao mien phi tren
> tinh than tu nguyen ban dau
> > thi rat la de to chuc, mo mot website, keu
> goi moi nguoi viet bai .v.v...
> > the nhung cai van de khong phai la before
> that ma la after that, co the
> > thay ngay dieu can ban dau tien la khong ai
> chiu viet bai het, hoac co
> > cung chi la binh thuong, thieu su cham soc.
> Va dieu cui cung la no se
> > khong keo dai lau dai duoc. 

Ne^'u la`m thu+o+ng ma.i ga^y quy~ thi` to^'t
nha^'t la` la`m ba'o gia^'y\. Theo anh kho^ng
pha?i la` va^'n dde^` nha^n su+. ma` la` va^'n
dde^` ho+.p pha'p hoa' (cho ba'o gia^'y). Nhu+
chu'ng ta dda~ bie^'t la`m ba'o gia^'y thi` tu+
nha^n kho^ng ddu+o+.c phe'p la`m, chi? co' the^?
la`m ddu+o+.c khi co' mo^.t co+ quan chu? qua?n
tru+.c thuo^.c. La^`n tru+'oc anh ddi.nh ke^u
go.i tha`nh la^.p Ho^.i ngu+o+`i su+? Linux
va` pha^`n me^`m nguo^`n mo+? VN, nhu+ va^.y se~
co' co+ quan chu? qua?n co' con da^'u / pha'p
nha^n thi` chu'ng ta co' the^? ra ba'o va` to^?
chu+'c ca'c hoa.t ddo^.ng kha'c ddu+o+.c. Vi' du.
nhu+ to^? chu+'c nga`y pha^`n me^`m tu+. do\. 
Co`n la`m tre^n ma` kho^ng co' ddo^.ng co+
thu'c dda^?y, kho^ng co' co+ quan dda.i die^.n
ho+.p pha'p thi` ddu'ng la` kho' pha't trie^?n.
Ne^'u co' ddu+o+.c thi` chuye^.n quan he^. (PR)
chi? la` chuye^.n nho?. Anh nghi~ la` trong so^'
chu'ng ta co' nhie^`u ngu+o+`i trong nga`nh ba'o
chi' tha^.m chi' ca? ba'o hi`nh va` ba'o tie^'ng.

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Re: [SPAM] Re: [Vietlug] skype: noi chuyen Pc To Pc ro? ho+n dien thoai

2004-10-12 Hội thoại Tran Vu Hung
ngo^. go.i tu+` linux sang windows trong mo^i tru+o+`ng LAN nhu+ng da^u 
co' ddu+o+.c.

po' tay
mo^i tru+o+`ng LAN, cu`ng lo+'p luo^n.
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Re: [Vietlug] Re: VietLUG e-zine: Loi nhuan hay phi loi nhuan

2004-10-12 Hội thoại Viet Hung
Tha^'y ca'c ba'c no'i toa`n chuye^.n tre^n ... vu~
tru. kho^ng ha`!
Em xin go'p ma^'y ca^u sau:
   +Pha?i bie^'t mi`nh bie^'t ta tru+o+'c, ddu+o+`ng
Dda`o Nguye^n dda^u 
co' de^~ ddi.
   +La`m chuye^.n gi` cu~ng pha?i co' plan &
objectives tru+o+'c do ddo' 
ca^`n xa'c ddi.nh mu.c tie^u, "to^n chi?" cho VietLUG
e-zine tru+o+'c, 
i't nha^'t la` trong giai ddoa.n 2 na(m to+'i se~ la`m
gi`. Theo thie^?n 
y' cu?a em trong giai ddoa.n na`y VietLUG e-zine (VLE)
ca^`n nhu+~ng 
ddie^u sau:
   -Dda^`u tie^n pha?i xa'c ddi.nh no^.i lu+.c
cu?a mi`nh 
tru+o+'c, ma.nh ca'i gi`, ye^'u ca'i gi`, resources
(capital, human ...)
   -Xa'c ddi.nh form cu?a mi`nh: ba'o ddie^.n
tu+?, newsletter 
(html ?, pdf ?), hay ba'o in (TIE^`N ???), ra ha(`ng
nga`y, tua^`n, 
tha'ng, na(m ???
   -Sau ddo' la` ddo^'i phu.c vu.,
quan chu+'c hay 
nha^n da^n, qui' to^.c hay bi`nh da^n, end users or
experts ???.
   -Tie^'p ddo' la` xa'c ddi.nh ca'c li~nh
vu+.c ma` mi`nh 
nha('m to+'i, pha^n co^ng (ke^u go.i, thi?nh) ca'c
guru va`o ddo'
   -Qua?ng ba' VLE
   -Duy tri`, na^ng ca^'p ... ddi.nh cho giai ddoa.n ke^'

Co`n ve^` vie^.c lo+.i nhua^.n, thie^'t nghi~ nhie^`u
projects co' qui 
mo^ lo+'n ho+n nhu+ng va^~n free, thi` VLE co' nha^'t
thie^'t pha?i 
ddo`i ho?i lo+.i nhua^.n ngay tu+` dda^`u kho^ng???
Thu+.c te^' cho tha^'y khi te^n tuo^?i (thu+o+ng
hie^.u) dda~ ddu+o+.c 
kha(?ng ddi.nh ro^`i thi` co' 1001 ca'ch kie^'m
Nhu+ va^.y buo^?i dda^`u ne^'u kho^ng kie^'m ddu+o+.c
ca'c nha` ta`i 
tro+., thi` sao?
Thu+.c te^' ne^'u kho^ng ddua ddo`i in ba'o "cho dde.p
ma('t", chi? 
ca^`n xua^'t ba?n du+o+'i ba'o ddie^.n tu+? (pdf
cha(?ng ha.n) 
thi` kinh phi' bo? ra chi'nh la` co^ng su+'c vie^'t
ba`i. Sau khi xua^'t 
ba?n ba'c na`o muo^'n ddem ve^` in ba'n (nhu+ ca'c
ba`i hu+o+'ng da^~n 
su+? cu?a ba'c LH tru+o+'c dda^y) thi` tu`y
(Open source ma` li.), 
chi? ca^`n to^n ta'c quye^`n la` OK. Ddie^`u
na`y co' ca'i lo+.i 
la` se~ qua?ng ba' VLE mau cho'ng to+'i ba` con.

Va^.y la`m sao dde^? ki'ch thi'ch ca'c anh em vie^'t
ba`i to^'t? Con 
ngu+o+`i ta thu+o+`ng vi` 2 ca'i DANH & LO+.I. Ca'c
ba'c cha('c ha(?n 
pha?i bie^'t khai tha'c to^t ca'i na`o ro^`i chu+'. ;)
Mo^.t ngu+o+`i 
vie^'t (nha` va(n, nha` khoa ho.c, ... ) khi vie^'t ra
ta'c pha^?m cu? 
mi`nh, thie^'t nghi~ ca'i dda^`u tie^n kho^ng pha?i
la` $ ma` la` su+. 
kha(?ng ddi.nh mi`nh, kha(?ng ddi.nh su+. hie^?u
bie^'t cu?a mi`nh... 
Sau ddo' thi` ho. cho+` ddu+o+.c mo+`i ddi go'p ma(.t
ca'c buo^?i tie^.c 
dde^? nha^.n phong bi` ;).

VietLUG vo+'i ca'c hoa.t ddo^.ng thu+o+`ng nga`y cu?a
mi`nh cu~ng co' 
the^? to^?ng ho+.p la.i tha`nh mo^.t pha^`n no^.i dung
dda'ng ke^? cu?a 
to+` ba'o. Ca'i chi'nh la` la`m sao ddu+a no' to+'i
ca`ng nhie^`u 
ngu+o+`i ca`ng to^'t.

Va`i lo+`i go'p y'.

Tha^n cha`o
Viet Hung


>On Tuesday 12 October 2004 01:36 am, 0xdeface wrote:
>>DDa^'y la` mo^.t trong nhu+~ng va^'n dde^` ra^'t
>>gia?i quye^'t ne^'u tuye^n bo^' la` e-zine sinh
>>nhua^.n. Ma` ba^y gio+` no' co`n chu+a ra ddo+`i
>>ki`a ;-)
>Tu+` thu+?a khai thie^n la^.p ddi.a . . . tu+'c la`
kho+?i dda^`u ca'i su+. 
>eZine, la` no' chu+a co' sinh ra lo+.i gi` he^'t.
Hehe. No' pha?i xa`i tie^`n 
>ca'i dda~. 
>Ma` ba?o ba` con Linux ddo'ng go'p tie^`n ba.c, thi`
kho' la('m thay. Vi` 
>nghe`o mo+'i pha?i kie^'m pha^`n me^`m chu`a dde^?
xa`i. Nay ho^ ha`o go'p 
>tie^`n ra ba'o, tuy ra^'t vu+o+ng dda.o dda^'y,
nhu+ng lu+.c ba^'t to`ng 
>Chu+a no'i eZine la`m ra co' la~i. Ca^`u ddu+o+.c
hoa` vo^'n la` may. The^' 
>thi` dda^`u tie^n la` tie^`n dda^u? Chi? co`n ca'ch
sang ho?i vay Bill Gates!

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Re: [Vietlug] skype: noi chuyen Pc To Pc ro? ho+n dien thoai

2004-10-12 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 12:32:56 am 02/08/04 hai lua <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Cha`o ca? nha`:
> Ca'c ba.n dda~ thu+? chu+o+ng tri`nh na`y chu+a:
> . Nghe ro? la('m ca'c ba.n a`
> Hy mo^.t nga`y ga^`n dda^y se~ co' version cho
> Linux:
> Tha^n

Hai Lua o+i,

Skype dda~ ra ba?n beta cho Linux kha' la^u.  Chu+a tha^'y pha^`n me^`m
na`o no'i ro~ nhu+ va^.y, nha^'t la` trong Linux. Kho?i pha?i lo va^'n
dde^` behind NAT/firewall ra('c ro^'i nu+~a. Qua' e^m.

No'i chuye^.n giu+~a Sa`i Go`n va` Houston ro~ ho+n ddie^.n thoa.i :)
Next wish, video support :). Go.i tha(?ng to+'i phone thi` khoa?ng $.30/
phu't. Re? ho+n nhie^`u so vo+'i VoIP service kha'c.



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Re: [Vietlug] Chuong trinh nao tot de ve va xu ly cac anh tren Linux

2004-10-12 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 10:23:57 pm 10/12/04 Viet Hung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi ca'c ba'c!
> Em ddang la`m ma^'y ca'i documents va` ca^`n ve~ ca'c
> hi`nh a?nh minh ho.a.
> Ca'c ba'c co' the^? go'p y' cho em chu+o+ng tri`nh
> na`o to^'t cho vie^.c
> na`y kho^ng.
> Cha(?ng le~ la.i quay sang chu' M$ sao?
> Ca?m o+n tru+o+'c.
> Viet Hung

Tre^n Linux thi` va^'n dde^` na`y 0 = Win hay Mac. Ba'c xem thu+? Gimp, Co' the^? xa`i ddu+o+.c.



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[Vietlug] Chuong trinh nao tot de ve va xu ly cac anh tren Linux

2004-10-12 Hội thoại Viet Hung
Hi ca'c ba'c!

Em ddang la`m ma^'y ca'i documents va` ca^`n ve~ ca'c
hi`nh a?nh minh ho.a.
Ca'c ba'c co' the^? go'p y' cho em chu+o+ng tri`nh
na`o to^'t cho vie^.c 
na`y kho^ng.
Cha(?ng le~ la.i quay sang chu' M$ sao?

Ca?m o+n tru+o+'c.

Viet Hung

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Re: [Vietlug] IDE in linux

2004-10-12 Hội thoại chairuou
On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 20:00:07 -0500, Larry Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7:16:49 pm 10/12/04 "Nguyen Xuan Son" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Chao cac bac,
> > Toi von quen lap trinh tren WIndow, nay dinh thu lap trinh tren
> > Linux, cac bac co the cho biet co cac IDE nao de dung, free khong? Y
> > toi khong noi den cac editor nhu VI hay Emacs, toi chua thanh expert
> > de dung nhung thu nay. XS
co' tha(`ng rhide tro^ng nhu+ Turbo C tre^n DOS ho^`i xu+a ;)
ho^m tru+o+'c search ra ma^'y tha(`ng ma` chi? nho+' tha(`ng na`y do
ku Chuo^'i chi? ;)

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Re: [Vietlug] Nha^n su+. la`m Vietlug e-zine

2004-10-12 Hội thoại chairuou
On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 22:29:52 +0700, Hoang Tuan Quynh
> On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 06:55:04 -0700 (PDT), Thai Duong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Xin cha`o,
> > /me kho^ng theo do~i dda^`y ddu? ca'i thread ve^`
> > vietlug e-zine (do ca'i Yahoo! mail da.o na`y cu' 999
> > Unable to process your request mie^'t) ne^n ko bie^'t
> > la` ne^'u muo^'n *u+'ng cu+?" dde^? tham gia la`m ca'i
> > e-zine thi` pha?i la`m sao?
> > /me nghi~ hehe vo'i kinh nghie^.m o? TuoiTre, /me co'
> > the^? la`m to^'t vai tro` editor.
> > -T.
> > 
> Tuye^?n ba'c luo^n :-)

ba^y gio+` tuye^?n tie^'p Chief Editor nu+~a la` tie^'n ha`nh ra ba'o
lie^`n ddu+o+.c ;)

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Re: [Vietlug] IDE in linux

2004-10-12 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 7:16:49 pm 10/12/04 "Nguyen Xuan Son" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chao cac bac,
> Toi von quen lap trinh tren WIndow, nay dinh thu lap trinh tren
> Linux, cac bac co the cho biet co cac IDE nao de dung, free khong? Y
> toi khong noi den cac editor nhu VI hay Emacs, toi chua thanh expert
> de dung nhung thu nay. XS

Hi So+n,

Welcome to list! Ba.n xem thu+?

kdevelop, anjunta...



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Re: [Vietlug] IDE in linux

2004-10-12 Hội thoại kasumoto
hi all,

On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 04:16, Nguyen Xuan Son wrote:
> Chao cac bac,
> Toi von quen lap trinh tren WIndow, nay dinh thu lap trinh tren Linux, cac
> bac co the cho biet co cac IDE nao de dung, free khong? Y toi khong noi den
> cac editor nhu VI hay Emacs, toi chua thanh expert de dung nhung thu nay.
> XS

va^.y ma` em cu+' tu+o+?ng ba'c no'i dde^'n interface cu?a o^? cu+'ng
IDE :). Kho^ng bie^'t ma^'y ba'c guru la^.p tri`nh du`ng gi` nhu+ng em
du`ng gedit (em chu+a la^.p tri`nh bao gio+` :p)
BTW, co' gvim, co' XEmacs --> cu~ng co' the^? ba^'m chuo^.t a^`m a^`m :)

for your loved one

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[Vietlug] IDE in linux

2004-10-12 Hội thoại Nguyen Xuan Son
Chao cac bac,
Toi von quen lap trinh tren WIndow, nay dinh thu lap trinh tren Linux, cac
bac co the cho biet co cac IDE nao de dung, free khong? Y toi khong noi den
cac editor nhu VI hay Emacs, toi chua thanh expert de dung nhung thu nay.

___[ Pub ]
Inscrivez-vous gratuitement sur Tandaime, Le site de rencontres !

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[Vietlug] Ve^` lo+'p ho.c Linux ta.i tru+o+`ng DHSP

2004-10-12 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
Co' mo^.t so^' ba.n tha('c ma('c ve^` vie^.c tie^'p tu.c lo+'p ho.c Linux
ta.i tru+o+`ng DHSP.

Hie^.n ta.i mi`nh ddang set up pha^`n me^`m dde^? ta.o lo+'p ho.c qua
internet (su+? mbone va` va`i pha^`n me^`m kha'c). Ho^m gio+` co'
test va`i la^`n vo+'i ca'c ba.n pho`ng ma'y tru+o+`ng DHSP nhu+ng ke^'t
qua? chu+a ddu+o+.c kha? nghi cho la('m. Hy se~ ti`m ddu+o+.c mo^.t
gia?i pha'p tha^.t to^'t dde.p tru+O+'c khi lo+'p ho.c se~ ba('t dda^`u
tro+? la.i. Du+. ddi.nh la` va`o dda^`u tha'ng 11.

Ba.n na`o bie^'t ddu+o+.c pha^`n me^`m gi` kha'c hay co' kinh nghie^.m set
up distance education vo+'i voice va` video thi` cho mi`nh va`i tips.  

Xin lo^~i vi` lo+'p ho.c gia'n ddoa.n ngoa`i y' muo^'n.



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Re: [Vietlug] Re: VietLUG e-zine: Loi nhuan hay phi loi nhuan

2004-10-12 Hội thoại Hoang Tuan Quynh
On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 12:50:29 +0300 (EET DST), Le Thanh Phong
> Viec to chuc cho mot bai bao mien phi tren tinh than tu nguyen ban dau
> thi rat la de to chuc, mo mot website, keu goi moi nguoi viet bai .v.v...
> the nhung cai van de khong phai la before that ma la after that, co the
> thay ngay dieu can ban dau tien la khong ai chiu viet bai het, hoac co
> cung chi la binh thuong, thieu su cham soc. Va dieu cui cung la no se
> khong keo dai lau dai duoc. Mot vi du dien hinh la cua Duong Vi
> Khoa, den thoi diem bi gio mot so hang muc ma Khoa mo da phai dong cua vi
> khong con kha nang chi tra nua. Khoa thiet thoi, ma nguoi dung cung thiet
> thoi vi thieu cac tinh nang tot. Toi tha tra 10$ cho 1 thang tham gia dien
> dan chat luong con hon, free but nothing.
DDo.c VIRQ quen ro^`i gio+` ddo.c tie^'ng Vie^.t kho^ng da^'u cha'n
cha? muo^'n ddo.c :-(

Chi' Phe`o

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Re: [Vietlug] Nha^n su+. la`m Vietlug e-zine

2004-10-12 Hội thoại Hoang Tuan Quynh
On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 06:55:04 -0700 (PDT), Thai Duong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Xin cha`o,
> /me kho^ng theo do~i dda^`y ddu? ca'i thread ve^`
> vietlug e-zine (do ca'i Yahoo! mail da.o na`y cu' 999
> Unable to process your request mie^'t) ne^n ko bie^'t
> la` ne^'u muo^'n *u+'ng cu+?" dde^? tham gia la`m ca'i
> e-zine thi` pha?i la`m sao?
> /me nghi~ hehe vo'i kinh nghie^.m o? TuoiTre, /me co'
> the^? la`m to^'t vai tro` editor.
> -T.
Tuye^?n ba'c luo^n :-)


Em Quy`nh

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Re: [Vietlug] Nha^n su+. la`m Vietlug e-zine

2004-10-12 Hội thoại pclouds
On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 06:55:04AM -0700, Thai Duong wrote:
> Xin cha`o,
> /me kho^ng theo do~i dda^`y ddu? ca'i thread ve^`
> vietlug e-zine (do ca'i Yahoo! mail da.o na`y cu' 999
> Unable to process your request mie^'t) ne^n ko bie^'t
> la` ne^'u muo^'n *u+'ng cu+?" dde^? tham gia la`m ca'i
> e-zine thi` pha?i la`m sao? 
> /me nghi~ hehe vo'i kinh nghie^.m o? TuoiTre, /me co'
> the^? la`m to^'t vai tro` editor.

Xong. The^' la` e-zine dda~ co' editor :) Co' ba'c na`o pha?i ddo^'i

> -T.
Bi Cá Lao

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Re: [Vietlug] Re: VietLUG e-zine: Loi nhuan hay phi loi nhuan

2004-10-12 Hội thoại pclouds
Ok, la`m ba'o thu+o+ng ma.i cu~ng to^'t. Va^.y ai/to^?
chu+'c/nho'm na`o se~ ddu+'ng ra la`m ba'o ? VietLUG, dda so^' toa`n
da^n ky~ thua^.t, tha`nh pha^`n pha^n ta'n kha('p no+i, kha' nhie^`u
tha`nh vie^n ti'ch cu+.c dde^`u dda~ co' co^ng a(n vie^.c la`m .. 
-> kho' co' the^? ddu+'ng ra to^? chu+'c (chuye^.n ta`i chi'nh, qua?ng
ca'o, tie^'p thi., in a^'n, ti`m qua?ng ca'o ...). Kho^ng bie^'t co'
ai ddu+'ng ra la^.p ca'i linux-zine cho ba` con co' ca'i dde^? ddo.c (va`
dde^? .. khoe :D ) kho^ng?

On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 12:50:29PM +0300, Le Thanh Phong wrote:
> Viec to chuc cho mot bai bao mien phi tren tinh than tu nguyen ban dau
> thi rat la de to chuc, mo mot website, keu goi moi nguoi viet bai .v.v...
> the nhung cai van de khong phai la before that ma la after that, co the
> thay ngay dieu can ban dau tien la khong ai chiu viet bai het, hoac co
> cung chi la binh thuong, thieu su cham soc. Va dieu cui cung la no se
> khong keo dai lau dai duoc. Mot vi du dien hinh la cua Duong Vi
> Khoa, den thoi diem bi gio mot so hang muc ma Khoa mo da phai dong cua vi
> khong con kha nang chi tra nua. Khoa thiet thoi, ma nguoi dung cung thiet
> thoi vi thieu cac tinh nang tot. Toi tha tra 10$ cho 1 thang tham gia dien
> dan chat luong con hon, free but nothing.
Bi Cá Lao

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[Vietlug] Nha^n su+. la`m Vietlug e-zine

2004-10-12 Hội thoại Thai Duong
Xin cha`o,
/me kho^ng theo do~i dda^`y ddu? ca'i thread ve^`
vietlug e-zine (do ca'i Yahoo! mail da.o na`y cu' 999
Unable to process your request mie^'t) ne^n ko bie^'t
la` ne^'u muo^'n *u+'ng cu+?" dde^? tham gia la`m ca'i
e-zine thi` pha?i la`m sao? 
/me nghi~ hehe vo'i kinh nghie^.m o? TuoiTre, /me co'
the^? la`m to^'t vai tro` editor.

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Re: [Vietlug] Ba`n ve^` ca'i Poll e-zine

2004-10-12 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 5:09:55 am 10/12/04 chairuou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> co' 4 options the^' na`y :
> 1) to^i u?ng ho^.
> 2) to^i se~ tham gia vie^'t ba`i
> 3) to^i se~ tham gia ban to^? chu+'c va` vie^'t ba`i
> 4) to^i kho^ng co' y' kie^'n
> -
> nghe chu+`ng ho+i ba^'t o^?n vi` ca'i option 1 thu+.c ra bao ha`m ca?
> 2 & 3 ( kho^ng le~ 1 ngu+o+`i ko u?ng ho^. la.i tham gia vie^'t ba`i/
> to^? chu+'c 

1. co' nghi~a to^i tha^'y y' hay nhu+ng to^i kho^ng ra`nh ve^` Linux va`
kho^ng the^? tham gia ban to^? chu+'c nhu+ng to^i muo^'n ddo.c e-zine cu?a
VieLUG vi` no' bo^? i'ch.

2. va` 3. thi` qua' ro~.

> ca'i thu+`a thi` thu+`a, ca'i thie^'u thi` thie^'u, sao kho^ng co'
> option : kho^ng u?ng ho^. ?

Cho.n 4. kha' tu+o+ng ddu+o+ng vo+'i 0 u?ng ho^. 

> dde^? options the^' na`y dda^m ra kho' cho.n lu+.a, ca' nha^n tui thi`
> suy nghi~ ma~i giu+~a 1 va` 2 ro^'t cuo^.c la.i nhi`n sang 3 .. cuo^'i
> cu`ng va^~n chu+a bie^'t vote ca'i na`o cho ho+.p y' mi`nh ;)

Cho.n 4. Kho^ng co' y' kie^'n.



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Re: [Vietlug] Re: VietLUG e-zine: Loi nhuan hay phi loi nhuan

2004-10-12 Hội thoại Le Thanh Phong
On Tuesday 12 October 2004 05:50 am, Le Thanh Phong wrote:

Thi truong Vn 80 trieu nguoi, gia
du. cho la 1 trieu nguoi can mua bao di. Mot ky bao hang thang se thu vao
la 4 ti dong (gia du 5000 1 to bao) .

E he!  
Ngu+`o+i o+? dda^u hay ngu+o+`i ddi tre^n ma^y?
Sao ngu+o+`i ti'nh tie^`n ma` "ky  qua za^y"?
Ca? trie^.u ngu+o+`i se~ mua ba'o cu?a ngu+o+`i
Ngu+o+`i tha`nh Bill ma` ngu+o+`i dda^u co' hay!

(nha'i kie^?u tho+ Tha^m Ta^m TTKH gi` ddo')

Bac ah, cha'u khuyen khich cac bac thi phai noi vay thoi :D ,,, chu hong 
le noi la moi thang ban duoc 10 to bao loi duoc 50 ngan de an sang thui 
sao :D

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Re: [Vietlug] Link /Mail trong ca'c distros

2004-10-12 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Tuesday 12 October 2004 07:39 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Ba'c cu+' #chmod -R 777 /Mail  la` no' mo+? he^'t

Moi hoa`i mo+'i ddu+o+.c chie^u R. Ra la` pha?i co' R. Ca'm o+n nhie^`u.
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Re: VietLUG e-zine: Loi nhuan hay phi loi nhuan

2004-10-12 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Tuesday 12 October 2004 05:50 am, Le Thanh Phong wrote:
>  Thi truong Vn 80 trieu nguoi, gia
> du. cho la 1 trieu nguoi can mua bao di. Mot ky bao hang thang se thu vao
> la 4 ti dong (gia du 5000 1 to bao) .

E he!  
Ngu+`o+i o+? dda^u hay ngu+o+`i ddi tre^n ma^y?
Sao ngu+o+`i ti'nh tie^`n ma` "ky  qua za^y"?
Ca? trie^.u ngu+o+`i se~ mua ba'o cu?a ngu+o+`i
Ngu+o+`i tha`nh Bill ma` ngu+o+`i dda^u co' hay!

(nha'i kie^?u tho+ Tha^m Ta^m TTKH gi` ddo')

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Link /Mail trong ca'c distros

2004-10-12 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Tuesday 12 October 2004 06:03 am, chairuou wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 14:50:20 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Nhu+ng no'i to'm, le^.nh # chown
> > ne^n go~ vo+'i tham so^' gi` dde^? /Mail hoa' ra nha` chu`a? Va` no'
> > tha`nh ca'i chu`a hoang thi` co' ha.i gi` kho^ng?
> The^' thi` du`ng Windows cho no' fe? cu. a. ;)), dde^'n tha(`ng MS
> Outlook Express co`n co' co+ che^' multi identities ma` cu. ddo`i
> KMail the^' thi` che^'t ca'c con , ca'c cha'u a` :-D
Thi` mi`nh co' bie^'t co'c gi` dda^u? Cu+' tha^'y bo'p chuo^.t ddu+o+.c la` 
bo'p chuo^.t tho^i. Va^.y mo+'i go.i la` niu bi. DDie^'c kho^ng so+. su'ng. 
Da'm nghi~ da'm la`m. Anh hu`ng vo^

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Link /Mail trong ca'c distros

2004-10-12 Hội thoại [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ba'c cu+' #chmod -R 777 /Mail  la` no' mo+? he^'t
chairuou wrote:
On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 14:50:20 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Nhu+ng no'i to'm, le^.nh # chown
ne^n go~ vo+'i tham so^' gi` dde^? /Mail hoa' ra nha` chu`a? Va` no' tha`nh
ca'i chu`a hoang thi` co' ha.i gi` kho^ng?

The^' thi` du`ng Windows cho no' fe? cu. a. ;)), dde^'n tha(`ng MS
Outlook Express co`n co' co+ che^' multi identities ma` cu. ddo`i
KMail the^' thi` che^'t ca'c con , ca'c cha'u a` :-D
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[Vietlug] Ba`n ve^` ca'i Poll e-zine

2004-10-12 Hội thoại chairuou
co' 4 options the^' na`y :
1) to^i u?ng ho^.
2) to^i se~ tham gia vie^'t ba`i
3) to^i se~ tham gia ban to^? chu+'c va` vie^'t ba`i
4) to^i kho^ng co' y' kie^'n


nghe chu+`ng ho+i ba^'t o^?n vi` ca'i option 1 thu+.c ra bao ha`m ca?
2 & 3 ( kho^ng le~ 1 ngu+o+`i ko u?ng ho^. la.i tham gia vie^'t ba`i/
to^? chu+'c 
ca'i thu+`a thi` thu+`a, ca'i thie^'u thi` thie^'u, sao kho^ng co'
option : kho^ng u?ng ho^. ?
dde^? options the^' na`y dda^m ra kho' cho.n lu+.a, ca' nha^n tui thi`
suy nghi~ ma~i giu+~a 1 va` 2 ro^'t cuo^.c la.i nhi`n sang 3 .. cuo^'i
cu`ng va^~n chu+a bie^'t vote ca'i na`o cho ho+.p y' mi`nh ;)

/me ba`n dda.i va`o DDa.i su+. ai phang thi` phang nhe` nhe. ( phang
ma.nh la` phang la.i ne` (j/k) )

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Re: [Vietlug] Link /Mail trong ca'c distros

2004-10-12 Hội thoại chairuou
On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 14:50:20 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Nhu+ng no'i to'm, le^.nh # chown
> ne^n go~ vo+'i tham so^' gi` dde^? /Mail hoa' ra nha` chu`a? Va` no' tha`nh
> ca'i chu`a hoang thi` co' ha.i gi` kho^ng?

The^' thi` du`ng Windows cho no' fe? cu. a. ;)), dde^'n tha(`ng MS
Outlook Express co`n co' co+ che^' multi identities ma` cu. ddo`i
KMail the^' thi` che^'t ca'c con , ca'c cha'u a` :-D

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Re: [Vietlug] Re: VietLUG e-zine: Loi nhuan hay phi loi nhuan

2004-10-12 Hội thoại Le Thanh Phong

Viec to chuc cho mot bai bao mien phi tren tinh than tu nguyen ban dau
thi rat la de to chuc, mo mot website, keu goi moi nguoi viet bai .v.v...
the nhung cai van de khong phai la before that ma la after that, co the
thay ngay dieu can ban dau tien la khong ai chiu viet bai het, hoac co
cung chi la binh thuong, thieu su cham soc. Va dieu cui cung la no se
khong keo dai lau dai duoc. Mot vi du dien hinh la cua Duong Vi
Khoa, den thoi diem bi gio mot so hang muc ma Khoa mo da phai dong cua vi
khong con kha nang chi tra nua. Khoa thiet thoi, ma nguoi dung cung thiet
thoi vi thieu cac tinh nang tot. Toi tha tra 10$ cho 1 thang tham gia dien
dan chat luong con hon, free but nothing.

To bico*`lao: Viec gay ra chia re thi do la tinh doan ket va su quan ly
cua mot to chuc, neu mot to chuc quan ly kem, doan ket khong cao thi du co
hoat dong tren tinh than tu nguyen cung se gay ra chia re nhu thuong.

To oxdeface va cac ba'c: Viec to chuc mot tap chi thuong mai thi can su
dau tu va chuan bi rat nhieu, gia mot bai viet bao nhieu? gia cho mot to
bao bao nhieu? do la cong viec cua bo phan kinh doanh, accounting,
marketing va tham do thi truong. Va cui cung tien thu duoc se vao tui ai,
se vao tui cua nhung nguoi viet bai, nguoi viet bai cang co chat luong thi
se cang co nhieu tien, con tien loi nhieu nhat se vao tui ai :D ... tuc
nhien la vao tui cua nhung nguoi lap nen bao VietLUG roi. Cuoc song cong
bang thoi, ho. chap nhan rui ro chiu lo thi cung cho ho. loi to ma :D.
Hien nay cac bac nhu Larry, bac Kinh, bac Khai, hoac nhom VietLUG o Vn hoan
toan co du co so ve tai chinh va ki thuat de tao nen mot trang bao thuong
mai hoan toan. Y tuong cua cha'u :D la se cho dang electronic form la free
con dang paper-form thi se ban. Mong muon cua cha'u :D thi van la mot
trang bao thuong mai co chat luong hon la mot to bao free nhung lai kem
chat luong. Moreover, cha'u cu~ng muon kie^'m chu't di?nh tu viec viet bai
chu*' :D ... Quyet dinh cui cung va van de to chuc la o*? cac ba'c dang o
Vn, (viec thanh toan tien thi cu de dau do' khi nao co dip ve Vn thi lay
ra di nha^.u :D) -> Vietnam can nhung hoat dong kinh doanh va thuong mai
thi moi thuc day duoc su phat trien kinh te.

Thuan loi: Vietnam van chua co mot trang bao chuyen nghiep nao cho Linux,
noi ma su pho dung dang dan duoc nhan rong ra o khu vuc Chau A', dieu dau
tien la chung ta khong co canh tranh. Thi truong Vn 80 trieu nguoi, gia
du. cho la 1 trieu nguoi can mua bao di. Mot ky bao hang thang se thu vao
la 4 ti dong (gia du 5000 1 to bao) ... Gia du. trong trang bao co den 10
hang muc thi 10 trieu dong cho 1 bai viet o 1 hang muc :D, thue cac linh
tinh lat vat khac khong dang ke, tien in 1 bai bao cung khong dang ke va quang
cao gom 1 ti dong thi tinh so ra to chuc VietLUG da co' 4 ti - 100 trieu =
3 ti 900 trieu dong ... huhuhuhuhu sao nhieu qua' vay ta :D ... Thuan loi
thu 2 nua la do mang Vn cham voi lai doc man hinh nhuc mat nen chac moi
nguoi thich mua bao hon la doc free tren net :D

(Chau neu ra dieu nay nhu la mot loi de nghi voi cac bac chu khong phai la
chau mong muon hoac co nhu cau dung ra thanh lap to chuc hoat dong kinh
doanh, nhung thiet nghi day la dieu mang loi loi ich to lon vo cung, dieu
dau tien chau thay truoc mat la chau se co tien tieu neu viet bai :D)

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Re: [Vietlug] Link /Mail trong ca'c distros

2004-10-12 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Tuesday 12 October 2004 02:54 am, Vie^.t Ha?i wrote:
> Cha'u kho^ng du`ng nhie^`u kmail ne^n kho^ng bie^'t ro~. Nhu+ng co'
> the^? suy ra la` cu. dde^? permission, ownership cu?a ca'c thu+' trong
> /mnt/hda10 hay /home/slack la` kho^ng o^?n. Cu.  thu+? kie^?m tra la.i
> xem.

Hehe co' bao gio+` mi`nh kie^?m tra dda^u? DDa^`u tie^n he^'t la` ca`i mo^.t 
ca'i knoppix vi' du. the^'. The^' ro^`i thi` la` su va'o root, make mo^.t 
ca'i partition, ro^`i move ca'i /Mail sang ddo'. Ro^`i sau na`y cu+' install 
va`i thu+' distro kha'c o+? va`i ca'i partition kha'c nhau, go~ ln -s no' va` 
xa`i Kmail tho^i.

> Ti`m ca'ch ca`i kmail va`o slack sao cho gio^'ng he^.t trong Knoppix,
> ... di cu.. Ne^'u configure va` make gio^'ng nhau + version nhu+ nhau,
> cha'u da?m ba?o la` se~ do.c ddu+.o+c (ta^'t nhie^n la` permission cu.
> pha?i kie^?m tra la.i).

Ne^'u nha^'t ddinh la` no' pha?i ddo.c ddu+o+.c thi` cha('c cha('n la` do ca'i 
permission ddo' ro^`i, kho^ng vi` ca'i gi` kha'c nu+~a. Bay gio+` dda~ delete 
no' ro^`i. Ho^m na`o ca`i la.i se~ thu+?. Nhu+ng no'i to'm, le^.nh # chown 
ne^n go~ vo+'i tham so^' gi` dde^? /Mail hoa' ra nha` chu`a? Va` no' tha`nh 
ca'i chu`a hoang thi` co' ha.i gi` kho^ng?
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Link /Mail trong ca'c distros

2004-10-12 Hội thoại Vie^.t Ha?i
On Sat, 9 Oct 2004 05:26:58 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Friday 08 October 2004 08:10 am, Tony Ly wrote:
> >
> > Thi` ba'c de.p slackware mo^.t be^n la` xong chuye^.n :)
> > Ba'c pha?i bo? errors le^n mo+'i bie^'t ddu+o+`ng ma` mo` cho+' !!!
> Hehe la`m bie^'ng boot qua ne^n bi. cu+.. No' dda^y na`y:
> The permissions of the folder '/home/slack/Mail' are incorrect.
> Please make sure that you can view and modify the content of this folder.
Cha'u kho^ng du`ng nhie^`u kmail ne^n kho^ng bie^'t ro~. Nhu+ng co'
the^? suy ra la` cu. dde^? permission, ownership cu?a ca'c thu+' trong
/mnt/hda10 hay /home/slack la` kho^ng o^?n. Cu.  thu+? kie^?m tra la.i

> La`m ba^.y the^m mo^.t qua? nu+~a:
> # cp /mnt/hda10/Mail/inbox/cur/*  /home/slack/Mail/inbox/cur
> DDe^'n khi mo+? kmail thi` co' dda^`y ddu? ca'c Subjects, nhu+ng he^~ click
> chuo^.t va`o subject na`o thi` no' lie^`n bie^'n do`ng subject tha`nh
> "unknown". Mi`nh ddoa'n la` Kmail cu?a Slackware kho^ng co' ca'c
> files .index, .ids, .sort ne^n no' kho^ng the^? qua?n ly' ddo^'ng mails vu+`a
> copy qua.
> Va^.y co' le~ Knoppix, Kanotix, Yoper cu`ng phe ne^n OK, co`n slackware kha'c
> phe ne^n no' kho^ng chi.u? DDoa'n ra(`ng la`m trong SuSE hay FC cu~ng kho^ng
> ddu+o+.c.
Ti`m ca'ch ca`i kmail va`o slack sao cho gio^'ng he^.t trong Knoppix,
... di cu.. Ne^'u configure va` make gio^'ng nhau + version nhu+ nhau,
cha'u da?m ba?o la` se~ do.c ddu+.o+c (ta^'t nhie^n la` permission cu.
pha?i kie^?m tra la.i).

> --
> m k h _ s g n

Life is ours, we live it our way!";>"/>

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