Re: [Vietlug] Re: VietLUG e-zine: Loi nhuan hay phi loi nhuan

2004-10-13 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 7:25:45 am 10/13/04 Viet Bach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ba^y gio+` chu'ng ta tro+? la.i mu.c ddi'ch tru+o+'t ma('t la`
> e-zine so^' 1 ddu+o+.c chu+a?  To^i xin dde^` nghi. la` mo^~i mo^.t
> so^'
> se~ co' 1 chu? dde^`, ngoa`i ca'c mu.c thu+o+`ng xuye^n.  Ba'c Larry
> co' the^? la`m 1 ca'i survey dde^? tha(m do` xem chu? dde^` na`o se~
> ha^'p da^~n mo.i ngu+o+`i.  Va`i ca'i ha^'p da^~n ddo^'i vo+'i to^i:
> 1.  Tie^'ng Vie^.t trong mo^i tru+o+`ng Linux
> 2.  Linux Live CDs
> 3.  Chuye^?n ddo^?i tu+` Windows sang Linux
> 4.  Thie^'t la^.p 1 Linux LAN cho doanh nghie^.p
> 5.  Multimedia (DVD, MP3, streaming, P2P, TV)
> Viet

Co' le~ mo^~ mo^.t e-zine ma` chi? co' mo^.t topic (vo+'i nhie^`u ba`i
kha'c nhau) thi` cu~ng kho^ng hay la('m.  DDo' chi? la` y' mi`nh. Ca'c ba'c
kha'c tha^'y sao?

Ve^` va^'n dde^` server+bandwidth mi`nh co' the^? lo. Ne^'u ddu+o+.c thi`
ca^`n mo^.t/hai ba.n phu. vie^.c set up.



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Re: [Vietlug] RE: Vietlug e-zine, why not?

2004-10-13 Hội thoại Viet Hung
Tony Ly wrote:

>P.S.  Ma` thu+.c te^' ho+n he^'t la` ma^'y ba'c
vie^'t ba`i cho ma^'y to+`
>ba'o Windows la` hay nha^'t ta.i vi` ddo' la` no+i
co' nhie^`u ddo^.c gia?
>ho+n ai he^'t :)

Cu. Ly' xem ra co' ly'.

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Re: [Vietlug] Lam sao viet script de telnet tu dong

2004-10-13 Hội thoại Viet Hung
0xdeface wrote:

>ddu'ng, expect la` mo^.t gia?i pha'p to^'t cho
>tru+o+`ng ho+.p ca^`n tu+. ddo^.ng ho'a ca'c
>interactive operation giu+~a ngu+o+`i du`ng va`
>Tuy nhie^n tha^'y ca'i na`y kho^ng the^? kho^ng ho?i
>ba'c: ba'c du`ng telnet qua internet dde^? truy
>ma'y ti'nh, va^.y ba'c nghi~ co' khoa?ng bao nhie^u
>ngu+o+`i bie^'t username/password cu?a ba'c (va` co'
>the^? la`m gi` tu`y thi'ch tre^n ca'i ma'y ddo')?
>U+o+'c ti'nh 1 ty? ngu+o+`i, 2 ngu+o+`i ty? hay
>nhie^`u ho+n the^' nu+~a ?? 
A! Xin no'i the^m la` muo^'n to+'i ca'i server ddo'
kho^ng pha?i de^~. 
Pha?i thie^'t la^.p VPN giu+~a site cu?a em
vo+'i site cu? no' 
mo+'i va`o ddu+o+.c. Ca'c ma'y be^n ngoa`i VPN na`y
thi` no way.

Thu+`a nha^.n la` khi la`m public server thi` SSH la`
lu+.a cho.n to^'t 
cho secure login.

Viet Hung

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Re: [Vietlug] RE: Vietlug e-zine, why not?

2004-10-13 Hội thoại chairuou
On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 23:11:44 -0400 (EDT), Tony Ly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ho^?m nay ca'c ba'c ba`n ta'n so^i no^~i qua' cho ne^n tui cu~ng ngu+'a
> mie^.ng dda^y.
> 1.  Ca'c ba'c muo^'n la`m e-Zine thi` ca'c ba'c dda.i die^.n cho ai?
> Vietlug? VietLUG theo tui hie^?u la` mo^.t to^? chu+'c lo~ng le~o ho^?n
> ta.p, do Vie^.t Kie^`u ha?i ngoa.i tha`nh la^.p, va` ddu+o+.c su+. ddo'ng
> go'p cu?a dda so^' mo.i ngu+o+`i Vie^.t ddam me^ Linux tre^n the^' gio+'i
> u?ng ho^., kho^ng co' co+ so+? chi'nh thu+'c trong nu+o+'c (hi`nh nhu+
> dda^y la` lo+`i cu?a ai ddo' trong tra^.n bu't chie^'n na(m ro^`i).  Ca'c
> ba'c la`m ne^'u co' chuye^.n gi` kho^ng ddu'ng thi` tui thu+a kie^.n ai
> dda^y?  Thu+a ba'c chu? nhie^.m hay la` thu+a VietLUG? :)
> 2.  Cu~ng va^'n dde^` thu+a kie^.n, ca'c ba'c se~ gia?i quye^'t nhu+ the^'
> na`o ve^` va^'n dde^` ba?n quye^`n?  Y' tui no'i la` nhu+~ng ba`i
> hay la` nhu+~ng ba`i sao che'p la.i.  (Va^'n dde^` na`y co' le~ se~
> du+o+.c quan ta^m ho+n khi mi`nh la`m cho thu+o+ng ma.i)
> 3.  Ca'c ba'c vie^'t cho ai ddo.c?  Ma` topic gi` dde^? thu hu't ngu+o+`i
> ddo.c.  Va` ca'c bac' co' la`m la^u da`i ddu+o+.c kho^ng?  Ba?n tha^n tui
> khi ddo.c nhu+~ng to+` ba'o Windows/Linux, tui kho^ng chu' nhie^`u
> ve^` nhu+~ng ba`i technical ma` la` nhu+~ng va^'n dde^` xoay quanh no'
> (thu+o+ng ma.i, u+'ng, hu+o+'ng ddi...).  Technical stuff thi` dda~
> co' manual hoa(.c nhu+~ng ta`i lie^.u kha'c du` la` ho+i kho^ khan mo^.t
> ti'.  Tui kho^ng the^? na`o ddo+.i dde^'n mo^.t tha'ng dde^? ddo.c mo^.t
> ba`i cu?a ca'c ba'c vi` co' the^/ dda~ out-of-date ro^`i :)  Dda so^'
> nhu+~ng ngu+o+`i muo^'n ho.c ho?i va` tie^'n bo^. nhanh nhu+ ca'c ba'c
> thi` cu~ng dda~ co' mo^.t tri`nh ddo^. Anh ngu+~ kha' ro^`i.  Ne^'u ca'c
> ba'c va^~n co`n le^. thuo^.c va`o Vie^.t ngu+~ dde^? ho.c ho?i thi` co'
> pha?i cha^.m ho+n nhu+~ng ngu+o+i` kha'c ko?).
> 4.  Khi dda~ la`m ba'o thi` ne^n la`m ba'o gia^'y vi` ddo.c no' dda~ ma('t
> ho+n (ddo.c ba ca'i e-Zine thi` cu+.c cha(?ng dda~ tho^i).  Ma` muo^'n
> la`m ba'o gia^'y thi` phai? ca^`n tie^`n. Vi` va^.y mi`nh pha?i ca^`n la`m
> thu+o+ng ma~i.  Va` ddie^`u ddo' va^~n ddu'ng vo+'i quy lua^.t cua? Open
> Source.  Tie^`n ba.c dde^? la`m kho^ng tha`nh va^'n dde^` ne^'u mi`nh co '
> ddo^.c gi?a.
> To'm la.i vie^.c la`m mo^.t to+` ba'o Linux la` mo^.t vie^.c dda'ng la`m.
> Ddu'ng tho+`i ddie^?m hay chu+a thi` tui nghi~la` chu+a, nha^'t la` ne^'u
> la`m commercial.  Ca'c ba'c co' the^? thu+? vo+'i free e-zine tru+o+'c xem
> sao?  Ddie^`u quan ho+n he^'t la` ca'c ba'c pha?i ho+.p thu+'c hoa'
> VietLUG dde^? no' tro+? tha`nh mo^.t organization dda`ng hoa`ng (another
> topic to discuss) va` phai? co' mo^.t ban to^? chu+'c ddu+o+.c ta^'t ca?
> members ba^`u le^n.  Nhu+ the^' khi ba^'t cu+' ai ho?i dde^'n VietLUG, ho.
> bie^'t ti`m dde^'n ngu+o+`i dda.i die^.n dde^? ba`n tha?o.  Ddie^`u na`y
> tha^'y ra^'t ro~ ra`ng trong tra^.n bu't chie^'n giu+~a Vietkey va`
> VietLUG na(m ro^`i.  Cu~ng tu+o+ng to+. va^'n dde^` tre^n, hie^.n nay
> ne^'u tui lo+~ la`m mo^.t chuye^.n gi` ba^.y lie^n quan dde^'n VietLUG,
> ca'c ba'c co' chi.u va. la^y ko? (I hope not :))  Khi co' co+ so+? ro^`i
> thi` ca'c bac' co' muo^'n la`m ba'o la`m gi` cu~ng danh cha'nh ngo^n
> thua^.n ho+n.  Co`n ne^'u kho^ng thi` cu+' mo+? mo^.t to+` ba'o Linux
> thu+o+ng ma.i rie^ng, ro^`i tra? tie^`n nhua^.n bu't cho ma^'y bac' na`o
> thi'ch vie^'t ba`i.
> Cheers...
> P.S.  Ma` thu+.c te^' ho+n he^'t la` ma^'y ba'c vie^'t ba`i cho ma^'y to+`
> ba'o Windows la` hay nha^'t ta.i vi` ddo' la` no+i co' nhie^`u ddo^.c gia?
> ho+n ai he^'t :)

Cu. Ly' gio+` mo+'i chi.u ra ddi`nh dde^? ho.p  ;) cu. ra cha^.m la`
to^.i tha(`ng ... Mo~ ;))

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RE: [Vietlug] Lam sao viet script de telnet tu dong

2004-10-13 Hội thoại Hoang Anh Tuan

> Mi`nh dda~ ti`m ra gia?i pha'p.
> Du`ng expect dde^? tu+. ddo^.ng send user & pass cho
> no'.

Expect la` ca'i gi` va^.y ba'c. La`m sao dde^? su+? no'?



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Re: [Vietlug] Lam sao viet script de telnet tu dong

2004-10-13 Hội thoại 0xdeface

--- Viet Hung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Cha`o Hu`ng,
> >
> > Hu`ng ne^n xa`i SSH ddi.
> > Vo+'i SSH Hu`ng co' the^? du`ng public key
> authentication tha`nh ra 
> > kho^ng ca^`n du`ng dde^'n
> > user/pass nu+~a.
> > Co' the^? xa`i the^m keychain du`ng dde^? lu+u
> ca'c
> key kho?i pha?i 
> > go~ la.i passphrase cho private key.
> > Vi' du. cho OpenSSH version 2:
> > Ta.o ra key pair (public/private key)
> > # ssh-keygen -t dsa  -C "my key"
> > go~ va`o passphrase cho ca'i private key
> > Ca`i va`o the^m ca'i keychain dde^? khi log va`o
> thi` keychain se~ 
> > lu+u ca'i private key mo^.t la^`n ma` tho^i.
> >
> > Tre^n server ca`i va`o ssh server.
> > Trong file /etc/ssh/sshd_config ba?o dda?m ra(`ng
> co' do`ng sau.
> >
> > PubkeyAuthentication yes
> >
> > Du`ng #scp publickey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/
> > #cat publickey >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2
> >
> > Khi dda~ ke^'t thu'c thi` Hu`ng co' the^? du`ng
> le^.nh # ssh 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] dde^? log in la` xong :)
> >
> > Nguye^~n Duy Tho.
> Mi`nh dda~ ti`m ra gia?i pha'p.
> Du`ng expect dde^? tu+. ddo^.ng send user & pass cho
> no'.

ddu'ng, expect la` mo^.t gia?i pha'p to^'t cho nhu+~ng
tru+o+`ng ho+.p ca^`n tu+. ddo^.ng ho'a ca'c
interactive operation giu+~a ngu+o+`i du`ng va` ma'y\.

Tuy nhie^n tha^'y ca'i na`y kho^ng the^? kho^ng ho?i
ba'c: ba'c du`ng telnet qua internet dde^? truy nha^.p
ma'y ti'nh, va^.y ba'c nghi~ co' khoa?ng bao nhie^u
ngu+o+`i bie^'t username/password cu?a ba'c (va` co'
the^? la`m gi` tu`y thi'ch tre^n ca'i ma'y ddo')?
U+o+'c ti'nh 1 ty? ngu+o+`i, 2 ngu+o+`i ty? hay
nhie^`u ho+n the^' nu+~a ?? 


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Re: [Vietlug] Nha^n su+. la`m Vietlug e-zine

2004-10-13 Hội thoại 0xdeface

--- Thai Duong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Xin cha`o,
> /me kho^ng theo do~i dda^`y ddu? ca'i thread ve^`
> vietlug e-zine (do ca'i Yahoo! mail da.o na`y cu'
> 999
> Unable to process your request mie^'t) ne^n ko
> bie^'t
> la` ne^'u muo^'n *u+'ng cu+?" dde^? tham gia la`m
> ca'i
> e-zine thi` pha?i la`m sao? 

DDe^? u+'ng cu+? thi` co' le~ tru+o+'c he^'t ba'c ne^n
ddo.c la.i y' kie^'n cu?a mo.i ngu+o+`i khi ba`n ve^`
va^'n dde^` na`y dda~ (khoa?ng ho+n 50 ca'i mail)

Ba'c na`o tha^'y co' kha? na(ng xin cu+' tu+. u+'ng
cu+?. Ne^'u nhie^`u ngu+o+`i la`m ddu+o+.c qua', la.i
poll cho kha'ch quan nhi? ;-)


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Re: [Vietlug] Lam sao viet script de telnet tu dong

2004-10-13 Hội thoại Viet Hung

> Cha`o Hu`ng,
> Hu`ng ne^n xa`i SSH ddi.
> Vo+'i SSH Hu`ng co' the^? du`ng public key
authentication tha`nh ra 
> kho^ng ca^`n du`ng dde^'n
> user/pass nu+~a.
> Co' the^? xa`i the^m keychain du`ng dde^? lu+u ca'c
key kho?i pha?i 
> go~ la.i passphrase cho private key.
> Vi' du. cho OpenSSH version 2:
> Ta.o ra key pair (public/private key)
> # ssh-keygen -t dsa  -C "my key"
> go~ va`o passphrase cho ca'i private key
> Ca`i va`o the^m ca'i keychain dde^? khi log va`o
thi` keychain se~ 
> lu+u ca'i private key mo^.t la^`n ma` tho^i.
> Tre^n server ca`i va`o ssh server.
> Trong file /etc/ssh/sshd_config ba?o dda?m ra(`ng
co' do`ng sau.
> PubkeyAuthentication yes
> Du`ng #scp publickey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/
> #cat publickey >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2
> Khi dda~ ke^'t thu'c thi` Hu`ng co' the^? du`ng
le^.nh # ssh 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] dde^? log in la` xong :)
> Nguye^~n Duy Tho.

Mi`nh dda~ ti`m ra gia?i pha'p.
Du`ng expect dde^? tu+. ddo^.ng send user & pass cho

Ca?m o+n nhie^`u.

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Re: [Vietlug] Re: VietLUG e-zine: Loi nhuan hay phi loi nhuan

2004-10-13 Hội thoại 0xdeface

--- Pham Kim Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> To^i kho^ng theo do~i tu+` dda^`u, ca'c ba'c cho
> to^i a(n theo 1 mu.c: "VietLUG
> weekly/monthly news" dde^? to^?ng ho+.p nhu+~ng chu?
> dde^` no^?i ba^.t/ha^~p da^~n tre^n
> mailing list (gio^'ng Debian Weekly News)
> Long

Qua' hoan nghe^nh ba'c. Em xin phe'p dde^` cu+? ba'c
Long la`m mo^.t cha^n trong editor board.

Em nghi~ nhu+~ng ba'c na`o co' kha? na(ng va` co' mong
muo^'n tham gia editor board xin cho bie^'t y' kie^'n
luo^n. So^' ngu+o+`i trong board co' le~
khoa?ng 5-7 ngu+o+`i la` ho+.p ly'.


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Re: [Vietlug] IDE in linux

2004-10-13 Hội thoại Anh-Vu Nguyen

Ne^'u lap trinh Java thi tui tha^'y eclipse duo.c
dda^'y. Netbean thi tui chua dung thu+ nhu+ng nghe
no'i chu+'c nang refactoring ke'm eclipse. Tui co xai
qua IntelliJ IDEA (ko free) tha^'y cung ra^t ngon :-) 


--- Viet Hung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> C/C++: KDevelop & Qt Designer.
> Eclipse cu~ng co' plugin cho C/C++
> Ba'c thu+? du`ng Qt Designer trong FC2 chu+a.
> Tuye^.t
> la('m.
> Good luck.
> Viet Hung
> Nhan Thanh Le wrote:
> >Neu ba.n lap tri`nh ngo^n ngu*~ Java thi` Eclipse
> is
> the best choice do'
> >or la` NeatBean cu~ng good la('m
> >
> > 
> >Have fun
> >On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 07:16, Nguyen Xuan Son wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>Chao cac bac,
> >>Toi von quen lap trinh tren WIndow, nay dinh thu
> lap
> trinh tren Linux, cac
> >>bac co the cho biet co cac IDE nao de dung, free
> khong? Y toi khong noi den
> >>cac editor nhu VI hay Emacs, toi chua thanh expert
> de dung nhung thu nay.
> >>XS
> >>
> >>
> ___
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> ___
> VietLUG-users mailing list

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[Vietlug] To'm ta('t vie^.c la`m VietLUG e-zine

2004-10-13 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
Hi all,

Sau va`i nga`y ba`n lua^.n so^i no^~i tre^n list va` poll tre^n web site,
mi`nh xin phe'p to'm ta('t y' kie^'n ca' nha^n nhu+ sau:

1. VietLUG e-zine tru+o+'c ma('t se~ kho^ng la`m thu+o+ng ma.i vi` ai
cu~ng bie^'t ca'i na`y kho^ng co' kha? thi (hehe hy du`ng ddu'ng
chu+~ :) ) Do ddo', VietLUG e-zine se~ la` to+` bao' ddie^.n tu+? phi lo+.i
mo^~i mo^.t 3 tha'ng pha't ha`nh mo^.t ba?n, ba('t dda^`u va`o tha'ng 1
na(m 2005. Nhu+ng ne^'u ba`i dda^`u ta co' ddu+o+.c nhie^`u
topics/submissions thi` ra^'t co' kha? na(ng ra ma('t so+'m ho+n.

2. Co' ra^'t nhie^`u ba.n se~ tham gia vie^'t ba`i nhu+ng trong Ban To^?
Chu+'c thi` co`n ho+i i't. Hie^.n ta.i chi? co' khoa?ng 5 ngu+o+`i. Hy se~ co' ngu+o+`i tham gia nu+~a. Chi tie^'t ve^` nhie^.m vu. cu?a
tha`nh vie^n BTC la`m nhu+~ng gi` thi` oxdeface se~ tho^ng ba'o so+'m.

3. Co' tin vui(Kho^ng, kho^ng co' ai cho tie^`n :( ) JavaVietnam co'
nha~ y' tham gia. Mo^.t va`i ba.n du`ng *BSD cu~ng se~ tham gia. Do ddo',
tuy ra(`ng dda^y la` e-zine cu?a VietLUG, nhu+ng mi`nh cu~ng se~ co' ba`i
vie^'t cu?a nhu+~ng he^. ddie^`u ha`nh, pha^`n me^`m pha't trie^?n cu?a ba`
con ga^`n xa. Mi`nh cu~ng ddang lie^n he^. mo^.t so^' ba.n tham gia vie^'t
ba`i cho perl, php..v..v..Ne^'u anh/chi. na`o bie^'t developers na`o cu?a
ca'c ngo^n ngu+~ kha'c (ruby, python..v..v..), hy co' the^? *tuye^?n*
ho. tham gia :)

Ne^'u mo.i ngu+o+`i ddo^`ng y' thi` vie^.c co`n la.i la` tho^ng bao' (hay
ba^`u cu+?) tha`nh vie^n BTC. Sau ddo' BTC se~ co' ke^' cu. the^?
nhu+~ng vie^.c la`m tie^'p theo.




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Re: [Vietlug] skype: noi chuyen Pc To Pc ro? ho+n dien thoai

2004-10-13 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 12:18:30 pm 10/13/04 Tran Vu Hung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ngo^. go.i tu+` linux sang windows trong mo^i tru+o+`ng LAN nhu+ng
> da^u co' ddu+o+.c.
> po' tay
> mo^i tru+o+`ng LAN, cu`ng lo+'p luo^n.

Hmm...let's see :) 2 ngu+o+`i ngo^`i trong LAN tre^n 2 ma'y kha'c nhau, 2
LAN IPs, 2 skype accounts kha'c nhau nhu+ng khi skype server no^'i va`o
tu+` ngoa`i thi` co' le~ ddi qua cu`ng mo^.t external IP, nghi~a la` tu+`
ngoa`i nhi`nh va`o thi` anh ddang tu+. go.i mi`nh.  So, no' gio^'ng gio^'ng
nhu+ anh ddang o+? trong nha`, ngu+o+`i em o+? tre^n la^`u nha^'c ddie^.n
thoa.i le^n, go.i anh Hung o+i, thi` co' le~ anh se~ nghe ddu+o+.c nhu+ng
kho^ng pha?i tu+` phone ma` tu+` mie^.ng cu?a ngu+o+`i em.

Tru+` khi anh set up mo^.t ca'i forwarder dde^? no' chia ra theo nhu+
extensions thi` may ra 2 ngu+o+`i co' the^? no'i chuye^.n vo+'i nhau.

O+? tre^n la` ddoa'n mo`. DDe^? to^'i ve^` thu+? bie^'t lie^`n :)



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Re: [Vietlug] Re: VietLUG e-zine: Loi nhuan hay phi loi nhuan

2004-10-13 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Wednesday 13 October 2004 07:25 pm, Viet Bach wrote:
> Va`i nga`y kho^ng va`o Vietlug, tha^'y ca'c ba'c ba`n ta'n so^i no^?i
> qua'.  To^i tha^'y ba`n chuye^.n la`m ba'o gia^'y thu+o+ng ma.i la`
> off-topic cho list na`y co`n chuye^.n lo+.i nhua^.n hay phi lo+.i
> nhua^.n thi` xin ddu+`ng ba`n vi` xa'c sua^'t e-zine la`m ra tie^`n
> la` 0, cho ba^'t cu+' dde^`ta`i na`o chu+' ddu+`ng no'i dde^'n Linux
> la` mo^.t dde^` ta`i kho^ng ddu+o+.c ha^'p da^~n la('m.  No'i nga('n
> go.n, so^' tie^`n bo? ra dde^? la`m 1 website ha^'p da^~n nhie^`u
> ngu+o+`i luo^n luo^n lo+'n ho+n so^' tie^`n thu va`o ddu+o+.c
> tu+` qua?ng ca'o va` subscription.  Ngoa.i le^. duy nha^'t la` website
> ve^` sex.
> DDe^? da^~n chu+'ng, ca'c ba'c va`o xem link sau dda^y, no'i ve^`
>, la` mo^.t trong e-zine no^?i ddi`nh dda'm nha^'t lu'c
> tho+`i va`ng son cu?a dot com:
> Co`n website ve^` linux co' nhie^`u traffic nha^'t la`
> cu~ng ddu+o+ng nga('c ngoa?i; ha~ng me. la` VA Software quy' na`o
> cu~ng lo^~ ma^'y trie^.u ddo^ la, va` lo^~ trie^`n mie^n tu+` ma^'y
> na(m nay ro^`i.
> Chuye^.n ca^`n ba`n la` ai se~ ddo'ng go'p co^ng cu?a dde^? host
> ca'i e-zine na`y.  Nhu+~ng ngu+o+`i ddo'ng go'p ba`i vo+? se~ ma^'t
> thi` gio+` nhu+ng i't nha^'t ho. kho^ng pha?i bo? tie^`n tu'i. Admin
> server mo+'i me^.t, vi` khi ba('t dda^`u co' nhie^`u ngu+o+`i va`o
> la` chu'ng ta se~ pha?i co' server rie^ng mo+'i co' ddu? ba(ng tho^ng.
> Ro^`i co`n pha?i ddo^'i dda^`u vo+'i hacker va`o ddu.c dde~o hay DOS
> attack.  Server be`o nha^'t cu~ng pha?i khoa?ng $80/tha'ng, chu+a co'
> DOS firewall gi` ca?, ai se~ tra? dda^y ?
> Ca'c ba'c cu~ng ddu+`ng lo la` ne^'u kho^ng co' tie^`n nhua^.n bu't
> thi` ba`i vo+? se~ kho^ng hay.  Nhu+~ng ba`i vie^'t co' chie^`u sa^u
> nha^'t ve^` Linux tre^n web va^~n la` cu?a ca'c ca' nha^n co' ta^m
> huye^'t va` co' tri`nh ddo^. ky~ thua^.t cao, co`n ca'c ba`i cu?a
> ca'c editor chuye^n nghie^.p thi` chi? ddo.c cho vui chu+' cha? co'
> lo+.i i'ch gi` ca?.
> Ba^y gio+` chu'ng ta tro+? la.i mu.c ddi'ch tru+o+'t ma('t la`
> e-zine so^' 1 ddu+o+.c chu+a?  To^i xin dde^` nghi. la` mo^~i mo^.t
> so^'
> se~ co' 1 chu? dde^`, ngoa`i ca'c mu.c thu+o+`ng xuye^n.  Ba'c Larry
> co' the^? la`m 1 ca'i survey dde^? tha(m do` xem chu? dde^` na`o se~
> ha^'p da^~n mo.i ngu+o+`i.  Va`i ca'i ha^'p da^~n ddo^'i vo+'i to^i:
> 1.  Tie^'ng Vie^.t trong mo^i tru+o+`ng Linux
> 2.  Linux Live CDs
> 3.  Chuye^?n ddo^?i tu+` Windows sang Linux
> 4.  Thie^'t la^.p 1 Linux LAN cho doanh nghie^.p
> 5.  Multimedia (DVD, MP3, streaming, P2P, TV)
> Viet

DDo'! Va^.y mo+'i la` ba`n. Mo` vo^ tru'ng tu+`ng ca'i xu+o+ng su+o+`n.
So^' 1 eZine co' 5 ca'i xu+o+ng su+o+`n na`y coi cu~ng do+~ ghie^`n ro^`i.
Ba.n na`o ta^m dda('c thi` a' le^ a` le^ vie^'t le. le^n cho ba` con ddo.c.
Co`n Ba'o gia^'y? Ha~y ddo+.i dda^'y.
m k h _ s g n

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Re: VietLUG e-zine: Loi nhuan hay phi loi nhuan

2004-10-13 Hội thoại Pham Kim Long
On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 05:25:45 -0700 (PDT), Viet Bach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> se~ co' 1 chu? dde^`, ngoa`i ca'c mu.c thu+o+`ng xuye^n.  Ba'c Larry
> co' the^? la`m 1 ca'i survey dde^? tha(m do` xem chu? dde^` na`o se~
> ha^'p da^~n mo.i ngu+o+`i\.  Va`i ca'i ha^'p da^~n ddo^'i vo+'i to^i:
> 1.  Tie^'ng Vie^.t trong mo^i tru+o+`ng Linux
> 2.  Linux Live CDs
> 3.  Chuye^?n ddo^?i tu+` Windows sang Linux
> 4.  Thie^'t la^.p 1 Linux LAN cho doanh nghie^.p
> 5.  Multimedia (DVD, MP3, streaming, P2P, TV)

To^i kho^ng theo do~i tu+` dda^`u, ca'c ba'c cho to^i a(n theo 1 mu.c: "VietLUG
weekly/monthly news" dde^? to^?ng ho+.p nhu+~ng chu? dde^` no^?i ba^.t/ha^~p da^~n 
mailing list (gio^'ng Debian Weekly News)


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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Re: VietLUG e-zine: Loi nhuan hay phi loi nhuan

2004-10-13 Hội thoại Viet Bach

Va`i nga`y kho^ng va`o Vietlug, tha^'y ca'c ba'c ba`n ta'n so^i no^?i
qua'.  To^i tha^'y ba`n chuye^.n la`m ba'o gia^'y thu+o+ng ma.i la`
off-topic cho list na`y co`n chuye^.n lo+.i nhua^.n hay phi lo+.i
nhua^.n thi` xin ddu+`ng ba`n vi` xa'c sua^'t e-zine la`m ra tie^`n
la` 0, cho ba^'t cu+' dde^`ta`i na`o chu+' ddu+`ng no'i dde^'n Linux 
la` mo^.t dde^` ta`i kho^ng ddu+o+.c ha^'p da^~n la('m.  No'i nga('n
go.n, so^' tie^`n bo? ra dde^? la`m 1 website ha^'p da^~n nhie^`u 
ngu+o+`i luo^n luo^n lo+'n ho+n so^' tie^`n thu va`o ddu+o+.c 
tu+` qua?ng ca'o va` subscription.  Ngoa.i le^. duy nha^'t la` website
ve^` sex.

DDe^? da^~n chu+'ng, ca'c ba'c va`o xem link sau dda^y, no'i ve^`, la` mo^.t trong e-zine no^?i ddi`nh dda'm nha^'t lu'c
tho+`i va`ng son cu?a dot com:

Co`n website ve^` linux co' nhie^`u traffic nha^'t la`
cu~ng ddu+o+ng nga('c ngoa?i; ha~ng me. la` VA Software quy' na`o
cu~ng lo^~ ma^'y trie^.u ddo^ la, va` lo^~ trie^`n mie^n tu+` ma^'y 
na(m nay ro^`i.

Chuye^.n ca^`n ba`n la` ai se~ ddo'ng go'p co^ng cu?a dde^? host
ca'i e-zine na`y.  Nhu+~ng ngu+o+`i ddo'ng go'p ba`i vo+? se~ ma^'t
thi` gio+` nhu+ng i't nha^'t ho. kho^ng pha?i bo? tie^`n tu'i. Admin
server mo+'i me^.t, vi` khi ba('t dda^`u co' nhie^`u ngu+o+`i va`o
la` chu'ng ta se~ pha?i co' server rie^ng mo+'i co' ddu? ba(ng tho^ng.
Ro^`i co`n pha?i ddo^'i dda^`u vo+'i hacker va`o ddu.c dde~o hay DOS
attack.  Server be`o nha^'t cu~ng pha?i khoa?ng $80/tha'ng, chu+a co'
DOS firewall gi` ca?, ai se~ tra? dda^y ?

Ca'c ba'c cu~ng ddu+`ng lo la` ne^'u kho^ng co' tie^`n nhua^.n bu't 
thi` ba`i vo+? se~ kho^ng hay.  Nhu+~ng ba`i vie^'t co' chie^`u sa^u
nha^'t ve^` Linux tre^n web va^~n la` cu?a ca'c ca' nha^n co' ta^m
huye^'t va` co' tri`nh ddo^. ky~ thua^.t cao, co`n ca'c ba`i cu?a
ca'c editor chuye^n nghie^.p thi` chi? ddo.c cho vui chu+' cha? co'
lo+.i i'ch gi` ca?.

Ba^y gio+` chu'ng ta tro+? la.i mu.c ddi'ch tru+o+'t ma('t la`
e-zine so^' 1 ddu+o+.c chu+a?  To^i xin dde^` nghi. la` mo^~i mo^.t
se~ co' 1 chu? dde^`, ngoa`i ca'c mu.c thu+o+`ng xuye^n.  Ba'c Larry
co' the^? la`m 1 ca'i survey dde^? tha(m do` xem chu? dde^` na`o se~
ha^'p da^~n mo.i ngu+o+`i.  Va`i ca'i ha^'p da^~n ddo^'i vo+'i to^i:

1.  Tie^'ng Vie^.t trong mo^i tru+o+`ng Linux
2.  Linux Live CDs
3.  Chuye^?n ddo^?i tu+` Windows sang Linux
4.  Thie^'t la^.p 1 Linux LAN cho doanh nghie^.p
5.  Multimedia (DVD, MP3, streaming, P2P, TV)


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Wednesday 13 October 2004 02:45 am, Phan Thái Trung wrote:
> > --- pclouds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Ok, la`m ba'o thu+o+ng ma.i cu~ng to^'t. Va^.y
> > > ai/to^?
> > > chu+'c/nho'm na`o se~ ddu+'ng ra la`m ba'o ?
> > > VietLUG, dda so^' toa`n
> > > da^n ky~ thua^.t, tha`nh pha^`n pha^n ta'n
> > > kha('p no+i, kha' nhie^`u
> > > tha`nh vie^n ti'ch cu+.c dde^`u dda~ co' co^ng
> > > a(n vie^.c la`m ..
> > > -> kho' co' the^? ddu+'ng ra to^? chu+'c
> > > (chuye^.n ta`i chi'nh, qua?ng
> > > ca'o, tie^'p thi., in a^'n, ti`m qua?ng ca'o
> > > ...). Kho^ng bie^'t co'
> > > ai ddu+'ng ra la^.p ca'i linux-zine cho ba` con
> > > co' ca'i dde^? ddo.c (va`
> > > dde^? .. khoe :D ) kho^ng?
> > >
> > >
> > > On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 12:50:29PM +0300, Le
> > >
> > > Thanh Phong wrote:
> > > > Viec to chuc cho mot bai bao mien phi tren
> > >
> > > tinh than tu nguyen ban dau
> > >
> > > > thi rat la de to chuc, mo mot website, keu
> > >
> > > goi moi nguoi viet bai .v.v...
> > >
> > > > the nhung cai van de khong phai la before
> > >
> > > that ma la after that, co the
> > >
> > > > thay ngay dieu can ban dau tien la khong ai
> > >
> > > chiu viet bai het, hoac co
> > >
> > > > cung chi la binh thuong, thieu su cham soc.
> > >
> > > Va dieu cui cung la no se
> > >
> > > > khong keo dai lau dai duoc.
> >
> > Ne^'u la`m thu+o+ng ma.i ga^y quy~ thi` to^'t
> > nha^'t la` la`m ba'o gia^'y\. Theo anh kho^ng
> > pha?i la` va^'n dde^` nha^n su+. ma` la` va^'n
> > dde^` ho+.p pha'p hoa' (cho ba'o gia^'y). Nhu+
> > chu'ng ta dda~ bie^'t la`m ba'o gia^'y thi` tu+
> > nha^n kho^ng ddu+o+.c phe'p la`m, chi? co' the^?
> > la`m ddu+o+.c khi co' mo^.t co+ quan chu? qua?n
> > tru+.c thuo^.c. La^`n tru+'oc anh ddi.nh ke^u
> > go.i tha`nh la^.p Ho^.i ngu+o+`i su+? Linux
> > va` pha^`n me^`m nguo^`n mo+? VN, nhu+ va^.y se~
> > co' co+ quan chu? qua?n co' con da^'u / pha'p
> > nha^n thi` chu'ng ta co' the^? ra ba'o va` to^?
> > chu+'c ca'c hoa.t ddo^.ng kha'c ddu+o+.c. Vi' du.
> > nhu+ to^? chu+'c nga`y pha^`n me^`m tu+. do\.
> > Co`n la`m tre^n ma` kho^ng co' ddo^.ng co+
> > thu'c dda^?y, kho^ng co' co+ quan dda.i die^.n
> > ho+.p pha'p thi` ddu'ng la` kho' pha't trie^?n.
> > Ne^'u co' ddu+o+.c thi` chuye^.n quan he^. (PR)
> > chi? la` chuye^.n nho?. Anh nghi~ la` trong so^'
> > chu'ng ta co' nhie^`u ngu+o+`i trong nga`nh ba'o
> > chi' tha^.m chi' ca? ba'o hi`nh va` ba'o tie^'ng.
> Ne' ca'i u. dda^'t dda('p mo^ na`y ba(`ng chie^u DHSP ddu+o+.c

Re: [Vietlug] skype: noi chuyen Pc To Pc ro? ho+n dien thoai

2004-10-13 Hội thoại Hoang Tuan Quynh
On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 22:54:29 -0500, Larry Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hai Lua o+i,
> Skype dda~ ra ba?n beta cho Linux kha' la^u.  Chu+a tha^'y pha^`n me^`m
> na`o no'i ro~ nhu+ va^.y, nha^'t la` trong Linux. Kho?i pha?i lo va^'n
> dde^` behind NAT/firewall ra('c ro^'i nu+~a. Qua' e^m.
> No'i chuye^.n giu+~a Sa`i Go`n va` Houston ro~ ho+n ddie^.n thoa.i :)
> Next wish, video support :). Go.i tha(?ng to+'i phone thi` khoa?ng $.30/
> phu't. Re? ho+n nhie^`u so vo+'i VoIP service kha'c.
> -Larry

Ca'i Skype na`y kho^ng support Authenticate Proxy :-( Trong ma`
du`ng AD dde^? config internet access la` bo' tay.

No cheers,

Em Quy`nh

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Lam sao viet script de telnet tu dong

2004-10-13 Hội thoại Viet Hung
Ba`i hu+o+'ng da^~n cu?a ba.n hay va` chi tie^'t

Nhu+ng ma` ca'i server ddo' o+? nu+o+'c ngoa`i, mi`nh
kho^ng co' quye^`n 
ca`i SSH ddu+o+.c.

Du` sao thi` cu~ng ca?m o+n ba.n.

Viet Hung


> Cha`o Hu`ng,
> Hu`ng ne^n xa`i SSH ddi.
> Vo+'i SSH Hu`ng co' the^? du`ng public key
authentication tha`nh ra 
> kho^ng ca^`n du`ng dde^'n
> user/pass nu+~a.
> Co' the^? xa`i the^m keychain du`ng dde^? lu+u ca'c
key kho?i pha?i 
> go~ la.i passphrase cho private key.
> Vi' du. cho OpenSSH version 2:
> Ta.o ra key pair (public/private key)
> # ssh-keygen -t dsa  -C "my key"
> go~ va`o passphrase cho ca'i private key
> Ca`i va`o the^m ca'i keychain dde^? khi log va`o
thi` keychain se~ 
> lu+u ca'i private key mo^.t la^`n ma` tho^i.
> Tre^n server ca`i va`o ssh server.
> Trong file /etc/ssh/sshd_config ba?o dda?m ra(`ng
co' do`ng sau.
> PubkeyAuthentication yes
> Du`ng #scp publickey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/
> #cat publickey >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2
> Khi dda~ ke^'t thu'c thi` Hu`ng co' the^? du`ng
le^.nh # ssh 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] dde^? log in la` xong :)
> Nguye^~n Duy Tho.
> Viet Hung wrote:
>> Hi ca'c ba'c!
>> Do co^ng vie^.c em pha?i thu+o+`ng xuye^n telnet
>> ma'y server.
>> Mo^~i la^`n nhu+ va^.y pha?i go~: telnet ,
>> nha^.p user & pass vo^. Cu+.c qua'!!!
>> Ho^?ng bie^'t co' ca'ch na`o dde^? ta.o file
(script /
>> tool) telnet login tu+. ddo^.ng (kho^ng pha?i go~
te^n server, user
>> & pass) ???
>> Ca?m o+n nhie^`u.
>> Viet Hung

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VietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] Lam sao viet script de telnet tu dong

2004-10-13 Hội thoại Viet Hung
Hi ca'c ba'c!

Do co^ng vie^.c em pha?i thu+o+`ng xuye^n telnet vo^
ma'y server.
Mo^~i la^`n nhu+ va^.y pha?i go~: telnet , ro^`i
nha^.p user & pass 
vo^. Cu+.c qua'!!!

Ho^?ng bie^'t co' ca'ch na`o dde^? ta.o file (script /
tool) telnet 
login tu+. ddo^.ng (kho^ng pha?i go~ te^n server, user
& pass) ???

Ca?m o+n nhie^`u.

Viet Hung

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Lam sao viet script de telnet tu dong

2004-10-13 Hội thoại [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cha`o Hu`ng,
Hu`ng ne^n xa`i SSH ddi.
Vo+'i SSH Hu`ng co' the^? du`ng public key authentication tha`nh ra 
kho^ng ca^`n du`ng dde^'n
user/pass nu+~a.
Co' the^? xa`i the^m keychain du`ng dde^? lu+u ca'c key kho?i pha?i go~ 
la.i passphrase cho private key.
Vi' du. cho OpenSSH version 2:
Ta.o ra key pair (public/private key)
# ssh-keygen -t dsa  -C "my key"
go~ va`o passphrase cho ca'i private key
Ca`i va`o the^m ca'i keychain dde^? khi log va`o thi` keychain se~ lu+u 
ca'i private key mo^.t la^`n ma` tho^i.

Tre^n server ca`i va`o ssh server.
Trong file /etc/ssh/sshd_config ba?o dda?m ra(`ng co' do`ng sau.
PubkeyAuthentication yes
Du`ng #scp publickey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/
#cat publickey >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2
Khi dda~ ke^'t thu'c thi` Hu`ng co' the^? du`ng le^.nh # ssh 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] dde^? log in la` xong :)

Nguye^~n Duy Tho.
Viet Hung wrote:
Hi ca'c ba'c!
Do co^ng vie^.c em pha?i thu+o+`ng xuye^n telnet vo^
ma'y server.
Mo^~i la^`n nhu+ va^.y pha?i go~: telnet , ro^`i
nha^.p user & pass 
vo^. Cu+.c qua'!!!

Ho^?ng bie^'t co' ca'ch na`o dde^? ta.o file (script /
tool) telnet 
login tu+. ddo^.ng (kho^ng pha?i go~ te^n server, user
& pass) ???

Ca?m o+n nhie^`u.
Viet Hung

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Re: VietLUG e-zine: Loi nhuan hay phi loi nhuan

2004-10-13 Hội thoại Le Thanh Phong
pclouds wrote:
Ok, la`m ba'o thu+o+ng ma.i cu~ng to^'t. Va^.y ai/to^?
chu+'c/nho'm na`o se~ ddu+'ng ra la`m ba'o ? VietLUG, dda so^' toa`n
da^n ky~ thua^.t, tha`nh pha^`n pha^n ta'n kha('p no+i, kha' nhie^`u
tha`nh vie^n ti'ch cu+.c dde^`u dda~ co' co^ng a(n vie^.c la`m .. 
-> kho' co' the^? ddu+'ng ra to^? chu+'c (chuye^.n ta`i chi'nh, qua?ng
ca'o, tie^'p thi., in a^'n, ti`m qua?ng ca'o ...). Kho^ng bie^'t co'
ai ddu+'ng ra la^.p ca'i linux-zine cho ba` con co' ca'i dde^? ddo.c (va`
dde^? .. khoe :D ) kho^ng?


To pi co*` lao : Thi` mi`nh chi? de^` nghi. vo*'i ca'c ba'c thui :D, 
mi`nh hie^?u ro~
hoa`n ca?nh cu?a VietLUG bi gio*` to^? chu*'c mo^.t to*` ba'o thu*o*ng 
ma.i ra^'t
kho' nhu*ng do' la` mong muo^'n cu?a mi`nh va` la` die^`u to^'t cho su*. 
pha't trie^?n
la^u da`i va` vu*~ng ma.nh. Co' ca^u "nothing impossible" and "no matter 
what problems,
the problems is always people" :D ... Tha^'y hi`nh chu.p tre^n Vietlug 
site tha`nh vie^n
VietLug do^ng qua' cho*`i va` hoa`n toa`n co' co* so*? de^? thu*.c 
hie^.n, die^?m chu?
ye^'u la` ... Are "ca'c ba'c" willing to do it or not ? :D

Tu*'c nhie^n, du` co' free hoa(.c la` commercial thi` mi`nh va^~n u?ng 
ho^. VietLUG eZine,
nhu*ng mi`nh thi` prefer commercial :D

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Re: [Vietlug] Chuong trinh nao tot de ve va xu ly cac anh tren Linux

2004-10-13 Hội thoại Viet Hung

GIMP is very good.

Viet Hung

Larry Nguyen wrote:

>On 10:23:57 pm 10/12/04 Viet Hung
>>Hi ca'c ba'c!
>>Em ddang la`m ma^'y ca'i documents va` ca^`n ve~
>>hi`nh a?nh minh ho.a.
>>Ca'c ba'c co' the^? go'p y' cho em chu+o+ng tri`nh
>>na`o to^'t cho vie^.c
>>na`y kho^ng.
>>Cha(?ng le~ la.i quay sang chu' M$ sao?
>>Ca?m o+n tru+o+'c.
>>Viet Hung
>Tre^n Linux thi` va^'n dde^` na`y 0 = Win hay Mac.
Ba'c xem thu+? Gimp,
> Co' the^? xa`i ddu+o+.c.

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Re: [Vietlug] IDE in linux

2004-10-13 Hội thoại Viet Hung
C/C++: KDevelop & Qt Designer.
Eclipse cu~ng co' plugin cho C/C++

Ba'c thu+? du`ng Qt Designer trong FC2 chu+a. Tuye^.t

Good luck.
Viet Hung

Nhan Thanh Le wrote:

>Neu ba.n lap tri`nh ngo^n ngu*~ Java thi` Eclipse is
the best choice do'
>or la` NeatBean cu~ng good la('m
>Have fun
>On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 07:16, Nguyen Xuan Son wrote:
>>Chao cac bac,
>>Toi von quen lap trinh tren WIndow, nay dinh thu lap
trinh tren Linux, cac
>>bac co the cho biet co cac IDE nao de dung, free
khong? Y toi khong noi den
>>cac editor nhu VI hay Emacs, toi chua thanh expert
de dung nhung thu nay.

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Re: [Vietlug] Re: VietLUG e-zine: Loi nhuan hay phi loi nhuan

2004-10-13 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Wednesday 13 October 2004 02:45 am, Phan Thái Trung wrote:
> --- pclouds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ok, la`m ba'o thu+o+ng ma.i cu~ng to^'t. Va^.y
> > ai/to^?
> > chu+'c/nho'm na`o se~ ddu+'ng ra la`m ba'o ?
> > VietLUG, dda so^' toa`n
> > da^n ky~ thua^.t, tha`nh pha^`n pha^n ta'n
> > kha('p no+i, kha' nhie^`u
> > tha`nh vie^n ti'ch cu+.c dde^`u dda~ co' co^ng
> > a(n vie^.c la`m ..
> > -> kho' co' the^? ddu+'ng ra to^? chu+'c
> > (chuye^.n ta`i chi'nh, qua?ng
> > ca'o, tie^'p thi., in a^'n, ti`m qua?ng ca'o
> > ...). Kho^ng bie^'t co'
> > ai ddu+'ng ra la^.p ca'i linux-zine cho ba` con
> > co' ca'i dde^? ddo.c (va`
> > dde^? .. khoe :D ) kho^ng?
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 12:50:29PM +0300, Le
> >
> > Thanh Phong wrote:
> > > Viec to chuc cho mot bai bao mien phi tren
> >
> > tinh than tu nguyen ban dau
> >
> > > thi rat la de to chuc, mo mot website, keu
> >
> > goi moi nguoi viet bai .v.v...
> >
> > > the nhung cai van de khong phai la before
> >
> > that ma la after that, co the
> >
> > > thay ngay dieu can ban dau tien la khong ai
> >
> > chiu viet bai het, hoac co
> >
> > > cung chi la binh thuong, thieu su cham soc.
> >
> > Va dieu cui cung la no se
> >
> > > khong keo dai lau dai duoc.
> Ne^'u la`m thu+o+ng ma.i ga^y quy~ thi` to^'t
> nha^'t la` la`m ba'o gia^'y\. Theo anh kho^ng
> pha?i la` va^'n dde^` nha^n su+. ma` la` va^'n
> dde^` ho+.p pha'p hoa' (cho ba'o gia^'y). Nhu+
> chu'ng ta dda~ bie^'t la`m ba'o gia^'y thi` tu+
> nha^n kho^ng ddu+o+.c phe'p la`m, chi? co' the^?
> la`m ddu+o+.c khi co' mo^.t co+ quan chu? qua?n
> tru+.c thuo^.c. La^`n tru+'oc anh ddi.nh ke^u
> go.i tha`nh la^.p Ho^.i ngu+o+`i su+? Linux
> va` pha^`n me^`m nguo^`n mo+? VN, nhu+ va^.y se~
> co' co+ quan chu? qua?n co' con da^'u / pha'p
> nha^n thi` chu'ng ta co' the^? ra ba'o va` to^?
> chu+'c ca'c hoa.t ddo^.ng kha'c ddu+o+.c. Vi' du.
> nhu+ to^? chu+'c nga`y pha^`n me^`m tu+. do\.
> Co`n la`m tre^n ma` kho^ng co' ddo^.ng co+
> thu'c dda^?y, kho^ng co' co+ quan dda.i die^.n
> ho+.p pha'p thi` ddu'ng la` kho' pha't trie^?n.
> Ne^'u co' ddu+o+.c thi` chuye^.n quan he^. (PR)
> chi? la` chuye^.n nho?. Anh nghi~ la` trong so^'
> chu'ng ta co' nhie^`u ngu+o+`i trong nga`nh ba'o
> chi' tha^.m chi' ca? ba'o hi`nh va` ba'o tie^'ng.

Ne' ca'i u. dda^'t dda('p mo^ na`y ba(`ng chie^u DHSP ddu+o+.c kho^ng? Nhu+ng 
e ra(`ng nhie^`u ngu+o+`i kho^ng thi'ch. Kho^ng thi'ch hoa(.c nghi nga.i.

La^.p ddu+o+.c Ho^.i (co' tu+ ca'ch pha'p nha^n) thi` so^' da'ch ro^`i. Nhu+ng 
chu+a nhu'c nhi'ch ma` tui da'm no'i: nha^'t ddinh se~ co' ngu+o+`i pha' 

Du` sao ba`n dde^'n dda^y mo+'i go.i la` ba`n to+'i sa't xu+o+ng su+o+`n cu?a 
no' ro^`i. Chi? co`n ca'i xu+o+ng so^'ng la` coi nhu+ ba`n ma` chu+a ba`n 
to+'i. Tie^`n dda^u?

m k h _ s g n

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] IDE in linux

2004-10-13 Hội thoại Nhan Thanh Le
Neu ba.n lap tri`nh ngo^n ngu*~ Java thi` Eclipse is the best choice do'
or la` NeatBean cu~ng good la('m 
Have fun
On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 07:16, Nguyen Xuan Son wrote:
> Chao cac bac,
> Toi von quen lap trinh tren WIndow, nay dinh thu lap trinh tren Linux, cac
> bac co the cho biet co cac IDE nao de dung, free khong? Y toi khong noi den
> cac editor nhu VI hay Emacs, toi chua thanh expert de dung nhung thu nay.
> XS
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