Re: [Vietlug] Ke.t dda.n trong Slackware

2004-11-03 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Thursday 04 November 2004 08:57 am, chairuou wrote:
> $xwmconfig
> cho.n KDE
> $startx
> tro+? la.i nhu+ lu'c mo+'i ca`i
> PS: chie^u na`y chi? 1 la^`n ro^`i

Ca'm o+n Chairuou.
La^`n tru+o+'c co' nha^.n ddu+o+.c, co' thu+.c ta^.p, nhu+ng que^n tha^`n 
chu'. Ro^`i vo^ y' ma^'t tie^u mo^.t mo+' meo . . .hehe.

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Ke.t dda.n trong Slackware

2004-11-03 Hội thoại chairuou
On Wed, 3 Nov 2004 18:42:28 +0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Cha`o ca'c Slackers
> Va^.y pha?i la`m sao dde^? fix vu. na`y? (tro+? la.i nhu+ lu'c mo+'i ca`i, go~
> startx thi` no' cho va`o kde).
> Ca'm o+n ca'c ba.n.

cho.n KDE
tro+? la.i nhu+ lu'c mo+'i ca`i

PS: chie^u na`y chi? 1 la^`n ro^`i

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[Vietlug] mount: error 6 mounting ext3 flags defaults

2004-11-03 Hội thoại Thanh Phong
Ti'p do`ng tho+`i su+. , sau khi ta.o la.i file initrd.img 1 la^`n nu+~a
ba(`ng mkinitrd ... xem ra mo.i thu+' kha' la` okie ... va` ke^'t qua? cu~ng
ba'o la module cho ext3 cu~ng da~ du+o+.c na.p va`o initrd.img ... nhu^+ng
ro^`i de^'n ca'i lo^~i na`y xua^'t hie^.n :)

mount: error 6 mounting ext3 flags defaults

(ext3 module ba'o la` na.p okie ro^`i)

Xem ra ca'i lo^~i na`y ra^'t la` tho^ng cho kernel image cu?a
mandrake. Em search tre^n google thi` toa`n bo^. nhu+~ng ngu+o+`i ga(.p
lo^~i na`y de^`u co' di'nh lie^'u de^'n Mandrake kernel image. Co' ve? nhu+
da^y la` lo^~i cu?a Mandrake hay la` Mandrake kho^ng chi.u bie^n
tha(?ng ext3 driver vo^ lun :)

Co' lo+`i gia?i thi'ch kha'c la` ext3 driver ne^'u du`ng nhu+ loadable
module thi` hay ga(.p lo^~i ... Thie^.t la` ngo^.  :)

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Re: [Vietlug] Mobile Desktop

2004-11-03 Hội thoại Le Thanh Phong

Xin ca'm o+n mo.i ngu+o+`i va` ba'c Ba'ch Vie^.t ra^'t nhie^`u,

Du'ng la server Solaris su+? Sambar de^? share files. Ho^m nay mo+'i
co'the^? test du+o+.c ... :D Thu+.c su+ la` ra^'t tuye^.t vo+`i :)

On Fri, 29 Oct 2004, Viet Bach wrote:

> Ne^'u tho^ng thu+o+`ng ba.n du`ng ddu+o+.c "Map network drive" tre^n
> Windows dde^? va`o home directory cu?a mi`nh tre^n ma'y chu? Solaris
> thi` co' nghia~ la` ma'y chu? ddo' ddu+o+ng cha.y Samba, mo^.t pha^`n
> me^`m dde^? share file du`ng protocol smb tu+o+ng tu+. nhu+ he^.
> ddie^`u ha`nh Windows.
> Muo^'n truy ca^.p smb shares tu+` Linux LiveCD thi` co' nhie^`u ca'ch,
> tu`y thuo^.c va`o giao die^.n ba.n ddu+o+ng du`ng.
> 1) Gnome:
>Kho+?i ddo^.ng Nautilus (file browsing) nha^.p va`o Location:
> smb:///
> 2) KDE:
>Kho+?i ddo^.ng Konqueror (file/web browsing), Location: smb:///
> 3) Shell window:
>smbclient -L 
> Sau ddo' thi` se~ tha^'y he^'t ca'c workgroup cu?a ca'c server tre^n
>  Truy ca^.p va`o home directory cu?a mi`nh se~ tha^'y ho?i
> username/password.
> Ngoa`i ra, ne^'u Solaris server co' cha.y NFS thi` co' the^? du`ng
> nfs mount. Kie^?m tra xem server co' cha.y NFS ba(`ng le^.nh:
> showmount -e 
> Ne^'u tha^'y home directory trong danh sa'ch export thi` mount nhu+
> sau:
> mount :/filepath/to/home /mnt
> Viet
> --- Le Thanh Phong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Cha`o mo.i ngu+o+`i,
> >
> > Ne^'u su+? ke^'t ho+.p vo+'i LiveCD thi` co' the^? ta.o tha`nh
> > 1
> > mobile desktop, nhu+ng va^'n de^` mi`nh ga(.p pha?i la` mi`nh
> > ca^`n
> > mount ca'i directory cu?a mi`nh tre^n 1 ma'y chu? Unix Solaris trong
> > tru+o+`ng. Mo^~i mo^.t sinh vie^n du+o+.c ca^'p cho 1 account tre^n
> > he^.
> > tho^'ng Unix de^? lu+u tru+~ ba`i ta^.p, tho^ng thu+o+`ng thi` mi`nh
> > du`ng "Map network drive" tre^n Windows, nhu+ng bi gio+` vo+'i LiveCD
> > thi` ca'c ba.n co' gia?i pha'p na`o hie^.u qua? kho^ng nhi? .. Lie^.u
> > NFS
> > co' the^? du+o+.c kho^ng ? (Lu+u y' la` mi`nh kho^ng co' quye^`n root
> > tre^n ma'y chu? Unix)
> >
> > Xin ca'm o+n cho mo.i lo+`i de^` nghi. hoa(.c giu'p do+~ ...
> >
> >
> > ---
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> >
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> >
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Phong [Zeronen]

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Re: [Vietlug] Xin Grub config file cho vnLinux

2004-11-03 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 6:22:33 am 11/03/04 "Thanh Phong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Xin ca'm o+n mo.i ngu+o+`i ra^'t nhie^`u cho su+. giu'p do+~ ra^'t
> ta^.n ti`nh,
> O^? di~a chu+'a Linux la` Primary IDE Master bus va` co' 4 pha^n
> vu`ng ,
> 1: Boot Partition
> 2: Root Partition
> 3: Swap Partition
> 4: Du`ng rie^ng FAT32
> Sau khi bi. tru.c tra(.c do install giu+~a chu+`ng thi` em mo+'i la`m
> vie^.c ho+i bu+o+?i ti' xi'u la` che'p toa`n files va` thu+ mu.c o+?
> thu+ mu.c /boot tre^n vnlinuxCD qua boot partition va` do^`ng tho+Ã
> hie^.n nay o+? thu+ mu.c boot cu?a root partition sau bu+o+'c 4 qua'
> tri`nh ca`i da(.t cu~ng da~ che'p he^'t qua ... kie^+m tra
> okie
> Va`o grub, che^' do^. command 'c' go~ la^`n lu+o+.t
> > kernel (hd0,2)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda3 devfs=mount acpi=ht
> splash=silent vga=788
> > initrd (hd0,2)/boot/initrd.img
> Thi` qua' tri`nh ti'p tu.c cu'i cu`ng ba'o lo^~i la`
> pivot_root: pivot_root(/sysroot, /sysroot/initrd) failed 2
> No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel
> Lo^~i na`y co' ve? nhu+ mount sai partition, nhu+ng ma` partition
> dÃ^`u da~ cho.n du'ng mah, tha^.t la` ki` la.  Cu~ng kho^ng the^?
> naà thie^'u file du+o+.c vi` toa`n bo^. file tre^n CD da~ du+o+.c
> che'p sang.

Make sure Phong co' ta.o thu+ mu.c tro^'ng /sys (hay /sysroot, can't
remember), initrd se~ du`ng thu+ mu.c na`y khi boot up. 



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Re: [Vietlug] Xin Grub config file cho vnLinux

2004-11-03 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Wednesday 03 November 2004 07:22 pm, Thanh Phong wrote:
> Xin ca'm o+n mo.i ngu+o+`i ra^'t nhie^`u cho su+. giu'p do+~ ra^'t ta^.n
> ti`nh,
> O^? di~a chu+'a Linux la` Primary IDE Master bus va` co' 4 pha^n vu`ng ,
> 1: Boot Partition
> 2: Root Partition
Mi`nh thi` nhe't ca? hai va`o mo^.t ext3 logical partition cho ddo+~ phie^`n
> 3: Swap Partition
> 4: Du`ng rie^ng FAT32
> Sau khi bi. tru.c tra(.c do install giu+~a chu+`ng thi` em mo+'i la`m
> vie^.c ho+i bu+o+?i ti' xi'u la` che'p 

Sao la.i che'p nhi?? 
Co' mo^.t ca'i icon na(`m tre^n Desktop da`nh rie^ng cho vie^.c install na`y 
co+ ma`?

> toa`n files va` thu+ mu.c o+? thu+ 
> mu.c /boot tre^n vnlinuxCD qua boot partition va` do^`ng tho+Ã hie^.n nay
> o+? thu+ mu.c boot cu?a root partition sau bu+o+'c 4 qua' tri`nh ca`i da(.t
> cu~ng da~ che'p he^'t qua ... kie^+m tra okie
> Va`o grub, che^' do^. command 'c' go~ la^`n lu+o+.t
> >kernel (hd0,2)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda3 devfs=mount acpi=ht
> splash=silent vga=788
> >initrd (hd0,2)/boot/initrd.img
> Thi` qua' tri`nh ti'p tu.c cu'i cu`ng ba'o lo^~i la`
> pivot_root: pivot_root(/sysroot, /sysroot/initrd) failed 2
> No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel
> Lo^~i na`y co' ve? nhu+ mount sai partition, nhu+ng ma` partition dÃ^`u da~
> cho.n du'ng mah, tha^.t la` ki` la.  Cu~ng kho^ng the^? naà thie^'u file
> du+o+.c vi` toa`n bo^. file tre^n CD da~ du+o+.c che'p sang.

Ne^'u tha^'y GRUB kho^ng quen tay thi` qua^'t LILO va`o cu~ng dda(.ng ma`.

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Re: [Vietlug] Xin Grub config file cho vnLinux

2004-11-03 Hội thoại Thanh Phong
Xin ca'm o+n mo.i ngu+o+`i ra^'t nhie^`u cho su+. giu'p do+~ ra^'t ta^.n

O^? di~a chu+'a Linux la` Primary IDE Master bus va` co' 4 pha^n vu`ng ,

1: Boot Partition
2: Root Partition
3: Swap Partition
4: Du`ng rie^ng FAT32

Sau khi bi. tru.c tra(.c do install giu+~a chu+`ng thi` em mo+'i la`m vie^.c
ho+i bu+o+?i ti' xi'u la` che'p toa`n files va` thu+ mu.c o+? thu+ mu.c
/boot tre^n vnlinuxCD qua boot partition va` do^`ng tho+Ã hie^.n nay o+?
thu+ mu.c boot cu?a root partition sau bu+o+'c 4 qua' tri`nh ca`i da(.t
cu~ng da~ che'p he^'t qua ... kie^+m tra okie

Va`o grub, che^' do^. command 'c' go~ la^`n lu+o+.t

>kernel (hd0,2)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda3 devfs=mount acpi=ht
splash=silent vga=788
>initrd (hd0,2)/boot/initrd.img

Thi` qua' tri`nh ti'p tu.c cu'i cu`ng ba'o lo^~i la`

pivot_root: pivot_root(/sysroot, /sysroot/initrd) failed 2

No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel

Lo^~i na`y co' ve? nhu+ mount sai partition, nhu+ng ma` partition dÃ^`u da~
cho.n du'ng mah, tha^.t la` ki` la.  Cu~ng kho^ng the^? naà thie^'u file
du+o+.c vi` toa`n bo^. file tre^n CD da~ du+o+.c che'p sang.

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[Vietlug] Ke.t dda.n trong Slackware

2004-11-03 Hội thoại maikhai04
Cha`o ca'c Slackers

Go~ $ startx no' nha?y ngay va`o windowmaker, ne^n tui thu+? go~

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ startkde
xset:  unable to open display ""
xset:  unable to open display ""
xset:  unable to open display ""
xset:  unable to open display ""
xsetroot:  unable to open display ''
startkde: Starting up...
ksplash: cannot connect to X server
kdeinit: Aborting. $DISPLAY is not set.
Warning: connect() failed: : No such file or directory
ksmserver: cannot connect to X server
startkde: Shutting down...
Warning: connect() failed: : No such file or directory
Error: Can't contact kdeinit!
startkde: Running shutdown scripts...
startkde: Done.

Va^.y pha?i la`m sao dde^? fix vu. na`y? (tro+? la.i nhu+ lu'c mo+'i ca`i, go~ 
startx thi` no' cho va`o kde).
Ca'm o+n ca'c ba.n.

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Xin Grub config file cho vnLinux

2004-11-03 Hội thoại kasumoto
cha`o ca'c ba'c,

On Wed, 2004-11-03 at 10:40, Larry Nguyen wrote:
> On 5:32:42 pm 11/02/04 "Thanh Phong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Cha`o mo.i ngu+o+`i,
> >
> > Ne^'u ai co' che'p vnlinuxCD xuo^'ng di~a cu+'ng ro^`i thi` co' the^?
> > vui lo`ng cho mi`nh xin file 'menu.lst' trong thu+ mu.c /boot/grub
> > ... Ra^'t ca'm o+n mo.i ngu+o+`i.
> >
> > Gu+?i ba'c Larry : Kho^? no^?i la` ma'y cu?a em kho^ng co' o^? di~a
> > me^`m ... ne^n em cu~ng mu'n nha^n di.p na`y ho.c so+ qua ve^` qua'
> > tri`nh boot tre^n Linux, chi? co`n ca'i file config cho grub nu+~a
> > thi` cha('c la` okie ro^`i.
> >
> >
> Here it is...
> timeout 10
> [snipped]
> initrd (hd0,2)/boot/initrd.img
> Good luck!
> -Larry

ne^'u kho^ng lu+o+`i thi` ddo.c ba`i "Su+? GRUB" cu?a ba'c Nie^n.
Co' the^? la^'y o+? dda^y:
hi`nh "ne^`n" (splash images) dde^? trang ddie^?m cho GRUB:

GNU script:
while 1
mkdir love
cd love
touch love

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