Re: [Vietlug] [OT] Buon cuoi voi gmail dot com

2005-01-17 Hội thoại chairuou
n Tue, 18 Jan 2005 09:19:38 +0700, maikhai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hehe! Va^'n
> dde^` kho^ng pha?i la` kho^ng hie^?u (nhu+ng kho^ng hie^?u tha^.t), va^'n
> dde^` la` kho^ng  . . . thi'ch! Te^n gi` ma` maikhucdothai! do`m vo^ tha^'y
> ngu+'a con ma('t. Gia? su+? da^n Vie^.t Nam co+~ chu+`ng va`i ti? ngu+o+`i, 
> thu nha^.p dda^`u ngu+o+`i chu+`ng va`i tra(m nghi`n  do^ la/na(m, ca?
> nu+o+'c co' chu`ng 1,5 ti? ca'i computers, thi` tha(`ng Gmail nha^'t ddi.nh
> pha?i nghie^n ki'u ki~ la('m tru+o+'c khi tung ra sa?n pha^?m.
> Hie^.n nay, form 156 cu?a Bo^. Ngoa.i Giao Hoa Ky` cu~ng chie^`u theo  . . .
> thi. hie^'u cu?a da^n mi't, cho ghi nga`y tha'ng na(m sinh theo kie^?u VN,
> cha^'p nha^.n cho ghi te^n theo kie^?u VN (Le^ Va(n Xoa`i thay vi` Xoa`i Le^
> Va(n). 
> Ta.i sao ngu+'a ma('t? Vi` ra(`ng va(n hoa' cu?a mi`nh thi` kho^ng ddu+o+.c
> coi, va(n hoa' cu?a ho. mo+'i ngon. Ta.i sao bo.n Gmail kho^ng go.i 
> la` tha(`ng Ladel Bin Osama ddi? Hay ho^`i tru+o+'c sao kho^ng go.i Tung Tse
> Mao ( DDo^ng Mao) ddi? Go.i no' nhu+ the^' kho^ng chu+`ng no' ta'ng
> cho mo^.t qua? mi`n va`o mo~m lie^`n!
> Ky` thi. la` ca'i tho^'i tha nha^'t tre^n ddo+`i.
> m k h _ s g n

Mission Impossible ta^.p mo+'i cu. a.

Ki'nh !
> ===
> Vie^'t the^m :
> Nha^n dda^y tui xin ne^u mo^.t y' kha'c :
> Khi ddang ky' [EMAIL PROTECTED] ma` ho. chi? (only) cho maikhuc.hai@
> hoa(.c mai.maikhai04@ la` bo+?i vi` ca'i maikhuc@ dda~ co' ngu+o+`i na`o
> ddo' xa`i ma^'t ro^`i. 
> Nhu+ng ddo' la` vi` programer vie^'t ca'i chu+o+ng tri`nh ddo' co`n do+?.
> Ho. so+. [EMAIL PROTECTED] dda~ dda(ng ky' tru+o+'c tru`ng vo+'i
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (la` tui) da(ng ky' sau. Ta.i sao kho^ng nghi~ ra ca'ch
> na`o dde^? nga^`m ddi.nh 2 ca'i [EMAIL PROTECTED] la` kha'c nhau? (nha^'t
> ddi.nh pha?i co' ca'ch) 
> vi' du. ca(n cu+' va`o nga`y gio+` ddang ky', va`o so^' dien thoai dang ky,
> va`o ca'c con so ngay tha'ng na(m sinh vv. Nhu+~ng chi tie^'t na`y kho^ng
> ca^`n pha?i display ma` co' the^? hidden. 
> Co' the^? co' tru+o+`ng ho+.p :
> O^ng A nha^.n mo^.t lu'c 7 ca'i mails, 3 ca'i tu+` [EMAIL PROTECTED] (cu?a
> anh B) va` 4 ca'i tu+` [EMAIL PROTECTED] (cu?a chi. C).  7 ca'i mails ddo'
> va^~n ddi tre^n to+'i box cu?a o^ng A, nhu+ng khi do.c chu'ng, o^ng A
> di~ nhie^n co' the^? pha^n bie^.t ddu+o+.c.
> 7 ca'i mails na`y khi cu`ng lu'c dde^'n mail server thi` sao? Thi` kho^ng
> sao ca?, ma'y chu? tu+. no' pha?i nha^.n ra, nghi~a la` ngu+o+`i vie^'t
> hu+o+ng tri`nh mail server pha?i ngu+`a tru+o+'c chuye^.n na`y.
> Va`i y' tho^ thie^?n, post le^n dde^? ca'c ba.n go'p ba`n cho vui List. Gia?
> su+? no' la` kha? thi, thi` ba.n na`o no^.i lu+.c tha^m ha^.u cho+i ngay
> mo^.t qua?, co' ddem ba'n software cho Gmail thi` nho+' hu' ddi uo^'ng bia.
> m k h _ s g n

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[Vietlug] Unread mails in Thunderbird

2005-01-17 Hội thoại maikhai

Hi All!

Mozilla Thunderbird 0.9 do Sarge ddu+a ve^` cho mi`nh xa`i, co' ddie^?m
ba^'t tie^.n :

Khi co' na(m ba?y ca'i unread mails na(`m ra?i ra'c trong Inbox ma`
mi`nh muo^'n ti`m ddo.c, thi` pha?i ke'o chuo^.t ra^'t kungfu, ke'o
nhanh qua' la` no' vuo+.t de`n ddo? lie^`n. Pha?i ti`m to+'i ti`m lui
mo^.t ho^`i mo+'i cho^.p ddu+o+.c no'. Ro^`i la.i pha?i thi trie^?n
kungfu nu+~a dde^? ddo.c ca'i meo unread kha'c.

La`m sao chi? click mo^.t ca'i thi` All Unread Mails tu+. gom la.i
mo^.t cu.c cho mi`nh xu+? ly'?

Ne^'u Thunderbird chu+a co' feature na`y, ba.n na`o vie^'t mo^.t ca'i
ddem ba'n cho Mozilla la^'y tie^`n nha^.u cho+i.

m k h _ s g n

Re: [Vietlug] Unread mails in Thunderbird

2005-01-17 Hội thoại maikhai
chairuou wrote:
con cha? du`ng nhu+ng con da'm cha('c no' co' ca'i Option nhu+ va^.y,
cu. ti`m trong ca'i Menu View xem a.

Hehe het uo^'ng . . . ruou ro^`i! Trong View qua? co' no', sort by read, 
chi? cho.t mo^.t ca'i la` gom tha`nh ddo^'ng ngay.

Va^.y la` no' kho^ng do+? ma` tui do+? e.c!
m k h _ s g n

The SF.Net email is sponsored by: Beat the post-holiday blues
Get a FREE limited edition t-shirt from ThinkGeek.
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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Unread mails in Thunderbird

2005-01-17 Hội thoại Nigel Nguyen
Day la` link de giai queyt chuyen Unread:

Va` day la` cach giai quyet:

To display only the unread messages in a folder with Mozilla
Thunderbird, Netscape or Mozilla:

* Select View | Messages | Unread from the menu. 

To bring back all the read mail, choose View | Messages | All.

On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 10:13:40 +0700, chairuou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 09:37:45 +0700, maikhai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi All!
> >
> > Mozilla Thunderbird 0.9 do Sarge ddu+a ve^` cho mi`nh xa`i, co' ddie^?m
> > ba^'t tie^.n :
> >
> > Khi co' na(m ba?y ca'i unread mails na(`m ra?i ra'c trong Inbox ma` mi`nh
> > muo^'n ti`m ddo.c, thi` pha?i ke'o chuo^.t ra^'t kungfu, ke'o nhanh qua' la`
> > no' vuo+.t de`n ddo? lie^`n. Pha?i ti`m to+'i ti`m lui mo^.t ho^`i mo+'i
> > cho^.p ddu+o+.c no'. Ro^`i la.i pha?i thi trie^?n kungfu nu+~a dde^? ddo.c
> > ca'i meo unread kha'c.
> >
> > La`m sao chi? click mo^.t ca'i thi` All Unread Mails tu+. gom la.i mo^.t
> > cu.c cho mi`nh xu+? ly'?
> >
> > Ne^'u Thunderbird chu+a co' feature na`y, ba.n na`o vie^'t mo^.t ca'i ddem
> > ba'n cho Mozilla la^'y tie^`n nha^.u cho+i.
> con cha? du`ng nhu+ng con da'm cha('c no' co' ca'i Option nhu+ va^.y,
> cu. ti`m trong ca'i Menu View xem a.
> ---
> The SF.Net email is sponsored by: Beat the post-holiday blues
> Get a FREE limited edition t-shirt from ThinkGeek.
> It's fun and FREE -- well, almost
> ___
> VietLUG-users mailing list

Ask not what the computer can do for you
Ask what you can do with your computer.

The SF.Net email is sponsored by: Beat the post-holiday blues
Get a FREE limited edition t-shirt from ThinkGeek.
It's fun and FREE -- well, almost
VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] [OT] Buon cuoi voi gmail dot com

2005-01-17 Hội thoại Nigel Nguyen
Chao ba'c,

chau "ra suc" phan doi y tuong cu?a ba'c...

Gia? du. ba'c gui tin nha('n cho cha'u the nay: "chau cho ba'c o quan
nhau ABC, dia chi? 123 ngo~ XYZ ... (nha` cua xanh la' cay).." cha'u
toi ngo~ XYZ va` phat hien ra co den 10 quan nhau co dia chi 123 va`
phan biet bang ma`u sac (xanh do tim vang...) hu*`m ... neu ma` cha'u
bi. mu` ma`u thi` coi nhu* toi  chi.u ko biet dau ma` la^`n ...

Cung vay ... gia su gmail cho tinh nang na`y vao ... nhung mot so
mailserver do viet lau roi ... ko co' va` nguoi ta cung ko muon update
len :( hoac nguoi veit mailserver do ko chiu update len ... thi coi
nhung ... mail cu?a ba'c (maikhai - xi.n) va` cua ABC (maikhai -do?m)
na`o day khoi phan biet luon => phising  phising ...

Nhung du` sao ... nhu*~ng y tuong tuong lai .. de^`u die^n ro^` trong
con ma('t nguoi nay... ba'c thong ca?m ... :) neu chau co sai sot va
lo*~ mo^`m...

On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 09:19:38 +0700, maikhai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Pham Kim Long wrote: 
>  On Sun, 2 Jan 2005 18:51:11 +1300, Nigel Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote: 
>  BÃc cà thá tá chán email address mà :) Nigel On Sun, 02 Jan 2005 
> 06:39:29
> +0700, maikhai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>  Hi All! Gmail cà mát kiáu cho tÃn rát buán cÆái : Khi Äang kÃ
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] thà nà cho [EMAIL PROTECTED] CÃc bÃc khÃng hiáu
> gmail rái. Máy Äáa chá nÃy: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] chá là mát thÃi, gái Äán Äáa chá nÃo bÃc 
> maikhai cÅng
> nhán ÄÆác cá. Cá cho cÃi dot vÃo ÄÃu trÆác @ Äáu 
> ÄÆác. Chá cà ván Äá
> settings cáa gmail chÆa cho thay Äái from tá maikhuc.hai sang 
> maikhuchai,
> etc. Long Hehe! Va^'n dde^` kho^ng pha?i la` kho^ng hie^?u (nhu+ng kho^ng
> hie^?u tha^.t), va^'n dde^` la` kho^ng  . . . thi'ch! Te^n gi` ma`
> maikhucdothai! do`m vo^ tha^'y ngu+'a con ma('t. Gia? su+? da^n Vie^.t Nam
> co+~ chu+`ng va`i ti? ngu+o+`i,  thu nha^.p dda^`u ngu+o+`i chu+`ng va`i
> tra(m nghi`n  do^ la/na(m, ca? nu+o+'c co' chu`ng 1,5 ti? ca'i computers,
> thi` tha(`ng Gmail nha^'t ddi.nh pha?i nghie^n ki'u ki~ la('m tru+o+'c khi
> tung ra sa?n pha^?m.
>  Hie^.n nay, form 156 cu?a Bo^. Ngoa.i Giao Hoa Ky` cu~ng chie^`u theo  . .
> . thi. hie^'u cu?a da^n mi't, cho ghi nga`y tha'ng na(m sinh theo kie^?u VN,
> cha^'p nha^.n cho ghi te^n theo kie^?u VN (Le^ Va(n Xoa`i thay vi` Xoa`i Le^
> Va(n). 
>  Ta.i sao ngu+'a ma('t? Vi` ra(`ng va(n hoa' cu?a mi`nh thi` kho^ng ddu+o+.c
> coi, va(n hoa' cu?a ho. mo+'i ngon. Ta.i sao bo.n Gmail kho^ng go.i 
> la` tha(`ng Ladel Bin Osama ddi? Hay ho^`i tru+o+'c sao kho^ng go.i Tung Tse
> Mao ( DDo^ng Mao) ddi? Go.i no' nhu+ the^' kho^ng chu+`ng no' ta'ng
> cho mo^.t qua? mi`n va`o mo~m lie^`n!
>  Ky` thi. la` ca'i tho^'i tha nha^'t tre^n ddo+`i.
>  m k h _ s g n
>  ===
>  Vie^'t the^m :
>  Nha^n dda^y tui xin ne^u mo^.t y' kha'c :
>  Khi ddang ky' [EMAIL PROTECTED] ma` ho. chi? (only) cho maikhuc.hai@
> hoa(.c mai.maikhai04@ la` bo+?i vi` ca'i maikhuc@ dda~ co' ngu+o+`i na`o
> ddo' xa`i ma^'t ro^`i. 
>  Nhu+ng ddo' la` vi` programer vie^'t ca'i chu+o+ng tri`nh ddo' co`n do+?.
> Ho. so+. [EMAIL PROTECTED] dda~ dda(ng ky' tru+o+'c tru`ng vo+'i
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (la` tui) da(ng ky' sau. Ta.i sao kho^ng nghi~ ra ca'ch
> na`o dde^? nga^`m ddi.nh 2 ca'i [EMAIL PROTECTED] la` kha'c nhau? (nha^'t
> ddi.nh pha?i co' ca'ch) 
>  vi' du. ca(n cu+' va`o nga`y gio+` ddang ky', va`o so^' dien thoai dang ky,
> va`o ca'c con so ngay tha'ng na(m sinh vv. Nhu+~ng chi tie^'t na`y kho^ng
> ca^`n pha?i display ma` co' the^? hidden. 
>  Co' the^? co' tru+o+`ng ho+.p :
>  O^ng A nha^.n mo^.t lu'c 7 ca'i mails, 3 ca'i tu+` [EMAIL PROTECTED] (cu?a
> anh B) va` 4 ca'i tu+` [EMAIL PROTECTED] (cu?a chi. C).  7 ca'i mails ddo'
> va^~n ddi tre^n to+'i box cu?a o^ng A, nhu+ng khi do.c chu'ng, o^ng A
> di~ nhie^n co' the^? pha^n bie^.t ddu+o+.c.
>  7 ca'i mails na`y khi cu`ng lu'c dde^'n mail server thi` sao? Thi` kho^ng
> sao ca?, ma'y chu? tu+. no' pha?i nha^.n ra, nghi~a la` ngu+o+`i vie^'t
> hu+o+ng tri`nh mail server pha?i ngu+`a tru+o+'c chuye^.n na`y.
>  Va`i y' tho^ thie^?n, post le^n dde^? ca'c ba.n go'p ba`n cho vui List.
> Gia? su+? no' la` kha? thi, thi` ba.n na`o no^.i lu+.c tha^m ha^.u cho+i
> ngay mo^.t qua?, co' ddem ba'n software cho Gmail thi` nho+' hu' ddi uo^'ng
> bia.
>  m k h _ s g n

Ask not what the computer can do for you
Ask what you can do with your computer.

The SF.Net email is sponsored by: Beat the post-holiday blues
Get a FREE limited edition t-shirt from ThinkGeek.
It's fun and FREE -- well, almost
VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Unread mails in Thunderbird

2005-01-17 Hội thoại chairuou
On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 09:37:45 +0700, maikhai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All!
> Mozilla Thunderbird 0.9 do Sarge ddu+a ve^` cho mi`nh xa`i, co' ddie^?m
> ba^'t tie^.n :
> Khi co' na(m ba?y ca'i unread mails na(`m ra?i ra'c trong Inbox ma` mi`nh
> muo^'n ti`m ddo.c, thi` pha?i ke'o chuo^.t ra^'t kungfu, ke'o nhanh qua' la`
> no' vuo+.t de`n ddo? lie^`n. Pha?i ti`m to+'i ti`m lui mo^.t ho^`i mo+'i
> cho^.p ddu+o+.c no'. Ro^`i la.i pha?i thi trie^?n kungfu nu+~a dde^? ddo.c
> ca'i meo unread kha'c.
> La`m sao chi? click mo^.t ca'i thi` All Unread Mails tu+. gom la.i mo^.t
> cu.c cho mi`nh xu+? ly'?
> Ne^'u Thunderbird chu+a co' feature na`y, ba.n na`o vie^'t mo^.t ca'i ddem
> ba'n cho Mozilla la^'y tie^`n nha^.u cho+i.

con cha? du`ng nhu+ng con da'm cha('c no' co' ca'i Option nhu+ va^.y,
cu. ti`m trong ca'i Menu View xem a.

The SF.Net email is sponsored by: Beat the post-holiday blues
Get a FREE limited edition t-shirt from ThinkGeek.
It's fun and FREE -- well, almost
VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] [OT] Buon cuoi voi gmail dot com

2005-01-17 Hội thoại maikhai

Pham Kim Long wrote:

  On Sun, 2 Jan 2005 18:51:11 +1300, Nigel Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
BÃc cà thá tá chán email address mà :)


On Sun, 02 Jan 2005 06:39:29 +0700, maikhai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Hi All!

Gmail cà mát kiáu cho tÃn rát buán cÆái :
thà nà cho   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


CÃc bÃc khÃng hiáu gmail rái. Máy Äáa chá nÃy:

chá là mát thÃi, gái Äán Äáa chá nÃo bÃc maikhai cÅng nhán ÄÆác cá. Cá
cho cÃi dot vÃo ÄÃu trÆác @ Äáu ÄÆác.

Chá cà ván Äá settings cáa gmail chÆa cho thay Äái from tá maikhuc.hai
sang maikhuchai, etc.



Hehe! Va^'n dde^` kho^ng pha?i la` kho^ng hie^?u (nhu+ng kho^ng hie^?u
tha^.t), va^'n dde^` la` kho^ng . . . thi'ch! Te^n gi` ma`
maikhucdothai! do`m vo^ tha^'y ngu+'a con ma('t. Gia? su+? da^n Vie^.t
Nam co+~ chu+`ng va`i ti? ngu+o+`i, thu nha^.p dda^`u ngu+o+`i chu+`ng
va`i tra(m nghi`n do^ la/na(m, ca? nu+o+'c co' chu`ng 1,5 ti? ca'i
computers, thi` tha(`ng Gmail nha^'t ddi.nh pha?i nghie^n ki'u ki~
la('m tru+o+'c khi tung ra sa?n pha^?m.

Hie^.n nay, form 156 cu?a Bo^. Ngoa.i Giao Hoa Ky` cu~ng chie^`u theoÂ
. . . thi. hie^'u cu?a da^n mi't, cho ghi nga`y tha'ng na(m sinh theo
kie^?u VN, cha^'p nha^.n cho ghi te^n theo kie^?u VN (Le^ Va(n Xoa`i
thay vi` Xoa`i Le^ Va(n). 

Ta.i sao ngu+'a ma('t? Vi` ra(`ng va(n hoa' cu?a mi`nh thi` kho^ng
ddu+o+.c coi, va(n hoa' cu?a ho. mo+'i ngon. Ta.i sao bo.n Gmail
kho^ng go.i la` tha(`ng Ladel Bin Osama ddi? Hay ho^`i tru+o+'c sao
kho^ng go.i Tung Tse Mao ( DDo^ng Mao) ddi? Go.i no' nhu+ the^'
kho^ng chu+`ng no' ta'ng cho mo^.t qua? mi`n va`o mo~m lie^`n!

Ky` thi. la` ca'i tho^'i tha nha^'t tre^n ddo+`i.

m k h _ s g n

Vie^'t the^m :

Nha^n dda^y tui xin ne^u mo^.t y' kha'c :

Khi ddang ky' [EMAIL PROTECTED] ma` ho. chi? (only) cho maikhuc.hai@
hoa(.c mai.maikhai04@ la` bo+?i vi` ca'i maikhuc@ dda~ co' ngu+o+`i
na`o ddo' xa`i ma^'t ro^`i. 

Nhu+ng ddo' la` vi` programer vie^'t ca'i chu+o+ng tri`nh ddo' co`n
do+?. Ho. so+. [EMAIL PROTECTED] dda~ dda(ng ky' tru+o+'c tru`ng vo+'i
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (la` tui) da(ng ky' sau. Ta.i sao kho^ng nghi~ ra
ca'ch na`o dde^? nga^`m ddi.nh 2 ca'i [EMAIL PROTECTED] la` kha'c nhau?
(nha^'t ddi.nh pha?i co' ca'ch) 
vi' du. ca(n cu+' va`o nga`y gio+` ddang ky', va`o so^' dien thoai dang
ky, va`o ca'c con so ngay tha'ng na(m sinh vv. Nhu+~ng chi tie^'t na`y
kho^ng ca^`n pha?i display ma` co' the^? hidden. 

Co' the^? co' tru+o+`ng ho+.p :
O^ng A nha^.n mo^.t lu'c 7 ca'i mails, 3 ca'i tu+` [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(cu?a anh B) va` 4 ca'i tu+` [EMAIL PROTECTED] (cu?a chi. C). 7 ca'i
mails ddo' va^~n ddi tre^n to+'i box cu?a o^ng A, nhu+ng khi do.c
chu'ng, o^ng A di~ nhie^n co' the^? pha^n bie^.t ddu+o+.c.
7 ca'i mails na`y khi cu`ng lu'c dde^'n mail server thi` sao? Thi`
kho^ng sao ca?, ma'y chu? tu+. no' pha?i nha^.n ra, nghi~a la` ngu+o+`i
vie^'t hu+o+ng tri`nh mail server pha?i ngu+`a tru+o+'c chuye^.n na`y.

Va`i y' tho^ thie^?n, post le^n dde^? ca'c ba.n go'p ba`n cho vui List.
Gia? su+? no' la` kha? thi, thi` ba.n na`o no^.i lu+.c tha^m ha^.u
cho+i ngay mo^.t qua?, co' ddem ba'n software cho Gmail thi` nho+' hu'
ddi uo^'ng bia.

m k h _ s g n

Re: [Vietlug] [OT] Buon cuoi voi gmail dot com

2005-01-17 Hội thoại maikhai

Pham Kim Long wrote:

  On Sun, 2 Jan 2005 18:51:11 +1300, Nigel Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
BÃc cà thá tá chán email address mà :)


On Sun, 02 Jan 2005 06:39:29 +0700, maikhai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Hi All!

Gmail cà mát kiáu cho tÃn rát buán cÆái :
thà nà cho   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


CÃc bÃc khÃng hiáu gmail rái. Máy Äáa chá nÃy:

chá là mát thÃi, gái Äán Äáa chá nÃo bÃc maikhai cÅng nhán ÄÆác cá. Cá
cho cÃi dot vÃo ÄÃu trÆác @ Äáu ÄÆác.

Chá cà ván Äá settings cáa gmail chÆa cho thay Äái from tá maikhuc.hai
sang maikhuchai, etc.



Hehe! Va^'n dde^` kho^ng pha?i la` kho^ng hie^?u (nhu+ng kho^ng hie^?u
tha^.t), va^'n dde^` la` kho^ng . . . thi'ch! Te^n gi` ma`
maikhucdothai! do`m vo^ tha^'y ngu+'a con ma('t. Gia? su+? da^n Vie^.t
Nam co+~ chu+`ng va`i ti? ngu+o+`i, thu nha^.p dda^`u ngu+o+`i chu+`ng
va`i tra(m nghi`n do^ la/na(m, ca? nu+o+'c co' chu`ng 1,5 ti? ca'i
computers, thi` tha(`ng Gmail nha^'t ddi.nh pha?i nghie^n ki'u ki~
la('m tru+o+'c khi tung ra sa?n pha^?m.

Hie^.n nay, form 156 cu?a Bo^. Ngoa.i Giao Hoa Ky` cu~ng chie^`u theoÂ
. . . thi. hie^'u cu?a da^n mi't, cho ghi nga`y tha'ng na(m sinh theo
kie^?u VN, cha^'p nha^.n cho ghi te^n theo kie^?u VN (Le^ Va(n Xoa`i
thay vi` Xoa`i Le^ Va(n). 

Ta.i sao ngu+'a ma('t? Vi` ra(`ng va(n hoa' cu?a mi`nh thi` kho^ng
ddu+o+.c coi, va(n hoa' cu?a ho. mo+'i ngon. Ta.i sao bo.n Gmail
kho^ng go.i la` tha(`ng Ladel Bin Osama ddi? Hay ho^`i tru+o+'c sao
kho^ng go.i Tung Tse Mao ( DDo^ng Mao) ddi? Go.i no' nhu+ the^'
kho^ng chu+`ng no' ta'ng cho mo^.t qua? mi`n va`o mo~m lie^`n!

Ky` thi. la` ca'i tho^'i tha nha^'t tre^n ddo+`i.

m k h _ s g n

Re: [Vietlug] [OT] Buon cuoi voi gmail dot com

2005-01-17 Hội thoại Pham Kim Long
On Sun, 2 Jan 2005 18:51:11 +1300, Nigel Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> BÃc cà thá tá chán email address mà :)
> Nigel
> On Sun, 02 Jan 2005 06:39:29 +0700, maikhai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi All!
> >
> > Gmail cà mát kiáu cho tÃn rát buán cÆái :
> > Khi Äang kà   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > thà nà cho   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >

CÃc bÃc khÃng hiáu gmail rái. Máy Äáa chá nÃy:

chá là mát thÃi, gái Äán Äáa chá nÃo bÃc maikhai cÅng nhán 
ÄÆác cá. Cá
cho cÃi dot vÃo ÄÃu trÆác @ Äáu ÄÆác.

Chá cà ván Äá settings cáa gmail chÆa cho thay Äái from tá 
sang maikhuchai, etc.


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Re: [Vietlug] [OT] Buon cuoi voi gmail dot com

2005-01-17 Hội thoại Nigel Nguyen
Ba'c Hai:
- chau tinh la`m cho ba'c nhung cai maikhai da~ co nguoi du`ng roi ...
neu bac chua co' thi bac chon ten khac roi email

To ev'ry1 else:

still got 4 invites to go => mail me I'll send invite out ... 

On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 03:55:51 +0700, maikhai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Vo^ danh wrote: 
> Hay la bac de con ta.o cho ba'c 1 ca'i ro^`i gu+?i cho ba'c. Ba'c ne^u te^n
> email address moi di. 
>  Hi!
>  Ne^'u la`m ddu+o+.c thi` la`m giu`m mo^.t ca'i,
>  Ca'm o+n tru+o+'c.
>  m k h _ s g n

Ask not what the computer can do for you
Ask what you can do with your computer.

The SF.Net email is sponsored by: Beat the post-holiday blues
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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] [OT] Buon cuoi voi gmail dot com

2005-01-17 Hội thoại maikhai

Vo^ danh wrote:
Hay la bac
de con ta.o cho ba'c 1 ca'i ro^`i gu+?i cho ba'c. Ba'c ne^u te^n email
address moi di.


Ne^'u la`m ddu+o+.c thi` la`m giu`m mo^.t ca'i,
Ca'm o+n tru+o+'c.

m k h _ s g n

Re: [Vietlug] [OT] Buon cuoi voi gmail dot com

2005-01-17 Hội thoại Vo^ danh
maikhai wrote:
Nigel Nguyen wrote:
Bac' Ha?i,
thay vi ba'c de^? no' cho. thi` ba'c tu+. cho.n duoc ma`  :)) ho^m qua
cha'u na^ng ca^'p ca'i ubuntu le^n Hoary ... cha.y suong la('m a'

Hoary la` ca'i gi` the^'? Ba?n do TranthanhLong down load la` 4.10 chi? 
ca`i le^n HDD :
Linux version ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 3.3.4 
(Debian 1:3.3.4-9ubuntu5)) #1 Tue Oct 12 12:41:57 BST 2004

Mi`nh cu~ng co' mo^.t ba?n kha'c (warty) la` Ubuntu Live CD, cu~ng 4.10, 
do NguyenDuyTho download.

Vu+`a google tha^'y no' ro^`i, nhu+ng chu+a coi ky~ ne^n kho^ng bie^'t 
la`m sao ma` na^ng ca^'p.
m k h _ s g n
Hay la bac de con ta.o cho ba'c 1 ca'i ro^`i gu+?i cho ba'c. Ba'c ne^u 
te^n email address moi di.

sOs: say open source
The SF.Net email is sponsored by: Beat the post-holiday blues
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Re: [Vietlug] Kho^ng the^? su+? du+o+.c yum !

2005-01-17 Hội thoại Viet Bach

Ngoa`i /etc/yum.conf, yum tre^n FC3 ca^`n ca'c files o+? trong

Coi hu+o+'ng da^~n o+? link sau dda^y:


--- ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Va^ng, to^i dda~ cha.y o+? quye^`n root dda^'y chu+' ! 
> The^' ma` cha(?ng hie^?u ta.i sao la.i the^' !!!
> Nho+` ca'c ba'c kinh nghie^.m ddi tru+o+'c chi? ddie^?m cho va`i
> chie^u va^.y .
> Thanks.
> --- Thai Duong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 01:39:37 -0800 (PST), ryan
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi all !
> > > To^i ddang su+? FC3.
> > > 1. To^i dda~ le^n trang
> download yum.conf ve^` dde^?
> > >   thay the^' /etc/yum.conf .
> > > 2.>yum install apt
> > >   thi` ga(.p lo^~i gpg signature error . Kha('c phu.c ba(`ng
> ca'ch :
> > >   >rpm --import /usr/share/doc/fedora-release-3/RPM-GPG-KEY
> > >   (trong khi
> > >   rpm --import
> > >   rpm --import
> > >   dde^`u kho^ng ddu+o+.c !!! ???)
> > ca'i le^.nh rpm --import la` dde^? bo^` import ca'i GPG KEY cu?a
> > vendor hay nhu+~ng no+i bo^` download RPM ve^`, ca'i key na`y
> tha(`ng
> > yum du`ng dde^? verify chu+~ ki' xem ca'c go'i ddo' co' co`n ddu'ng
> > nguye^n ve.n kho^ng, trong file /etc/yum.conf, bo^` co' the^?
> > ba^.t/ta('t ti'nh na(ng na`y ba(`ng ca'ch the^m va`o tu`y cho.n
> > gpgcheck=1 (ko nho+' ro~ pha?i la` gpgcheck ko). Highly recommend
> for
> > production servers.
> > 
> > > 3.>yum install apt
> > >   thi` nha^.n du+o+.c lo^~i :
> > > Setting up Install Process
> > > Setting up Repo:  livna-stable
> > > Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repository: livna-stable
> > > failure: repodata/repomd.xml from livna-stable: [Errno 256]
> No more mirrors to try
> > > 4.>gedit /ect/yum.conf , the^m da^'u # va`o tru+o+'c ta^'t ca?
> ca'c ha`ng cu?a
> > > -->save --> thu+.c hie^.n la.i:  >yum install apt
> > >thi` la.i ba'o lo^~i :
> > > Setting up Install Process
> > > Setting up Repo:  fedora-unstable
> > > Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repository:
> fedora-unstable failure:
> > > repodata/repomd.xml from fedora-unstable: [Errno 256] No more
> mirrors to try.
> > > Nhu+ va^.y la` file yum.conf co' va^'n dde^` ??? Ba` con co' ai
> co' cao kie^'n gi` ve^` vu.
> > na`y
> > > xin chi? cho to^i vo+'i .
> > > Thanks in advance.
> > La^`n dda^`u tie^n du`ng YUM thi` bo^` pha?i cha.y no' vo+'i
> quye^`n
> > root tru+o+'c dde^? no' co' the^? setup ca'c repository lu+u trong
> > cache, thu+o+`ng la` /var/cache/yum, no'i chung bo^` pha?i cha.y
> yum
> > vo+'i quye^`n cu?a users na`o co' the^? read/write va`o
> /var/cache/yum
> > (chi?nh tu`y cho.n na`y trong file /etc/yum.conf).
> > 
> > HTH,
> > Thai.
> > 
> > 
> > ---
> > The SF.Net email is sponsored by: Beat the post-holiday blues
> > Get a FREE limited edition t-shirt from ThinkGeek.
> > It's fun and FREE -- well,
> almost
> > ___
> > VietLUG-users mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> __ 
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> ---
> The SF.Net email is sponsored by: Beat the post-holiday blues
> Get a FREE limited edition t-shirt from ThinkGeek.
> It's fun and FREE -- well, almost
> ___
> VietLUG-users mailing list

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Hardware needed!

2005-01-17 Hội thoại maikhai

Tri Trinh wrote:

   --- Larry Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Hello VietLUGers,

Ca'm o+n hypoj dda~ xo^ng dda^'t (Ta^y) kha' to^'t.
Hie^.n ta.i quy~ dda~
ddu+o+.c khoa?ng 

hypoj  VND300,000 (Saigon)

Trinh Hoai Tri  VND300,000 (DDa` La.t)

hypoj = Trinh Hoai Tri !! tuy 2 (te^n) nhu+ng la` 1
(ngu+o+`i) dda^'y a., to^?ng co^.ng chi? co' 300K o+?
cho^~ na`y tho^i !!


Kha kha Larry

m k h _ s g n

Re: [Vietlug] Kho^ng the^? su+? du+o+.c yum !

2005-01-17 Hội thoại ryan
Va^ng, to^i dda~ cha.y o+? quye^`n root dda^'y chu+' ! 
The^' ma` cha(?ng hie^?u ta.i sao la.i the^' !!!
Nho+` ca'c ba'c kinh nghie^.m ddi tru+o+'c chi? ddie^?m cho va`i chie^u va^.y .
--- Thai Duong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 01:39:37 -0800 (PST), ryan
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all !
> > To^i ddang su+? FC3.
> > 1. To^i dda~ le^n trang download 
> > yum.conf ve^` dde^?
> >   thay the^' /etc/yum.conf .
> > 2.>yum install apt
> >   thi` ga(.p lo^~i gpg signature error . Kha('c phu.c ba(`ng ca'ch :
> >   >rpm --import /usr/share/doc/fedora-release-3/RPM-GPG-KEY
> >   (trong khi
> >   rpm --import
> >   rpm --import
> >   dde^`u kho^ng ddu+o+.c !!! ???)
> ca'i le^.nh rpm --import la` dde^? bo^` import ca'i GPG KEY cu?a
> vendor hay nhu+~ng no+i bo^` download RPM ve^`, ca'i key na`y tha(`ng
> yum du`ng dde^? verify chu+~ ki' xem ca'c go'i ddo' co' co`n ddu'ng
> nguye^n ve.n kho^ng, trong file /etc/yum.conf, bo^` co' the^?
> ba^.t/ta('t ti'nh na(ng na`y ba(`ng ca'ch the^m va`o tu`y cho.n
> gpgcheck=1 (ko nho+' ro~ pha?i la` gpgcheck ko). Highly recommend for
> production servers.
> > 3.>yum install apt
> >   thi` nha^.n du+o+.c lo^~i :
> > Setting up Install Process
> > Setting up Repo:  livna-stable
> > Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repository: livna-stable
> > failure: repodata/repomd.xml from livna-stable: [Errno 256] No more 
> > mirrors to try
> > 4.>gedit /ect/yum.conf , the^m da^'u # va`o tru+o+'c ta^'t ca? ca'c ha`ng 
> > cu?a
> > -->save --> thu+.c hie^.n la.i:  >yum install apt
> >thi` la.i ba'o lo^~i :
> > Setting up Install Process
> > Setting up Repo:  fedora-unstable
> > Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repository: fedora-unstable 
> > failure:
> > repodata/repomd.xml from fedora-unstable: [Errno 256] No more mirrors 
> > to try.
> > Nhu+ va^.y la` file yum.conf co' va^'n dde^` ??? Ba` con co' ai co' cao 
> > kie^'n gi` ve^` vu.
> na`y
> > xin chi? cho to^i vo+'i .
> > Thanks in advance.
> La^`n dda^`u tie^n du`ng YUM thi` bo^` pha?i cha.y no' vo+'i quye^`n
> root tru+o+'c dde^? no' co' the^? setup ca'c repository lu+u trong
> cache, thu+o+`ng la` /var/cache/yum, no'i chung bo^` pha?i cha.y yum
> vo+'i quye^`n cu?a users na`o co' the^? read/write va`o /var/cache/yum
> (chi?nh tu`y cho.n na`y trong file /etc/yum.conf).
> HTH,
> Thai.
> ---
> The SF.Net email is sponsored by: Beat the post-holiday blues
> Get a FREE limited edition t-shirt from ThinkGeek.
> It's fun and FREE -- well, almost
> ___
> VietLUG-users mailing list

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It's fun and FREE -- well, almost
VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Hardware needed!

2005-01-17 Hội thoại Tri Trinh
 --- Larry Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Hello VietLUGers,
> Ca'm o+n hypoj dda~ xo^ng dda^'t (Ta^y) kha' to^'t.
> Hie^.n ta.i quy~ dda~
> ddu+o+.c khoa?ng 
> USD250
> hypoj  VND300,000 (Saigon)

> Trinh Hoai Tri  VND300,000 (DDa` La.t)

hypoj = Trinh Hoai Tri !! tuy 2 (te^n) nhu+ng la` 1
(ngu+o+`i) dda^'y a., to^?ng co^.ng chi? co' 300K o+?
cho^~ na`y tho^i !!

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