Re: [Vietlug] redhat sendmail 8.11.x procmail + spamassassin install.

2004-07-21 Hội thoại chairuou
> #
> Ba'c James co' vie^'t pha?i ta.o /etc/init.d/spamassassin
> ? Vie^.c na`y la` ca^`n ha? ca'c ba'c? Em tuo+?ng emails
> qua sendmail bi. check ba(`ng procmail va` trong procmail
> mi`nh dda~ config cho email la.i bi. checked bo+?
> spamassassin ne^n kho^ng ca^`n /etc/init.d/spamassassin
> nu+~a?
> Mong dduo+.c va`i xu nu+~a :)

xem the^m cu?a ba'c Geom at ( cho postfix )

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Re: [Vietlug] redhat sendmail 8.11.x procmail + spamassassin install.

2004-07-21 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Pham Kim Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(B> > :0fw
(B> > * < 256000
(B> > |/usr/bin/spamassassin -P
(B> >
(B> Ca'i na`y ne^n du`ng spamc va` spamd thi` hie^.u
(B> qua? ho+n.
(B> BTW, kho^ng bie^'t Hu+ng dda~ ddo.c ma^'y ca'i guide
(B> cu?a ba'c James
(B> chu+a, ra^'t hay ddo':
(BBa`i cu?a ba'c James 
(Bco' 1 cho^~ kha'c la` du`ng spamc,
(B#file /etc/procmailrc
(B### tôi thích dùng Maildir
(B# spam thường có size nhỏ
(Bhơn 10 KiB (10*1024=10240 bytes),
(B# kiểm tra những file lớn chỉ
(Blàm tốn tài nguyên của
(B* < 10240
(B| /usr/bin/spamc
(BBa'c James co' vie^'t pha?i ta.o /etc/init.d/spamassassin
(B? Vie^.c na`y la` ca^`n ha? ca'c ba'c? Em tuo+?ng emails
(Bqua sendmail bi. check ba(`ng procmail va` trong procmail
(Bmi`nh dda~ config cho email la.i bi. checked bo+?
(Bspamassassin ne^n kho^ng ca^`n /etc/init.d/spamassassin 
(BMong dduo+.c va`i xu nu+~a :)
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
(BFREE Java Enterprise J2EE developer tools!
(BGet your free copy of BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 today.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: Re: [Vietlug] redhat sendmail 8.11.x procmail + spamassassin install.

2004-07-21 Hội thoại chairuou
> 5.0 is quite high. Bac se~ co' nhieu spams. Spammers ky` nay thong minh
> lam roi.  Foobar xa`i 3.0

may ma` foobar kho^ng o+? VN, o+? VN ta^'t ca? ca'c email cu?a ISP
dde^`u bi. detect la` SPAM ;) ho^`i tru+o+'c pha?i manually filter
email tu+` ca'c ISP mo+'i kho^ng bi. bo? vo^ SPAM box ;)

This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] redhat sendmail 8.11.x procmail + spamassassin install.

2004-07-21 Hội thoại Pham Kim Long
On Thu, 22 Jul 2004, Bit Takeshi wrote:

> Em ddi.nh ca`i sendmail +  procmail + spamassassin  tre^n
> redhat.
> Procmail thi` co' sa(~n version 3.21.21, spamassassin thi`
> em la^'y o+? tre^n website cu?a ho.[1], ca`i ba(`ng perl
> Makefile.PL;make;make install
> :0fw
> * < 256000
> |/usr/bin/spamassassin -P

Ca'i na`y ne^n du`ng spamc va` spamd thi` hie^.u qua? ho+n.

BTW, kho^ng bie^'t Hu+ng dda~ ddo.c ma^'y ca'i guide cu?a ba'c James
chu+a, ra^'t hay ddo':


This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] redhat sendmail 8.11.x procmail + spamassassin install.

2004-07-21 Hội thoại Chuong Dao
Nhi`n thi` cu~ng ma't ma('t   :)

ddu? thi` ai ma biet dduoc chung nao moi ddu? :)

5.0 is quite high. Bac se~ co' nhieu spams. Spammers ky` nay thong minh
lam roi.  Foobar xa`i 3.0

> Em ddi.nh ca`i sendmail +  procmail + spamassassin  tre^n
> redhat.
> Procmail thi` co' sa(~n version 3.21.21, spamassassin thi`
> em la^'y o+? tre^n website cu?a ho.[1], ca`i ba(`ng perl
> Makefile.PL;make;make install
> File /etc/procmailrc:
> ###
> # procmailrc
> # routes incoming mail to appropriate mailboxes
> PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
> MAILDIR=/var/spool/mail
> LOGFILE=/var/log/procmail
> SHELL=/bin/sh
> :0fw
> * < 256000
> |/usr/bin/spamassassin -P
> :0e
> {
> }
> ##
> File /etc/mail/spamassassin/ generated tu+`
> (version 1.01) )
> nhu+ sau:
> #
> # SpamAssassin config file for version 2.5x
> # generated by
> (version 1.01)
> # How many hits before a message is considered spam.
> required_hits   5.0
> # Whether to change the subject of suspected spam
> rewrite_subject 1
> # Text to prepend to subject if rewrite_subject is used
> subject_tag *SPAM*
> # Encapsulate spam in an attachment
> report_safe 1
> # Use terse version of the spam report
> use_terse_report0
> # Enable the Bayes system
> use_bayes   1
> # Enable Bayes auto-learning
> auto_learn  1
> # Enable or disable network checks
> skip_rbl_checks 0
> use_razor2  1
> use_dcc 1
> use_pyzor   1
> # Mail using languages used in these country codes will
> not be marked
> # as being possibly spam in a foreign language.
> # - english japanese
> ok_languagesen ja
> # Mail using locales used in these country codes will not
> be marked
> # as being possibly spam in a foreign language.
> ok_locales  en ja
> #
> sau ddo' em restart la.i /etc/init.d/sendmail, ok
> Kho^ng hie^?u nhu+ the^' dda~ ddu? chu+a hay la` em ca^`n
> the^m refinement gi` ha? ca'c ba'c! Ca'c ba'c cho em va`i
> xu! Thanks!
> Vh
> [1]
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
> FREE Java Enterprise J2EE developer tools!
> Get your free copy of BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 today.
> ___
> VietLUG-users mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
FREE Java Enterprise J2EE developer tools!
Get your free copy of BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 today.
VietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] redhat sendmail 8.11.x procmail + spamassassin install.

2004-07-21 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Em ddi.nh ca`i sendmail +  procmail + spamassassin  tre^n
(BProcmail thi` co' sa(~n version 3.21.21, spamassassin thi`
(Bem la^'y o+? tre^n website cu?a ho.[1], ca`i ba(`ng perl
(BMakefile.PL;make;make install
(BFile /etc/procmailrc:
(B# procmailrc
(B# routes incoming mail to appropriate mailboxes
(B* < 256000
(B|/usr/bin/spamassassin -P
(BFile /etc/mail/spamassassin/ generated tu+`
(B (version 1.01) )
(Bnhu+ sau:
(B# SpamAssassin config file for version 2.5x
(B# generated by
(B(version 1.01)
(B# How many hits before a message is considered spam.
(Brequired_hits   5.0
(B# Whether to change the subject of suspected spam
(Brewrite_subject 1
(B# Text to prepend to subject if rewrite_subject is used
(Bsubject_tag *SPAM*
(B# Encapsulate spam in an attachment
(Breport_safe 1
(B# Use terse version of the spam report
(B# Enable the Bayes system
(Buse_bayes   1
(B# Enable Bayes auto-learning
(Bauto_learn  1
(B# Enable or disable network checks
(Bskip_rbl_checks 0
(Buse_razor2  1
(Buse_dcc 1
(Buse_pyzor   1
(B# Mail using languages used in these country codes will
(Bnot be marked
(B# as being possibly spam in a foreign language.
(B# - english japanese 
(Bok_languagesen ja 
(B# Mail using locales used in these country codes will not
(Bbe marked
(B# as being possibly spam in a foreign language.
(Bok_locales  en ja 
(Bsau ddo' em restart la.i /etc/init.d/sendmail, ok
(BKho^ng hie^?u nhu+ the^' dda~ ddu? chu+a hay la` em ca^`n
(Bthe^m refinement gi` ha? ca'c ba'c! Ca'c ba'c cho em va`i
(Bxu! Thanks!
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
(BFREE Java Enterprise J2EE developer tools!
(BGet your free copy of BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 today.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list