Re: [Vietlug] Smoothwall an theo Vu Do Quynh

2004-11-10 Hội thoại mkh
On Thursday 11 November 2004 02:24 am, Quy NGUYEN DAI wrote:
 On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 07:49:28 -0800 (PST), Manh Cuong [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Con xin cu.
  KHo^ng phai con muon lam cu. buo^`n, nhung cu. post kieu nay thi con cu
  phai lam the nay`
  do {
  foreach $mail (@new_mail){
  until ($forever);

 Ba'c kho^ng ne^n  a(n no'i  nhu+ va^.y\. ML la`  cu?a co^ng  :
 i) ai thi'ch thi` POST,
 ii) ai muo^'n thi` READ,
 iii) kho^ng muo^'n thi` cu+' la(?ng la(.ng ma` DEL.

 Kho^ng vie^.c gi` pha?i  to tie^'ng  la`m gi` ca?\.
 DDo' la` nguye^n ta('c *ca(n ba?n* cu?a OSS Community!

Co' ngu+o+`i be^nh dda^y a! Haha. Ca'm o+n NguyenDaiQuy.

Kho^ng sao ca?. Le^n ML ma` kho^ng bi. va^`n thi` co' la` Tha'nh.  
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Smoothwall an theo Vu Do Quynh

2004-11-10 Hội thoại mkh
On Thursday 11 November 2004 08:19 am, chairuou wrote:
 dda^u ca^`n download chi cho cu+.c kho^? ca'i ... modem ( ca? ca'i vi'
 tie^`n nu+~a ) ;))
 ai ddo+`i ddi du`ng FPT ADSL bao gio+` :-D

Du`ng FPT ADSL la` xa`i thu+' re? nha^'t (la.i bi. du. khi. trong tho+`i gian 
khuye^'n ma~i nu+~a) -- du` no' la` thu+' ADSL cha^.m nha^'t.

va`, [ba'o Tuoi Tre ho^m nay 11-11-2004 co' ba`i ve^` cu+o+'c vie^~n tho^ng 
dda('t thu+' ba the^' gio+'i no+i trang 14, co^.t 3 do`ng 13, no'i ra(`ng 
. . . bo^. Co^ng An, bo^. Co^ng nghie^.p... la` nhu+~ng bo^. hie^.n dda~ co' 
co^ng ty tham gia hoa.t ddo^.ng vie^~n tho^ng ...  Eo o+i, co' ca?  . . 
DDo^ng Xu+o+?ng tham gia thi` bo.n dda.o ta(.c tin ho.c coi chu+`ng bi. ma^'t 
con chuo^.t], kho^ng bie^'t FPT la` cu?a ai? 

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Smoothwall an theo Vu Do Quynh

2004-11-10 Hội thoại chairuou
On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 09:30:56 +0700, mkh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thursday 11 November 2004 08:19 am, chairuou wrote:
  dda^u ca^`n download chi cho cu+.c kho^? ca'i ... modem ( ca? ca'i vi'
  tie^`n nu+~a ) ;))
  ai ddo+`i ddi du`ng FPT ADSL bao gio+` :-D
 Du`ng FPT ADSL la` xa`i thu+' re? nha^'t (la.i bi. du. khi. trong tho+`i gian
 khuye^'n ma~i nu+~a) -- du` no' la` thu+' ADSL cha^.m nha^'t.
con khuye^n cu. du`ng Viettel ( ddang i't ngu+o+`i du`ng, cha.y ra^'t
kha' va` no' cu~ng co' infrastructure  rie^ng ), hoa(.c VDC, fee cu?a
VDC kho^ng dda('t dda^u, ma` nhie^`u la(~m cu. du`ng thoa?i con ga`
ma'i thi` no' cu~ng chi? charge cu. dde^'n 1 Mil./month la` no' ko
charge nu+~a, cu. ye^n ta^m ma` xa`i, FPT ADSL thi` cho+' co' da.i ma`
ddo^.ng vo^, vi` no' pha?i tu+. ke'o cable hoa(.c thue^ la.i host
station cu?a VDC :-D
cu. cha('c no' re? ho+n chu+a ?

 va`, [ba'o Tuoi Tre ho^m nay 11-11-2004 co' ba`i ve^` cu+o+'c vie^~n tho^ng
 dda('t thu+' ba the^' gio+'i no+i trang 14, co^.t 3 do`ng 13, no'i ra(`ng
 . . . bo^. Co^ng An, bo^. Co^ng nghie^.p... la` nhu+~ng bo^. hie^.n dda~ co'
 co^ng ty tham gia hoa.t ddo^.ng vie^~n tho^ng ...  Eo o+i, co' ca?  . .
 DDo^ng Xu+o+?ng tham gia thi` bo.n dda.o ta(.c tin ho.c coi chu+`ng bi. ma^'t
 con chuo^.t], kho^ng bie^'t FPT la` cu?a ai?

ca'i na`y co' le~ la` unrelated discuss

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Re: [Vietlug] Smoothwall an theo Vu Do Quynh

2004-11-10 Hội thoại mkh
On Thursday 11 November 2004 09:42 am, chairuou wrote:
 kha' va` no' cu~ng co' infrastructure  rie^ng ), hoa(.c VDC, fee cu?a
 VDC kho^ng dda('t dda^u, ma` nhie^`u la(~m cu. du`ng thoa?i con ga`
 ma'i thi` no' cu~ng chi? charge cu. dde^'n 1 Mil./month la` no' ko
 charge nu+~a, cu. ye^n ta^m ma` xa`i, FPT ADSL thi` cho+' co' da.i ma`
 ddo^.ng vo^, vi` no' pha?i tu+. ke'o cable hoa(.c thue^ la.i host
 station cu?a VDC :-D
 cu. cha('c no' re? ho+n chu+a ?

Ve^` cu+o+'c fpt:
Tha'ng 10/2004 no' ti'nh mi`nh 3301MB=53.000VND (dda~ tru+` khuye^'n ma~i 
Co^.ng vo+'i 150.000 thue^ bao tha'ng
The^m VAT vi. chi la` 230.000VND
Nhu+ va^.y cu~ng de^~ chi.u
(so vo+'i xa`i modem lu'c tru+o'c, bi`nh qua^n mo^~i tha'ng mi`nh pha?i na.p 
thi.t cho VNN 500.000VND.

Ve^` to^'c ddo^. fpt:
Ban nga`y thu+o+`ng la` 15KB/Sec. DDe^m thi` kha' ho+n. Co' bu+~a 3g30 sa'ng 
mi`nh download vo+'i speed 162KB/Sec (tro^`i su.t luo^n luon, giao ddo^.ng 
giu+~a 162KB/Sec va` 20KB/Sec)

Ve^` ca'c nha` Viettel va` VDC: chu+a du+o+.c du`ng qua.

Nhu+ng vi` dda~ dda(ng ky' fpt ro^`i, nay nha?y qua ca'i kia thi` so+. . .  
toa.c chi?. DDe^? tu+` tu+` ho^m na`o may ga(.p cu. Tha'i Xua^'t Chinh se~ 
nghie^n ki'u tie^'p. Lu.c tha^.p ba^'t job ma`. 

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Smoothwall an theo Vu Do Quynh

2004-11-09 Hội thoại Vie^.t Ha?i
Larry, em co' 1 ma'y ma` va^~n ca`i Smoothwall dde^? dda^'y\.
So+. gi`. Ba'c du`ng thu+? ma^'y con virtual machine ma` cho+i\. Hehe,
em du`ng con Smooth do' la`m firewall cho con PC ddo^.c nha^'t cu?a em

On Sun,  7 Nov 2004 01:19:06 -0600, Larry Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 11:46:26 am 11/07/04 maikhai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi All!
  DDo.c lo+`i rao cu?a Vu~ DDo^~ Quy`nh tha^'y ga~i ddu'ng cho^~ ngu+'a
  qua', tui lie^`n nha`o vo^ rinh mo^.t ddo^'ng ve^`
  ro^`i burn le^n.
  Du` dda~ ddu+o+.c VDQ ba'o truo+'c ro^`i nhu+ng khi boot no' le^n
  tha^'y chu+~ va`ng khe` thie^.t la` ha~i hu`ng.  . . . delete all
  partitions and data . . .!!!
  Ai co' ddi~a cu+'ng ddo^.c tha^n thi` thu+? cho+i no' mo^.t qua?
  ddu+o+.c. La`m xong ro^`i nho+' ke^? cho anh em nghe vo+'i ha!

Cha'u thu+? ro^`i\. Hay phe^'t cu. a.. Chi? cho+` khoa?ng chu+`ng va`i
phu't (hi`nh nhu+ la` 10 thi` pha?i) la` cu. co' ngay ba?n Linux dde^?
du`ng ro^`i :)).

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Re: [Vietlug] Smoothwall an theo Vu Do Quynh

2004-11-09 Hội thoại kasumoto
cha`o ca'c ba'c, cha`o la~o gia maikhai

On Wed, 2004-11-10 at 01:32, maikhai wrote:
 Hay qua' he`? Nhu+ng sa`m sao dde^? co' virtual machine? Ca'ch ca`i ca'i na`y 
 nhu+ the^' na`o? Chi? da^~n tu+` ngo.n to+'i go^'c, to+'i ca? re^~ luo^n 
 mo+'i ddu+o+.c a!
 m k h _ s g n

co' nhie^`u chu+o+ng tri`nh cho ca'i vu. virtual g... na`y la('m. Nhu+ng
ba'c ne^n thu+? ca'i na`y tru+o+'c
Co' giao die^.n GUI chi? ca^`n click, click, ca`i dda(.t cu~ng ddo+n
gia?n. Nhu+ng ma` ho+i dda('t. Gia?i pha'p? Ta?i ve^` ba?n trial vo+'i
chi`a kho'a cho 30 nga`y du`ng thu+?.
 Ta?i ve^` o+? dda^y:
 Co`n chi`a kho'a thi` la~o gia ca^`n dda(ng ky'! VMware team se~ gu+?i
va`o ddi.a chi? email. Hoa(.c ma^.t thu+ cha'u se~ gu+?i cho mo^.t ca'i

The fool

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LinuxWorld Reader's Choice Award Winner for best database on Linux.
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Virtual machine Was: Re: [Vietlug] Smoothwall an theo Vu Do Quynh

2004-11-09 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 7:09:06 am 11/09/04 kasumoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 cha`o ca'c ba'c, cha`o la~o gia maikhai

 co' nhie^`u chu+o+ng tri`nh cho ca'i vu. virtual g... na`y la('m.
 Nhu+ng ba'c ne^n thu+? ca'i na`y tru+o+'c

Muo^'n thU+? ca'i free thi` xem qemu hay xen. qemu thi` ne^n cha.y ba?n cvs.

 Co' giao die^.n GUI chi? ca^`n click, click, ca`i dda(.t cu~ng ddo+n
 gia?n. Nhu+ng ma` ho+i dda('t. Gia?i pha'p? Ta?i ve^` ba?n trial
 vo+'i chi`a kho'a cho 30 nga`y du`ng thu+?.
  Ta?i ve^` o+? dda^y:
  Co`n chi`a kho'a thi` la~o gia ca^`n dda(ng ky'! VMware team se~
 gu+?i va`o ddi.a chi? email. Hoa(.c ma^.t thu+ cha'u se~ gu+?i cho
 mo^.t ca'i :)

Please ba'c, list na`y 0 co' discuss pirated software. Thanks.


This SF.Net email is sponsored by:
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LinuxWorld Reader's Choice Award Winner for best database on Linux.
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Re: Virtual machine Was: Re: [Vietlug] Smoothwall an theo Vu Do Quynh

2004-11-09 Hội thoại kasumoto
cha`o ca'c ba'c, hi larry

On Tue, 2004-11-09 at 21:52, Larry Nguyen wrote:
   Co`n chi`a kho'a thi` la~o gia ca^`n dda(ng ky'! VMware team se~
  gu+?i va`o ddi.a chi? email. Hoa(.c ma^.t thu+ cha'u se~ gu+?i cho
  mo^.t ca'i :)
 Please ba'c, list na`y 0 co' discuss pirated software. Thanks.

No, here I mean 30-days trial key. I've just registered 2 days ago. So
this key works fine for next month :). Dont know giving this key other
is legal or not?

The fool

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LinuxWorld Reader's Choice Award Winner for best database on Linux.
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Re: [Vietlug] Smoothwall an theo Vu Do Quynh

2004-11-09 Hội thoại chairuou
cu. co' the^? du`ng ma^'y ca'i nhu+ Bosch, Xent ma` ? la~o dda.i la`
chuye^n gia ca'i mo'n virtual na`y too !

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Re: [Vietlug] Smoothwall an theo Vu Do Quynh

2004-11-06 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 11:46:26 am 11/07/04 maikhai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All!

 DDo.c lo+`i rao cu?a Vu~ DDo^~ Quy`nh tha^'y ga~i ddu'ng cho^~ ngu+'a
 qua', tui lie^`n nha`o vo^ rinh mo^.t ddo^'ng ve^`

 ro^`i burn le^n.

 Du` dda~ ddu+o+.c VDQ ba'o truo+'c ro^`i nhu+ng khi boot no' le^n
 tha^'y chu+~ va`ng khe` thie^.t la` ha~i hu`ng.  . . . delete all
 partitions and data . . .!!!

 Ai co' ddi~a cu+'ng ddo^.c tha^n thi` thu+? cho+i no' mo^.t qua?
 ddu+o+.c. La`m xong ro^`i nho+' ke^? cho anh em nghe vo+'i ha!

 m k h _ s g n

Ne^'u ba'c chi? co' mo^.t ma'y tho^i thi` ba'c 0 the^? du`ng Smoothwall
ddu+o+.c dda^u. Smoothwall se~ ca`i tre^n rie^ng mo^.t ma'y, ro^`i ca'c
ma'y kha'c no^'i qua ma'y na`y dde^? le^n Ngu+o+`i ta thu+o+`ng
du`ng no' trong va(n pho`ng hay nhu+~ng ai muo^'n set up nho nho?
vo+'i 2 ma'y tro+? le^n o+? Nha`.


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