Re: end of line whitespace

2007-01-02 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Robert Hicks wrote:
I know that in some IDE's I can check a box that causes the IDE to 
automatically strip trailing white space. Does Vim have a switch to do 
that or do I need to do:

autocmd BufWritePre * %s/\s*$//e

It would be nice to have a "set stripwhitespace" if that is the case but 
I guess that is the power of Vim.


AFAIK there is no such setting, but your autocommand is the next best thing.

OTOH you can _see_ end-of-line whitespace by setting the 'list' and 
'listchars' options appropriately. For instance,

:set list listchars=tab:\ \ ,eol:$

displays the files as usual, but with a blue dollar sign (well, blue by 
default: a colorscheme can change that) just after the last character on each 

Best regards,

end of line whitespace

2007-01-02 Thread Robert Hicks
I know that in some IDE's I can check a box that causes the IDE to 
automatically strip trailing white space. Does Vim have a switch to do 
that or do I need to do:

autocmd BufWritePre * %s/\s*$//e

It would be nice to have a "set stripwhitespace" if that is the case but 
I guess that is the power of Vim.


Re: Any way of getting statusline=%B in insert mode?

2007-01-02 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Bill McCarthy wrote:

Perhaps.  It behaves that way (also in 6.4) for both %b and
%B.  In Gvim, the cursor is between 2 characters - so
returning zero for %b and %B seems reasonable.  OTOH,
supporting the bug conclusion, the character position of %c,
%v and %V report the position following the between
character cursor.

In (g)vim, the cursor is never between characters. In gvim, with the default 
setting for 'guicursor', the cursor looks as if it were between characters, 
because it is drawn as a vertical bar occupying the leftmost 25% of its 
character cell; but ":set guicursor=a:block-Cursor" will show that it is 
indeed within a character cell (whose position is reported by %c %v %V).

Best regards,

Re: surrparen

2007-01-02 Thread Gary Johnson
On 2007-01-02, AOYAMA Shotaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Now I'm writing a plugin that hilights a pair of
> parens/braces which surround the cursor position.
> Unlike matchparen.vim, it works even when the cursor
> is not just on a paren/brace.  
> The attached file is the source.
> But I have noticed a bothering problem with it.
> When cursor is on '0' in the following text,
> |
> v
> do_all = (flags[0] == 'g');
> do_all = (flags[1] == 'g');
> you press jj, then the cursor normally should down
> two lines and on '1'.
> But when using this plugin, it goes the first column.
> I'm wondering how I can avoid this problem.
> Any ideas?
> and any other suggestion is welcome.

Does your plugin use the CursorHold or CursorMoved autocommand?  
Does your plugin move the cursor after the user has moved it, then 
restore the user's cursor position?

Normally, vim remembers that your cursor was in column 17 (over the 
'O') when you moved it to the empty line and moves the cursor back 
to column 17 when you move it again to the next line having 17 or 
more columns.  If, when the cursor is at the first column of that 
blank line, your plugin executes a command that remembers the cursor 
position, moves the cursor someplace else, then restores the cursor 
position, vim thinks the user has deliberately moved the cursor to 
column 1 and uses that "desired column number" when the user 
subsequently moves the cursor to the next line.  This leaves the 
cursor in column 1 when you think it should have moved back to 
column 17.

I think this problem can be solved by using the winsaveview() 
function to save the cursor and view information before moving the 
cursor, then using the winrestview() function to restore the cursor 
and view.  These functions are new with vim 7.0 and I haven't tried 
them yet.


Gary Johnson | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Wireless Division
 | Spokane, Washington, USA

Re: Any way of getting statusline=%B in insert mode?

2007-01-02 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Tue 2-Jan-07 12:57pm -0600, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

> DervishD wrote:
>> Hi all, and happy new year!
>> I have %B in my status line, but it doesn't work in insert mode,
>> only on normal and visual mode. At first I thought that the status line
>> wasn't being evaluated while in insert mode, but the line and column
>> numbers change correctly, so it *is* being evaluated, it's just that %B
>> doesn't seems to work.
>> Any way of working around this problem? Is this a feature?
>> Thanks a lot in advance :)
>> Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado
> I confirm that in Insert/Replace mode %B gives a single digit zero. In Select
> mode it works OK, even in Select (insert) i.e. when triggered by hitting
> shift-arrow in Insert mode.
> Even in Insert mode, the display is OK in non-current windows (e.g. clicking a
> status line or using Ctrl-O Ctrl-W w to change windows, gives a correct
> display on the status line of the window which we just left).
> IMHO this is a bug.

Perhaps.  It behaves that way (also in 6.4) for both %b and
%B.  In Gvim, the cursor is between 2 characters - so
returning zero for %b and %B seems reasonable.  OTOH,
supporting the bug conclusion, the character position of %c,
%v and %V report the position following the between
character cursor.

Best regards,

Re: Syntax highlighting

2007-01-02 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

cupaxe wrote:

Is there a way to have different (see below) syntax highlighting for
different portions of a file?

What I am interested in knowing is whether there exists a meta file
format (say multisyn) which highlights different portions of a file
with syntax corresponding to that portion.

For instance, let the file be the following-

Start of

print "Hello world\n";
foreach $i ( 1 .. 10 ){
  print $i,"\n";
set hello = "world";
echo $hello

End of

What I would like is that each portion of be highlighted
with a different syntax corresponding to that portions file marked by
the #!/usr/... indicator. For instance, I would like the first portion
to be highlighted using the perl syntax and the second portion be
highlighted using the tcsh syntax.

If there doesn't exist one, would it be possible to create a new file
type called say multisyn and write a syntax which does the job? Is it


Some languages can include text written in other languages, and the 
corresponding syntax script takes that into account: for instance, you might 
want to look into $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/html.vim to see how it caters for CSS 
style sheets, VBS scripts and JS scripts embedded into HTML pages; or into 
$VIMRUNTIME/syntax/vim.vim which accepts here-documents in perl, python, ruby, 
tcl or scheme, embedded into Vim scripts.

Best regards,

Re: enable perl

2007-01-02 Thread Jorge Almeida

On Tue, 2 Jan 2007, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
see my HowTo page for Unix/Linux:

See also
: help if_perl.txt
: help if_cscop.txt

Configuring with --enable-perlinterp will (if it succeeds) build a Vim 
executable with +perl compiled-in, as shown in the ":version" listing. This 
means that whatever is described in if_perl.txt will work as expected, 
provided that: (a) the same version of Perl is installed as the one found at 
compile-time by configure, and (b) Vim can find it at runtime.



Syntax highlighting

2007-01-02 Thread cupaxe

Is there a way to have different (see below) syntax highlighting for
different portions of a file?

What I am interested in knowing is whether there exists a meta file
format (say multisyn) which highlights different portions of a file
with syntax corresponding to that portion.

For instance, let the file be the following-

Start of

print "Hello world\n";
foreach $i ( 1 .. 10 ){
  print $i,"\n";
set hello = "world";
echo $hello

End of

What I would like is that each portion of be highlighted
with a different syntax corresponding to that portions file marked by
the #!/usr/... indicator. For instance, I would like the first portion
to be highlighted using the perl syntax and the second portion be
highlighted using the tcsh syntax.

If there doesn't exist one, would it be possible to create a new file
type called say multisyn and write a syntax which does the job? Is it


Re: automatic code completion in vim

2007-01-02 Thread zhengda

Mikolaj Machowski wrote:

On pon sty 1 2007, Mikolaj Machowski wrote:

This won't work: you need a different variable name, see ":help E706".

Yeah, I forgot (not only about that).

This is complete solution::

function! UpdateTags()
call writefile(getline(1, '$'), '', 'b')
	let tags = system('ctags --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q -f 

" Note: whitespaces around expand are tab chars.
let alltags = system('grep -v "'.expand('%').' " tags')
let tagstable = split(alltags, '\n')
call add(tagstable, tags)
call writefile(tagstable, 'tags', 'b')
return ';'
inoremap  ; UpdateTags()

Note: this is untested in real life, it doesn't return any errors.

In good conditions execution of whole function takes 0.46s on big tags
file (KMail source, tags size over 4MB, 1 lines). Delay noticeable
on my computer Sempron 2200, 512M RAM, old HD 5400rpm. In worse conditions
it was taking up to 0.75s::

FUNCTION  UpdateTags()
Called 1 time
Total time:   0.527128
 Self time:   0.401542

count  total (s)   self (s)
1  0.000551 call writefile(getline(1, '$'), 
'', 'b')
	1   0.026373   0.000298 	let tags = system('ctags --c++-kinds=+p 
--fields=+iaS --extra=+q -f -')

1  0.91 let stags = split(tags, '\n')
	1   0.130731   0.031220 	let alltags = system('grep -v "	'.expand('%').'	" 

1  0.128909 let tagstable = split(alltags, '\n')
1  0.43 call extend(tagstable, stags)
1  0.240341 call writefile(tagstable, 'tags', 'b')
1  0.33 return ';'

count  total (s)   self (s)  function
1   0.527128   0.401542  UpdateTags()

count  total (s)   self (s)  function
1   0.527128   0.401542  UpdateTags()

Note however I've made one fatal mistake. ``ctags fname`` will point to
tags in file not our real current file! Filtering tags in Vim is
possible and on small sample quite fast but still 0.5s is long. Maybe we
should put that strain to the system::

function! UpdateTags()
call writefile(getline(1, '$'), '', 'b')
	call system('grep -v "	'.expand('%').'	" tags > tags2 && mv -f tags2 
	let tags = system('ctags --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q -f 
- | sed "s/\t\.tmp\.cc\t/\t'.expand('%').'\t/" >> tags')

return ';'
inoremap  ; UpdateTags()

And here we have the winner::

FUNCTION  UpdateTags()
Called 1 time
Total time:   0.145700
 Self time:   0.001068

count  total (s)   self (s)
1  0.000523 call writefile(getline(1, '$'), 
'', 'b')
	1   0.096118   0.000195 	call system('grep -v "	'.expand('%').'	" tags > 
tags2 && mv -f tags2 tags')
	1   0.049003   0.000294 	call system('ctags --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS 
--extra=+q -f - | sed "s/\t\.tmp\.cc\t/\t'.expand('%').'\t/" >> 

1  0.29 return ';'

count  total (s)   self (s)  function
1   0.145700   0.001068  UpdateTags()

count  total (s)   self (s)  function
1   0.145700   0.001068  UpdateTags()

Below 0.15s (and even in worse conditions only up to 0.25s)! This is
less then one keystroke of good touchtyper. This is for the price of
portability but you can find grep/sed/mv for other systems so situation
isn't hopeless.




Thank you for your script. It doesn't work so fast in my computer.
There is another problem when I use omnicppcomplete plugin.
I don't know if it is its bug.
For example, there are two files:
class tmp1{
  void print1(){}
#include "tmp1.h"

class hello{
  void print(){}
  static void hello(){}
  static int h;

int main(){
  hello h;
  hello::<- the popup menu only appear here
  tmp1 t1;

I'm sure tags has been created correctly. The popup menu sometimes 
appears, sometimes doesn't when I type '.' or '->'.
I tried many times, but still didn't find the rule: when it appears, 
when it doesn't.

Does anyone meet the similar program? Or has some ideas?

Zheng Da

Re: Any way of getting statusline=%B in insert mode?

2007-01-02 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

DervishD wrote:

Hi Tony :)

:-) Olá Raúl

 * A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dixit:

DervishD wrote:

   I have %B in my status line, but it doesn't work in insert mode,
only on normal and visual mode. At first I thought that the status line
wasn't being evaluated while in insert mode, but the line and column
numbers change correctly, so it *is* being evaluated, it's just that %B
doesn't seems to work.

I confirm that in Insert/Replace mode %B gives a single digit zero. In
Select mode it works OK, even in Select (insert) i.e. when triggered
by hitting shift-arrow in Insert mode.

OK, thanks for the confirmation.

Even in Insert mode, the display is OK in non-current windows (e.g.
clicking a status line or using Ctrl-O Ctrl-W w to change windows,
gives a correct display on the status line of the window which we just

So really it is a bug and not a feature. Again, thanks :)

IMHO, I said. Bram has the final say, not me.

Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Best regards,

Re: enable perl

2007-01-02 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Jorge Almeida wrote:

Quoting the Makefile:
#   - Uncomment one or more of these lines to include an interface;
# each makes Vim quite a bit bigger:
#   --enable-perlinterp for Perl interpreter
#   --enable-pythoninterp   for Python interpreter
#   --enable-rubyinterp for Ruby interpreter
#   --enable-tclinterp  for Tcl interpreter
#   --enable-cscope for Cscope interface

I have no idea  what this means. I probably want --enable-perlinterp
since I use Perl, but what will it do? And about cscope? What is an
interface, in this context?
Could someone please elaborate a little on this matter?

see my HowTo page for Unix/Linux:

See also
:help if_perl.txt
:help if_cscop.txt

Configuring with --enable-perlinterp will (if it succeeds) build a Vim 
executable with +perl compiled-in, as shown in the ":version" listing. This 
means that whatever is described in if_perl.txt will work as expected, 
provided that: (a) the same version of Perl is installed as the one found at 
compile-time by configure, and (b) Vim can find it at runtime.

Best regards,

Re: enable perl

2007-01-02 Thread Jorge Almeida

On Tue, 2 Jan 2007, Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 1/2/07, Jorge Almeida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Quoting the Makefile:
#- Uncomment one or more of these lines to include an interface;
#  each makes Vim quite a bit bigger:
#--enable-perlinterp for Perl interpreter
#--enable-pythoninterp   for Python interpreter
#--enable-rubyinterp for Ruby interpreter
#--enable-tclinterp  for Tcl interpreter
#--enable-cscope for Cscope interface

 I have no idea  what this means. I probably want --enable-perlinterp
 since I use Perl, but what will it do?

This enable the :perl commands (:help :perl)
If all you need when editing perl sources is syntax coloring
and indentation, then you get it even without --enable-pythoninterp

 And about cscope?

: help if_cscop.txt

OK, thank you.
Jorge Almeida

Re: Any way of getting statusline=%B in insert mode?

2007-01-02 Thread DervishD
Hi Tony :)

 * A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dixit:
> DervishD wrote:
> >I have %B in my status line, but it doesn't work in insert mode,
> >only on normal and visual mode. At first I thought that the status line
> >wasn't being evaluated while in insert mode, but the line and column
> >numbers change correctly, so it *is* being evaluated, it's just that %B
> >doesn't seems to work.
> >
> I confirm that in Insert/Replace mode %B gives a single digit zero. In
> Select mode it works OK, even in Select (insert) i.e. when triggered
> by hitting shift-arrow in Insert mode.

OK, thanks for the confirmation.

> Even in Insert mode, the display is OK in non-current windows (e.g.
> clicking a status line or using Ctrl-O Ctrl-W w to change windows,
> gives a correct display on the status line of the window which we just
> left).

So really it is a bug and not a feature. Again, thanks :)

Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Linux Registered User 88736 |
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

Re: enable perl

2007-01-02 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 1/2/07, Jorge Almeida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Quoting the Makefile:
#   - Uncomment one or more of these lines to include an interface;
# each makes Vim quite a bit bigger:
#   --enable-perlinterp for Perl interpreter
#   --enable-pythoninterp   for Python interpreter
#   --enable-rubyinterp for Ruby interpreter
#   --enable-tclinterp  for Tcl interpreter
#   --enable-cscope for Cscope interface

I have no idea  what this means. I probably want --enable-perlinterp
since I use Perl, but what will it do?

This enable the :perl commands (:help :perl)
If all you need when editing perl sources is syntax coloring
and indentation, then you get it even without --enable-pythoninterp

And about cscope?

:help if_cscop.txt


enable perl

2007-01-02 Thread Jorge Almeida

Quoting the Makefile:
#   - Uncomment one or more of these lines to include an interface;
# each makes Vim quite a bit bigger:
#   --enable-perlinterp for Perl interpreter
#   --enable-pythoninterp   for Python interpreter
#   --enable-rubyinterp for Ruby interpreter
#   --enable-tclinterp  for Tcl interpreter
#   --enable-cscope for Cscope interface

I have no idea  what this means. I probably want --enable-perlinterp
since I use Perl, but what will it do? And about cscope? What is an
interface, in this context?
Could someone please elaborate a little on this matter?

Jorge Almeida

Re: Any way of getting statusline=%B in insert mode?

2007-01-02 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

DervishD wrote:

Hi all, and happy new year!

I have %B in my status line, but it doesn't work in insert mode,
only on normal and visual mode. At first I thought that the status line
wasn't being evaluated while in insert mode, but the line and column
numbers change correctly, so it *is* being evaluated, it's just that %B
doesn't seems to work.

Any way of working around this problem? Is this a feature?

Thanks a lot in advance :)

Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

I confirm that in Insert/Replace mode %B gives a single digit zero. In Select 
mode it works OK, even in Select (insert) i.e. when triggered by hitting 
shift-arrow in Insert mode.

Even in Insert mode, the display is OK in non-current windows (e.g. clicking a 
status line or using Ctrl-O Ctrl-W w to change windows, gives a correct 
display on the status line of the window which we just left).

IMHO this is a bug.

Best regards,

Any way of getting statusline=%B in insert mode?

2007-01-02 Thread DervishD
Hi all, and happy new year!

I have %B in my status line, but it doesn't work in insert mode,
only on normal and visual mode. At first I thought that the status line
wasn't being evaluated while in insert mode, but the line and column
numbers change correctly, so it *is* being evaluated, it's just that %B
doesn't seems to work.

Any way of working around this problem? Is this a feature?

Thanks a lot in advance :)

Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Linux Registered User 88736 |
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

Re: cvim

2007-01-02 Thread Fritz Mehner

spx2 schrieb:

just did that and outputted 
filetype detection:ON  plugin:ON  indent:ON


All these mappings are defined in the file
$HOME/.vim/ftplugin/c.vim  (filetype plugin).
This file must also be loaded.

The mappings are only present for c- and h-files
(filetype is 'c' or 'cpp') to avoid conflicts with
other launguage-specific plugins.

If your current buffer is a C/C++-file you should see the mappings with
(and they should work, of course).


Fritz Mehner wrote:

spx2 schrieb:


i just installed cvim but \lcs and \ucs work perfectly but
\ce or \cn or any other \xx stuff or \xxx stuff don't work at all.
what do i do ?


Please check if plugins can be loaded:


You should see
filetype detection:ON  plugin:ON  indent:ON

If not add a line to file .vimrc :
filetype plugin on




Re: cvim

2007-01-02 Thread Thomi Dammann
A.J.Mechelynck schrieb:
> spx2 wrote:
>> hello.
>> i just installed cvim but \lcs and \ucs work perfectly but
>> \ce or \cn or any other \xx stuff or \xxx stuff don't work at all.
>> what do i do ?
> What is cvim?
It's the scrip c.vim:

c.vim : C/C++-IDE --  Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms,
comments etc.

Further reading on

Best regards


Re: cvim

2007-01-02 Thread spx2

just did that and outputted 
 filetype detection:ON  plugin:ON  indent:ON

Fritz Mehner wrote:
> spx2 schrieb:
>>i just installed cvim but \lcs and \ucs work perfectly but
>>\ce or \cn or any other \xx stuff or \xxx stuff don't work at all.
>>what do i do ?
> Please check if plugins can be loaded:
>  :filetype
> You should see
>  filetype detection:ON  plugin:ON  indent:ON
> If not add a line to file .vimrc :
>  filetype plugin on
> Fritz

View this message in context:
Sent from the Vim - General mailing list archive at

Re: perl x modifier regex ?

2007-01-02 Thread Marc Chantreux

A.J.Mechelynck a écrit :
You can always add one or more lines of comments above or below the 
line including the pattern in a Vim script, or even, in most cases, at 
the end of the line; but IIUC you cannot insert comments in the middle 
of a pattern.
Ok. There is no solution so i decided to write functions that returns RE 
chunks in vimfiles/autoload/RE{,/XML}.vim

2 advantages to proceed like this :
- readable.
- reusable

For Exemple, the way to match an XML tag is almost a FAQ on this list. 
Why not provide something like the awsome Regexp::Common perl module ?

I wrote :

function RE#Magic()
   return '\v'

function RE#Submatch( regExp )
   return '('.a:regExp.')'

function RE#OptionnalSubmatch( regExp )
   return '(%('.a:regExp.'){0,1})'

function RE#XML#Ident()
   return '[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]*'

function RE#XML#NSIdent()
   let ident = RE#XML#Ident()
   " a namespace
   " : separator
   " a tagname
   \ RE#OptionnalSubmatch( ident ) .
   \ RE#OptionnalSubmatch( ':' ) .
   \ RE#OptionnalSubmatch( ident ) .

Comments and advices about it would be really nice.

To use perl regexps, you can of course embed perl statements in a 
perl-enabled version of Vim; but of course at the cost of making the 
script less portable.
I gave this solution away a long time ago. I think that all alien 
langages (langages other than viml) is the worst idea of the vim 
developper team.


RE: Bug in 7.0.178? autocmd BufReadCmd * DoSomething expand("") fails if the filename contains %

2007-01-02 Thread Suresh Govindachar

  >> Shouldn't  be wrapped in escape before the expand, 
  >> so that -- omitting other arguments -- the sequence would be:
  >>  expand( escape(  ) )
  > I'd assumed that "" is an argument to expand (:h
  > expand()) and only valid in this context.

  OK -- I put the cursor on common%h and executed the command

:echo escape(expand(""), "%")

  The result was:


  Also, escaping a second time with
:echo escape(escape(expand(""), "%"), "%")
  resulted in 


Re: perl x modifier regex ?

2007-01-02 Thread Marc Chantreux

Hi Theerasak,

my problem is not to read the regExp but maintain them so your script 
don't help here. It sounds good btw.


Theerasak Photha a écrit :

On 12/28/06, Marc Chantreux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

hi all,

Is there a way to obtain the perl x modifier behaviour in vim regex
(spaces are non significants, comments are allowed). This is very
usefull to make a regexp more readable.

No, but there is this:


2007-01-02 Thread AOYAMA Shotaro

Now I'm writing a plugin that hilights a pair of
parens/braces which surround the cursor position.
Unlike matchparen.vim, it works even when the cursor
is not just on a paren/brace.  
The attached file is the source.

But I have noticed a bothering problem with it.

When cursor is on '0' in the following text,
do_all = (flags[0] == 'g');

do_all = (flags[1] == 'g');

you press jj, then the cursor normally should down
two lines and on '1'.
But when using this plugin, it goes the first column.

I'm wondering how I can avoid this problem.
Any ideas?
and any other suggestion is welcome.


AOYAMA Shotaro

Description: Binary data

RE: Bug in 7.0.178? autocmd BufReadCmd * DoSomething expand("") fails if the filename contains %

2007-01-02 Thread Suresh Govindachar

   Thomas sent to

  > I have the following line in my source:
  > exec 'autocmd BufReadCmd  '. pattern .' call '. rcmd .'(1,
  > expand(""), "", "%")'
  > This fails if the filename contains % which is replaced with
  > expand('%'). I can't seem to escape the % at any point, can I?
  > Wrapping the exand("") in a escape(<>, "%") doesn't help.
  Shouldn't  be wrapped in escape before the expand, 
  so that -- omitting other arguments -- the sequence would be:

   expand( escape(  ) )
