Re[2]: mbox format archive?

2007-05-29 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Tue, 29 May 2007, A.J.Mechelynck apparently wrote: 
 Hmm... This post of mine seems to be eliciting two kinds 
 of reactions: Me too, me too and Don't, you fool, he 
 may be a spammer harvesting addresses. 

 I think I'll leave it on the backburner for a while, 
 waiting for the situation to clarify. Comments, anyone? 

- Probability that this is a spammer request: approx 0.
  Old addresses aren't much use.
  Spammers aren't so polite.
- To make it zero, see if he has ever posted to the list...
- sed s/@[A-Za-z]\+/@xxx/g archivefile  archivefile2send

Alan Isaac

OT: net neutrality comments to FCC

2007-05-16 Thread Alan G Isaac
Apologies if this is too off topic!
(And it mostly interests US residents, I think.)

I am looking at this through the lens of securing
my access to the Vim website.

The FCC is accepting public comment on
Docket 07-52, In the Matter of Broadband Industry Practices.
Essential, large ISPs are requesting the right to offer
fee based prioritization of web traffic.

I did not find how to comment on the FCC site, but
until someone posts how to do that, you can use the
Common Cause form at

My letter (based on theirs) follows.

Alan Isaac

Re: Docket 07-52, In the Matter of Broadband Industry Practices

Please act now to protect net neutrality!

Net neutrality is the longstanding principle that prevents 
discrimination on the Internet.  Countries deviating from 
net neutrality do so primarily as a means of political 
oppression.  Net neutrality protects political as well as 
economic liberties.

Net neutrality was the basis of the growth of the Internet.  
Deviations of net neutrality put Internet providers in the 
position of being able to tax Internet commerce, which will 
damage its growth.  Stop special interests from killing the 
goose that laid the golden egg!

Telephone and cable companies wish to change the way the 
Internet operates.  Instead of an open Internet that ensures 
every website can be readily accessed by anyone with 
Internet service, they want to control this access and 
implement a a fee-based system.  It is easy to foresee that 
the websites of nonprofits, small businesses, bloggers, 
artists, and even political candidates will become more 
difficult to find or use.  It is also likely that this power 
to limit access will quickly be abused, as it is abused 
today in countries that do not insist on net neutrality.  
That would be a disaster for our economy, our culture, and 
our democracy.

I count on the Federal Communications Commission to protect 
consumers like me from companies that would like to 
discriminate against certain types of content on the web.

I strongly urge you to support net neutrality principles 
that prohibit broadband providers from blocking, impeding or 
interfering with any lawful Internet traffic, or 
prioritizing any content or services.

Thank you.

Re: OT: net neutrality comments to FCC

2007-05-16 Thread Alan G Isaac
Someone wrote:
 Here is the URL for submitting e-mail comments:
 I found it by starting at the FCC home page, 
 and following the link from the left side-bar labeled 
 Filing Public Comments, main. That page didn't have 
 07-52, so I followed the Other Comments, expert 
 version link in that page's left side-bar, and from there 
 the Email Filing Instructions link near the bottom of 
 the page.
 If you post that URL to the vim list, I'd prefer it if you 
 didn't say whom you got it from.


rst syntax file: grid tables not handled

2007-05-11 Thread Alan G Isaac
The rst syntax file of 2006-04-19 does not recognize
the end of grid tables.  Is there an update that
fixes this?

Thank you,
Alan Isaac

Re: problem loading Python dll

2007-04-02 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Mon, 2 Apr 2007, Johan du Preez apparently wrote: 
 I have installed Python 2.5, but vim does not appear to see it? How do 
 I solve this one!. 

:h python-dynamic

Alan Isaac

Re[2]: Vim Help for deleting alternate lines in text

2007-03-31 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Sat, 31 Mar 2007, (IST) Auro Ashish Saha apparently wrote: 
 i could not get any result 

But did you try
:%norm jdd
as suggested at ??

Alan Isaac

Re[2]: restructured text syntax file problem

2007-02-22 Thread Alan G Isaac
 Alan G Isaac a écrit : 
 Single character literals are not handled correctly: 
 for example, ``x`` will product highlighting of the 
 subsequent text. 

On Thu, 22 Feb 2007, apparently wrote: 
 Mine is havingno problem at all : 
 see the screenshot here : h**p:// 

I do not see a **single** character literal in that shot.

Alan Isaac

Re: moving buffer changes to new file?

2007-02-22 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Thu, 22 Feb 2007, Lev Lvovsky apparently wrote: 
 I often times rename a file that I'm working on after I realize (or 
 am told ;) that renaming it is in order.  Is there any way I can take 
 the changes to that new file from the buffer along with the new name? 

:h :saveas

Alan Isaac

Re[2]: restructured text syntax file problem

2007-02-22 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Fri, 23 Feb 2007, apparently wrote: 

No that does not do it.
Copy this entire *line*: ``x`` is the problem.

Alan Isaac

Re: indexing in a latex file

2007-02-20 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Mon, 19 Feb 2007, C.G.Senthilkumar. apparently wrote: 
 Is there a script or some mechanism to do this 
 effeciently? For example, when I search a term, vim should 
 take the cursor to the term and prompt a confirmation(y/n) 
 to index that term. Upon (y) it should include 
 \index{search_term}. After y/n, it should take me to the 
 next occurence until the end of the file. 


Alan Isaac

display aberrations on Mac

2007-02-09 Thread Alan G Isaac
I'm using Vim 7 on a Macbook Pro (Intel) with OS X 10.4.8.
With gvim I'm seeing some aberrant display: the occasional 
character will only half or 3/4 drawn, and :redr does not
fix it.  (However moving the cursor across it in normal mode 
does fix it.)

Is this a known problem, and is there a fix?  (E.g., does
the most recently posted binary fix this?)

Thank you,
Alan Isaac

Re[2]: omnicompletion vs. old Ctrl-n

2007-01-19 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Fri, 19 Jan 2007, Daniel Nogradi apparently wrote: 
 I guess I'll give vim 7 a try. Just hope 
 that my old .vimrc and ftplugins will keep working :) 

Vim 7 is great, but if you download 7.0 it has one problem 
that I have found very annoying: some maps are not properly
unloaded a reloaded if you :bd a buffer and then reload that 
buffer.  This has been patched subsequently, but there is
not a more recent official release.

Alan Isaac

Re: vim | deleting end of lines inside a pattern

2007-01-11 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Thu, 11 Jan 2007, Nikolaos A. Patsopoulos apparently wrote: 
 I would like to delete all end of lines (\n) inside a given pattern that 
 runs through a text. The pattern is like this: 
 text1 \n 
 text2 \n 
 text3 \n 
 text4 \n 
 text5 \n 
 text6 \n 
 ... \n 


Alan Isaac

Re: Mac Questions

2007-01-08 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Mon, 8 Jan 2007, Brett Calcott apparently wrote: 
 I have just got a Macbook (switching from windows) and 
 have downloaded and compiled the latest version of Vim on 
 it. It all works fine, but I have a few questions. 

Would you mind outlining the steps you took for someone who 
is making the same transition but is not used to compiling 
their own apps? (I have XCode installed.)

Thank you,
Alan Isaac

Re: Enclosing current line in HTML tags

2007-01-01 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Sun, 31 Dec 2006, Robert MannI apparently wrote: 
 What's the quickest way to enclose the current line the 
 cursor is on in, say, li/li tags? 

Here's one approach:

Alan Isaac

Re[2]: multi-mark

2006-12-21 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Thu, 21 Dec 2006, Yegappan Lakshmanan apparently wrote: 
 You can use the Vim7 location list feature to implement 
 the anonymous marks support. 

I do not think that is right, but perhaps I do not 
understand location lists correctly.

My understanding is that a location list will reference line 
numbers.  This is not like marks, which mark a line not 
a line number.

Alan Isaac

Re[2]: soft line breaks + limited width display?

2006-12-07 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Thu, 7 Dec 2006, Bill McCarthy apparently wrote: 
 I see people have used this but what does gg+G do? 

:h gg
:h +
:h G

Alan Isaac

Re[4]: soft line breaks + limited width display?

2006-12-07 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Thu, 7 Dec 2006, Matthew Gilbert apparently wrote: 
 + is selecting the CLIPBOARD register right? But I don't 
 see where the register is used. Sorry for being dense, but 
 it looks useful :-). Thanks _matt 

That's because it's missing a yank:

Alan Isaac

Re[2]: Bug? (Re: local map and vmap not cleared when buffer deleted)

2006-12-06 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Wed, 6 Dec 2006, Bill McCarthy apparently wrote: 
 I repeated this starting with a file name file: 
 gvim -u NONE -i NONE -N file 
 Here I see what appears to be a cosmetic bug.  I am seeing: 
 i   @ buffer 
 v   @ 

I am using Vim 7.0.
Starting with
gvim -u NONE -i NONE -N file
I see that maps and vmaps that are local to the buffer are 
not cleared when the buffer is deleted (:bd).  Peter is also 
reporting this behavior.  Are you saying you see something 
else? If so, what is your version?

Thank you,
Alan Isaac

Re: soft line breaks + limited width display?

2006-12-06 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Wed, 6 Dec 2006, Karsten Gerloff apparently wrote: 
 I'm currently writing a lot of text in vim that will later need to 
 transfer to a word processor (OpenOffice 2.0 in this case). 

If you use reStructuredText you can use rst2html and have 
OpenOffice open the HTML document.  (Alternatively, there is 
also an OpenOffice writer in the docutils sandbox, but 
I have not used it.)

Alan Isaac

Re[2]: sourcing

2006-12-05 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Mon, 4 Dec 2006, Bill McCarthy apparently wrote: 
 Instead of using an autocmd, you could place those maps in a 
 file called tex.vim in your local ftplugin directory.  Place 
 this single line in such a file: 
 map buffer c-a :echo 'It worked!'CR 

OK, I did this.
But there is still a problem.

Suppose I have defined::

imap buffer unique ;fn %cr\footnote{%cr}cr%esc-i

in my tex_ai.vim file in my local ftplugin directory.
I create the buffer ``:e c:\temp.tex``
then I leave the buffer by deleting it ``:bd``
and then later I decide to reopen it ``:e c:\temp.tex``.
Now I get a bunch of E227 errors, saying the mapping already 
exists.  This must mean that there Vim tries to redefine the 

BUT I had tried to rule this out: at the top of my plugin 
I have::

if exists(b:loaded_tex_ai)
let b:loaded_tex_ai=1

But of course ``b:loaded_tex_ai`` is gone once I use ``:bd``.
But the mappings are apparently still around!
I do not really understand the variable convetions.
Should I have created ``s:loaded_tex_ai`` instead?
Might that work?

The problem does not arise if I use ``:bw`` instead of ``:bd``.
But then I lose other information too.

What is the right way to manage this?
Hints or suggestions?

Thank you,
Alan Isaac

Re: Hiding lines

2006-09-17 Thread Alan G Isaac
It rather sounds like you want THE's 'all' command: 

I think the view expressed on this list in the past is 
something like: see 
:h :global 

I am not claiming this is a complete response.
Indeed, I believe your request interacts with another
request for anonymous marks.

Anonymous marks would be unnamed but could be jumped to 
successively.  Anonymous marks could be set just as you 
suggest: by pattern matching commands.  Edits could then be 
restricted to marked our unmarked lines (along the line of 
:g and :v).  They could also be the basis of folding.

If you make a feature request, you might put it in this 

Alan Isaac 

Re[2]: vim is too smart for its own good

2006-08-31 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Thu, 31 Aug 2006, Tim Chase apparently wrote: 
 There's always ed...  
 -more ubiquitous in its presence 
 -consistent in its behavior 
 -tools like diff interoperate with it 
 -it can be used on a slow TTY 
 -can be used on with a one-line display 
 -smaller executable size 
 -easier to remember: *ed*itor, not *vi*sual editor 
 -no time or machine cycles wasted on screen refreshes 
 -historically significant 
 so many other bountiful blessings to using ed. ;) 

For those missing the reference:

Alan Isaac

Re: ANN: vcscommand beta 4 (supercedes cvscommand)

2006-08-18 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Wed, 9 Aug 2006, Bob Hiestand apparently wrote: 

I see that many people are liking this plugin.
Could you please add a few details about how it works
and why it is better than just using the SVN executables.

Thank you,
Alan Isaac

Re: Paragraph formatting options

2006-08-18 Thread Alan G Isaac
Try this:
set fo+=w and then leave no white space after your 
outdented header. Then you can gwap to your hearts 

Not quite what you asked for ...

Alan Isaac

Re[2]: Paragraph formatting options

2006-08-18 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Fri, 18 Aug 2006, apparently wrote: 
 but what is this 
 gwap (or :gwap ..) command? 
 Seems it is not recognized by Vim 6.3 

:h gw


Alan Isaac

Re[2]: windows unicode (iso10646-1) font for vim

2006-08-17 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Mon, 31 Jul 2006, (BST) Georg Dahn apparently wrote: 
 I personally need Latin only and use Consolas:
 which (IMHO) is a great font. 

This package is only intended for licensed users of 
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.  I'm not sure what
that means here ...
(intended for vs. licensed to?)

Alan Isaac

Re: use '/' to find both upper and lower case instances

2006-08-17 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Fri, 18 Aug 2006, Luke Vanderfluit apparently wrote: 
 I have a need to use '/' to find something in a file, but I wish it to ignore 

:h \c

Alan Isaac

Re: pasting the name of the file in the text of the file

2006-08-15 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Tue, 15 Aug 2006, olahjulcsi apparently wrote: 
 I have been trying to find a way to paste the name of the 
 file inside the text of the file.

In insert mode:

Alan Isaac

Re[2]: language display problem

2006-08-15 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Mon, 14 Aug 2006, A.J.Mechelynck apparently wrote: 
 MingLiU for East-Asian ideograms.
Unfortunately, the only way of legally obtaining it now 
appears to be by enabling Traditional Chinese support in 
Windows.  Microsoft used to offer it for download but 
seem to have stopped being so generous.

Alan Isaac

Re[2]: filename completion and filereadable

2006-08-09 Thread Alan G Isaac
 Am 09.08.2006 14:08:04 schrieb Yakov Lerner: 
 Looks like an input() bug to me. 

 On 8/9/06, Alexander 'boesi' Bösecke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 To me it looks even more strange. I've tested a bit more.  
 :echo filereadable(G:\Projekte\CS Simple\run.pyw) 

On Wed, 9 Aug 2006, Yakov Lerner apparently wrote: 
 Use single quotes, where backslash is not treated specially. 
 Otherwize ..\r... will be treated as CR char, ...\t... as 
 tab char etc, which is not what you want. 

Since this is stumbled over so often,
I have an enhancement request:
allow raw strings to be created
with the raw string notation from Python.
This would be backwards compatible, I believe.

Alan Isaac

Re: Another regular expression substitute question

2006-07-26 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Wed, 26 Jul 2006, Xiaoshen Li apparently wrote:
 Thank you very much for all your responses. I am sorry. My file is a
 little different now. It is like following:
 1  data_34.dat pre= -7872.11914060  post= -7812.80517600  diff= 59.31396460
 2  data_5.dat  pre= -7986.76147466  post= -7926.94091800  diff= 59.82055666
 3  data_16.dat pre= -8117.66357420  post= -8057.25097700  diff= 60.41259720
 4  data_36.dat pre= -7628.28979490  post= -7564.08691400  diff= 64.20288090
 5  data_18.dat pre= -8145.31860358  post= -8078.61328100  diff= 66.70532258
 How can I use regular expression to get:

This should work:

You need to spend some time with
:h :s
:h pattern
:h \(

Alan Isaac

Re[2]: Another regular expression substitute question

2006-07-26 Thread Alan G Isaac

On Wed, 26 Jul 2006, (MDT) [EMAIL PROTECTED] apparently wrote: 
 I know you lose some generality with this solution... 
 but it looks a little easier on the eyes.  Any cons 
 to doing it this way? 

One extra character?  ;-)

Alan Isaac

Re: Scroll up/down feature is missing in Microsoft Windows

2006-06-02 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Fri, 02 Jun 2006, Xiaoshen Li apparently wrote: 
 I use vim a lot in Linux. Recently I start to use vim in Microsoft 
 Windows. One feature lost in Microsoft Windows platform is: pressing 
 Ctrl, Alt and E together will move the text down (pressing Ctrl, Alt and 
 Y together will move the text up). I like this feature very much when I 
 am using Linux platform. Can anybody help me to obtain such a feature? 

No Alt key, and it works fine.

Alan Isaac

Re[2]: Support for the idutils in vim?

2006-06-02 Thread Alan G Isaac
Slightly OT:

 On 6/1/06, Timothy Knox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Is there any support for the GNU idutils in vim? For those not familiar 
 with the idutils, they are somewhat like ctags, only faster? 

 Yegappan Lakshmanan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 You can try using the lid.vim plugin: 

On Thu, 01 Jun 2006, George Reilly apparently wrote: 
 Win32 binaries for the Id-Utils can now be found at 
 These are better than the DJGPP binaries mentioned on the lid page. 

The idutils project is looking for a maintainer.

Alan Isaac

Re: VIM script replacement question

2006-05-25 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Thu, 25 May 2006, Nikolaos A. Patsopoulos apparently 
 In detail: 1.I want in front of the number in the first 
 column to add  # , then change line after the value 2. 
 change line after 3rd column 3. change line after 5th 
 column 4. repeat all three steps 

%s/^\(\d\+\)\s\+\([01]\)\s\+\([01]\)\s\+\([01]\)\s\+\([01]\)\s*/#\1\r\2 \3\r\4 

Alan Isaac

Re[2]: VIM script replacement question

2006-05-25 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Thu, 25 May 2006, Nikolaos A. Patsopoulos apparently 
 The replacement didn't occur to the whole file. 

You must have forgotten the '%'.

Alan Isaac

Re[2]: VIM script replacement question

2006-05-25 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Thu, 25 May 2006, Nikolaos A. Patsopoulos apparently wrote: 
 No, I used %. 
 Got them same problem with Tim's code 

Something is not right ...
Try using
instead of
and see what happens.

Alan Isaac

Re[2]: VIM script replacement question

2006-05-25 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Thu, 25 May 2006, Nikolaos A. Patsopoulos apparently wrote: 
 00 must become 0 0 

The original replacement I sent had these spaces in it:
\3\r\4 \5
Look after \2 and after \4

Alan Isaac

Re[2]: Tables.

2006-05-21 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Sun, 21 May 2006, Gary apparently wrote: 
 Some very basic markup language that provides headers, 
 paragraphs, lists, and tables and that could be easily 
 translated to html, pdf, postscript, and simple text would 
 be well-adapted to my needs.

Alan Isaac

Re: :bd should NOT close the Window

2006-05-12 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Fri, 12 May 2006, Salman Khilji apparently wrote: 
 When you have a window split, issuing a :bd command 
 closes the buffer AND one panes of the split window as 

Just leave it open.
To edit newfile.txt in it
:e newfile.txt
To then immediately get rid of oldfile.txt

Alan Isaac

Re[2]: VIM: map seq.s must be typed slowly

2006-04-23 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Sat, 22 Apr 2006, Thomas Mellman apparently wrote: 
 Thank you.  In fact, that's what my sequences map to.  
 It's just that I find that I can type [v and ]v faster 
 then I can type the # and * (which are shifted on a US 
 keyboard).  Too fast, I'm afraid.  But that's new (within 
 the last year).  I've been using those mappings for many 

Did you change timeoutlen?
:h 'tm'

Alan Isaac

PS Sorry if this is redundant; I was not following
the thread.