RE: automatically enter normal mode

2007-05-08 Thread Halim, Salman
You can have something happen on multiples of CursorHold and CursorHoldI
by doing something like this (untested):

:let g:flag = 0
:au CursorHoldI * if g:flag == 1 | doSomething | let g:flag = 0 | else |
let g:flag += 1 | endif

The 'doSomething' bit should only happen every other CursorHoldI firing.
You could change the if condition to work off a higher number if you

I have a (relatively) complicated function called LongEnough that return
true/false if it has either been sufficiently long since the last time
it was called or if it has been called quite frequently.  Useful if you
want to execute something either every 5 seconds or every 3 calls, for
example.  I can share it if it'll help.


 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 5:17 PM
 Subject: Re: automatically enter normal mode
 On 08/05/07, A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In an autocommand, you need an ex-command, which Esc isn't. I 
  :au CursorHoldI * stopinsert
  Make sure 'updatetime' has a long enough value (the default 
 is 4000, 
  i.e., 4 seconds, which might be a little short for some people).
 Problem now is that I already have:
  au CursorHoldI * update
 and this wants an updatetime of 4000 while as you say 
 stopinsert will want a higher number.
 Is there a way?

RE: question about insert mode and zz

2007-05-04 Thread Halim, Salman
I know that a function key is a single key, but touch-typists might find
it faster to map it to something like leaderzz so they don't have to
actually take their hands off the home keys to get to the mapping.

I've set the leader on my system to the comma instead of the backslash,
so it's even faster for me to hit ,zz (which I can do without looking)
than to look at the keyboard while I move my hand off the home keys to
get to the function key.

Here's another one I use (not mine, but I'm afraid I don't remember who
suggested it) occasionally:

map silent Leaderzz :let scrolloff=999-scrolloffCR:set

Hitting \zz (or ,zz for me) changes the scrolloff to a really large
number (well, it toggles between the large number and the original
value, which for me is 3).  The behaviour?  The cursor line is always
smack in the middle of the screen.  Hitting \zz again restores the
original behaviour.

Hope this helps,


 -Original Message-
 From: A.J.Mechelynck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 11:28 AM
 To: shawn bright
 Cc: vimlist
 Subject: Re: question about insert mode and zz
 shawn bright wrote:
  Hey there all,
  i really dig the zz function to get me in the middle of the screen.
  i was wondering if there were an insert mode ability to do 
 the same thing.
  So if i am writing a long function and get to the bottom of 
 the screen 
  i can move where i am at to the middle of the screen while still in 
  insert mode?
  thanks for any tips
 Ctrl-O zz
 see :help i_CTRL-O (that's control-oh, not control-zero).
 Or if you're lazy:
   :imap F9 C-Ozz
 then F9 does it.
 Best regards,
 The years of peak mental activity are undoubtedly between the 
 ages of four and eighteen.  At four we know all the 
 questions, at eighteen all the answers.

RE: button t useless?

2007-04-27 Thread Halim, Salman
 I'm a one-handed typist (right-handed), and to me both are 
 about equally bad on ergonomical grounds. I don't think of 
 what I do as pecking however: I know where the keys are on 
 my AZERTY keyboard, and I use all five fingers of my right 
 hand, which is not riveted to a constant location over the
 keyboard: this makes for reasonably fast typing, maybe 
 faster that some of you decadactylographers ;-) .
 I go with the previous argument however: bdw has the 
 inconvenient of including a prepare step:
 bdw   (move);(delete(word))
 diw   (delete((inner)word))
 In my mental model, bdw is two steps, diw is one.
 Best regards,


I had indeed not considered those who either typed with one hand or used
a non-QWERTY keyboard.  In retrospect, if I were typing with one hand, I
think I would prefer bdw to diw simply because the keys for it are close
together, allowing for faster entry.

Bdw is definitely two steps, both mentally and in actuality.  As someone
else pointed out, you can repeat diw with a ., but not bdw, as it is not



RE: button t useless?

2007-04-26 Thread Halim, Salman
This might not be a huge deal, but bdw is typed entirely with the left
hand if you're on a QWERTY keyboard (most people with English/US
keyboards) while diw switches hands.  Unless you're pecking at the
keys with one hand, diw is simply much faster to type :)


 -Original Message-
 From: Tim Chase [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 9:48 AM
 To: zzapper
 Subject: Re: button t useless?
  When the cursor is in the middle of a word you wish to delete
  diw has a distinct advantage over bdw
  But what is it?
 I think it's the mental model.
 diw is two mental steps:  {action}{object} where {action} 
 is delete and {object} is iw even though that {object} is 
 two characters.
 bdw, OTOH, has a 3-step mental model of 
 {prepare}{action}{motion} where you {prepare} with b, 
 {action} with d over {motion} with w.
 When vimming, you begin to think in the flow okay...I want 
 to delete something [hit 'd'] and it's this thing [provide 
 object/motion].  The latter intrudes on this by requiring 
 you to not start your deletion action until you've prepared for it.
 Or maybe that's just the warped way my own mind works :)

RE: wish: allow a: in the function def

2007-04-25 Thread Halim, Salman
I uploaded GetVar a long long time ago to (initially in 2002,
updated for Vim 7 in 2006) that basically is called with the name of a
variable and an optional default value.  It checks w:, b:, t:, and
finally g: before returning the specified default value (default default
value is -1).

There is also a VarExists function in there that just returns true/false
(1/0) based on whether it was able to find any of those.

I use these to override global plugin settings on a per-buffer basis,
among other things.


 -Original Message-
 From: Marc Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 10:24 AM
 Subject: Re: wish: allow a: in the function def
  So maybe one could make vimscript search a variable foo as l:foo, 
  a:foo, (maybe also: w:foo, b:foo), s:foo, g:foo, and then throw an 
  undefined variable name error if none exists. Or so.
 No. I don't want to go back to VB without using Option 
 Explicit ;) Don't let vim find some value somewhere. This 
 leads to failures not so easy to spot
 But you are right. This might be useful:
 Use buffer setting if it exists, if not use global one..
 But you should be able to emulate this behaviour using the 
 function exists:
 function GetSetting(name)
   if exists('b:'.a:name)
 exec 'return b:'.a:name
   elseif exists('g:'.a:name)
 exec 'return g:'.a:name
 echoe Please define setting .a:name
 perhaps even add a optional parameter for a default value..
 I'm using this very often:
 function! vl#lib#brief#args#GetOptionalArg( name, default, ...)
   if a:0 == 1
 let idx = a:1
 let idx = 1
   if type( a:default) != 1
 throw wrong type: default parameter of 
 vl#lib#brief#args#GetOptionalArg must be a string, use string(value)
   let script = [ if a:0 = . idx
\ ,   let .a:name. = a:.idx
\ , else
\ ,   let .a:name. = .a:default
\ , endif
\ ]
   return join( script, \n)
 function GetSetting(name, ...)
   exec vl#lib#brief#args#GetOptionalArg('default', 
 string(option not given))
   if exists('b:'.a:name)
 exec 'return b:'.a:name
   elseif exists('g:'.a:name)
 exec 'return g:'.a:name
 return default
 Then you can use
 let b = GetSetting('my_name','default value') or let b = 
 GetSetting('my_name') which will set b to option not given 
 if neither b:my_name nor g:my_name does exist
 HTH Marc

Extended :normal

2007-04-25 Thread Halim, Salman

Since tips on have been disabled because of spam, I thought I
would share this here.  I find the :Normal command extremely useful:

 Behaves like the built-in normal command, except that it takes keys
such as f8 right on the command-line.
function! Normal( bang, args )
  execute 'map Normal_map ' . a:args

  execute 'normal' . a:bang . ' Normal_map'

  unmap Normal_map
com! -bang -nargs=+ Normal call Normal( q-bang, q-args )

Typically, when you call :normal, you can't embed keys in there easily
-- an example:

:normal ispancr/spanesc



(Insert mode is automatically exited at the end of the normal command.)


:Normal ispancr/spanesc



I use it all the time with things like :windo (I have a lot of setting
toggles mapped to function keys) to get things the way I like them in
one fell swoop.  Also, if you prefer to use the old-style keys (c-v
followed by the key to get the actual key on the command-line), :Normal
still works.

Please note that you CAN get this effect with the built in :normal, but
you have to do something like this:

:execute normal ispan\cr/span\esc

(I've gone so far as to set up a command-line abbreviation to always
convert :normal to :Normal in my configuration.)

Hope this helps,


RE: VIM doesn't need new features?!?!

2007-04-16 Thread Halim, Salman
I really didn't think Peter said anything that was a flame.  Perhaps he
didn't read the whole thing, but I, too, initially walked away with the
same conclusion was he did, and I *have* been using Vim for a long time.
(I just know better because I've been here longer.)

Suresh, on the other hand, was pretty much out of line and actually took
it to the level of personal attacks.  Makes me wonder if he's really
Sven Guckes in disguise.


 -Original Message-
 From: Milan Vancura [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 3:27 AM
 To: Vim development list
 Subject: Re: VIM doesn't need new features?!?!
The preceding shows you have trouble reading -- that page has a  
   link to a voting page, which page lists certain core features  
   that could be added to vim.  If your investigation into 
 plugins  was 
   as casual as your reading of the above link, then your 
 efforts  at 
   finding and evaluating existing plugins in relation to 
 your  notion 
   of a project are likely to have been botched!
  Vim has many, many features. We don't really need more
 Peter, don't start flames, please. vim-dev list is a very 
 valuable list exactly for the reason that people usualy don't 
 try flaming here.
 It's easy to take one sentence without any context and become 
 upset. Read more (as Suresh Govindachar already suggested) 
 and your life will be nicer again.
 Please start with Suresh Govindachar's e-mail, the answer for 
 you is already there. The sentence you started a flame with 
 means that it seems we can add new features by some script 
 languages (most usualy the internal vim script) and don't 
 need to add every bell and whistle in the core vim code.
 And it's true for your problem too: core vim features are 
 strong enough to allow project handling - but the exact 
 implementation is up to your choice.
 There are several plugins ready at which you can use 
 or modify. 
 So again: please start reading at again with this 
 information in mind.
 And stop the flame. If you have a concrete question, ask here 
 or at vim-users.
 Thank you and have a nice day,
 Milan Vancura
 Milan Vancura, Prague, Czech Republic, Europe

RE: hello again

2007-02-21 Thread Halim, Salman

Look up :help on 'ts' (with the single quotes), 'sts', 'sw' and 'et'.

Basically, you want to :set 'tabstop' to 8, 'shiftwidth' to whatever you
like to indent and 'expandtab' to on.  This will take care of new code
that you write.

To convert existing tab-based indents, set 'tabstop' to the actual
indent (4, for example), type :retab! to retab the whole thing and then
set tabstop back to 8.

At least, that's how I play this game :)

Hope this help,


 -Original Message-
 From: shawn bright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 2:44 PM
 To: vimlist
 Subject: hello again
 hello again from the newbie.
 i was wondering if there is an option to use spaces instead 
 of tabs in my indenting and tabbing, especially when in python.
 This wouldn't be an issue, but i have written most of my 
 stuff in JEdit using soft tabs and now when i mess with one 
 of the files in vim, i get problems about indentation not being right.
 just wondering. and thanks

RE: Tips which are spam

2007-02-05 Thread Halim, Salman
Might be easier on the user to use the 'negative captcha' idea floating
about online:

Put a hidden form field called email, phone, login or some such
that a bot is likely to fill and use CSS to hide it.  A human won't see
it, but a bot will (ignoring CSS).  If the field ends up containing a
value, it must have been filled by a bot; ignore the tip/note

Not foolproof, but it'll probably work here.


 -Original Message-
 From: Andy Wokula [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 3:35 PM
 To: John Beckett
 Cc: vim
 Subject: Re: Tips which are spam
 John Beckett schrieb:
  Andy Wokula wrote:
  Currently there is much spam in recent comments:
  Last time this was discussed I got the impression that there is a 
  feeling that if no one reads the spam, then it is not a problem.
  But I think the situation is worse than that. The spammers 
 don't care 
  if anyone reads the tips. They want the optimisation to 
 their search 
  ranking in Google et al from having links to their site.
  Helping these leaches is no longer acceptable IMHO.
  Lots of places on the Internet have had to implement a 
 simple logon or 
  at least a captcha - anonymous posting can't be allowed.
 E.g. posters must either login or solve simple math (or 
 answer simple Vim questions, even better ;) next to the Add 
 Note button.
 Should be fairly easy to add?
 Telefonate ohne weitere Kosten vom PC zum PC:

RE: Spam in Tips in Vim's website

2007-01-17 Thread Halim, Salman
While I'm not in a position to determine who gets to moderate tips, I would 
like to request that if anybody sees spam while looking through a tip and 
decides to mention it, please include the tip number(s) so a moderator can go 
in and address the issue.

Thank you,


 -Original Message-
 From: DervishD [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 2:47 PM
 To: vim
 Subject: Spam in Tips in Vim's website
 Hi all :)
 I've noticed that there are still spam in the Tips 
 comments at the vim website. Bram, do you need help with 
 that? If you want, I can take a look at the comments and 
 delete any spam I catch. I don't know how much spare time 
 I'll have, but even with ~1500 tips, it shouldn't take more 
 than a week or so.
 I've read your post in the Vim page saying that with the 
 help of moderators, the spam had been eliminated, so probably 
 the spam I've seen today is new. That's bad :(((
 Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado
 Linux Registered User 88736 | It's my 
 PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

RE: Tips which are spam--clean up author/summary

2007-01-17 Thread Halim, Salman
Moderators can only mark tips and/or comments as spam.  We can't make
any other changes. 

 -Original Message-
 From: Russell Bateman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 4:09 PM
 To: vim
 Subject: Re: Tips which are spam--clean up author/summary
 While (someone) is at it, tip #1472's author and summary need 
 to be adjusted. Similarly, #1456's author field.

RE: Spam in Tips in Vim's website

2007-01-17 Thread Halim, Salman
 I've subscribed and I've already picked some of the spam.
 Unfortunately, this only solves tips that *are* spam, not 
 spam in comments (at least I can't catch that from reader 
 without looking at every tip).
 Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Spam in comments can also be addressed by moderators as of fairly recently.  
When you come across such a comment, you can mark the comment as spam, leaving 
the rest of the tip and comments alone.  While you are correct that you may not 
be able to catch them all, they're only a problem if someone stumbles across 
them -- in which case, they need only mention it and any moderator (yes, I 
speak for you, too!) will happily remove it.

There is a page ( that lists 
the most recently added tip notes.  The nice thing about it is that you can 
mark notes as spam right from here.


RE: Disable mapleader in insert mode

2006-11-30 Thread Halim, Salman
I realize this won't help that much, except as an example of another
user with the mapleader change.  I use a comma as well, and the only way
I get the delay in insert mode is when I actually HAVE a few insert-mode
mappings.  So I'm not actually seeing the problem you are.

I'm using Vim 7.109 -- dunno if this was introduced in later versions
(or fixed in later, if you have an earlier version than 109) -- I
haven't built a newer Vim since patch 109.

Hope this helps,


 -Original Message-
 From: Ying Bian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 7:20 AM
 Subject: Disable mapleader in insert mode
 I set my mapleader to comma (,).  Although I do not have any 
 insert-mode maps starting with comma, whenever I type , in 
 insert mode, it still waits for a while (the value of timeoutlen).
 Is there any way to disable the mapleader in insert mode so 
 that vim will be more responsive when I type the mapleader?

RE: Matching non-capitalized words?

2006-07-25 Thread Halim, Salman
Make sure 'ignorecase' is off:

:set noignorecase



 -Original Message-
 From: William O'Higgins Witteman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 4:24 PM
 To: vim
 Subject: Matching non-capitalized words?
 How would I match (and then delete) all of the words in a 
 buffer that are not capitalized?  Thanks.

RE: Making * search for strings

2006-04-26 Thread Halim, Salman
I use the extreme version:

vnoremap silent * yy:let @/='\(' . substitute( escape( @y,
'$*^[]~\/.' ), '\_s\+', '\\_s\\+', 'g' ) . '\)'cr:set hlscr

This escapes a lot of stuff, including replacing any whitespace with a
generic expression that includes newlines.  I like it because if you
highlight 'a b' (without the quotes) and hit *, it will subsequently
also match 'a b', 'a\nb' (where the \n indicates that the a
and b are on different lines).  I got the idea from a previous
discussion on this list (might well have been Gerald posting his
mappings earlier).

Oh, and I also wrap the search string in \(\) to allow its use in later
search/replace expressions.  Lastly, I don't perform an actual search,
but rather set the search register and turn on highlights.  Why?  I like
to see all my matches, but I don't really want the cursor to move when I
hit *.

Clobbers the y register, but you can easily change the first two
characters of the mapping to do something else...

In a similar vein, by the way, if you want to search for something
currently on the clipboard, try:

noremap // :let @/[EMAIL PROTECTED]cr:set hlscr



 -Original Message-
 From: Gerald Lai [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 1:30 AM
 To: Suresh Govindachar
 Subject: Re: Making * search for strings
 On Tue, 25 Apr 2006, Suresh Govindachar wrote:
   By default, * searches for words:  /\stuff_below_cursor\  but I 
  would like it to search for strings:  /stuff_below_cursor  
 One way is 
  to use the following
 map * yiw:let @/[EMAIL PROTECTED]cr
   Is there a better way? (/yiw didn't work.)
 I found this somewhere in Vim tips:
 visual search
 vnoremap *   
 vnoremap kMultiply 
 vnoremap #   
 HTH :)

RE: Making * search for strings

2006-04-26 Thread Halim, Salman
  I use the extreme version:
  vnoremap silent * yy:let @/='\(' . substitute( escape( @y, 
  '$*^[]~\/.' ), '\_s\+', '\\_s\\+', 'g' ) . '\)'cr:set hlscr
  This escapes a lot of stuff, including replacing any 
 whitespace with a 
  generic expression that includes newlines.  I like it 
 because if you 
  highlight 'a b' (without the quotes) and hit *, it will subsequently
  also match 'a b', 'a\nb' (where the \n 
 indicates that the a
  and b are on different lines).  I got the idea from a previous 
  discussion on this list (might well have been Gerald posting his 
  mappings earlier).
 Good idea :) I'll adopt it for my kMultiply. Question, do 
 you think it would be useful to extend this to numbers too? 
 For example, visual matching 123 results in \d\+?

I thought about doing substitutions to non-whitespace characters
(numbers with \d\+ and letters/underscores with \w\+) but it seemed to
match too many things.  Admittedly, I will occasionally have something
like this:

Word1 generalStuff Word2

Where 'generalStuff' could be any word (I don't care about it, as long
as it's flanked by Word1 and Word2); when that happens, I do end up
manually modifying the search after the *, but that happens infrequently
enough (whether with numbers or digits) that it doesn't inconvenience me
that much.

How about another mapping that does something like:

:let @/=substitute(@/, '\d\+', '\\d\\+', 'g')

That way, when you decide you really want generic numbers, you can just
hit the mapping after the * to make it happen.



c-o vs. esc and gi

2006-04-25 Thread Halim, Salman

I just noticed something I thought I had seen before but wasn't sure; I
have the following mappings in my _vimrc:

nmap f2 :updatecr
imap f2 c-of2

This allows me to hit f2 to save the current buffer if it has been
modified (I think it's from the Borland Pascal days) and leaves me in
the mode where I was when I hit the key.  (I have a visual mode version,
for the curious, which does escf2gv -- updates and returns my visual
selection -- but that one works fine so wasn't part of my discussion

The inconsistency I have noticed is when I am at the end of a line,
typing away (making the line longer).  If, while in insert mode, I hit
f2, it performs the update, but leaves the cursor just before the last
character on the line (one character to the left of where I actually
was).  If, instead, I map f2 like this:

imap f2 escf2gi

The problem goes away.  My question is, why is escaSingleCommandgi
different from c-oaSingleCommand?

Thank you!


RE: c-o vs. esc and gi

2006-04-25 Thread Halim, Salman
Hmm..  My imap is definitely invoked (it does the save just fine; it
just moves the cursor).  I don't have any InsertEnter or InsertLeave
autocommands, either (Vim 7f).

I guess it must be some setting somewhere -- I'll start with a clean Vim
and see what happens, unless someone else can shed some insight on this,

At least now I know that it's an isolated case and doesn't happen to
everybody else.



 -Original Message-
 From: Yakov Lerner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 9:58 AM
 To: Halim, Salman
 Subject: Re: c-o vs. esc and gi
 On 4/25/06, Halim, Salman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  nmap f2 :updatecr
  imap f2 c-of2
  The inconsistency I have noticed is when I am at the end of a line, 
  typing away (making the line longer).  If, while in insert 
 mode, I hit 
  f2, it performs the update, but leaves the cursor just before the 
  last character on the line (one character to the left of where I 
  actually was).
 For me, cursor remains where it was after f2 in insert mode.
 I don't have paste and I see for sure that imapping is indeed invoked.

RE: Moderator for Vim Tips

2006-04-20 Thread Halim, Salman

I'm a moderator myself and just noticed something a few days ago:  a
perfectly legitimate tip had a follow-up comment that was one of the
spam messages...


 -Original Message-
 From: Wu Yongwei [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 9:35 PM
 Subject: Re: Moderator for Vim Tips
 On 4/20/06, Jeremy Conlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A few weeks (months?) ago a suggestion was made that the 
  to Vim tips be moderated.  This is due to the address being used by 
  spammers.  Apparently nobody volunteered to do this because 
 there are 
  still inappropriate tips being submitted.  I am willing 
 to do this, 
  but I don't have the expertise required to test all the 
 tips.  I can 
  screen them to make sure they are appropriate.  Would that 
 agree with 
  Jeremy Conlin
 There are quite a few moderators here.  However, tips are not 
 moderated *before* appearing online.  They are deleted if 
 found inappropriate.  I just deleted one.  If you check the 
 recent tips, you will find some sequence numbers missing, 
 which are deleted `tips'.
 Best regards,
 Wu Yongwei

Vim 7.0d02

2006-04-13 Thread Halim, Salman

On Windows XP, the following line throws an error in my _vimrc:

set sessionoptions-=options sessionoptions-=folds sessionoptions-=resize
sessionoptions-=buffers sessionoptions+=slash,unix

It's probably caused by the new tab page option added to sessionoptions
(it isn't the first -= setting in my _vimrc).

Thank you,
