can't diffsplit

2007-05-31 Thread Lev Lvovsky
I have two files which I'd like to compare via diffsplit in an  
existing vim session - trying to do so by issuing ':diffsplit  
filename' when the other one is already in the window gets me the  

E97: Cannot create diffs

I can properly open the diff in a separate instance via 'vimdiff', as  
well as ':diffsplit' - is there something wrong with my existing  


Re: can't diffsplit

2007-05-31 Thread Lev Lvovsky

On May 31, 2007, at 3:02 PM, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Lev Lvovsky wrote:
I have two files which I'd like to compare via diffsplit in an  
existing vim session - trying to do so by issuing ':diffsplit  
filename' when the other one is already in the window gets me  
the error:

E97: Cannot create diffs
I can properly open the diff in a separate instance via 'vimdiff',  
as well as ':diffsplit' - is there something wrong with my  
existing session?


II. To diff two files already being edited:

1. make one file current
2. :diffthis
3. make the other file current
4. :diffthis
	5. (Optional) Rearrange the windows (using ^W commands) to place  
them side-by-side.

Great. this solved the error that I was getting...

.gz files not unzipping

2007-04-25 Thread Lev Lvovsky
I'm having a problem with help files which are gzipped not  
decompressing.  I get the error message 'can't find tag pattern'  
after which the gz binary appears on screen.  Does anyone know why  
this is?


fold acting strangely

2007-04-04 Thread Lev Lvovsky
I'm experiencing a problem when folding visual blocks - if I have a  
section folded directly above another section that I want to fold,  
they end up merging once I fold the second section, sometimes they  
even add unfolded text to the fold - am I doing something wrong?


Re: fold acting strangely

2007-04-04 Thread Lev Lvovsky

On Apr 4, 2007, at 9:13 AM, Tim Chase wrote:
The visual indicator of the fold-column can help you prevent  
overlapping sections, which in turn, should help you avoid the  
behavior you see.

Very cool - I didn't have a good idea of what was going on with  
folding until I turned this on - thanks!


need help with xml.vim plugin

2007-03-09 Thread Lev Lvovsky
I'm hoping someone can help me with this problem, as it would be  
really nice to get the XML plugin working.

I've downloaded the plugin described here:

I've put the file both in my local ftplugin, and plugin directory,  
and set ':ftplugin type on', however I'm still unable to do any of  
the navigation between tags, or autocompletion that the plugin  
promises.  I can load up the help file, however it seems like that's  
the only part that's actually working.  Any bit of help would be  
appreciated - I'm thinking it's a local config issue (perhaps it's  
being overridden by the original xml.vim that gets installed with  
vim?), but I'm not entirely sure.

thanks in advance!

Re: need help with xml.vim plugin

2007-03-09 Thread Lev Lvovsky

Subject:Re: need help with xml.vim plugin
Date:   March 9, 2007 1:00:00 PM PST

On Mar 9, 2007, at 12:36 PM, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

:ftplugin type on should get you E492: Not an editor command:  
ftplugin type on. It ought to be :filetype plugin on.

sorry, meant the latter.

Where exactly did you drop the script? xml plugins are sourced in  
the following order (on Unix):



If your script is meant to /replace/ the default script, it should  
include, near the start,

if exists(b:did_ftplugin) | finish | endif
let b:did_ftplugin = 1

it does indeed contain that

and be located in an early directory. If it is meant to / 
supplement/ the default script without replacing it, it should not  
include the above lines, and it that case it should be in an after- 

it looks like since I didn't have the filtype plugin on in  
my .vimrc, it didn't detect that I was editing a xml file, nor did I  
'source' the xml.vim once I had the filetype plugin turned on.   
problem solved!

I would figure that with all of the XML/HTML file editing that is  
done with vim, that there would be a kitchen sink editor plugin with  
some features other than the ones in xml.vim... is there something  
that I'm not aware of out there, complete with Schema readers and such?

thank you for your help!!!

Re: pulling text to the right?

2007-03-01 Thread Lev Lvovsky

On Feb 27, 2007, at 6:57 AM, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

Lev Lvovsky wrote:

I'm sure there's a fancy word for this, but is there any way to  
pull  text to the right?

suppose I have the following:

 COL3   INT,

I'd like to get COL3 aligned to COL1 and COL2, but to do  
that,  I need to put the cursor behind COL3, hit space several  
times, and  then align INT with the other INTs.  Can I put my  
cursor to the  right of COL3, and pull it over to INT on the  

It sounds like you're interested in aligning text.  For that may I  
suggest looking into Align.vim (and AlignMaps.vim, which come  

To do the alignment, assuming that you're using spaces as delimiters:

All's I have to say in RE to Align.vim is:


thanks Charles!


visual selection Q's

2007-02-28 Thread Lev Lvovsky

I've a couple of visual selection questions:

1.  with blockwise, is there any way when using 'p' after yanking,  
that it would add as many lines below the one I'm pasting to, as I'm  
pasting?  Currently a blockwise yank and subsequent paste simply  
replaces that a block of the same size in the pasted area - can I  
have it add lines like visual paste does?

2.  how do I do regular expression searches in a blockwise visual  
selection?  specifically, if i'm looking to change something at the  
end of the block, say for example, replace all trailing whitespace  
with a ',' I can't do the following:

:','s/ *$/,/
because it'll act on the whole line outside of the block

thanks for any advice!

pulling text to the right?

2007-02-26 Thread Lev Lvovsky
I'm sure there's a fancy word for this, but is there any way to pull  
text to the right?

suppose I have the following:


I'd like to get COL3 aligned to COL1 and COL2, but to do that,  
I need to put the cursor behind COL3, hit space several times, and  
then align INT with the other INTs.  Can I put my cursor to the  
right of COL3, and pull it over to INT on the right?


moving buffer changes to new file?

2007-02-22 Thread Lev Lvovsky
I often times rename a file that I'm working on after I realize (or  
am told ;) that renaming it is in order.  Is there any way I can take  
the changes to that new file from the buffer along with the new name?


Re: entering copied text into command mode?

2007-02-21 Thread Lev Lvovsky

Hi Gene - sorry for the delay in replying -

On Feb 16, 2007, at 8:11 AM, Gene Kwiecinski wrote:

I often find myself copy/pasting via my GUI text that I might have on
the screen, and then pasting it into the command to be performed - is
there any way to cut/paste text into the command area when I have it
highlighted with just the keyboard?

I'm not quite sure what you mean, but if it's what I think it is,  

If I want to, eg, globally delete paths from links to images and  
such in

html source, eg, to turn

img src=big_honking_pile_of_hooey_files/image.jpg

into just

img src=image.jpg

, then I'd want to execute


as a command, so I'd just 'v' the pathname to highlight it,
control-insert it to yank it into the clipboard(?), then do


ie, use shift-insert to paste the path directly into the command.

is that any help, or were you referring to something different?

Unless I'm mistaken, these are OS-specific copy/paste commands,  
correct?  I don't have an 'insert' key on my keyboard, but I was  
hoping for something built into vim, where it has it's own copy/paste  
buffer that it can use in the command mode.


Re: entering copied text into command mode?

2007-02-21 Thread Lev Lvovsky

On Feb 21, 2007, at 4:15 PM, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
[snip very useful advice]

See the other replies in this thread for details.

blargh!  I only saw the one reply from Gene (sent to me directly),  
and completely missed the long thread actually going on in my vim  
folder - reading up on that now.

thanks for the help, this is exactly what I was looking for!

entering copied text into command mode?

2007-02-15 Thread Lev Lvovsky
I often find myself copy/pasting via my GUI text that I might have on  
the screen, and then pasting it into the command to be performed - is  
there any way to cut/paste text into the command area when I have it  
highlighted with just the keyboard?


[OT?] copying on a mac

2007-02-14 Thread Lev Lvovsky
Hello, I'm almost positive that this is OT, but if someone point me  
in the right direction, that would be great - I'm finding (through  
the help of vim actually), that text highlighted and copied from  
Terminal (or even X11 xterm) on OS X ends up with an extra space at  
the end of a line where there was only a new line - this happens when  
I'm ssh'd into a UNIX machine (pasting into vim while with a  
highlighted search of / *$/).

If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix/modify this behavior, it  
would be greatly appreciated!


xml files

2007-02-12 Thread Lev Lvovsky
I'm looking for a simple XML plugin that'll do highlighting of XML  

I've tried both of the following plugins:

And am unable to get even block navigation (%) working.  Does the XML  
file need a DTD, or?

Any help would be appreciated!


anything similar to emacs patch mode?

2006-12-11 Thread Lev Lvovsky
I know I've asked this before, however I might not have explained my  
question well enough.

Can vim do something like what's described here:

This is apparently a built-in ability of emacs now, it would be super- 
sweet if I could find something in vim that did this.


Re: anything similar to emacs patch mode?

2006-12-11 Thread Lev Lvovsky

On Dec 11, 2006, at 10:07 AM, Yakov Lerner wrote:

You get syntax coloring when editing patches/diffs. Regarding
jumping by chunks and file boundaries -- it's
fairly easy to to map some your 4 keys to these jumps:
Just map your 4 favourite keys to
that's it. And publish it as a Patch mode for vim.

The feature that I'm looking for specifically is being able to edit a  
patch, and have vim do the line numbering math for me.  Also the  
splitting or combining of hunks.

thanks Yakov!

Re: anything similar to emacs patch mode?

2006-12-11 Thread Lev Lvovsky

On Dec 11, 2006, at 11:19 AM, Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 12/11/06, Lev Lvovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The feature that I'm looking for specifically is being able to edit a
patch, and have vim do the line numbering math for me.  Also the
splitting or combining of hunks.

Isn't it easier to use vimdiff, and edit left and/or right file, then
produce the diff ? I mean, having the diff plus the file, you
can apply the patch and produce the 2nd file, and then use vimdiff.

This particular functionality, though apparently part of emacs diff  
mode, allows editing of a unified patch file, which can refer to more  
than just two different files.  Moreover the patch itself does not  
need the actual source files to be edited.  In addition with the two  
files present that a particular hunk refers to can be opened in  
addition to the patch file (three windows), and yanks/inserts can be  
done, all the while changing the patch automatically.

I really think this is optimal to editing the raw diff.

I guess I should have specified that its a unified patch on more than  
only two files


aligning text to a certain column

2006-12-05 Thread Lev Lvovsky
how can I align text under and after the cursor position to a  
specific column number?  and probably just as important, how can I  
find out which column number a cursor is at ;)?


highlighting tabs

2006-12-01 Thread Lev Lvovsky
Can anyone suggest the best way to be able to highlight tabs (versus  
softtabs) selectively?  meaning, at the push of a button I can have  
that feature turned on, and pressing it again turns it off - all the  
while not messing with my search buffer?


Re: highlighting tabs

2006-12-01 Thread Lev Lvovsky

On Dec 1, 2006, at 4:53 PM, Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 12/2/06, Lev Lvovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can anyone suggest the best way to be able to highlight tabs (versus
softtabs) selectively?  meaning, at the push of a button I can have
that feature turned on, and pressing it again turns it off - all the
while not messing with my search buffer?

:exe set listchars=tab:\xbb\xb7,trail:\xb7
or set listchars=tab:»·,trail:·
:set list
map f2 :set list!cr


perfect, thank you!

without looking a gift horse in the mouth, any way I can add color to  


clearing out an appended-to register

2006-11-09 Thread Lev Lvovsky
So I just discovered the wonders of being able to append to named  
registers - how though, do I then clear them out once I'm done with  
their contents?


Re: clearing out an appended-to register

2006-11-09 Thread Lev Lvovsky

On Nov 9, 2006, at 9:45 AM, Tim Chase wrote:

It's helpful to understand that the uppercase and lowercase  
registers are exactly the same place of storage.  Uppercase just  
instructs Vim to append rather than overwrite any preexisting  

:help :let-register
:help quote_alpha
:help quote

Ah, that helps a lot, I figured they'd be different.


path is changing mysteriously...

2006-10-19 Thread Lev Lvovsky
For some reason, with the many buffers that I have open, the path  
that a particular file takes, is instead of the initial directory  
where I started from (which is what I want), the directory that the  
file resides in.  Trying :cd, or :lcd only temporarily changes  
it, and in a few seconds it changes back to the directory that the  
file actually resides in - what's going on?


search visual block

2006-10-17 Thread Lev Lvovsky
Is it possible to search for a string by selecting that string in  
visual mode?  Meaning, if I highlight something, and then want to  
search for that thing which is highlighted in the rest of the doc?

otherwise, is there a way to copy that string so that I can later put  
it into the :/ command?


Re: search visual block

2006-10-17 Thread Lev Lvovsky

On Oct 17, 2006, at 4:36 PM, David Thompson wrote:

Why go to the trouble of highlighting it?

Have you discovered the * key?  Just press the * key while in
normal mode and vim searches for the word under the cursor.

I have indeed, very useful, however this is for multiple words  
separated by spaces.


cursor moves back with ESC

2006-10-16 Thread Lev Lvovsky


I've never actually figured out why upon after typing in insert mode,  
the cursor moves back one character to the left after pressing  
escape.  What's the reason behind this, and is there any way to turn  
it off?


Re: cursor moves back with ESC

2006-10-16 Thread Lev Lvovsky

On Oct 16, 2006, at 10:31 AM, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

Seems a reasonable choice, to me.  Any choice would be arbitrary.

Now, to turn it off: don't use insert.  Use append.

if you mean 'a' as opposed to 'i' for the modes, it still does the  
same thing in my version.


Re: cursor moves back with ESC

2006-10-16 Thread Lev Lvovsky

On Oct 16, 2006, at 4:33 PM, Peter Hodge wrote:

You can also try:

  inoremap ESC ESCl

which will work a little quicker in a terminal Vim.

works great, thanks!

automatically appending options to vimrc?

2006-08-28 Thread Lev Lvovsky
for the lazy, is there any way to automatically append vim options to  
the ~/.vimrc file?

thanks :)

Re: automatically appending options to vimrc?

2006-08-28 Thread Lev Lvovsky

cool, thanks for the help guys!

On Aug 28, 2006, at 11:31 AM, Tim Chase wrote:

for the lazy, is there any way to automatically append vim
options to the ~/.vimrc file?

I presume that there are select options that you want to preserve.   
You could do something like this *untested* scriptlet (be sure to  
back up your vimrc beforehand...perhaps your whole computer...I  
take no responsibility if it crashes, burns, kicks your dog, eats  
your dinner, wrecks your car, elopes with your daughter, or steals  
your spouse)

:redir @a
:sil! set ts? sw? et?
:redir END
:let @a=substitute(@a, '\n', ' ', 'g')
:put='set '[EMAIL PROTECTED]
:w!  $HOME/.vimrc

The 2nd line allows you to specify which options interest you. You  
may not care to save most options.

It then carte-blanche dumps the options at the end of your vimrc.   
Whether this is what you want, YMMV.

It doesn't try to scan through your vimrc for pre-existing settings  
as such, and change them...thus you'll end up with accruing cruft  
in your vimrc every time you use it.

It should be fairly wrappable in a script/function/mapping to allow  
you to reuse it as needed.

Just an idea... :)


Re: window split from tag?

2006-08-25 Thread Lev Lvovsky

On Aug 24, 2006, at 12:49 PM, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:
Does this only work horizontally?  Seems that there is limited  
ctrl-w  vertical functionality.

:vert sta word

does a vertical split.  You may define a mapping to do that in your  
.vimrc if you wish.

ahh, perfect!  the vert was what I was looking for!



2006-08-25 Thread Lev Lvovsky
assuming a file has been changed underneath vim, and I know about it,  
how can I reopen that file replacing the current file's buffer contents?

thank you!

previous buffer?

2006-08-23 Thread Lev Lvovsky
In regards to moving around buffers, is there any way to move between  
the last two buffers that were worked on?  Meaning, if I have 10  
files in buffers, and I'm working on buffer 5, switch to buffer 8,  
how can I switch back to buffer 5 without knowing its number (but  
knowing it was the last buffer I was editing)?


window split from tag?

2006-08-08 Thread Lev Lvovsky
When following a tag through to the file where it's defined, is there  
any way to get vim to keep the existing window open, and simply open  
(vertically and/or horizontally) a new window as opposed to replacing  
the existing one?

Also, somewhat related - I'm using the TagList plugin, and I'd like  
to have all windows but the tag list (which I'd like to keep narrow)  
at a specific width - rtfm pointers appreciated ;)


Re: window split from tag?

2006-08-08 Thread Lev Lvovsky

On Aug 8, 2006, at 1:04 PM, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

Lev Lvovsky wrote:

When following a tag through to the file where it's defined, is  
there  any way to get vim to keep the existing window open, and  
simply open  (vertically and/or horizontally) a new window as  
opposed to replacing  the existing one?

With cursor atop the word:  ctrl-w ]
From command line:   :sta word

Does this only work horizontally?  Seems that there is limited ctrl-w  
vertical functionality.


buffer history

2006-08-08 Thread Lev Lvovsky
can vim keep track of each file's undo history, so that when  
switching between two or more files, the undo history is reloaded, or  
does one need to write the history to a file before switching?


Re: can vim do this?

2006-08-04 Thread Lev Lvovsky
Thanks everyone for your help on this!  The advice below seems to be  
all that I need.

I forgot to ask one last thing - if I'm searching for something in a  
text file, can I have vim select every existing string that matches  
up to what I've typed at that point?  Meaning, if the first two  
characters of what I'm looking for are va, all va gets  
highlighted as I type, then when I add ria to that, all varia  
strings get highlighted.


On Aug 3, 2006, at 7:25 PM, Benji Fisher wrote:
 This has been requested before, but it is not implemented and  
I do

not expect that it will be added any time soon.  The problem is how to
define a region, when lines can be added, removed, or deleted at will.
If you have a satisfactory answer to this question, you can fake a
region-undo as follows.  Delete the region to be changed; undo 
levels, or however many you choose; yank the same region; redo 
levels; paste.  If you have a simple description of what constitutes a
region, you could define a mapping or menu item to do this  

Re: can vim do this?

2006-08-04 Thread Lev Lvovsky
Thanks Tim - is that to say that this functionality doesn't exist in  


On Aug 4, 2006, at 10:47 AM, Tim Chase wrote:

:help incsearch
:help hls

Using 'incsearch' doesn't highlight them all as you type, just the  
current match.  However, with 'hls' set, once you hit enter, it  
will highlight all the items it found...not quite the behavior you  
described, but close.


Re: can vim do this?

2006-08-04 Thread Lev Lvovsky

On Aug 4, 2006, at 10:56 AM, Tim Chase wrote:

Thanks Tim - is that to say that this functionality doesn't
exist in vim?

It doesn't exist exactly as you describe.  You can highlight all  
hits of the thing actually searched for (:set hls), and you can  
highlight the current word incrementally as you type the search  
(:set incsearch), but I don't think there's any native method by  
which it will highlight all hits incrementally.

cool - just tried the method you suggested, seems to be a good  
approximation of the functionality (it doesn't highlight the rest of  
them until -enter-).


can vim do this?

2006-08-03 Thread Lev Lvovsky
I recently started work at a company where the predominant text  
editor happens to be emacs.  I've been using vim for a while now,  
though only recently started getting into the more advanced  
functionality beyond simple editing (highlighting, folding, tags  
etc...).  Watching one of my co-workers with emacs is pretty fun, as  
he does things fairly quickly - I asked him what his most common  
emacs actions were, to see how I could do them in vim:

* autocomplete - say that I've declared a constant variable in Perl  
named MY_CONSTANT, later, to have the editor fill it in, I type in  
MY_, and some other key-stroke, and CONSTANT gets typed in for you

* goto when compiling - when compiling with make for example, and  
there is a problem in the code identified by a line, can vim somehow  
know to go to that line?  this would be especially useful with 'make'

* rectangular cut/pastes - if I have a column (multi-row) of text  
that I'd like to paste on several lines, can I do this without a regex?

* ctags variable name references - assuming I'm using ctags, how can  
I replace the name of a variable throughout my code base?

* regional undo - can I select a region, and perform an undo for all  
of the changes only in that region?

* cvs/diff mode - what support does vim offer for these two apps,  
internal to the editor.

I'll be glad to RTFM for all of these things, however I don't know  
where to look them up - any pointers would be appreciated!
