history in new instance

2007-06-05 Thread Ron Olson

Hi all-

I use Vim 7 both on Windows and a Mac (in gui mode) and Linux (console
mode) and I've noticed that all versions I have, except the Mac one,
keeps a command history from previous instances. That is, if I type :
and then up-arrow, I can see commands that I've previously entered
even though I just started Vim.

The Mac does keep a command line history of the current instance, but
loses it when Vim is shut down. Is there a setting I can check to see
how to set this?



Multiple search highlights?

2007-06-04 Thread Ron Olson

Hi all-

I just recently joined this list after using Vim for awhile, and vi
since, gosh, 1990 on a Vax. I'm astounded how, over the years, vi (and
now Vim) have served my needs pretty much perfectly; what other editor
is available on everything, has every feature you could possibly want,
and is fast.

That said, there is a feature I do want, or maybe it's already there
but I can't figure out how to do it: multiple highlights. What I mean
by this is, typically I look for a string like foo in vim with /foo,
and it highlights all occurrences in the file (standard behavior).
What I need is to be able to search for something else (which I
believe I could do by searching using a regex), but I would like that
second thing to be in another color a la Google's search results (at
least in dejanews). What I need, eventually, is an angry fruit salad
of colors for all the search items I've entered.

Is this currently doable, and if not, do you think it's possible to
accomplish using a plugin?
