Re: Can't change search background color

2006-11-22 Thread Benji Fisher
On Tue, Nov 21, 2006 at 03:25:13AM -0600, Larry Alkoff wrote:
 I'm using Vim64 in Kubuntu and cannot change the color background when 
 doing a search.  The background color is a kind of darkish orange - I 
 _think_ it's numbe 3.  I'd like to have LightYellow but nothing I have 
 done so far changes it.
 From my ~/.vimrc:
 set hlsearch
  toggle hlsearch in normal mode:
 map F1 :set hlsearch!CR
  or insert mode with imap:
 imap F1 ESC:set hlsearch!CRa
  result of :hi search is
  xxx term=reverse ctermbg=3 (orangy)  14 is ltyellow
  None of the below worked
  hi search guibg=LightBlue
  hi Search   guifg=#ec guibg=#c4a000
  hi Search guibg=14
 Any ideas how to change the background?

 It helps to be clear about what you have typed and what vim
responds, as in

:hi search
Search xxx term=reverse ctermfg=0 ctermbg=14 guibg=Yellow

instead of mixing your comments (such as results of ... is and
(orangy)  14 is ltyellow.  I suggest using :redir and the :Echo
command from foo.vim, my file of example vim functions:

 I am guessing that you are using vim, not gvim.  If I ma right,
then chaining guibg is not going to help.  Try

:hi Search ctermbg=14


:help :hi

in general and

:help highlight-args

in particular.

HTH --Benji Fisher

Re: Can't change search background color

2006-11-22 Thread panshizhu
Larry Alkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 写于 2006-11-21 17:25:13:
 I'm using Vim64 in Kubuntu and cannot change the color background when
 doing a search.  The background color is a kind of darkish orange - I
 _think_ it's numbe 3.  I'd like to have LightYellow but nothing I have
 done so far changes it.
  result of :hi search is
  xxx term=reverse ctermbg=3 (orangy)  14 is ltyellow

Usually, it is impossible to set a ctermbg to 8 or above for terminals,
especially when you have t_Co=8, i.e. your terminal is 8-color terminal.

Sometimes, manually :set t_Co=16 does the trick, if that works for you,
then just do it.

But it may not work. If you still want a light background, there're several

1. Get a terminal emulator with fully 16-color support, or even 256-color
terminal emulator which has support for ctermbg = 8. --- this works for

2. Do not use ctermbg = 8 when designing color schemes. Note this is
important if you want your color scheme portable, because many terminal
emulators cannot have light background. --- this works for everyone.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606