Re: Vim memory leak

2007-04-04 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 4/3/07, Max Dyckhoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My instance of vim (gvim on Windows) appears to have a memory leak, which makes 
me sad. Is this a common thing for everyone, or is there something in my setup 
which might be causing it? It's pretty serious.

When I start gvim and load my standard session, it will take up about 86MB of 
RAM. This includes dozens of buffers, splits, tabs and syntax, so I'm not 
really worried. After about four hours it will be up to more like 120MB, and 
after a couple of days it will be 200MB+.

Loading a fresh copy of gvim with all the plugins and my .vimrc, there are 
various actions I can see that increase the memory usage as reported by the Windows Task 
Manager. I have no idea on the validity of the Task Manager, but it's all I have on 

:sp on a new buffer causes a raise of 4-8K.
:q on a split causes a raise of 4-8K.
Switching to/from gvim causes a small increase, typically 4-8K for a 
few switches.
Searching (with *) for a word in a .c file (with syntax highlighting) 
causes it to increase. If you hold down * then you can see the memory usage 
rocket up.
Basically, pretty much any action.

Any ideas? Will I just have to live with it and restart my vim session every 
couple of days?

Did you try to set the 'maxmemtot' option ? (:help 'maxmemtot')

Does memory drop down if you :bw all buffers ?

If you could simulate thousands of user actions using ClientServer
using some action-simulating script and have vim grow past 400-500 mb
that would be demonstration. It is not easy to distinguish necessary grow
from memory leak. But my firefox will predictably grow above
200mb in just couple of days in th air. And it does not have memory leak
for all I know. But if you can cause it grow indefinitely by opening and closing
some page, that would establish a memory leak.

Maybe you simply need to buy anoth 1GB of RAM ?
This sharply reduces feelings from another 200gb process :-)


Re: Vim memory leak

2007-04-04 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 4/4/07, Max Dyckhoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My instance of vim (gvim on Windows) appears to have a memory leak, which makes 
me sad. Is this a common thing for everyone, or is there something in my setup 
which might be causing it? It's pretty serious.

When I start gvim and load my standard session, it will take up about 86MB of 
RAM. This includes dozens of buffers, splits, tabs and syntax, so I'm not 
really worried. After about four hours it will be up to more like 120MB, and 
after a couple of days it will be 200MB+.

Loading a fresh copy of gvim with all the plugins and my .vimrc, there are 
various actions I can see that increase the memory usage as reported by the Windows Task 
Manager. I have no idea on the validity of the Task Manager, but it's all I have on 

:sp on a new buffer causes a raise of 4-8K.
:q on a split causes a raise of 4-8K.
Switching to/from gvim causes a small increase, typically 4-8K for a 
few switches.
Searching (with *) for a word in a .c file (with syntax highlighting) 
causes it to increase. If you hold down * then you can see the memory usage 
rocket up.
Basically, pretty much any action.

Any ideas? Will I just have to live with it and restart my vim session every 
couple of days?


I recalled two more things. Is your 'hidden' option set ? If it's set,
vim *will* grow. With 'hidden' set, vim will keep in memory much data
about old buffers. If you want to minimize memory, first thing you'd do is
':set nohidden'. To check your current state, 'set hidden?'.

Second important thing is :bw. Even with ':set nohidden', vim will
remember some data for every file it ever visited. To free this data
completely, you need to :ls!, then :bw for every unused buffer.

I think these two things will decrease vim's memory footprint
(in case you had 'set hidden').


RE: Vim memory leak

2007-04-04 Thread Max Dyckhoff
On 4/4/07, Yakov Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I recalled two more things. Is your 'hidden' option set ? If it's set,
 vim *will* grow. With 'hidden' set, vim will keep in memory much data
 about old buffers. If you want to minimize memory, first thing you'd do is
 ':set nohidden'. To check your current state, 'set hidden?'.

 Second important thing is :bw. Even with ':set nohidden', vim will
 remember some data for every file it ever visited. To free this data
 completely, you need to :ls!, then :bw for every unused buffer.

 I think these two things will decrease vim's memory footprint
 (in case you had 'set hidden').


I do have 'hidden' set, because I like to keep things around. :ls! shows that I 
currently have about 550 buffers open. I know this seems like a lot, but we do 
have a large code base!

The thing is that if I open this session then it takes up about 90Mb, which is 
fine for me. But after a few hours and modifications to only a handful of 
buffers, this has grown to 130Mb or so, which seems excessive.

Is there any way I can limit the number of 'hidden' buffers? It'd be nice if it 
had a history much like : and /, where the least recently used things fall off 
the bottom (top?). I'm sure that I could manage with only about 100 hidden 

Failing that, do you think it could be done in script? Do something like get an 
array of all the files, check the last touched time, and then discard the 

Also, starting up with -u NONE does indeed still exhibit the same memory 
leakage (or use), although it seems a bit slower.



Re: Vim memory leak

2007-04-04 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 4/4/07, Max Dyckhoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 4/4/07, Yakov Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I recalled two more things. Is your 'hidden' option set ? If it's set,
 vim *will* grow. With 'hidden' set, vim will keep in memory much data
 about old buffers. If you want to minimize memory, first thing you'd do is
 ':set nohidden'. To check your current state, 'set hidden?'.

 Second important thing is :bw. Even with ':set nohidden', vim will
 remember some data for every file it ever visited. To free this data
 completely, you need to :ls!, then :bw for every unused buffer.

 I think these two things will decrease vim's memory footprint
 (in case you had 'set hidden').


I do have 'hidden' set, because I like to keep things around. :ls! shows that I 
currently have about 550 buffers open. ...

we do have a large code base!

Then get another 1-2 GB of RAM. It's not called memory leak
when program allocates memory according to its functionality.


RE: Vim memory leak

2007-04-04 Thread Max Dyckhoff
On 4/4/07, Yakov Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 4/4/07, Max Dyckhoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I do have 'hidden' set, because I like to keep things around.
 :ls! shows that I currently have about 550 buffers open. we do
 have a large code base!

 Then get another 1-2 GB of RAM. It's not called memory leak
 when program allocates memory according to its functionality.


I know perfectly well what a memory leak is; it isn't allocating memory 
according to its functionality, it is forgetting to free it according to its 
requirements. I was just debating whether allocation of an extra 100Kb was 
necessary if I created a few new splits for an existing buffer and then closed 
them. If someone provided the answer this memory is kept around for reason X, 
then it wouldn't be a memory leak.

I currently have 4GB of RAM in this machine, but that can get eaten up 
surprisingly fast when you're doing what I do. I don't think 32-bit XP can 
address any more than that, can it?


Re: Vim memory leak

2007-04-04 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Max Dyckhoff wrote:

I do have 'hidden' set, because I like to keep things around. :ls! shows that I 
currently have about 550 buffers open. I know this seems like a lot, but we do 
have a large code base!


Keeping things around is one thing, keeping them in memory is another. By 
using :set hidden you _tell_ Vim to keep in memory the _whole data_ of every 
single buffer you visited during the current session, which IMHO is a little 
overdoing it. By setting 'nohidden' (and 'autowriteall' if, like me, you want 
to be able to close a window without a cry for unsaved data) you'll keep in 
memory only the data of the buffers currently displayed in a window, and a few 
bits of info (such as last cursor location etc.) for other buffers. The data 
itself would be where it belongs -- on disk, from where it can be reloaded in 
a twinkling of an eye if you happen to re-edit some file you've already edited 
in the current session. Or is all your large code base on diskettes?

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
162. You go outside and look for a brightness knob to turn down the sun.

RE: Vim memory leak

2007-04-04 Thread Max Dyckhoff
Thanks Tony,

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
 Keeping things around is one thing, keeping them in memory is another. By
 using :set hidden you _tell_ Vim to keep in memory the _whole data_ of every
 single buffer you visited during the current session, which IMHO is a little
 overdoing it. By setting 'nohidden' (and 'autowriteall' if, like me, you want
 to be able to close a window without a cry for unsaved data) you'll keep in
 memory only the data of the buffers currently displayed in a window, and a few
 bits of info (such as last cursor location etc.) for other buffers. The data
 itself would be where it belongs -- on disk, from where it can be reloaded in
 a twinkling of an eye if you happen to re-edit some file you've already edited
 in the current session. Or is all your large code base on diskettes

I agree that it's a little extreme keeping it all around, but I like having the 
undo buffers for files I've closed recently kept around. This is either because 
I accidentally close the last tab containing that file, or because I have marks 
set in files which I use regularly.

I should note that the memory use of vim does still grow constantly (and 
apparently unboundedly) even without opening new buffers, with '-u NONE', 
'nohidden', and 'history=1'.

I'm not sure if the code base is actually large, but 8,000 source files 
certainly seems pretty hefty to me. And thankfully no, our it isn't on 
diskettes :)


Re: Vim memory leak

2007-04-04 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Max Dyckhoff wrote:

Thanks Tony,

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Keeping things around is one thing, keeping them in memory is another. By
using :set hidden you _tell_ Vim to keep in memory the _whole data_ of every
single buffer you visited during the current session, which IMHO is a little
overdoing it. By setting 'nohidden' (and 'autowriteall' if, like me, you want
to be able to close a window without a cry for unsaved data) you'll keep in
memory only the data of the buffers currently displayed in a window, and a few
bits of info (such as last cursor location etc.) for other buffers. The data
itself would be where it belongs -- on disk, from where it can be reloaded in
a twinkling of an eye if you happen to re-edit some file you've already edited
in the current session. Or is all your large code base on diskettes?

I agree that it's a little extreme keeping it all around, but I like having the 
undo buffers for files I've closed recently kept around. This is either because 
I accidentally close the last tab containing that file, or because I have marks 
set in files which I use regularly.

marks are remembered in the viminfo file (see :help viminfo) even when the 
file is not in memory, indeed even when Vim is not running. For the undo 
history it's not as simple.

I should note that the memory use of vim does still grow constantly (and 
apparently unboundedly) even without opening new buffers, with '-u NONE', 
'nohidden', and 'history=1'.

I'm not sure if the code base is actually large, but 8,000 source files 
certainly seems pretty hefty to me. And thankfully no, our it isn't on 
diskettes :)


Thankfully indeed!

Best regards,
I don't think so, said René Descartes.  Just then, he vanished.

Vim memory leak

2007-04-03 Thread Max Dyckhoff
My instance of vim (gvim on Windows) appears to have a memory leak, which makes 
me sad. Is this a common thing for everyone, or is there something in my setup 
which might be causing it? It's pretty serious.

When I start gvim and load my standard session, it will take up about 86MB of 
RAM. This includes dozens of buffers, splits, tabs and syntax, so I'm not 
really worried. After about four hours it will be up to more like 120MB, and 
after a couple of days it will be 200MB+.

Loading a fresh copy of gvim with all the plugins and my .vimrc, there are 
various actions I can see that increase the memory usage as reported by the 
Windows Task Manager. I have no idea on the validity of the Task Manager, but 
it's all I have on Windows.

:sp on a new buffer causes a raise of 4-8K.
:q on a split causes a raise of 4-8K.
Switching to/from gvim causes a small increase, typically 4-8K for a 
few switches.
Searching (with *) for a word in a .c file (with syntax highlighting) 
causes it to increase. If you hold down * then you can see the memory usage 
rocket up.
Basically, pretty much any action.

Any ideas? Will I just have to live with it and restart my vim session every 
couple of days?



Re: Vim memory leak

2007-04-03 Thread Tim Chase
  :sp on a new buffer causes a raise of 4-8K.
  :q on a split causes a raise of 4-8K.
  Switching to/from gvim causes a small increase, typically 4-8K for a few 
  Searching (with *) for a word in a .c file (with syntax highlighting) causes 
 it to increase. If you hold down * then you can see the memory usage rocket 
  Basically, pretty much any action.
 Any ideas? Will I just have to live with it and restart my vim
 session every couple of days?

A couple things you might try experimenting with:

-does it happen in naked vim? (started via vim -u NONE)

-does it happen when you drastically reduce your 'undolevels'
parameter?  (and what is it set to currently?)

-what sorts of vimscripts are getting run that might be creating
or storing values but not releasing them?

-what sorts of things are being fired on events?  Particularly
the CursorHold-ish events where something is happening with every

-what sorts of auto-completion options do you have running?  I
would imagine that omni-completion with C/C++ syntax might take a
bit of memory to house.

These would be the first places I'd look for trouble.  I
regularly have vim up almost as long as WinXP at work (disrupted
only by annoying reboots and blue-screens) and rarely have
trouble with it.  Even when I do, it's my own dumb fault for
using vim to edit ISO images, 300+meg SQL scripts or something
equally asinine.  A :bwipe usually restores my poor vim session
to fully-functional.
