highlight setting overwritten

2006-08-22 Thread J.Hofmann

in my old gvim62 installation I do a few highlight commands in the

highlight Comment guifg=DarkGreen guibg=background

Now in my new vim70 installation this seems to be overwritten somewhere.
The _gvimrc *is* sourced (- :scriptnames)
If I do the highlight command manually it works.

Where may the highlight be overwritten resp. where should I place the
highlight command instead?

Thank You


[gvim70 WinXP]

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Re: highlight setting overwritten

2006-08-22 Thread A.J.Mechelynck



in my old gvim62 installation I do a few highlight commands in the

highlight Comment guifg=DarkGreen guibg=background

Now in my new vim70 installation this seems to be overwritten somewhere.
The _gvimrc *is* sourced (- :scriptnames)
If I do the highlight command manually it works.

Where may the highlight be overwritten resp. where should I place the
highlight command instead?

Thank You


[gvim70 WinXP]

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1. In Vim 7 (not in Vim 6), doing

:verbose highlight Comment

will tell you which script (if any) last changed that highlight.

2. If you use a colorscheme, any own-coded highlight settings should 
of course come after the :colorscheme statement. (If you invoke the 
colorscheme in your vimrc and these :highlight statements are in your 
gvimrc, it should be OK.) Also after syntax on since the latter will 
cause your colorscheme (if any) to be re-sourced and, in any case, the 
highlight settings from your gvimrc will be lost.

3. It might be worth your while to make your own colorscheme. This will 
make sure that any syntax on statement will invoke it.

3a. If you are already using a colorscheme: copy it into ~/.vim/colors 
(on Unix) or into ~/vimfiles/colors (on Windows) under a different name, 
but still with the .vim extension. Then add or change any :hi 
statements to suit you, change the :let g:colors_name line to reflect 
the new name, and alter the :colorscheme statement in your vimrc so 
that this new colorscheme is invoked.

3b: If you aren't yet using a colorscheme: I'm attaching a simple one as 
an example. Drop it in ~/.vim/colors or ~/vimfiles/colors (depending on 
your OS) and proceed as in step 3a. _Add_ the line colorscheme 
almost-default (or whatever) to your vimrc to invoke it.

Best regards,
 Vim color file
 Maintainer:   Tony Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Last Change:  2006 Aug 16
 This is almost the default color scheme.  It doesn't define the Normal
 highlighting, it uses whatever the colors used to be.

 Only the few highlight groups named below are defined; the rest (most of
 them) are left at their compiled-in default settings.

 Set 'background' back to the default.  The value can't always be estimated
 and is then guessed.
hi clear Normal
set bg

 Remove all existing highlighting and set the defaults.
hi clear

 Load the syntax highlighting defaults, if it's enabled.
if exists(syntax_on)
  syntax reset

 Set our own highlighting settings
hi Errorguibg=red   
hi clear ErrorMsg
hi link  ErrorMsg   Error
hi CursorLine   guibg=#F4F4F4
hi clear CursorColumn
hi link  CursorColumn   CursorLine
hi clear helpBar
hi link  helpBarhelpHyperTextJump
hi clear helpStar
hi link  helpStar   helpHyperTextEntry
hi StatusLine   gui=NONE,bold   guibg=red   
hi StatusLineNC gui=reverse,bold
hi TabLine  gui=NONEguibg=#DD   
hi TabLineFill  gui=NONEguibg=#AA   
hi User1ctermfg=magenta guibg=white 
hi User2ctermfg=darkmagenta guibg=#DD   

 remember the current colorscheme name
let colors_name = almost-default

 vim: sw=2

Re: highlight setting overwritten

2006-08-22 Thread Peter Hodge

Another way to get around this is to add something like this to your _vimrc:

  augroup MyColors
  au ColorScheme * highlight Comment guifg=Darkgreen
  au ColorScheme * highlight Identifier guifg=Blue
  [ ... etc ... ]
  augroup end

   execute the commands now in case they aren't triggered immediately:
  do MyColors ColorScheme

Each time colors are reloaded (like when you use ':syn on'), the highlight
commands will be executed.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 in my old gvim62 installation I do a few highlight commands in the
 highlight Comment guifg=DarkGreen guibg=background
 Now in my new vim70 installation this seems to be overwritten somewhere.
 The _gvimrc *is* sourced (- :scriptnames)
 If I do the highlight command manually it works.
 Where may the highlight be overwritten resp. where should I place the
 highlight command instead?
 Thank You
 [gvim70 WinXP]
 This message has been scanned by F-Secure Anti-Virus for Microsoft Exchange.
 For more information, connect to http://www.f-secure.com/

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