On Fri, 2006-08-11 at 13:08 +0200, Robert Cussons wrote:
> sorry if this is blindingly obvious to all except me, but where is
> (are) the vim icon(s) stored in a windows install of vim7, I had a
> look for about half an hour this morning and couldn't find them, not
> helped by the fact that I didn't know the file extension, are they
> stored in some type of .dll or something? Sorry for my ignorance,
> but I need to know where they are to get windows to change from the
> stupid notepad icon to vim icon, it seems it is too simple to manage
> it on its own.....

They are actually in the (g)vim.exe file, pick that and Windows will
show them too you to select for an extention.

Steve Hall  [ digitect dancingpaper com ]

  • Re: icons Steve Hall

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