
On 5/16/06, Friedrich Strohmaier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi alltogether,
I'm new to this list, but not new to vim, so let me say "hello" to

I'm not that poweruser, but I hate unnecesary repeating things and vim
allways gave me, what I needed :o))

Im working on ubuntu-linux 5.10 with the boxed vim Version 6.3.78

I subscribed this list to get ahead with a problem, which drives me
crasy nearly everytime I work with vim:

If I mark some text in visual mode that text is put in the x-clipboard
and therefore pasted with the mouse on the action following.

Try the following (in normal mode):
1. Take text from anywhere with the mouse
2. clear the target area and enter insert mode typing "v", <n>"l", "s"
3. paste with middle mouse button

result: You get the text vom cleared area -- anoying!!
expected result: the anywhere fetched text should be pasted.

I noticed that behavior since vim 6.x

This apears in console-vim (xterm) an gvim.
using a virtual tty with gpm works as expected.

Can anyone help me to find the right option to be set, or to file a
bugreport. I subscribed here to get feedback/confirmation before
bothering the developers.

Any hints?

When you make a visual selection, Vim will copy the selected text to
the clipboard. This is controlled by the 'clipboard' option in terminal Vim
and by the 'guioptions' option in GUI Vim. To disable Vim from copying
the visually selected text to clipboard, use the following commands:

   set clipboard=
   set guioptions-=a

You can place the first command in the .vimrc file and the second one
in the .gvimrc file.

For more information about this, read

  :help 'clipboard'
  :help guioptions_a

- Yegappan

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