Re: formatexpr, append() and undo

2006-05-16 Thread Jiří Černý
On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 06:26:55PM -0400, Benji Fisher wrote:
 Please do post the script you use, simplified as much as possible,
 so we can test it.  I tried
 :call append(line($), This line brought to you by append())
 and then (in Normal mode)
 and it worked fine.  This is with vim 7.0.

Here are the scripts and the test case. It is relatively complicated,
but I did not find a simpler one. It works in vim 7.0 (Included patches:

1. First you need the script that I wrote and a small test file. They
attached to this email. Put it into files format.vim and foo

2. vim -U NONE -u NONE foo
:set nocompatible
:source format.vim
:set tw=20 this is not necessary, it only saves some typing

3. now go to the first line of , type o (open line) and
start to type something like the text below between the two lines of
=. Do not hit Enter, let the vim format the text.

lajsdf lkjfd lkasjfd
alskjdf aslkjfd
;laskdjf salkjfd    one needs first to 
l;askjdf ;alskjdf   write some normal lines
;lsajdf lsakjdf
$laskjdf dfsaf$ lsdk    (*)
fasldkfj asdlkjf
$laksjdf asfldkj    (**)

(*) this formula is important, it was started at the previous line but
was moved by the formatting mechanism to this line
(**) this formula was also started one line above 

4. Now hit ESC and 'u'. I do not get back two lines of ===. 
The last three (or two, it depends what exactly did you type) lines of
the text remain (partially with different formatting). 
Moreover, when I hit 'u' again vim says 'Already at oldest change'
It is not possible to undo to the original state.

I hope the description is good enough and the bug is reproducible. 



if exists(b:did_my_tex_format_pluggin)

let b:did_my_tex_format_pluggin = 1

setlocal formatoptions=tcqr 
setlocal formatexpr=MyTeXFormat(v:lnum,v:count)

fun! MyTeXFormat(lnum,count)
if tw  10 let the vim do the job if tw is to small
return 1
if mode()==i
return SIDMyFormatInsert(a:lnum,a:count)
elseif mode()==R
return SIDMyFormatReplace(a:lnum,a:count)
return SIDMyFormatGQ(a:lnum,a:count)

fun! s:MyFormatInsert(lnum,count)   
if a:count!=1
echoerr Assertion failed: count1
return 1

if col(.)  tw
return 0

let line = getline(a:lnum)
let curlineindent = indent(a:lnum)
let aftercursor = line[col(.)-1:]
let beforecursor = line[:col(.)-2]

let dolarpos = SIDFindDolar(beforecursor,0)
if dolarpos == -1 no dolars, vim do the job
return 1

let evendolars = 0
let newpos = dolarpos
while newpos != -1 count dollars find the last one 
let olddolarpos = dolarpos
let dolarpos = newpos
let evendolars =  1 -  evendolars   
let newpos = SIDFindDolar(beforecursor,dolarpos + 1)

if evendolars == 0 
if dolarpos  tw vim can do the job
return 1
elseif olddolarpos  curlineindent  
let dolarpos = olddolarpos break at the start of the 
call append(a:lnum,XX) 
let newline =   aftercursor
call setline(a:lnum+1,newline)
call cursor(a:lnum+1,1)
return 0

if beforecursor[dolarpos-1]=='$' double dollars
let dolarpos = dolarpos - 1

if beforecursor[dolarpos-1] != ' ' no space before $
let dolarpos = strridx(beforecursor,' ',dolarpos-1)
let dolarpos = dolarpos + 1
if dolarpos != curlineindent formula does not start at first char
call setline(a:lnum,strpart(beforecursor,0,dolarpos))
call append(a:lnum,XX)
let newline =  strpart(beforecursor,dolarpos) . aftercursor
call setline(a:lnum+1,newline)
call cursor(a:lnum+1,strlen(beforecursor)-dolarpos+1)
return 0
return 0

fun! s:MyFormatReplace(lnum,count)
FIXME make something useful
I never use replace mode
return 1

fun! s:MyFormatGQ(lnum,count)
probably useles, vim does not know about ''latex type paragraphs''
return 1

fun! s:FindDolar(s, pos)
let i = match(a:s,'\%(^\|[^\\]\)\$',a:pos)
if i == -1 
return -1
if a:s[i] != '$'

Re: :cw messes with C-W_ C-W=

2006-05-16 Thread Benji Fisher
On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 10:24:33PM -0700, Yegappan Lakshmanan wrote:
 This is because the quickfix window has the 'winfixheight' option
 set. So when you try to make the height of all the windows equal, the
 windows with the 'winfixwidth' option set are skipped. If you reset the
 'winfixheight' option for the quickfix window then CTRL-W_= will work.
 - Yegappan

 Thanks, that helps.  The docs for 'winfixheight' mention behavior
with 'equalalways' but not with C-W= .  If 'winfixheight' is supposed
to affect both, I think the docs should mention this.

--Benji Fisher

Re: [vim7] a strange behavior of completeopt

2006-05-16 Thread Benji Fisher
On Tue, May 16, 2006 at 04:06:27PM +0800, Linsong wrote:
 Hi, all
I encounter a strange problem when use vim7, the following steps 
 will reproduce the problem:
1. run vim with command: vim -u NONE -U NONE
2. set the follwoing options:
 :set nocompatible
 :set completeopt+=longest
3. input some text into the buffer like this: bet better
4. then input foC-P, fo will completed as foo, that is expected, 
 input '.b' after foo, now  the text becomes  foo.b, then press 
 C-P, it will become fo.
Is it expected or maybe a bug?  Any explanation is welcomed!
 Best regards,

 I can confirm this.  It looks like a bug to me.  I have run into
similar problems before, but have not figured out how to reproduce them.
Thanks for the reproducible example.

HTH --Benji Fisher

Re: formatexpr, append() and undo

2006-05-16 Thread Benji Fisher
On Tue, May 16, 2006 at 08:33:43AM +0200, Jiří Černý wrote:
 Here are the scripts and the test case. It is relatively complicated,
 but I did not find a simpler one. It works in vim 7.0 (Included patches:

 I have simplified the example somewhat.  I may look at it some more
later, or maybe someone else will take it from here.  Save the attached
files foo (unchanged) and format.vim (simplified) and start vim with

$ vim -u NONE +source format.vim foo

On the first (blank) line, start Insert mode and type

$67890 1234$ 5678

letting vim do the line breaks.  Then Esc back to Normal mode and u to
undo:  the 9012 line is left and 'modified' is not set.

 Curiously, if I *do* add the line break myself after the first
line, the problem seems to go away.  The bug seems to surface only when
two lines have been changed by the function.

HTH --Benji Fisher

set nocp tw=20
set laststatus=2 so I can watch the 'modified' flag

setlocal formatoptions=tcqr 
setlocal formatexpr=MyTeXFormat(v:lnum,v:count)

fun! MyTeXFormat(lnum,count)
let line = getline(a:lnum)
let curlineindent = indent(a:lnum)
let aftercursor = line[col(.)-1:]
let beforecursor = line[:col(.)-2]

let numdollars = len(substitute(beforecursor, '[^$]', '', 'g'))
let evendolars = numdollars % 2
let dolarpos = matchend(beforecursor, '.*\$')

if evendolars == 0 
if dolarpos  tw vim can do the job
return 1

if beforecursor[dolarpos-1] != ' ' no space before $
let dolarpos = strridx(beforecursor,' ',dolarpos-1)
let dolarpos = dolarpos + 1
if dolarpos != curlineindent formula does not start at first char
call setline(a:lnum,strpart(beforecursor,0,dolarpos))
call append(a:lnum,XX)
let newline =  strpart(beforecursor,dolarpos) . aftercursor
call setline(a:lnum+1,newline)
call cursor(a:lnum+1,strlen(beforecursor)-dolarpos+1)
return 0
return 0

VIM 7.0 on WinXP - Strange garbage during editing.

2006-05-16 Thread Ali Akcaagac

At work I am using VIM 7.0 on WindowsXP and detected some garbage during
editing process. Say I am loading a normal Textfile. I edit it, move
around with the arrows, press ESC move around even more, scroll around a
bit.. And quite often I find stuff that I previously yanked into the
buffers spread all over the file.

With other words, it looks like someone has pressed 'p' for pasting
what's in the buffer all over the file. I get this quite often when
editing code at work and I wonder why I run into errors and reloading
the files show me that somehow the content of the buffers got pasted
somewhere. The paste somehow happens when scrolling or cursor moving
happens. It's quite strange to explain.

I also add the vimrc file that I keep using at work (it's basicly the
same as I use under my home Linux machine - I never had that problem at
home with Linux.)

Any ideas are welcome.


Ali Akcaagac

Description: Binary data

Re: vim7: problem with regex subst and combining chars

2006-05-16 Thread Ron Aaron
 (I've attached the zip with the following text in case it doesn't come
 through for you).

 If you do:


Verified this happens on Linux as well.

Re: vim7: problem with regex subst and combining chars

2006-05-16 Thread Ron Aaron
 (I've attached the zip with the following text in case it doesn't come
 through for you).

 If you do:


 Verified this happens on Linux as well.

And furthermore verified it does NOT happen on vim 6.4

Re: [vim7] a strange behavior of completeopt

2006-05-16 Thread mzyzik
On Tue, May 16, 2006 at 08:57:57AM -0400, Benji Fisher wrote:
 On Tue, May 16, 2006 at 04:06:27PM +0800, Linsong wrote:
  Hi, all
 I encounter a strange problem when use vim7, the following steps 
  will reproduce the problem:
 1. run vim with command: vim -u NONE -U NONE
 2. set the follwoing options:
  :set nocompatible
  :set completeopt+=longest
 3. input some text into the buffer like this: bet better
 4. then input foC-P, fo will completed as foo, that is expected, 
  input '.b' after foo, now  the text becomes  foo.b, then press 
  C-P, it will become fo.
 Is it expected or maybe a bug?  Any explanation is welcomed!
  Best regards,
  I can confirm this.  It looks like a bug to me.  I have run into
 similar problems before, but have not figured out how to reproduce them.
 Thanks for the reproducible example.
 HTH   --Benji Fisher

I can confirm the same as well. Probably a bug. Difficult to catch
because normally people get out of completion mode. If, at foo.b, one
presses c-e to exit from completion mode, the following c-p will
work appropriately.


Re: VIM 7.0 on WinXP - Strange garbage during editing.

2006-05-16 Thread Yegappan Lakshmanan


On 5/16/06, Ali Akcaagac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


At work I am using VIM 7.0 on WindowsXP and detected some garbage during
editing process. Say I am loading a normal Textfile. I edit it, move
around with the arrows, press ESC move around even more, scroll around a
bit.. And quite often I find stuff that I previously yanked into the
buffers spread all over the file.

Are you scrolling with the mouse and are you using the mouse
scroll wheel?

- Yegappan

With other words, it looks like someone has pressed 'p' for pasting
what's in the buffer all over the file. I get this quite often when
editing code at work and I wonder why I run into errors and reloading
the files show me that somehow the content of the buffers got pasted
somewhere. The paste somehow happens when scrolling or cursor moving
happens. It's quite strange to explain.

I also add the vimrc file that I keep using at work (it's basicly the
same as I use under my home Linux machine - I never had that problem at
home with Linux.)

Any ideas are welcome.


Ali Akcaagac

Re: VIM 7.0 on WinXP - Strange garbage during editing.

2006-05-16 Thread Yegappan Lakshmanan

On 5/16/06, Yegappan Lakshmanan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


On 5/16/06, Ali Akcaagac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At work I am using VIM 7.0 on WindowsXP and detected some garbage during
 editing process. Say I am loading a normal Textfile. I edit it, move
 around with the arrows, press ESC move around even more, scroll around a
 bit.. And quite often I find stuff that I previously yanked into the
 buffers spread all over the file.

Are you scrolling with the mouse and are you using the mouse
scroll wheel?

Also, refer to the following FAQ question:

- Yegappan

 With other words, it looks like someone has pressed 'p' for pasting
 what's in the buffer all over the file. I get this quite often when
 editing code at work and I wonder why I run into errors and reloading
 the files show me that somehow the content of the buffers got pasted
 somewhere. The paste somehow happens when scrolling or cursor moving
 happens. It's quite strange to explain.

 I also add the vimrc file that I keep using at work (it's basicly the
 same as I use under my home Linux machine - I never had that problem at
 home with Linux.)

 Any ideas are welcome.


 Ali Akcaagac