On Mon, Dec 11, 2006 at 09:08:20PM -0200, Rodolfo Borges wrote:
> (1)
> When tab-completing on Vim :cmdline, start with the dir of the current
> file being edited, instead of the $PWD (use ./ for that).
Yet another idea. I'm using many mappinngs like this to not change workinng 
(it seems to me that you want too  keep that because of using ./), but 
inserting the path to file automatically.

cmap >fd <c-r>=expand('%:p:h').'/'<cr>
(Type >fd at commandline to insert the path of the file beeing edited.)

really  useful is this mapping, too. After inserting this you don't have to
bother about the path at all if there aren't too many subdirectories/files
cmap <m-*> **/*


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