[bug] netrw remote delete

2016-04-06 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
Hi all,

I'm getting this error message when trying to delete (pressing D) a file on a 
remote directory:

Error detected while processing function 
line   60:
E488: Trailing characters:   else if ret != 0

Doing the same operation on a local directory works fine. Also, a remote rename 


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[bug] netrw not redrawing

2016-04-06 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
Hi all,

try doing a remote editing (I'm using scp) of some file, then executing 
:Lexplore, and pressing Enter to open a different file. The new file is shown 
in a new window as expected, but the netrw window won't be redrawn.

The problem seems to be the commented out redraw! at line 2856 (version 155,  
Feb 16, 2016). Uncommenting it fixed the problem, at least for my use case.


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Re: [vim] Relative/absolute filenames mess (#549)

2016-01-04 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
Hi Bram,

> Not quite so.  The absolute file name is always used, so that no matter
> what you do with the current directory you are still editing the same
> file.  The shorter file name is displayed when this is appropriate.

I'm not quite following you. I was just talking about how names are shown, not 
the way vim uses them. It's ok that "the absolute file name is always used". So 
I think we agree on this point.

> Depends on how you look at it.  In any way ":cd ." shortens all file
> names, so use that if you prefer short names.  If we would always use

At first I rationalized the behavior as: "the original name is like I entered 
it (absolute or relative); then, if I want to make it relative, I use cd". But 
IMO this doesn't hold because I may use cd for other reasons than making paths 
(show) relative. In other words, if my intention was to keep some name (being 
shown) absolute, now every cd or lcd will anyways relativize it, defeating my 
goal. So I don't think the current behavior can be justified on the basis of 
giving the user the choice of showing buffer names relative or absolute.


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Re: [vim] Buffer name resolution and simplification (#444)

2015-10-10 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
(Sorry, I accidentaly submit the issue in github and it was half sent here. The 
complete text follows.).

I have suggested some workarounds at the bottom of this thread:


but, nevertheless, I think the behavior is bizarre and specially confusing when 
using the quickfix list.

Why not always make the buffer name relative to the current working directory?

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Re: [Patch] Visual mode movements for python.vim

2015-08-02 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
 Perhaps you would like to take over maintenance of this file?

I would be glad to.


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Re: [Patch] Visual mode movements for python.vim

2015-08-02 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
Updated patch with a couple of text objects (]] and ]m) defined on top of my 
previous n and v maps.

Regarding the maintenance I know nothing about the formalities yet but I 
promise to get informed ASAP.


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From 0b00f3c692a59590ae03e571cfa6d37b4d2e1f44 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: memeplex carlosjosep...@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2015 12:31:37 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] Python plugin: movements in visual mode.

 runtime/ftplugin/python.vim | 50 +
 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/python.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/python.vim
index 75c7e87..f5e03a9 100644
--- a/runtime/ftplugin/python.vim
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/python.vim
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
  Vim filetype plugin file
  Language:	python
  Maintainer:	Johannes Zellner johan...@zellner.org
- Last Change:	2014 Feb 09
  Last Change By Johannes: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 13:13:08 CEST
+ Last Change:	Fri Jul 31 12:29:55 ART 2015 (carlosjosep...@gmail.com)
 if exists(b:did_ftplugin) | finish | endif
 let b:did_ftplugin = 1
@@ -21,28 +21,38 @@ setlocal omnifunc=pythoncomplete#Complete
 set wildignore+=*.pyc
-nnoremap silent buffer ]] :call SIDPython_jump('/^\(class\\|def\)')cr
-nnoremap silent buffer [[ :call SIDPython_jump('?^\(class\\|def\)')cr
-nnoremap silent buffer ]m :call SIDPython_jump('/^\s*\(class\\|def\)')cr
-nnoremap silent buffer [m :call SIDPython_jump('?^\s*\(class\\|def\)')cr
+nnoremap silent buffer ]] :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(0, 0, 1)CR
+nnoremap silent buffer [[ :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(1, 0, 1)CR
+nnoremap silent buffer ]m :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(0, 0, 0)CR
+nnoremap silent buffer [m :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(1, 0, 0)CR
+vnoremap silent buffer ]] :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(0, 1, 1)CR
+vnoremap silent buffer [[ :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(1, 1, 1)CR
+vnoremap silent buffer ]m :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(0, 1, 0)CR
+vnoremap silent buffer [m :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(1, 1, 0)CR
+onoremap silent buffer ]] :C-Uexecute 'normal ]][[V' . v:count1 . ']]'CR
+onoremap silent buffer ]m :C-Uexecute 'normal ]m[mV' . v:count1 . ']m'CR
 if !exists('*SIDPython_jump')
-  fun! SIDPython_jump(motion) range
-  let cnt = v:count1
-  let save = @/ save last search pattern
-  mark '
-  while cnt  0
-	  silent! exe a:motion
-	  let cnt = cnt - 1
-  endwhile
-  call histdel('/', -1)
-  let @/ = save restore last search pattern
-  endfun
+fun! SIDPython_jump(back, visual, top)
+let n = v:count1
+let pattern = '^' . (a:top ? '' : '\s*') . '\(class\|def\)'
+if a:visual
+normal gv
+let pattern = '\n' . pattern
+let pattern = '\(\%^\|\%$\|' . pattern . '\)'
+mark '
+for _ in range(1, n)
+call search(pattern, 'W' . (a:back ? 'b' : ''))
 if has(browsefilter)  !exists(b:browsefilter)
 let b:browsefilter = Python Files (*.py)\t*.py\n .
-		   \ All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n
+   \ All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n
  As suggested by PEP8.
@@ -50,11 +60,7 @@ setlocal expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 tabstop=8
  First time: try finding pydoc.
 if !exists('g:pydoc_executable')
-if executable('pydoc')
-let g:pydoc_executable = 1
-let g:pydoc_executable = 0
+let g:pydoc_executable = executable('pydoc') == 1
  If pydoc was found use it for keywordprg.
 if g:pydoc_executable

Re: [Patch] Python syntax: avoid highlighting attributes as builtins

2015-08-01 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
 OK. But there still remains the question of discrepancy between:

 class A:
 filter = None

Here filter is a variable locally scoped to the block defined by A, in that
sense this is not different from:

def a():
filter = None

Both clashes with the auto-global builtin.

Fortunately the most common case will be:

class A:

  def filter(...): ...

where filter would be highlighted because of the def anyway.


 a = A()
 a.filter = 2

Here a (and even A) is a potential offender but not filter, which is
resolved inside a.

The rule is simple: an unqualified variable named like a builtin is
highlighted to signal potential mistakes / bad smell.

There already is a variable to control highlighting of builtins. Currently
it's a toggle but it could have 3 levels instead:

0: never.
1: only unqualified.
2: always.

Heuristically I think 1 does a better job, but you can set the default to 2
if you prefer.


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Re: [Patch] Python syntax: avoid highlighting attributes as builtins

2015-08-01 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
  class A:
  filter = None

You could also avoid highlighting left hand sides as they're easy to match.
A variable that is always assigned to would be weird but never confused
with a builtin, as it's clear it's being bound at that point. Now, any
potential *use* of a builtin (i.e. not a lhs) will be highlighted as usual.

I don't care a lot about this case though.


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Re: [Patch] Python syntax: avoid highlighting attributes as builtins

2015-08-01 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
 Here filter is a variable locally scoped to the block defined by A, in that
 sense this is not different from:

 No, it’s not a locally scoped variable (binding in Python).
 It’s a class attribute.

How can it be an attribute of a class that doesn't exist yet? You must
differentiate a class being created from a class already created:

class A:

x = 1  # x is a local, A doesn't even exist at this point.

print(getattr(A, 'x'))  # x is an attribute.


{'__module__': '__main__', '__qualname__': 'A', 'x': 1}


Despite semantic subtleties, the point is that unqualified names are susceptible
of name clashes with builtins, while qualified named aren't.

 I understand fully what you ask for. It’s still inconsistent for the case of
 class attributes.

Again: differentiate between the class local scope at the point of
definition and proper class attributes. Then the rule is consistent.

 I just wonder if there is really a value to complicate the highlighting code

Well, it's a oneliner, but then I wouldn't mind putting it inside my
.vimrc, laissez-faire, laissez-passer ;).

 for a small use case like this compared to the value this “warning” gives.

Warnings are good when you can selectively disable false positives.
Otherwise they become distractions and you tend to overlook the real
ones. What I'm suggesting disables just a subset of false positives
(another subset is left hand sides). I don't see how it could hurt in
this sense.

 You do realize that this highlighting always existed and never bothered
 anybody until now. What if this gets changed and then users start
 complaining about the fact it’s not highlighted any more.

I suggested to keep the current behavior as default and adding one or
two lines of code to offer a new mode, without additional config
variables and retaining backward compatibility (just set
0=never,1=always and 2=non-qualified). Again, I wouldn't mind putting
that in my personal configuration. I just posted a patch that may be
useful for someone else, feel free to include it in the distributed
module (I can update it to add the 2=non-qualified mode, though).

 I’m taking a break this weekend.

Enjoy it.


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[Patch] Python syntax: avoid highlighting attributes as builtins

2015-07-31 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
Hi all,

the syntax rules for python incorrectly consider, say, both `filter` and 
`obj.filter` as instances of the builtin `filter`. I've added a rule to 
explicitly set the group of attributes (defined as an identifier following a 
dot) to none. Maybe it's better to create a new group for attributes, I'm not 
sure. I will update the patch with any improving suggestion.


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From cc25cc6ee83f1c0e1ca9349bb2cf1f9858bd28bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: memeplex carlosjosep...@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2015 13:40:51 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] Python syntax: don't highlight attrs as builtins.

 runtime/syntax/python.vim | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/runtime/syntax/python.vim b/runtime/syntax/python.vim
index f99153f..d944e76 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/python.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/python.vim
@@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ if !exists(python_no_builtin_highlight)
   syn keyword pythonBuiltin	ascii bytes exec
non-essential built-in functions; Python 2 only
   syn keyword pythonBuiltin	apply buffer coerce intern
+   Avoid highlighting attributes as builtins
+  syn match none /\.\i\+/hs=s+1
  From the 'Python Library Reference' class hierarchy at the bottom.

[Patch] Visual mode movements for python.vim

2015-07-31 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
Hi all,

I've patched the python.vim ftplugin in order it to support [[,]],]m,[m 
movements in visual mode also. The patch simplifies the logic of the previous 
implementation by using the search() function instead of user-oriented commands.

There are a couple of minor improvements also:

* Explicitly check executable('pydoc') == 1 (to avoid the -1 trap).
* Expand a couple of tabs to spaces to normalize indentation a bit.

Hope you find it useful. I tried to contact the maintainer before but to no 
avail so I'm submitting this directly to this list. 


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From 66783b5ca11f2c4ec6a76cf666dadd48d475b58b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: memeplex carlosjosep...@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2015 12:31:37 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] python plugin: movements in visual mode.

 runtime/ftplugin/python.vim | 46 +++--
 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/python.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/python.vim
index 75c7e87..3c0eb2e 100644
--- a/runtime/ftplugin/python.vim
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/python.vim
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
  Vim filetype plugin file
  Language:	python
  Maintainer:	Johannes Zellner johan...@zellner.org
- Last Change:	2014 Feb 09
  Last Change By Johannes: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 13:13:08 CEST
+ Last Change:	Fri Jul 31 12:29:55 ART 2015 (carlosjosep...@gmail.com)
 if exists(b:did_ftplugin) | finish | endif
 let b:did_ftplugin = 1
@@ -21,28 +21,34 @@ setlocal omnifunc=pythoncomplete#Complete
 set wildignore+=*.pyc
-nnoremap silent buffer ]] :call SIDPython_jump('/^\(class\\|def\)')cr
-nnoremap silent buffer [[ :call SIDPython_jump('?^\(class\\|def\)')cr
-nnoremap silent buffer ]m :call SIDPython_jump('/^\s*\(class\\|def\)')cr
-nnoremap silent buffer [m :call SIDPython_jump('?^\s*\(class\\|def\)')cr
+nnoremap silent buffer ]] :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(0, 0, '')CR
+nnoremap silent buffer [[ :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(1, 0, '')CR
+nnoremap silent buffer ]m :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(0, 0, '\s*')CR
+nnoremap silent buffer [m :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(1, 0, '\s*')CR
+vnoremap silent buffer ]] :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(0, 1, '')CR
+vnoremap silent buffer [[ :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(1, 1, '')CR
+vnoremap silent buffer ]m :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(0, 1, '\s*')CR
+vnoremap silent buffer [m :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(1, 1, '\s*')CR
 if !exists('*SIDPython_jump')
-  fun! SIDPython_jump(motion) range
-  let cnt = v:count1
-  let save = @/ save last search pattern
-  mark '
-  while cnt  0
-	  silent! exe a:motion
-	  let cnt = cnt - 1
-  endwhile
-  call histdel('/', -1)
-  let @/ = save restore last search pattern
-  endfun
+fun! SIDPython_jump(back, visual, ws)
+let n = v:count1
+let pattern = '^' . a:ws . '\(class\|def\)'
+if a:visual
+normal gv
+let pattern = (a:back ? '' : '\n') . pattern
+mark '
+for _ in range(1, n)
+call search(pattern, 'W' . (a:back ? 'b' : ''))
 if has(browsefilter)  !exists(b:browsefilter)
 let b:browsefilter = Python Files (*.py)\t*.py\n .
-		   \ All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n
+   \ All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n
  As suggested by PEP8.
@@ -50,11 +56,7 @@ setlocal expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 tabstop=8
  First time: try finding pydoc.
 if !exists('g:pydoc_executable')
-if executable('pydoc')
-let g:pydoc_executable = 1
-let g:pydoc_executable = 0
+let g:pydoc_executable = executable('pydoc') == 1
  If pydoc was found use it for keywordprg.
 if g:pydoc_executable

Re: [Patch] Visual mode movements for python.vim

2015-07-31 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
PS: maybe worth noticing, the new implementation also fixes a
potential bug related to the approach to get the v:count argument the
previous implementation adopts: it defines a range function, but then
the argument must be valid as a range not just as a count. In practice
this shouldn't be a problem, but it's not entirely correct. Moreover,
it is a problem for implementing the visual mode map. All in all I
feel the new approach is cleaner.

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Re: [Patch] Python syntax: avoid highlighting attributes as builtins

2015-07-31 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
 - Is there any value in making an exception for only a.filter line?

Yes, you can say for (99%) sure that a.filter is not a builtin, at least no
more than a.x. Instead it's dubious practice to name a global or local
variable as a builtin, that's looking for trouble. But attributes and
variables are different beasts, differently scoped.

There's little to say against value.set(3) or point.set(x=3, y=2) but a lot
against def set(obj, attr, val):  or set = [1, 2, 3].


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Re: [Patch] Visual mode movements for python.vim

2015-07-31 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
Here is an updated patch with a couple of improvements:

1. Reach BOF/EOF when there are no more class/method text objects remaining.

2. In visual mode select the object up to its beginning/end without matching 
the first line/char of the next object (I think it's not difficult to implement 
the omap version from here, but I don't have the time to do it right now).


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From 48aa0fa45b64e87b56d4442c2e1e3257d068ec02 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: memeplex carlosjosep...@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2015 12:31:37 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] Python plugin: movements in visual mode.

 runtime/ftplugin/python.vim | 47 -
 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/python.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/python.vim
index 75c7e87..8563749 100644
--- a/runtime/ftplugin/python.vim
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/python.vim
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
  Vim filetype plugin file
  Language:	python
  Maintainer:	Johannes Zellner johan...@zellner.org
- Last Change:	2014 Feb 09
  Last Change By Johannes: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 13:13:08 CEST
+ Last Change:	Fri Jul 31 12:29:55 ART 2015 (carlosjosep...@gmail.com)
 if exists(b:did_ftplugin) | finish | endif
 let b:did_ftplugin = 1
@@ -21,28 +21,35 @@ setlocal omnifunc=pythoncomplete#Complete
 set wildignore+=*.pyc
-nnoremap silent buffer ]] :call SIDPython_jump('/^\(class\\|def\)')cr
-nnoremap silent buffer [[ :call SIDPython_jump('?^\(class\\|def\)')cr
-nnoremap silent buffer ]m :call SIDPython_jump('/^\s*\(class\\|def\)')cr
-nnoremap silent buffer [m :call SIDPython_jump('?^\s*\(class\\|def\)')cr
+nnoremap silent buffer ]] :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(0, 0, '')CR
+nnoremap silent buffer [[ :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(1, 0, '')CR
+nnoremap silent buffer ]m :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(0, 0, '\s*')CR
+nnoremap silent buffer [m :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(1, 0, '\s*')CR
+vnoremap silent buffer ]] :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(0, 1, '')CR
+vnoremap silent buffer [[ :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(1, 1, '')CR
+vnoremap silent buffer ]m :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(0, 1, '\s*')CR
+vnoremap silent buffer [m :C-Ucall SIDPython_jump(1, 1, '\s*')CR
 if !exists('*SIDPython_jump')
-  fun! SIDPython_jump(motion) range
-  let cnt = v:count1
-  let save = @/ save last search pattern
-  mark '
-  while cnt  0
-	  silent! exe a:motion
-	  let cnt = cnt - 1
-  endwhile
-  call histdel('/', -1)
-  let @/ = save restore last search pattern
-  endfun
+fun! SIDPython_jump(back, visual, ws)
+let n = v:count1
+let pattern = '^' . a:ws . '\(class\|def\)'
+if a:visual
+normal gv
+let pattern = '\n' . pattern
+let pattern = '\(\%^\|\%$\|' . pattern . '\)'
+mark '
+for _ in range(1, n)
+call search(pattern, 'W' . (a:back ? 'b' : ''))
 if has(browsefilter)  !exists(b:browsefilter)
 let b:browsefilter = Python Files (*.py)\t*.py\n .
-		   \ All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n
+   \ All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n
  As suggested by PEP8.
@@ -50,11 +57,7 @@ setlocal expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 tabstop=8
  First time: try finding pydoc.
 if !exists('g:pydoc_executable')
-if executable('pydoc')
-let g:pydoc_executable = 1
-let g:pydoc_executable = 0
+let g:pydoc_executable = executable('pydoc') == 1
  If pydoc was found use it for keywordprg.
 if g:pydoc_executable

Re: [Bug] Hit Enter twice after make

2015-06-25 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
Hi Bram,

 As a compromise the error is shortened when the cursor moves.  When you
 jump to an error in the same line, then the full error is echoed, so
 that you can read it.

You're assuming there is a long error involved but this also happens
when the message is empty! The reported condition is a sufficient
condition. It only requires the current line to be the target line.
For example:

1) Write this simple 3-line python script:

2) let l:errorformat='  File %f\, line %l%.%#' | let l:makeprg='python %'

3a) Move the cursor to the first line and :make
  = Fine

3b) Move the cursor to the third line and :make
  = Double Hit Enter prompt

Notice the error is just empty because of the way errorformat was defined.

There is another situation when the Hit Enter prompt is shown twice
and yet it's also unrelated to long messages: when there are no valid
entries in the qf list. In the example above, replace `1/0` for
`print('hello')` and repeat the steps. Now both 3a and 3b end up
showing a double prompt, despite there is nowhere to jump to and no
valid error message to show.

This last point also illustrates something I've posted about
yesterday: the treatment of completely non-valid errors qf lists. IMO
they're best seen as ok output in their own than as a special case of
error output that happens to contain 0 errors by chance. In
particular: the || prefix is just noise in this case, and the current
error highlight (Search) makes no sense. To keep DRY I won't replicate
my full arguments here, though, but I would like to hear what do you
think about it (there).

Best regards

 I don't think there is a better compromise.

 I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence.
 There's a knob called brightness, but it doesn't seem to work.

  /// Bram Moolenaar -- b...@moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net   \\\
 ///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
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Re: Quickfix window for general output

2015-06-24 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
There is another inconvenient behavior I forgot to mention:

c) When there are no valid errors but the output is not empty, make still jumps 
to the first (non-valid) error (that is, line 1 of quickfix). This is awkward 
(and affected by issue [1]).

Two remarks: i. this is annoying no matter you want to see the output displayed 
in the qf window or not, so it's not strictly related to cases 1, 2 and 3 
above; ii. make! is no solution, because you may still want to jump to the 
first valid error when there are valid errors.

All in all I feel that quickfix is extremely tailored to cases in which you 
expect strictly valid error output or nothing at all. For most other cases it's 
a bit quirky. You can circumvent this writing some vimscript (I've done that 
indeed), but maybe it would be not that difficult to modify the current 
behavior a bit in order to acommodate the cases I've described. Nowadays a lot 
of languages are interpreted and there is no clear boundary between execution, 
testing, log-debugging and compilation. This dynamic nature of languages also 
means that errors tend to be in the form of dynamic stack traces, for which 
context (i.e. non-valid qf entries) is important.

Again, I would like to hear your opinions.


[1] https://code.google.com/p/vim/issues/detail?id=378sort=-id

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Re: Add show-mode-in-prompt to readline syntax

2015-06-24 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
Hi Christian!

Done, sorry for the noise.

I wouldn't hold my breath anyway, as this was reported quite a few years ago:



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Re: Add show-mode-in-prompt to readline syntax

2015-06-24 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
 I wouldn't hold my breath anyway, as this was reported quite a few years ago:

My bad, that was for 6.2. So I'm holding my breath after all :)

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Quickfix window for general output

2015-06-24 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
Hi all,

I would like to discuss a simple generalization of quickfix for outputs that 
are mostly non valid errors or have no errors/matches at all. It's not that the 
qf window doesn't already support the use cases I'm describing below, just that 
it has some quirks and rough edges when dealing with them.

There are three scenarios that I came across that are pretty common but don't 
completely fit the way the quickfix window presents its contents:

1) Long stack traces, for which you want to see the context as much as the 
error lines themselves.

2) Long unit testing framework outputs, with lists of failing tests that show 
error lines interspersed with a hierarchy of test suites and test cases names.

3) Non error outputs. Sometimes your program won't fail and you still would 
like to see the output in an unified interface like the quickfix window. That 
is, you press make and see the output in the qf window: error or not.

The problem I see is that the quickfix window is too much oriented to 
highlighting errors/matches, which is almost fine as this is its main use case. 
But for the scenarios above sometimes it shows too much clutter:

a) The prefix || before each non valid line.
b) The blinding highlight (Search) of the current line.

What I would like is one or two flags to control (a) and (b) (or both at the 
same time). That is, to suppress the || prefix and to avoid the Search 
highlighting for non valid lines. Suppressing highlighting will lose some 
context; for example it will not be clear from the qf window where a :cnext 
will jump, but this is not a problem for (3) and almost not a problem for (1) 
and (2), as in general there is no point in setting the line to a non-valid 
one. Besides, the flags would be optional.

The worst combinations are (3-a) and (3-b). So, alternatively, a flag no extra 
decorations when there is no valid error/match could fit the bill also.

What do you think?


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[Bug] Hit Enter twice after make

2015-06-23 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
The fact that the hit enter prompt is shown twice sometimes after :make when an 
error is found by quickfix was asked a number of times in the user list and in 
stackoverflow, but AFAIK it was just workarounded by making make silent or 
cmdheight larger. Now I've found a specific situation when the problem seem to 
be clearly reproducible: when the cursor was already on the line containing the 
first qf valid error immediately before running the make command (that is, the 
curaor was already on the line where make will automatically jump). In this 
case the qf error message is echoed as usual, except that the editor hasn't 
been redrawn yet and the hit enter prompt is presented again.


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Add show-mode-in-prompt to readline syntax

2015-06-22 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
It's a new option which was added in 6.3.

Btw, the option is particularly relevant to vimers, because it's mainly 
intended for readline vi mode.


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Re: Add show-mode-in-prompt to readline syntax

2015-06-22 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
Also, now that I'm on it, I noticed the edit-and-execute-command function is 
either not highlighted.

On Monday, June 22, 2015 at 2:32:42 PM UTC-3, Carlos Pita wrote:
 It's a new option which was added in 6.3.
 Btw, the option is particularly relevant to vimers, because it's mainly 
 intended for readline vi mode.

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[Bug?] BufRead and quickfix window

2015-06-22 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
Setting an autocommand like:

autocmd BufRead dir/* stuff

will trigger stuff for the quickfix buffer when the working directory is 
dir. I tried the dir/?* pattern also, just in case the match for quickfix 
is against an empty string prefixed by the current directory: the same happens.

I'm not sure what's the rule here, if any. Are special buffers intended to 
match any cwd/* pattern for a BufRead event? I workarounded this with an if 
buftype == '' clause, but I would like to understand what's happening here 
and to report a bug, supposing it is one.


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Re: [bug?] lazyredraw and mapping

2015-03-17 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
 indeed redraw! removes the double highlighting.

That is, calling redraw! again explicity after the mapping was executed, not 
the redraw! in the Make function.

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[bug?] lazyredraw and mapping

2015-03-17 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
Hi all,

when the lazyredraw option is set I've been observing a bizarre behavior which 
I'm not sure whether is a bug or not.

Say I'm editing the following python script:

def f1():

def f2():


And I've defined the following function and map:

function! Make(makeprg, errorformat)
  let l:makeprg = a:makeprg
  let l:errorformat = a:errorformat
  silent make

map buffer silent Leadermp
\ :call Make(python %, '  File %f\, line %l%.%#')CR
\ :clastCR:cprevCR

If I press Leadermp once the error window is opened and the last error (out 
of three in the backtrace) with a filename in it is highlighted as expected. If 
I press Leadermp again then the first and last errors with a filename are 
highlighted at the same time (see attached screenshot). This seems a problem in 
redrawing, and indeed redraw! removes the double highlighting.

Now, maybe this is expected when lazyredraw is on:

[...] Also when halfway a mapping and 'lazyredraw' is set.

Although I'm not halfway a mapping. So maybe not.

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Re: colorcolumn and foldtext

2015-03-09 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
Hi again,

an update: it's a bit worst than I've described, as the number columns
at the left also look splitted. See the attached screenshot.

I'm not sure whether this is an argument pro or con fold header being
above whatever special column. At least the idea of the fold header
being above every special column is already implemented and has it's
rationale, as Bram exposed it. Of course, it looks bad when one tries
to make it transparent, as the visual effect is to make every
special column look splitted instead of just at a lower layer. Maybe
the solution is to refrain from trying to style the fold headers in a
more modest fashion and always give them a distinctive here I am
background. I don't know.


On Sun, Mar 8, 2015 at 2:19 PM, Christian Brabandt cbli...@256bit.org wrote:
 Hi Bram!

 On So, 08 Mär 2015, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

 I have to admit that it's now inconsistent, having cursorcolumn and
 colorcolumn behave differently.  Did anybody complain about the behavior
 of cursorcolumn?  Perhaps then it's best to do the same for colorcolumn.
 Consistency is more important in this case.

 Not that I know of. Carlos as the original Poster did ask how to make it
 the colorcolumn work with folded regions and it looks like he has asked
 the same question on Stackoverflow:

 I wouldn't call it a complain however.

 Es muß für einen Architekten schon blöd sein, wenn ihm dauernd was einfällt.

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Re: colorcolumn and foldtext

2015-03-06 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
Hi Bram,

 The idea of 'colorcolumn' is that it applies to the text.  So you can
 align items or make sure they are in a certain column.  I don't see
 how that is useful in a folded region.  I would think it makes the
 closed fold look odd.  I have the idea that the closed fold is above
 the text and the 'colorcolumn' is under the text.

 So, why would someone want to change this?

I see the rationale behind what you're saying and I do agree. But there is a
gotcha. It's related to the way the fold line is filled with chars (as in
'fillchars'). Say I find it too invasive so I set the fold fillchar to space
and its background to the normal background, in order to turn it invisible.
Now I have a colorcolumn splitted here and there and that *really* looks odd.
Maybe the solution is not to force filling the fold line all the way to the
right margin but to make it the length of the string foldtext() returned.


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lazyredraw while scrolling

2015-03-06 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
Hi all,

a cursory google search shows many posts about cursorline and relativenumber 
turning vim slower. In an old low-end netbook I'm using right now this is all 
too evident. Say I keep j pressed for a while while editing my (relatively 
small) .vimrc. As I understand the issue, cursorline and relativenumber trigger 
frequent screen redraws and the redraws, in turn, drag in the syntax 
highlighting machinery, which is presumably the culprit of general slowdown. 
The net result is slow, rough scrolling.

Now, the lazyredraw option helps a lot in the way to smooth scrolling. And one 
would say: obviously, as the problem was triggered by the constant redrawing, 
wasn't it? But looking at the documentation of lazyredraw it's not that obvious 
how it is helping in this case. Moreover, while scrolling the cursorline still 
moves and the relativenumbers still change (although the cursor itself is not 
shown or intermittently shown), so there is some redrawing happening.

So, mostly out of curiosity I'm asking for the savvy people here to explain me 
what is exactly happening when I'm scrolling with cursorline and relativenumber 
set, and why lazyredraw could possibly help to ameliorate the slowdown.

Thank you in advance

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Re: colorcolumn and foldtext

2015-03-06 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
 Maybe the solution is not to force filling the fold line all the way to the
 right margin but to make it the length of the string foldtext() returned.

Something like an empty fillchar (which is currently impossible
AFAIK) would do the trick while still allowing for the current
behaviour in a backward compatible way, albeit I don't know if a
generalization like that is desirable and/or easy to implement.


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Re: Bug: bad interaction between ui and preview window for omnifunc with extra info

2014-07-11 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
What do you think about supressing events in the specific way I described 
above? Is it possible without a lot of work? Could it be problematic for some 
reasonable use case? 

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Re: Bug: bad interaction between ui and preview window for omnifunc with extra info

2014-07-04 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
You can selectively supress autocommands at vimscript level with noautocmd
and eventignore. Can you do that at the C level? Do you think it's
undesirable to do so? I'm not able to think of a listener interested in
this particular buffer switch as it's more of a subproduct of a particular
implementation than of an intentional switch.

On Jul 4, 2014 7:37 AM, h_east h.east@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Bram,

 2014/7/4(Fri) 19:05:30 UTC+9 Bram Moolenaar:
  Hirohito Higashi wrote:
   Hi Carlos,
   2014/7/3(Thu) 5:04:10 UTC+9 Carlos Pita:
When the omnifunc provides extra info to be shown in the preview
 window (in case preview is included in completeopt) there is a permanent
 focus switching back and forth between the current window and the preview
 window, which produces several annoying and very noticeable visual
1) The window title flickers (it changes too fast so the change is
 perceived as a flickering artifact).
2) The window name at the taskbar also flickers.
3) Plugins like vim-airline, which are able to show a buffer list
 highlighting the current buffer, will madly switch the highlight back and
I think an implementation which doesn't switch focus is in order.
   Attached patch fixed 1) and 2).
   Bram, what do you think?
  It's a nice simple solution, even though it won't fix everything.
  I haven't looked at the code yet, but often it's unavoidable to switch
  to the buffer to be changed, which also requires switching windows,
  which then requires triggering autocommands to have editing work as
  expected...  Perhaps it could be done with one switch and back, instead
  of switching multiple times.

 I think so, my patch is really good solution. If we don't think about
 autocommands. :-(

 autocommands is too powerful.

 Best regards,
 Hirohito Higashi

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Re: Bug: bad interaction between ui and preview window for omnifunc with extra info

2014-07-04 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
 You can selectively supress autocommands at vimscript level with noautocmd 
 and eventignore. Can you do that at the C level? Do you think it's 
 undesirable to do so? I'm not able to think of a listener interested in this 
 particular buffer switch as it's more of a subproduct of a particular 
 implementation than of an intentional switch.

 I have autocmds to set certain options on the preview window; for example, 

I was thinking just about the focus related events. It's fine to react
to the preview window creation event but I see no point reacting to a
permanent flow of focus in/out events triggered by the autocomplete

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Re: Bug: bad interaction between ui and preview window for omnifunc with extra info

2014-07-04 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
 I was thinking just about the focus related events.

More precisely, about the focus related events triggered by the
particular implementation of the autocomplete mechanism, not by the
user or other plugins or parts of vim where they could arguably be of

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Bug: bad interaction between ui and preview window for omnifunc with extra info

2014-07-02 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
When the omnifunc provides extra info to be shown in the preview window (in 
case preview is included in completeopt) there is a permanent focus switching 
back and forth between the current window and the preview window, which 
produces several annoying and very noticeable visual artifacts:

1) The window title flickers (it changes too fast so the change is perceived as 
a flickering artifact).

2) The window name at the taskbar also flickers.

3) Plugins like vim-airline, which are able to show a buffer list highlighting 
the current buffer, will madly switch the highlight back and forth.

I think an implementation which doesn't switch focus is in order. 

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slow syntax folding revisited

2013-09-19 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
Hi all,

I know this subject has been addressed a number of times, it's in the todo 
list, it's in the faq also and even there is a workaround suggested in the wiki.

I just would like to add that I've been dealing with it for a time now using 
foldmethod=expr with an expression that gets some hints from the syntax engine 
by means of synID and related methods. The performance is good even if folding 
is still relying on the syntax engine. But I've never implemented a generic 
solution based on this idea, that is an expression that looks for a fold syntax 
item in the current line in a language agnostic way. I don't think that it's 
possible because I don't know of a way to retrieve the fold flag from a syntax 
item and also start/end matches could be 0-length and so have no representative 
char in the current line. But in general the approach seems to work reasonable 
well as a workaround. exprs are much easier to write when you can get advantage 
of syntactic hints at strategic points.

What do you think about this approach? I'm afraid it could incur the same 
performance issues that foldmethod=syntax although, in practice, it didn't. 
I've no idea why this is so.

Anyway +1 for the slow syntax folding issue.


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Performance issues: region vs match for syntax folding

2013-09-17 Fir de Conversatie Carlos Pita
Hi all, I'm writing a syntax plugin for multimarkdown which is expected to 
support folding with foldmethod=syntax. In (multi)markdown there is the notion 
of a multiparagraph list item that has a pretty simple grammar: starting a new 
paragraph with a first line that is at least 1-tab or 4-space indented 
continues the previous item. So I defined a region to capture this:

syn region mkdMultiParagraph start=/./ end=/\n\s*\n\ze \{,3}\S/ contains=TOP 

Out of curiosity I tried to do the same with a (somewhat imperfect) match:

syn match mkdMultiParagraph /\(\s*\S.*\n\)\+\(\(\s*\n\)\+\( 
\{4}\|\t\)\(\s*\S.*\n\)\+\)*/ contains=TOP contained

I tried a number of simpler match variants also, but the point is that 
performance degrades awfully with every one of them, while things speed up a 
lot with the region. This is particularly noticeable when I set 
foldmethod=syntax. Then vim freezes for some seconds thinking about the 
folding. Once the folds are created performance becomes acceptable again.

I could give you the details to reproduce this, which are pretty convolved (for 
example, this only happens when the html syntax plugin in sourced inside mine). 
But first I would like to ask if there are good a priori reasons to avoid this 
kind of multiline matches in favor of regions. I was not able to find any 
advice regarding this in the vim documentation.

Also I'm curious about the internals of vim syntax highlighting and the syntax 
engine in general. Any description would be very much appreciated. A more solid 
understanding of the inner workings of the engine would help me to decide in 
matters like the above.

Best regards

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