Patch 7.4.2320
Problem:    Redraw problem when using 'incsearch'.
Solution:   Save the current view when deleting characters. (Christian
            Brabandt) Fix that the '" mark is set in the wrong position. Don't
            change the search start when using BS.
Files:      src/ex_getln.c, src/normal.c, src/testdir/test_search.vim

*** ../vim-7.4.2319/src/ex_getln.c      2016-09-03 20:04:29.922646387 +0200
--- src/ex_getln.c      2016-09-03 20:45:53.430308300 +0200
*** 177,193 ****
      int               histype;                /* history type to be used */
!     pos_T     old_cursor;
      colnr_T   old_curswant;
      colnr_T   old_leftcol;
      linenr_T  old_topline;
!     pos_T       cursor_start;
      pos_T       match_start = curwin->w_cursor;
      pos_T       match_end;
  # ifdef FEAT_DIFF
      int               old_topfill;
  # endif
      linenr_T  old_botline;
      int               did_incsearch = FALSE;
      int               incsearch_postponed = FALSE;
--- 177,198 ----
      int               histype;                /* history type to be used */
!     pos_T     search_start;           /* where 'incsearch' starts searching */
!     pos_T       save_cursor;
      colnr_T   old_curswant;
+     colnr_T     init_curswant = curwin->w_curswant;
      colnr_T   old_leftcol;
+     colnr_T     init_leftcol = curwin->w_leftcol;
      linenr_T  old_topline;
!     linenr_T    init_topline = curwin->w_topline;
      pos_T       match_start = curwin->w_cursor;
      pos_T       match_end;
  # ifdef FEAT_DIFF
      int               old_topfill;
+     int         init_topfill = curwin->w_topfill;
  # endif
      linenr_T  old_botline;
+     linenr_T  init_botline = curwin->w_botline;
      int               did_incsearch = FALSE;
      int               incsearch_postponed = FALSE;
*** 230,237 ****
      ccline.overstrike = FALSE;                    /* always start in insert 
mode */
!     old_cursor = curwin->w_cursor;        /* needs to be restored later */
!     cursor_start = old_cursor;
      old_curswant = curwin->w_curswant;
      old_leftcol = curwin->w_leftcol;
      old_topline = curwin->w_topline;
--- 235,242 ----
      ccline.overstrike = FALSE;                    /* always start in insert 
mode */
!     save_cursor = curwin->w_cursor;       /* may be restored later */
!     search_start = curwin->w_cursor;
      old_curswant = curwin->w_curswant;
      old_leftcol = curwin->w_leftcol;
      old_topline = curwin->w_topline;
*** 1006,1016 ****
                    ccline.cmdbuff[ccline.cmdlen] = NUL;
                    if (ccline.cmdlen == 0)
-                       old_cursor = cursor_start;
-                   else
!                       old_cursor = match_start;
!                       decl(&old_cursor);
--- 1011,1027 ----
                    ccline.cmdbuff[ccline.cmdlen] = NUL;
                    if (ccline.cmdlen == 0)
!                       search_start = save_cursor;
!                       /* save view settings, so that the screen
!                        * won't be restored at the wrong position */
!                       old_curswant = init_curswant;
!                       old_leftcol = init_leftcol;
!                       old_topline = init_topline;
! # ifdef FEAT_DIFF
!                       old_topfill = init_topfill;
! # endif
!                       old_botline = init_botline;
*** 1040,1046 ****
                    if (ccline.cmdlen == 0)
!                       old_cursor = cursor_start;
                    redraw_cmdline = TRUE;
                    goto returncmd;             /* back to cmd mode */
--- 1051,1057 ----
                    if (ccline.cmdlen == 0)
!                       search_start = save_cursor;
                    redraw_cmdline = TRUE;
                    goto returncmd;             /* back to cmd mode */
*** 1127,1133 ****
                ccline.cmdbuff[ccline.cmdlen] = NUL;
                if (ccline.cmdlen == 0)
!                   old_cursor = cursor_start;
                goto cmdline_changed;
--- 1138,1144 ----
                ccline.cmdbuff[ccline.cmdlen] = NUL;
                if (ccline.cmdlen == 0)
!                   search_start = save_cursor;
                goto cmdline_changed;
*** 1468,1474 ****
                    if (did_incsearch)
                        curwin->w_cursor = match_end;
!                       if (!equalpos(curwin->w_cursor, old_cursor))
                            c = gchar_cursor();
                            /* If 'ignorecase' and 'smartcase' are set and the
--- 1479,1485 ----
                    if (did_incsearch)
                        curwin->w_cursor = match_end;
!                       if (!equalpos(curwin->w_cursor, search_start))
                            c = gchar_cursor();
                            /* If 'ignorecase' and 'smartcase' are set and the
*** 1685,1691 ****
                    if (i)
!                       old_cursor = match_start;
                        match_end = t;
                        match_start = t;
                        if (c == Ctrl_T && firstc == '/')
--- 1696,1702 ----
                    if (i)
!                       search_start = match_start;
                        match_end = t;
                        match_start = t;
                        if (c == Ctrl_T && firstc == '/')
*** 1693,1709 ****
                            /* move just before the current match, so that
                             * when nv_search finishes the cursor will be
                             * put back on the match */
!                           old_cursor = t;
!                           (void)decl(&old_cursor);
!                       if (lt(t, old_cursor) && c == Ctrl_G)
                            /* wrap around */
!                           old_cursor = t;
                            if (firstc == '?')
!                               (void)incl(&old_cursor);
!                               (void)decl(&old_cursor);
--- 1704,1720 ----
                            /* move just before the current match, so that
                             * when nv_search finishes the cursor will be
                             * put back on the match */
!                           search_start = t;
!                           (void)decl(&search_start);
!                       if (lt(t, search_start) && c == Ctrl_G)
                            /* wrap around */
!                           search_start = t;
                            if (firstc == '?')
!                               (void)incl(&search_start);
!                               (void)decl(&search_start);
*** 1870,1876 ****
            incsearch_postponed = FALSE;
!           curwin->w_cursor = old_cursor;  /* start at old position */
            /* If there is no command line, don't do anything */
            if (ccline.cmdlen == 0)
--- 1881,1887 ----
            incsearch_postponed = FALSE;
!           curwin->w_cursor = search_start;  /* start at old position */
            /* If there is no command line, don't do anything */
            if (ccline.cmdlen == 0)
*** 1988,1996 ****
      if (did_incsearch)
-       curwin->w_cursor = old_cursor;
        if (gotesc)
!           curwin->w_cursor = cursor_start;
        curwin->w_curswant = old_curswant;
        curwin->w_leftcol = old_leftcol;
        curwin->w_topline = old_topline;
--- 1999,2016 ----
      if (did_incsearch)
        if (gotesc)
!           curwin->w_cursor = save_cursor;
!       else
!       {
!           if (!equalpos(save_cursor, search_start))
!           {
!               /* put the '" mark at the original position */
!               curwin->w_cursor = save_cursor;
!               setpcmark();
!           }
!           curwin->w_cursor = search_start;
!       }
        curwin->w_curswant = old_curswant;
        curwin->w_leftcol = old_leftcol;
        curwin->w_topline = old_topline;
*** ../vim-7.4.2319/src/normal.c        2016-08-29 22:48:12.157106115 +0200
--- src/normal.c        2016-09-03 20:49:39.636504852 +0200
*** 6228,6233 ****
--- 6228,6234 ----
  nv_search(cmdarg_T *cap)
      oparg_T   *oap = cap->oap;
+     pos_T     save_cursor = curwin->w_cursor;
      if (cap->cmdchar == '?' && cap->oap->op_type == OP_ROT13)
*** 6238,6243 ****
--- 6239,6246 ----
+     /* When using 'incsearch' the cursor may be moved to set a different 
+      * start position. */
      cap->searchbuf = getcmdline(cap->cmdchar, cap->count1, 0);
      if (cap->searchbuf == NULL)
*** 6247,6253 ****
      (void)normal_search(cap, cap->cmdchar, cap->searchbuf,
!                                               (cap->arg ? 0 : SEARCH_MARK));
--- 6250,6257 ----
      (void)normal_search(cap, cap->cmdchar, cap->searchbuf,
!                       (cap->arg || !equalpos(save_cursor, curwin->w_cursor))
!                                                          ? 0 : SEARCH_MARK);
*** ../vim-7.4.2319/src/testdir/test_search.vim 2016-08-27 16:26:32.719930990 
--- src/testdir/test_search.vim 2016-09-03 21:01:10.531035031 +0200
*** 31,36 ****
--- 31,37 ----
    " second match
    call feedkeys("/the\<C-G>\<cr>", 'tx')
    call assert_equal('  3 the', getline('.'))
+   call assert_equal([0, 0, 0, 0], getpos('"'))
    " third match
    call feedkeys("/the".repeat("\<C-G>", 2)."\<cr>", 'tx')
*** 59,64 ****
--- 60,66 ----
    " no further match
    call feedkeys("/the".repeat("\<C-G>", 8)."\<cr>", 'tx')
    call assert_equal('  9 these', getline('.'))
+   call assert_equal([0, 0, 0, 0], getpos('"'))
    " Test 3
    " Ctrl-G goes from one match to the next
*** 180,190 ****
    " delete one char, add another
    call feedkeys("/thei\<bs>s\<cr>", 'tx')
!   call assert_equal('  9 these', getline('.'))
    " delete one char, add another,  go to previous match, add one char
    call feedkeys("/thei\<bs>s\<bs>\<C-T>\<c-l>\<cr>", 'tx')
!   call assert_equal('  8 them', getline('.'))
    " delete all chars, start from the beginning again
    call feedkeys("/them". repeat("\<bs>",4).'the\>'."\<cr>", 'tx')
--- 182,192 ----
    " delete one char, add another
    call feedkeys("/thei\<bs>s\<cr>", 'tx')
!   call assert_equal('  2 these', getline('.'))
    " delete one char, add another,  go to previous match, add one char
    call feedkeys("/thei\<bs>s\<bs>\<C-T>\<c-l>\<cr>", 'tx')
!   call assert_equal('  9 these', getline('.'))
    " delete all chars, start from the beginning again
    call feedkeys("/them". repeat("\<bs>",4).'the\>'."\<cr>", 'tx')
*** 236,242 ****
--- 238,270 ----
    call feedkeys("/the\<C-G>\<C-G>\<C-G>\<C-T>\<C-T>\<C-T>\<cr>", 'tx')
    call assert_equal('  2 these', getline('.'))
+   " Test 2: keep the view,
+   " after deleting a character from the search cmd
+   call setline(1, ['  1', '  2 these', '  3 the', '  4 their', '  5 there', ' 
 6 their', '  7 the', '  8 them', '  9 these', ' 10 foobar'])
+   resize 5
+   1
+   call feedkeys("/foo\<bs>\<cr>", 'tx')
+   redraw
+   call assert_equal({'lnum': 10, 'leftcol': 0, 'col': 4, 'topfill': 0, 
'topline': 6, 'coladd': 0, 'skipcol': 0, 'curswant': 4}, winsaveview())
+   " remove all history entries
+   for i in range(10)
+       call histdel('/')
+   endfor
+   " Test 3: reset the view,
+   " after deleting all characters from the search cmd
+   norm! 1gg0
+   " unfortunately, neither "/foo\<c-w>\<cr>", nor "/foo\<bs>\<bs>\<bs>\<cr>",
+   " nor "/foo\<c-u>\<cr>" works to delete the commandline.
+   " In that case Vim should return "E35 no previous regular expression",
+   " but it looks like Vim still sees /foo and therefore the test fails.
+   " Therefore, disableing this test
+   "call assert_fails(feedkeys("/foo\<c-w>\<cr>", 'tx'), 'E35')
+   "call assert_equal({'lnum': 1, 'leftcol': 0, 'col': 0, 'topfill': 0, 
'topline': 1, 'coladd': 0, 'skipcol': 0, 'curswant': 0}, winsaveview())
    " clean up
+   set noincsearch
    call test_disable_char_avail(0)
*** ../vim-7.4.2319/src/version.c       2016-09-03 20:08:14.576803092 +0200
--- src/version.c       2016-09-03 20:14:14.501870705 +0200
*** 765,766 ****
--- 765,768 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     2320,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
158. You get a tuner card so you can watch TV while surfing.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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