(forw) Re: RFC: Gatekeeper - control which plugins are loaded

2008-04-25 Fir de Conversatie Marvin Renich
Stefano was having trouble sending to the group, so I am forwarding this
for him.


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[ resent: the first one was bounced back by google groups ]

On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 06:36:08PM -0400, Marvin Renich wrote:
 Actually, I like Debian's approach (thanks Debian Vim Maintainers and
 especially Stefano Zacchiroli).  Rather than force every plugin to use a

Marvin, thanks both for the kudos and for forwarding to us this thread
handle. I'm no longer following actively vim-dev these days, but I
believe James Vega (the most active vim maintainers in Debian these
days, and which deserves the kudos part on our responsiveness :)) does.

My thought on this issue is as follows. I don't like reinventing wheels,
and it is what possibly happened with Gatekeeper. I hope your message
can help fixing this. We would be very happy Debian-side if our
vim-addon-manager solution will spread outside Debian boundaries, it is
by no means Debian-specific. Our policies for how to handle this are
stored in the Debian Vim policy
(http://pkg-vim.alioth.debian.org/vim-policy.html/) and can be read be
whoever wants. Similarly, the vim-addons source code is available and
free software.

The implementation is probably suboptimal, but it is not a complicated
piece of code, if there is interest in the wider vim-dev community we
might even rewrite it from scratch! implementing perceived needs. Just
let us know.

Please remember to Cc [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you
want to be sure that me, or someone else of the Debian vim maintainers,
follows this thread.


Stefano Zacchiroli -*- PhD in Computer Science ... now what?
[EMAIL PROTECTED],cs.unibo.it,debian.org}  -%-  http://upsilon.cc/zack/
(15:56:48)  Zack: e la demo dema ?/\All one has to do is hit the
(15:57:15)  Bac: no, la demo scema\/right keys at the right time

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Re: RFC: Gatekeeper - control which plugins are loaded

2008-04-23 Fir de Conversatie hermitte


Meikel Brandmeyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Which doesn't help us, script maintainers to reload a plugin.
  Well, to be honest, it not really a problem as we can always comment
  the finish line (as long as we don't forget to restore it later).
  However, now my plugins checks a exists(g:force_reload_{plugin}) in
  the first test.
 I disagree. Obviously instead of modifying your plugin*s*, you would
 just have to add the force flag to the central Guard function and *all*
 your scripts support your flag immediately.

Well, if gatekeeper could also propose a way to force reloading (multiple times)
a plugin, that would be nice.

  Moreover, all my headers are generated with a template-files expander
  that provides the adequate anti-reinclusion guards for plugins (1
  global guard), ftplugins (1 global + 1 local guards), local_vimrcs
  (1local + 1 global), or whatever other vim script (0 guard).

 This sound like a very special setup. It is hard (if not futile) to try
 to cover all cases. What's of course possible, is to replace the central
 Guard function. So there also some flexibility into this direction.
 This is limited by the public API of course...

It is not that special at all. ftplugins are very close to plugins except that:
- they require a local guard
- sometimes they can need a global guard, for global definitions which can be
moved to autoload plugins now.

  What is hidden in this last sentence, is that gatekeeper does not
  help with ftplugins. When the ftplugin is just one file, blocking it
  is easy. When it is a suite made of many plugins, and ftplugins,
  blocking it with one assignment in the .vimrc becomes a much more
  complex task, and the call cannot even be used as an anti-reinclusion
  guard (see for instance LaTeX-Suite (or my CC++ suite, which I don't
  distributed in any distribution before a very long time)).
 Hmm.. This is another point, which needs some thought. I didn't think
 about multi-file scripts.

BTW, did you read David 2 cents about storing the version of a plugin in its
anti-reinclusion guard ?

This is a good practice that, I think, should indeed be generalized -- and I
have a lot of work to do on this one. This is something the Guard function from
Gatekeeper should take into account (may be with an optional parameter receiving
the current version of the script?) At terms, it could help to implement
dependency checks when a particular version of another script is required.

Luc Hermitte

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Re: RFC: Gatekeeper - control which plugins are loaded

2008-04-22 Fir de Conversatie Tony Mechelynck

On 23/04/08 00:20, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:
 I think of distribution not only of some batteries-included vim package,
 but also some system-installation. I worked as a system administrator
 during my study time and was responsible for 40 public dialog stations,
 where the students of our faculty could work. I consider it good
 practice to provide the users a comfortable system. If the first thing,
 they have to do, is to start installing software in their home
 directory, I did something wrong. So I'd also like to preinstall some
 of the more popular plugins.

The problem is: the user might have more than he wants. I like the way 
the matchit plugin is distributed: present but not active, so the only 
thing necessary to make it work (while still benefiting from future 
upgrades if any) is a $VIM/vimfiles/plugin/matchit.vim consisting of the 
one line

runtime macros/matchit.vim

For the help, it's harder to do it on Windows, but on Unix a softlink 
from $VIM/vimfiles/doc/matchit.txt pointing to 
../../vim71/macros/matchit.txt does the trick. (For the plugin itself, 
the advantage of _not_ using a softlink is that (a) it works even on 
Windows and (b) if you have several Vim versions installed, each of them 
will use its own version of the plugin, thus sidetracking any 
compatibility issues.)

Of course, it would be even easier with a Preferences popup menu 
including a Plug-ins tab with a set of checkboxes:

_Plug-ins to be loaded at startup__
[x] matchit
[ ] getscriptPlugin
[x] gzip
[x] matchparen
[x] netrwPlugin
[x] rrhelper
[ ] spellfile
[x] tarPlugin
[x] tohtml
[x] vimballPlugin
[x] zipPlugin
[x] syntaxcomplete
[x] zzsplash

including a couple I wrote myself; but, also of course, that kind of 
menu isn't the Vim way to do it (and BTW, IMHO a vimrc is more 
powerful than any closed set of Preferences). I believe it would be 
possible to implement it though (or something similar), with no change 
to the existing plugins, by means of 'noloadplugins' and as many lines 
(maybe :runtime lines at the end of the vimrc, or rather in a separate 
script called from the vimrc, to make it easier to change settings) as 
there are plugins to be loaded.

You might want to save the initial status of lpl in order to avoid 
loading _any_ plugins when run with either -u NONE or --noplugin on the 

Best regards,
Giving up on assembly language was the apple in our Garden of Eden:
Languages whose use squanders machine cycles are sinful.  The LISP
machine now permits LISP programmers to abandon bra and fig-leaf.
-- Epigrams in Programming, ACM SIGPLAN Sept. 1982

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Re: RFC: Gatekeeper - control which plugins are loaded

2008-04-22 Fir de Conversatie Marvin Renich

* Meikel Brandmeyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] [080421 17:46]:
 Hello Vim developers,
 some days ago, there was a short discussion on #vim, that one cannot
 easily prevent plugins from loading. A distribution could install some
 scripts/plugins in the system-wide vimfiles directory, but the user
 could not defend against such a pollution. Each plugin uses a
 different guard, so it's tedious to find out which one keeps a script
 from loading.
 I thought a bit about this problem and came up with the following
 solution: Gatekeeper. Gatekeeper keeps track of which plugins the user
 wants to load, which plugins the users dislikes and which he doesn't
 care about. So it is easy to disable specific plugins.
 From the script's perspective using gatekeeper is quite simple. It is a
 single function call, which is used in the plugin guard header, which
 prevents the script from being sourced multiple times. In fact,
 gatekeeper even simplifies this header, since the normally used guard
 variable is hidden away.
 So I'd like to drop this on the list with a request for comments. Any
 comments on the idea are appreciated.

Actually, I like Debian's approach (thanks Debian Vim Maintainers and
especially Stefano Zacchiroli).  Rather than force every plugin to use a
common interface to allow enabling/disabling individual plugins in a
distribution, they built a vim-addon-manager package that allows the
sysadmin to determine which plugins are enabled by default, and allows
individual users to enable/disable each plugin separately, overriding
the sysadmin's defaults.

The global defaults are done by placing the scripts in a directory that
is not in Vim's rtp, and then using symlinks to the system-wide enabled
ones in a directory that is in rtp.  Individual user preferences are
likewise symlinks in the user's .vim/ directory structure.  The only
tricky part is disabling a default-enabled system-wide script.  This is
done by the Vim maintainers by manually determining for each script what
to put in ~/.vim/plugin/000-vim-addons.vim to tell the script not to
load (or make it think it is already loaded).

More kudos to the Debian Vim Maintainers:

Some people are really concerned about having the absolute latest
patches to Vim and compile Vim themselves to that end.  The Debian
maintainers are very responsive, and while you cannot always get the
latest patches in a binary Debian package, you can usually get very
close.  Currently, you can get official Debian packages with Vim
7.1-293, which is, indeed, the most up-to-date version.


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RFC: Gatekeeper - control which plugins are loaded

2008-04-21 Fir de Conversatie Meikel Brandmeyer
Hello Vim developers,

some days ago, there was a short discussion on #vim, that one cannot
easily prevent plugins from loading. A distribution could install some
scripts/plugins in the system-wide vimfiles directory, but the user
could not defend against such a pollution. Each plugin uses a
different guard, so it's tedious to find out which one keeps a script
from loading.

I thought a bit about this problem and came up with the following
solution: Gatekeeper. Gatekeeper keeps track of which plugins the user
wants to load, which plugins the users dislikes and which he doesn't
care about. So it is easy to disable specific plugins.

On the other hand gatekeeper also provides an opt-in way of handling
plugins, where no plugin is loaded unless the user explicitly allows the
plugin to be loaded.

From the script's perspective using gatekeeper is quite simple. It is a
single function call, which is used in the plugin guard header, which
prevents the script from being sourced multiple times. In fact,
gatekeeper even simplifies this header, since the normally used guard
variable is hidden away.

Further versions could even consider certain versions of a script, or
inter-plugin dependencies.

Positive things I see:
 * Gatekeeper is easy to use.
 * In fact it may even simplify the header guard.
 * It provides full control over plugins.
 * It may be used to check for dependencies. (for the future)

Negative things:
 * It must be supported by the plugin. (For a distribution this can be
   easily accomplished with a simple patch.)

So I'd like to drop this on the list with a request for comments. Any
comments on the idea are appreciated.


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 Vimball Archiver by Charles E. Campbell, Jr., Ph.D.
autoload/gatekeeper.vim [[[1
# HEADER [ {{{ ]
 Plugin:   Gatekeeper
 Version:  0.1
 Author:   Meikel Brandmeyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Created:  Mon Apr 21 20:13:05 2008
 Last Change:  Mon Apr 21 2008

 Copyright (c) 2008 Meikel Brandmeyer, Frankfurt am Main
 All rights reserved.
 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 of this software and associated documentation files (the Software), to deal
 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

 Gatekeeper provides an infrastructure for scripts to handle dependencies
 and loading of scripts. The user may easily disable certain scripts or
 choose an opt-in mode, where each script must be explicitely enabled.
 Missing or disabled dependencies give either an error or are simply enabled
 if the corresponding switch is set by the user.
# [ }}} ]

# PROLOG [ {{{ ]
if exists(g:GatekeeperLoaded) 
let g:GatekeeperLoaded = 1

let s:saved_cpo = cpo
set cpovim
# [ }}} ]

# VARIABLES [ {{{ ]
### VARIABLE gatekeeper#OptOut, gatekeeper#OptIn [ {{{ ]
 Gatekeeper works in two modes: opt-in or opt-out.

 opt-out is the traditional mode which is used by most plugins. In case the
 user doesn't want the script to be loaded, he has to manually fiddle around
 with one of the many ways to stop the script from being sourced.

 opt-in is newly introduced by Gatekeeper and works the other way around. No
 plugin is loaded unless specified by the user. In this way it is easy to
 disable scripts.

if !exists(gatekeeper#OptOut)
let gatekeeper#OptOut = 1
if !exists(gatekeeper#OptIn)
let gatekeeper#OptIn = 0
### [ }}} ]
# [ }}} ]

# FUNCTIONS [ {{{ ]
### FUNCTION gatekeeper#Guard [ {{{ ]
 This is the heart of the system. This function is used in the header guard,
 which controls whether the script is sourced or not. Is a script disabled
 this function indicates so back to the script which should 'finish'.


Re: RFC: Gatekeeper - control which plugins are loaded

2008-04-21 Fir de Conversatie hermitte


Meikel Brandmeyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 some days ago, there was a short discussion on #vim, that one cannot
 easily prevent plugins from loading. A distribution could install some
 scripts/plugins in the system-wide vimfiles directory, but the user
 could not defend against such a pollution. Each plugin uses a
 different guard, so it's tedious to find out which one keeps a script
 from loading.

Disclaimer: I don't feel directly concerned as my vim distribution are the
sources from svn (for solaris), or the cream-lite one (i.e., without cream
But, I see very well the problem at hand you want to solve. And I must admit,
that at times it would be much simpler than the mv
{,inhibited/}plugin/fooplugin.vim that I use. (bash syntax)

 I thought a bit about this problem and came up with the following
 solution: Gatekeeper. Gatekeeper keeps track of which plugins the user
 wants to load, which plugins the users dislikes and which he doesn't
 care about. So it is easy to disable specific plugins.

How does this solve the problem of the distribution of old plugins that don't
use gatekeeper? I'm not sure the vim maintainers for the many distributions, are
ready to patch by hand hundred of files, and keep them synchronized with any
correction made by the plugin maintainers (in case the later ones don't make
their plugins gatekeeper-compliant)

 On the other hand gatekeeper also provides an opt-in way of handling
 plugins, where no plugin is loaded unless the user explicitly allows the
 plugin to be loaded.

How can it prevents runtime! plugin/*.vim?

 From the script's perspective using gatekeeper is quite simple. It is a
 single function call, which is used in the plugin guard header, which
 prevents the script from being sourced multiple times. In fact,
 gatekeeper even simplifies this header, since the normally used guard
 variable is hidden away.

Which doesn't help us, script maintainers to reload a plugin.
Well, to be honest, it not really a problem as we can always comment the finish
line (as long as we don't forget to restore it later). However, now my plugins
checks a exists(g:force_reload_{plugin}) in the first test.

BTW, I've seen an anti-reinclusion guard in your autoload plugin. In my
experience, it serves no purpose as autoload plugins already hide away all the
dependencies checks we had to do by hand in interdependent plain plugins.

 Further versions could even consider certain versions of a script, or
 inter-plugin dependencies.

This should disappear at terms thanks to autoload plugins. (Well, I hope so)

 Positive things I see:
  * Gatekeeper is easy to use.

Indeed, it seems so. It could also be interesting to use gatekeeper as an
interactive plugin that let the end user select what he wants.

  * In fact it may even simplify the header guard.

I don't really agree on this one for the previous reasons I gave. Moreover, all
my headers are generated with a template-files expander that provides the
adequate anti-reinclusion guards for plugins (1 global guard), ftplugins (1
global + 1 local guards), local_vimrcs (1local + 1 global), or whatever other
vim script (0 guard).

What is hidden in this last sentence, is that gatekeeper does not help with
ftplugins. When the ftplugin is just one file, blocking it is easy. When it is a
suite made of many plugins, and ftplugins, blocking it with one assignment in
the .vimrc becomes a much more complex task, and the call cannot even be used as
an anti-reinclusion guard (see for instance LaTeX-Suite (or my CC++ suite,
which I don't distributed in any distribution before a very long time)).

  * It provides full control over plugins.

over _compliant_ plugins, and only plugins. Unless vim is more deeply patched.

  * It may be used to check for dependencies. (for the future)

Except it becomes a new dependency itself. If it ever becomes an official part
of vim, this means, that we will have to maintain two branches of our plugins
for (a little less than) a couple of years, the time everybody migrates towards
a recent enough version of vim.

 Negative things:
  * It must be supported by the plugin. (For a distribution this can be
easily accomplished with a simple patch.)

 So I'd like to drop this on the list with a request for comments. Any
 comments on the idea are appreciated.

In conclusion, that's a very interesting idea. But I'm afraid this is not as
simple as it looks like.

Luc Hermitte

You received this message from the vim_dev maillist.
For more information, visit http://www.vim.org/maillist.php

Re: RFC: Gatekeeper - control which plugins are loaded

2008-04-21 Fir de Conversatie Gautam Iyer
On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 12:45:25AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 some days ago, there was a short discussion on #vim, that one cannot
 easily prevent plugins from loading. A distribution could install some
 scripts/plugins in the system-wide vimfiles directory, but the user
 could not defend against such a pollution. Each plugin uses a
 different guard, so it's tedious to find out which one keeps a script
 from loading.
 Disclaimer: I don't feel directly concerned as my vim distribution are
 the sources from svn (for solaris), or the cream-lite one (i.e.,
 without cream itself).

I too am blessed with a distribution (Gentoo) that doesn't install
anything unless I explicitly ask for it. So I don't have this worry.

But just as a thought -- couldn't the desperate user do something like

vim --noplugin

and then

runtime! foo.vim

for all the plugin's the user wants?


One man's folly is another man's wife.

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