Re: [vim/vim] GVIM not reporting correct byte offsets (Issue #13731)

2023-12-20 Fir de Conversatie Gary Johnson
On 2023-12-20, zeertzjq wrote:
> And, some bytes in the file correspond to a multibyte char in latin-1 
> encoding,
> so such a byte counts as two bytes.

I didn't understand that statement at first, but now I do.  Thanks.

When Vim's 'encoding' is utf-8 and it reads a file it sees as having
a 'fileencoding' of latin1, it expands the latin1-encoded characters
into utf-8-encoded characters in the buffer.  Latin1-encoding uses
1 byte per character while UTF-8 uses 1, 2, 3 or 4 bytes per
character.  So the number of bytes in Vim's buffer may exceed the
number of bytes in the file, as it does in the OP's case.

If that's a problem, you can fix it by forcing Vim to use latin1

$ vim --cmd 'set enc=latin1 nofixeol' index_video_5_0_1.mp4

or set binary mode:

$ vim -b --cmd 'set noeol' index_video_5_0_1.mp4


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Re: [vim/vim] GVIM not reporting correct byte offsets (Issue #13731)

2023-12-19 Fir de Conversatie Gary Johnson
On 2023-12-19, 3052 wrote:
> Steps to reproduce
> using this file (inside, not the zip):
> If I open the same file in GVIM and enter /mdat, enter, g, ctrl+g I get:
> Byte 2785
> Expected behaviour
> if I run this Go program:
> package main
> import (
> )
> func main() {
>b, err := os.ReadFile("index_video_5_0_1.mp4")
>if err != nil {
>   panic(err)
>i := bytes.Index(b, []byte("mdat"))
> }
> I get 2578. why is Vim off by over 200 bytes?
> Version of Vim
> Environment

I can replicate it with vim 9.0.2130 on Ubuntu 20.04, but I can't
explain it.  Rather than use a custom program to count the bytes,
I just used hexdump.  The full output of g Ctrl-G in vim is this:

Col 551-983 of 1063-1559; Line 8 of 4914; Word 713 of 35890; Char 2579 of 
1282363; Byte 2785 of 1920490

Note that it reports "Char 2579", which should be byte 2579.


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