Re: Why vimscript instead of another language? A philosophical or a technical question?

2024-05-02 Thread Marc Chantreux
On Thu, May 02, 2024 at 01:42:50AM -0700, Girish wrote:
> There are some specific advantages. Regex handling, for example, as done in
> Python of Lua is not so suitable to the needs of an editor.

Not to mention that "editor state" specific are just not available

|/\%V|  \%V \%V inside Visual area |/zero-width|
|/\%#|  \%# \%# cursor position |/zero-width|
|/\%'m| \%'m\%'mmark m position |/zero-width|
|/\%v|  \%23v   \%23v   in virtual column 23 |/zero-width|


Marc Chantreux
Pôle CESAR (Calcul et services avancés à la recherche)
Université de Strasbourg
14 rue René Descartes,

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Re: Why vimscript instead of another language? A philosophical or a technical question?

2024-04-30 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello Jose,

I don't know how clear and helpful this post was: please don't hesitate
to ask questions.

On Sun, Apr 28, 2024 at 07:51:39PM +0100, Jose Caballero wrote:
> I am just curious about it. I have just been experimenting with it, and it is
> possible to send the selected range of lines, or even the entire buffer, to an
> external script. Right? In my case, in python.

not only filter with a pipe but also write and read from them.

stats about the abstract of your article:

:%w !wc

execute commands from a doc

:'<,'>w !sh
:'<,'>w !perl
:'<,'>w !raku

poor man package navigator (I use it all the time)

:r!aptitude search '~nvim'

then you move the cursor to the package name and type:

:r! apt-cache show  I find python, or even bash, to be more readable and friendly than vimscript.

we're typing vim langage all day long and there is no way another
langage can compete for tasks like


the sad part is that the rest of the vim9script syntax is inspired by
langages like python, js which implies so many useless parentheses
(in contrary of langages like awk, ruby, perl and the *awesome* raku)

> What would be the advantage of keeping using vimscript instead of writing
> plugins in your favourite language?

I use both of them for different things:

* vim9script has no competitor when in comes to tune the editor
* langages like perl, raku, awk, sed, ed and shell (zsh, dash, ksh, rc, …)
  to transform vim to a multipurpose UI.

The most simple example I have in mind is a process manager:

command! Update   %!pstree -Up
command! Kill !kill 
command! NextPid  /[0-9]\+/
set fdm=marker fmr=┬,└ fdt=getline(v:foldstart)

(don't define mappings, define commands that can be mapped)

I also try to make my "widgets" available both from vim and zsh.

As exemple: that's the way I use my MRU (commands ED(it) and CD)

# ~/.vim/r/was_fzy.vim:
au DirChanged window,global silent !echo ":p:s!/$!!" >> 
au BufNewFile,BufReadPre  * silent !echo ":p" >> ~/.was-edit
command -nargs=0 CD silent exec "!>~/.v echo lcd $( was_fzy ~/.was-here 
)" |so ~/.v |redraw!
command -nargs=0 ED silent exec "!>~/.v echo ed  $( was_fzy ~/.was-edit 
)" |so ~/.v |redraw!

>From my zsh:

was_fzy () { _was_fzy_db $1 | _was_fzy_ui }
_was_fzy_db () {
perl -E '
# delete from the list
# * older occurrences of the same name
# * (re)moved entries
# reverse is important to keep the most recent one
@s = reverse grep {chomp; !$seen{$_}++ && -e} reverse <>;

# release stdout first so the pipe can go on
say for @s;

# then save the deletations
open U, ">", $ARGV;
say  U for @s;

' "$@"
    _was_fzy_ui () {
tac | fzy

I can access to the same features from zsh bindings.


Marc Chantreux
Pôle CESAR (Calcul et services avancés à la recherche)
Université de Strasbourg
14 rue René Descartes,

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Re: vim9script userdef

2022-12-10 Thread Marc Chantreux

> let defdict[type] = g:tagbar_type_{type}

is this ok for you?

let type ="grep"
exec $"let defdict[type] = g:gitgutter_{type}"


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Re: Print the first field of a table in one line separated by commas

2022-09-09 Thread Marc Chantreux
On Tue, Sep 06, 2022 at 10:43:50PM +, Tim Chase wrote:
> On 2022-09-06 14:45, andalou wrote:
> > I have the table:
> > 1001 john sena 4
> > 1002 jafar iqbal   6
> > 1003 meher nigar   3
> > 1004 jonny liver   7
> > I'd like to print the first field, preceded by xx, and followed by yyy,
> > separated by commas, as in:
> > xx1001yyy, xx1002yyy, xx1003yyy, xx1004yyy

I'll use

    :%!sed 's/ .*/yyy,/'|tr '\n' ' '

Marc Chantreux
Pôle de Calcul et Services Avancés à la Recherche (CESAR)

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Re: Json inline format

2022-05-07 Thread Marc Chantreux
> Thank you Paul, I don't want third part.

you mean you want a pure viml solution? what's the point?


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Re: news about vim9?

2022-04-27 Thread Marc Chantreux
> I guess it's not clear that the repository has been archived.
> I updated the README to make clear what the status is.

I had no way to catch that as i don't use the web interface but the
unclear part is "what happened to the ideas behind vim9" until i read
that it's now a part of vim/vim which is awesome.


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Re: news about vim9?

2022-04-26 Thread Marc Chantreux
On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 06:34:38PM +0200, Matthias Erich Popp wrote:
> Last Commit ist from 26. Jan. 2020 ???

By "here", Christian meant vim/vim, not brammool/vim9.


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Re: news about vim9?

2022-04-26 Thread Marc Chantreux
On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 06:05:32PM +0200, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> Yes switch back. Vim9 development is ongoing and happens there.

compilation on progress. thanks.


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news about vim9?

2022-04-26 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people,

I realized the vim I use for my daily use for months
(maybe years) is the one from brammool/vim9 which is
now archived.

* are there news about this project?
* is there a repo, somewhere, that looks like beta stage
  of vim9 (something we could help with feedbacks or/and
  plugin rewrite).
* or should I switch back to the vim/vim repo?


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Re: Sven Guckes passed away

2022-02-22 Thread Marc Chantreux
> I remember how he would always be very helpful and extremely knowledgeable,
> but didn't suffer fools gladly, back in the late 90's and early 00's.

I don't remember him that way. He spent some time to elaborate answers.
>From time to time, when the reader just kept asking for a solution
instead of a knowledge, he had some ... pushy answers, for sure but i
felt it was more against an attitude than a person.

Marc Chantreux
Direction du numérique de l'Université de Strasbourg
Pôle de Calcul et Services Avancés à la Recherche (CESAR)

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Re: Sven Guckes passed away

2022-02-22 Thread Marc Chantreux
> Our friend Sven Guckes died in Berlin on February 20, 2022.

So I will never meet the guy in person :(.

I remember me in the '90s reading all the emails from Sven just
because the expertise of the awsers he gave was excellent but
most importantly: the quality of the answers demonstrated his anger
to share his knowledge. Those kind of person who showed us what a
community should be.

:s/ve/n, Requiescat in pace.


Marc Chantreux
Direction du numérique de l'Université de Strasbourg
Pôle de Calcul et Services Avancés à la Recherche (CESAR)

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improve slides.vim: concealing nbsp?

2022-01-09 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people,

In slides.vim (an ftplugin to transform vim to a presentation system),
I use nbsp to emphase things

syn match emphasize  "\v \zs[^ ]+\ze "

Which works fine when I want to quote words (or parts of the sentence)

« What if we use vim as presentation system ?»

But...  In the case of my next Fosdem talk, I need to emphase


But next code isn't valid

fibonnaci. grep() .head(5)

So I want the nbsp to be concealed ane "grep()" to be emphased.

So I tried

:set conceallevel=3
:syn match nbsp " " concealed

It do the opposite as expected:

* no more color
* nbsp still visible

I read the doc and I spent some time trying to use "contained"
(inspiration by "help.vim") but I'm not sure I got the problem
so I don't really know how to fix it.

Does someone have a clue?

Thanks by advance.

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Re: Vim9 script feature-complete

2022-01-03 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello everyone and thanks to the vim contributors,

Le Mon, Jan 03, 2022 at 11:04:32AM +, Bram Moolenaar a écrit :
> > comments suggested to reverse the import syntax so that the imported
> > script is named first and the imported entities next. A rationale for
> > this is that it would help automatic completion.
> Is there another language that works like this? ...
> resembles Javascript, which hopefully some users are familiar with.

Bram, I didn't know this was something you're interested in as i always
found the vim langage special and though it reflect some personal choices.

One thing i only saw in very old langages is the "specialized end" instead
of the generic one and i admit i would love to write function with a syntax
that is closer to lambdas (or Javascript) or at least ruby/lua 'end'

def MyFunction (arg: number): number {
   while todo > 0 {
  echo "again"
  todo -= 1
   return 0

def MyFunction (arg: number): number
   while todo > 0
  echo "again"
  todo -= 1
   return 0

i also dislike the parentheses for function calls but lot of people

Anyway: i switched to vim9 to hunt bug and found none for the moment.
congratulations and many thanks.


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Re: :so should take a range ?

2022-01-02 Thread Marc Chantreux

> Builtin :source adds file into the scripts list (cf. :scriptnames) and
> assigns script id (aka SID) which is essential for s: scope support. It
> won't be easy to reuse this SID by "a ranged source". And bringing "an
> incomplete feature" into the core could be too much confusing.

thanks for this answer. totally agreed!

> BTW. Using getline()+execute() or simply yanking and then executing a
> register with :@0 looks nicer, imo, then storing data into temporary file.

wow... i wasn't aware of :@ and 99% of the usage of this macro can be
solved by one of those: Y:@0 or yap:@0.

i deprecate So and probably will remove it. thanks a lot.


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:so should take a range ?

2021-12-31 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people,

Years ago, i wrote a [range]Source so you can type some viml in your
current buffer and run it. This is useful in many situations (for
exemple cd to a directory refered in a log).

I made a demo of this to some colleagues and someone asked why isn't it
a core feature. I have to admit i never thought about that but it makes

* doesn't conflict with another feature
* sourcing viml is obviously already implemented so i imagine adding a
  range shouldn't be that hard

maybe none got the idea to ask so i do now :)

happy new year everyone.


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Re: equivalent of get() for a string ?

2021-06-24 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello Salman,

> Shameless plug: my GetVar script (
> does this.

thanks for noticing but i can't add such a dependency as i'm trying to
fix an existing package and would like to push my code upstream at
some point.


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equivalent of get() for a string ?

2021-06-24 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people,

I would like this

if exists('g:purescript_update_path')
if g:purescript_update_path
call PurescriptUpdatePath()

To be something like

if get('g:purescript_update_path',v:false)
call PurescriptUpdatePath()

but get() doesn't work with strings and i don't find something close.
did i miss something from the doc ?


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how to get an errorformat with full line %m

2021-03-30 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people,

my ftplugin/perl.vim comes with a 'fixed' (works better for me
but i don't know if it can break something to other people).

So first question: is it worth submitting a patch?

version of the compiler/perl.vim from the standard distribution:

set errorformat=
\%-G%.%#had\ compilation\ errors.,
\%-G%.%#syntax\ OK,
\%+A%.%#\ at\ %f\ line\ %l\\,%.%#,
\%m\ at\ %f\ line\ %l.,

In the version shipped with vim don't work with this error message:

Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at lib/ line 46,  
line 1.

because the found filename is "lib/ line 46,  " (the
pattern is too greedy) so i just changed the order of matching.

Now the second question (the topic of the mail):

When developping, i also use the Devel::SimpleTrace module to activate
stacktraces in error messages so the previous message becomes:

Odd number of elements in anonymous hash
at Node::new(lib/ line 46, :1)
at Pig::_parse_line(lib/
at Pig::parse(lib/
at main::(./

and i would like to make this stack available from my cwindow. alas: the
first line is the whole error message so if i use

\%+C\tat\ %o(%f:%l)

then \%+A%m  will match any line so breaks the whole thing. I have no
idea how to fix the thing. any help or pointer to an efm with the
similar problem is welcome.


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Re: writing documents in plain TeX, using vim

2020-08-31 Thread Marc Chantreux

> to write documents in plain TeX (no LaTeX) with vim I am looking forward for
> plugins and helpers to do so.

vim comes with those files setting

* syntax highlighting
* format-comments
* [d
* matchit


there is also a compiler and an indent file for tex
that can probably be used (at least as source of inspiration).

i would probably start from this and create my own ftplugin/tex.vim
with things like

set aw mp=pdftex\ %
inoremap $$ $$i


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Re: using a file as quickfix

2009-12-01 Thread Marc Chantreux
On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 08:29:59AM -0800, Ben Fritz wrote:
 To get Vim to understand the format of the error messages, you need to
 tell Vim what compiler generated the messages, or at least how to


:compiler pyunit 
:cfile % 

works fine! thanks a lot! 

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using a file as quickfix

2009-11-29 Thread Marc Chantreux

Given a file ERR with the following content, i would like to use this
file as quickfix error list. So i tried: 

vim ERR 
:cfile %
:setf python

well ... it doesn't work. can anyone help ? 



ERR file: 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/bin/yum, line 29, in module
yummain.user_main(sys.argv[1:], exit_code=True)
  File /usr/share/yum-cli/, line 236, in user_main
errcode = main(args)
  File /usr/share/yum-cli/, line 188, in main
  File /usr/share/yum-cli/, line 364, in doTransaction
if self.gpgsigcheck(downloadpkgs) != 0:
  File /usr/share/yum-cli/, line 464, in gpgsigcheck
self.getKeyForPackage(po, lambda x, y, z: self.userconfirm())
  File /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/yum/, line 2571, in 
misc.import_key_to_pubring(rawkey, po.repo.cachedir)
  File /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/yum/, line 278, in 
ctx = gpgme.Context()
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Context'

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Re: from lines to dict keys

2009-11-11 Thread Marc Chantreux

hello Hari

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 10:11:46PM -0800, Hari Krishna Dara wrote:
 Since you seem to want a one liner, here is one:
 let t=eval('{'.join(map(split(system(echo foo; echo bar), \n ),
 '''.v:val.'': 1'), ',').'}')

I want my code to be readable then short. it seems that viml isn't the
good langage for it. I stick on the for-loop :)


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Re: from lines to dict keys

2009-11-10 Thread Marc Chantreux

hello all

many thanks for you tries and replies. all of them where very

i'll stick on the for-loop solution as it seems that functionnal
solutions are harder to read/debug in viml.


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from lines to dict keys

2009-11-09 Thread Marc Chantreux

hello guys,

i want each lines of the output of a shell command to become a key of a
dict. I wote this code: 

let t = {}
for k in split( system(echo foo; echo bar ), '\n' )
let t[k] = 1 

but i don't like it: as the loop is here to populate the dictionnary, i
would like to use something more appropriate. In perl for exemple, the
map function enables you to write

my %a = map { $_ = 1 } split /\n/, qx echo foo; echo bar

vim has the equivalent of $_: it's called v:val, so i tried to use map
or filter with attempts looking like that: 

let t = map( split( system(echo foo; echo bar ), '\n' ), { v:val : 1 } )

and yet i just wonder if it's possible.


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Re: from lines to dict keys

2009-11-09 Thread Marc Chantreux

hello Andy and thanks for reply.

On Mon, Nov 09, 2009 at 06:33:24PM +0100, Andy Wokula wrote:
 It is possible, the second argument to map() must be a string:
 :h map()
 :let t = map([foo, bar], '{v:val : 1}')

i tried this solution but the result is 

[{'foo': 1}, {'bar': 1}]

when i expect 

{'foo': 1, 'bar': 1 }



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Re: Need help to design Vim T-shirts

2009-09-09 Thread Marc Chantreux


On Wed, Sep 09, 2009 at 10:39:56AM +1000, John Beckett wrote:
 Regarding a more typical logo+slogan design, I came up with stuff like
 Vimpressive, Vi! Vi Vi! The Editor of the Beast![1] or
 Vini, Vidi, Vici[2], but I'm sure you vim hackers can do better.

funny ... i'll give some tries: 

vi edit esc30a so much faster !! esc 


[logo vim] [logo vim] [logo vim]
  esc666a beast insideesc


evolution is :s/ed/vi/|s/vi/m/


vi, :1976,$s/edition/fun/g


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Re: Using vim as interface to Wikipedia

2009-05-22 Thread Marc Chantreux

On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 11:49:34AM +0400, Andrey Zhidenkov wrote:
 Hello, all.


i didn't tested it but i would try
in your case.


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Re: deal with gdb, breakpoints, displays ...

2009-04-08 Thread Marc Chantreux

hello Charles,

On Tue, Apr 07, 2009 at 12:15:12PM -0400, Charles Campbell wrote:
 Charles Campbell wrote:
clewn and pyclewn:

i downloaded it both and will test it asap.

 See the table at the pyclewn website for comparisons concerning clewn, 
 pyclewn, and vimgdb.

good catch! very instrutive.

thanks for help


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deal with gdb, breakpoints, displays ...

2009-04-07 Thread Marc Chantreux


it seems there are some projects to pilot GDB interactively with vim
but nothing official. Is one of this project usable (more usable than
others) or is it still a dream? 


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email address completion

2009-04-06 Thread Marc Chantreux

hello world,

I want to complete email adresses from my mutt aliases file, the
simplest way i found is: 

set dict+~/.mutt/aliases isk+=@

but! ... if i do this, ^x^k complete only the local part of the
address and ignore what's after @. I imgine that's because isk isn't

Any way to fix that ? 


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Re: email address completion

2009-04-06 Thread Marc Chantreux

hello Luc, 

On Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 11:27:16AM +0200, Luc Hermitte wrote:
 The last published version seems to be there:

thanks but i prefer to keep my configuration KISS (even if it doesn't
work perfectly)


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my NewBufferAsMenu() don't match line

2009-02-12 Thread Marc Chantreux

hello world,

This is my attempt to add neat menus in vim using buffers. It can be
usefull if you have a script that can save some options in a file.

the idea is: 

- call NewBufferAsMenu('Foo') opens a new buffer with some content (r!ls
  is just for test). Foo will be executed when the space key is
- Foo stores the current line in g:boom that will be used for another

My pb is that Foo doesn't carre about the line under the cursor and
always reply 0. 

I don't want to debug this script in particular: i just want to have a
menu that can return a value that can be different to the thing actually
showed (for exemple: return the id of a label in a database). Don't
hesitate to tell me another (more vimish?) way.


function! NewBufferAsMenu( cb )
 Create a new buffer as menu
 usage: NewBufferAsMenu('Foo')
 hi CursorLine ctermfg=white ctermbg=red
unlet! g:CallBack
let g:CallBack = function(a:cb)
r!ls  this is just for test
 Todo:  resize buffer
setlocal nomodifiable
setlocal cursorline
nnoremap buffer space :echo g:CallBack()cr

function! Foo()
echo 'find '.line('').', add'.getline(line(''))
let g:boom=getline(line(''))

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Re: my NewBufferAsMenu() don't match line

2009-02-12 Thread Marc Chantreux

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 06:37:50PM +0200, Agathoklis D. Hatzimanikas wrote:
  function! Foo()
  echo 'find '.line('').', add'.getline(line(''))
  let g:boom=getline(line(''))
 I have nothing to say about if there is another way to do it, but
 if you want to make your function work, you just have to add a dot to
 the line('') function, where dot means current line.

argghh... i actually know this but didn't noticed the typo.

thanks for help! 


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