Braille Monitor                                                February 2013
Methodology for Teaching Braille to Adults
by Emily Wharton and Ryan Strunk
>From the Editor: Emily Wharton and Ryan Strunk are both employed by BLIND, 
>Incorporated, the NFB training center located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Emily 
>is the Braille instructor, Ryan the technology instructor. Both are dedicated 
>to helping blind people graduate as literate adults.
For a long time complaints about materials for teaching Braille to adults have 
been a topic of discussion between blind adults and their instructors. Emily 
has tried to address this by creating a new system for teaching Braille. The 
system includes a textbook, but it is far more than just another book on 
teaching Braille. Because using new technology is a part of this system, Ryan's 
role has been critical.
For the benefit of those who are not familiar with Braille, here are some 
pointers and definitions. Words in Braille can be written letter by letter, as 
they are in print, or can be represented by contractions and short forms. Some 
commonly used words are represented by dot combinations that are not already 
used for numbers, letters, or punctuation. Words such as with, of, for, were, 
and was are represented in this way and are called contractions. A short form 
is a letter standing by itself that represents a word. The letter b standing by 
itself is the word but, the letter c the word can, and the letter d the word 
do. Every letter represents a word. If a letter standing by itself is not 
intended to be a word, it is preceded by a special symbol called a letter sign. 
This makes it possible to represent a list in which a is the first item, b the 
second, and z the twenty-sixth.
A peg slate is used to introduce students to Braille. Pegs are inserted into 
the holes of a board to make the shapes of the Braille symbols.
Here is the written version of the remarks presented by Ryan and Emily at the 
Braille Symposium on September 28, 2012:
When I began teaching Braille in the adult comprehensive program at BLIND, 
Incorporated, in March 2009, our students had a generally negative attitude 
about Braille and were performing below expectation in Braille reading and 
writing proficiency. They complained that Braille was hard and not useful for 
them in their daily lives. These adults complained of feeling like a first 
grader and acted as if using a slate and stylus was a punishment. They were 
also taking five months or more to learn the Braille code and budgeting very 
little time to work on building speed and fluency before they completed the 
program. In short, we had a bad Braillitude going on, and we needed to turn it 
Reflecting on my own experiences as an adult Braille learner and consulting 
with other Braille enthusiasts who learned Braille as a teenager or adult, I 
[Emily] began work on a new method for teaching Braille to adults. In order to 
address the problems I was seeing, I needed for this method to incorporate the 
following elements: decrease stress and increase enjoyment, make studying 
outside class easy, show how useful Braille is, teach to the student's learning 
style, focus on "sight words" and context to increase fluency, leverage the 
power and promise of technology, foster mastery motivation, and customize 
material to the student's interests.
I was teaching Braille using this method by the fall of 2009. I completed the 
first version of the Code Master textbook around this time, and we have been 
using it as our primary teaching text since then. In January of 2010 we 
combined Braille and technology into a single class called Communications, and 
I instructed my colleague Ryan Strunk on implementing this method. Ryan and I 
have been using it since with all Braille learners in the general adult 
comprehensive program.
Overview of the Method
The Code Master Adult Learning System consists of five components: 1) the Code 
Master Adult Learning System manual, 2) a three-ring binder for customized 
notes, 3) an audio CD or MP3 files for textbook tutorial, 4) instructions for 
customizing the curriculum for students, and 5) methods for incorporating 
technology into Braille instruction. The following sections explain these 
components more completely.
When students begin the program knowing no Braille, they start by learning the 
dot configurations. They work on this orally and using a peg slate. On day one 
they learn the first ten letters. Students are given textbooks, peg slates, and 
audio materials. They receive instruction in reading technique and are 
encouraged to work on reading the textbook and touch pages outside class, but 
the method and overall class structure are discussed so that students 
understand the process and know that reading technique will not become a focus 
of lessons until later in the course. Generally, within the first two weeks 
students know the alphabet, numbers, basic punctuation, and alphabet signs. 
They have also learned to write using a Braillewriter and Braille notetaker. 
They then move immediately to learning contracted Braille. This is done orally 
and by writing words and sentences. The class time is divided between writing 
words and sentences and drilling signs. The proportion of time spent on each 
depends on the student's learning style. Students learn to use the slate and 
stylus in the third or fourth week and begin turning in out-of-class slate 
After students have assimilated the concepts of contractions and short forms, 
they begin working on reading Braille on a refreshable Braille display. Reading 
from the display is generally easier for students because they learn to 
distinguish the shapes made by the dots and also build confidence. The students 
then begin reading double-spaced Braille in the textbook and worksheets. Timing 
for these transitions depends on the individual student's performance and 
initiative. The method and materials are designed to teach the entire code in 
six weeks; however, this can be achieved sooner by more motivated students. 
Generally students with below average or low motivation levels tend to finish 
within eight to ten weeks.
 After learning the code, the students begin reading articles and books of 
their choosing outside class. They read self-selected and instructor-selected 
material in class. Students can choose any book in the library, request an 
article on a particular topic, or request a book from BARD or Bookshare to be 
embossed or read on a refreshable Braille display. The goal is to get students 
started reading actual material that is interesting to them and from which they 
can use context to increase their reading speed and fluency as soon as 
possible. Braille reading speed is increased by reading, so we want to get them 
reading at the earliest possible moment. Braille embossing, Braille displays, 
and the Internet have made nearly infinite quantities of Braille available, and 
the sooner people can dive in, the better.
 Decrease Stress and Increase Enjoyment
This method breaks down the process of learning to read and write Braille into 
its two basic parts. When an adult student approaches a page of Braille, she is 
asking herself two questions: "What dots am I feeling?" and "What do those dot 
configurations mean?" These questions can be addressed separately, and, by so 
doing, we can spread the stress over a larger period of time and substantially 
decrease the student's frustration. This creates more positive feeling, which 
in turn leads to more time spent studying outside class. Introducing the 
Braillewriter first and then working on using the slate and stylus after 
learning the alphabet also redistributes frustration and creates a more 
positive view of the slate. Students can see more advanced students using 
slates and can look forward to receiving theirs as a mark of progress.
Make Studying Outside Class Easy
Out-of-class study is an essential component of the Braille learning process. 
However, it is often difficult for instructors to get students to spend their 
out-of-class time studying. When I asked students why they weren't working more 
in the evenings, I was told, "I don't have time," "My book is too big to carry 
around," "I tried, but I got stuck on this word," and "I'm just brain-dead at 
the end of the day." I wanted to take away these rationales and give students 
so many ways to work on learning Braille and make it so convenient that they 
would have no excuses for failing to study outside class.
The Code Master Adult Learning System textbook was designed to group the signs 
in a way that would make them easier to memorize. Short forms, which are 
typically easier for adults to remember, are introduced immediately after the 
alphabet. The contractions are introduced in an order that highlights the basic 
logic of the code. The use and repetition of sight words is both in line with 
whole-word reading pedagogy and extremely useful for cementing signs into a 
student's memory. The book also contains mnemonic sentences like "Brice has a 
boundless passion for country dance." and "Science movements require 
usefulness, clarity, and strong direction." These sentences contain all of the 
dot four-six and dot five-six signs respectively.
The book was created for a thirty-cell Braille line so that it would fit in a 
standard three-ring binder. It is important that students be able to take their 
books with them in a backpack or briefcase or remove pages to study while on 
the bus or in a doctor's waiting room. The binder is divided into three 
sections, with dividers to make things easier for a new Braille reader to find. 
The first page is a grid of the print and Braille alphabet and digits. I first 
made these sheets for our seniors program but realized they would be a useful 
reference for both Braille learners who learned to read print and native 
Braille readers who needed to learn the shapes of print letters and numbers. 
After this page is the textbook itself. In the second section are touch pages. 
These are lines of Braille characters that students can use to practice 
tracking lines and developing their sense of touch. We point out that this is a 
less mentally taxing way to get more practice in at the end of a long day. The 
third section contains references and charts listing the various contractions 
and punctuation. I remembered being terribly frustrated as a Braille student 
trying to find a particular sign in my textbook when I couldn't remember how it 
was made or used. I wanted to give students reference materials they could use 
while reading and writing, as well as raised-line charts, which are useful for 
people with a visual or other special learning style.
An essential component of the textbook is the audio materials. The binder also 
contains two CDs. One CD is a recording of all of the dot configurations as 
they appear in the textbook. Students use this for memorizing signs as well as 
for looking up signs they may not remember. They can use this CD to study while 
they are doing dishes or folding laundry. A sighted agency staff trainee told 
me that she listened to this CD as she drove to work.
The other CD, in MP3 format, contains a recording of the entire textbook. 
Students can use it to get themselves unstuck when they are reading at home. 
They can also read along with the CD to build speed. A common problem for new 
Braille readers is running across a sign that they do not recognize and lacking 
the context to deduce the meaning. This CD allows students to overcome this 
problem independently. It is also very useful for people wishing to brush up on 
rusty Braille skills on their own. A couple of our alumni who wanted to 
strengthen their knowledge of the Braille code have used the book and CD 
combination without wasting time and expense hiring an instructor.
These audio files are also available as MP3 files, so students can transfer 
them to their iPods or other audio devices. We are currently working on 
converting them into DAISY files that can be played on the NLS players for 
greater access and easier navigation. The added markup will allow navigation by 
page and by line. It will also be easier to change playback speed to make it 
simpler for students at all levels to follow along with the recording. Another 
idea for future consideration is an iOS app that would play the audio files as 
well as provide quizzes on each lesson.
Teach to the Student's Learning Style
Students with an auditory learning style excel at memorizing the dot 
configurations and learn well from the drills and CDs. Students with a 
kinesthetic learning style retain the signs by typing words and sentences on a 
Braille notetaker. Students with a visual learning style respond well to the 
peg slate and reading from Braille displays and books. We make a point of 
talking about both the dot numbers and shapes of the signs until we figure out 
which makes the most sense to the student. We then tailor the classwork 
accordingly. Everyone has to learn to read and write, but focusing on the best 
method to increase retention makes the learning process faster and more 
Focus on Sight Words and Context to Increase Fluency
The textbook contains the thousand most common words in the English language, 
broken into individual lessons dealing with the signs they contain. These words 
only appear correctly contracted so that students get used to seeing them 
correctly. Most lessons contain numbered sentences to increase recognition of 
numbers and show the rules in action. The sentences are generally simple and 
contain as many sight words as possible to increase exposure to these essential 
words and make the textbook useable by anyone with at least a high school 
reading level, possibly lower.
Leverage the Power and Promise of Technology
Some people say that technology is making Braille obsolete; however, it is 
actually the opposite. Technology is making Braille abundant and providing new 
possibilities for Braille teaching. Typing on a Braille notetaker with a 
Braille keyboard gives students instant audio feedback on what they are 
writing, as well as the ability to read what they have written on the Braille 
display. Having a student read from a Braille display while the instructor 
types the lesson on the computer allows an amazing and immediate level of 
customization. The instructor can drill on a particular sign that is giving the 
student trouble or can write out song or movie titles to sustain the student's 
interest. We have found that Braille on a Braille display is generally easier 
for new readers to read and is an effective way of easing students into 
standard-sized Braille. By the time students are reading on the display, they 
have learned enough signs to build many common words that allow them to create 
engaging lessons. These techniques have also served to show students that 
technology and Braille are actually complementary rather than an either/or 
choice. It encourages them to want to use a Braille display with a computer or 
mobile phone instead of relying solely on speech.
Foster Mastery Motivation
Mastery motivation is the intrinsic confidence and desire to learn Braille that 
stem from the rapid mastery in learning the code much more quickly than using 
previous instructional methods. Because mastery of the code is gained much 
faster than in traditional methods, the student's confidence is increased, and 
the motivation to continue mastering Braille is increased as well.
Telling students that they will learn the Braille code in six weeks has helped 
them realize that learning Braille really isn't as hard or complicated as some 
people suggest. When they hear that it has been done and see others doing it, 
they generally rise to the occasion. Many people, especially book lovers, are 
thrilled to be reading again quickly. We make it very clear that they won't be 
reading fast at this point and that building speed will take time, effort, and 
mileage under the fingers, but they will be reading, and they will be reading 
real books and articles instead of just lessons in a textbook.
Customize Material to the Student's Interests
The only way to become a better reader is to read, and the best way to get 
people to read is to give them something that they want to read. This is the 
whole point behind getting people through the code quickly. While students are 
given specific pieces to read in class to build particular skills, they take 
home material they choose and select projects that are interesting and useful 
to them. This builds intrinsic motivation and creates a situation in which 
instructors need to provide less external motivation, which is generally less 
effective in the long run. Not every student enjoys reading books. A good 
number of our students have never read for pleasure and have no desire to do 
so. Our goal is to make it possible for them to read books if that is what they 
need or want, but at a minimum we want them to obtain the functional literacy 
that is critical to success in school and the workplace. We emboss many short 
articles on topics such as sports, history, or gardening for students who 
request them. We show students that they can read newspapers and magazines on a 
Braille display using the NEWSLINE app and that they have this material on the 
same day those articles are released.
While access to Braille embossers and displays makes this easier, the 
techniques can be used by resourceful instructors who do not have access to 
these tools to obtain or create customized material. A greater degree of 
planning and resourcefulness is required to get materials from different 
sources. The new talking Braille writer developed by the American Printing 
House for the Blind accomplishes the same audio feedback during writing as 
writing on a Braille notetaker, but at a fraction of the cost. Getting 
donations of older Braille notetakers is often possible. The relative lack of 
bells and whistles they have makes the older models perfect for use in these 
exercises, and people who upgrade often appreciate the tax credit they can get 
for donating them.
Show How Useful Braille Is
            Students are required to complete three small projects and one 
large project as part of their communications responsibilities. These projects 
can be chosen from a list of suggestions or proposed by the student and 
approved by the instructor. The small projects often include things like 
Brailling a deck of cards, creating a Braille address book or password list, 
keeping a journal in Braille, finishing a book or a certain number of pages 
within a given time, and other practical projects. Final projects are more 
complicated. These show how useful and relevant Braille is to daily life. 
Providing Braille reference sheets of computer commands helps reinforce the 
convenience of having a hard copy available for quick reference, as well as 
increasing retention of the computer commands.
While we were not equipped to keep statistics or produce hard data, after three 
years of implementing this teaching method, we have been able to observe the 
•       Students have a better attitude toward Braille.
This is evidenced by the following:
More students purchase additional slates and styluses, especially full-page 
slates and card slates.
Students volunteer to read aloud more often in seminar.
Students do not complain about reading Braille recipes in home management or 
writing measurements with a slate and stylus in industrial arts.
Students show as much pride in their Braille projects as they do in other 
accomplishments, such as their preparation of large meals or their independent 
mobility drop-offs.
Students encourage each other to do homework and teach newer students how to 
use the slate and stylus.
•       We see very little conflict between Braille and technology.
Very often people say that they don't need Braille because they have 
technology. The integration of Braille displays and notetakers has demonstrated 
that Braille and speech are not mutually exclusive. The fact that they are 
taught in the same room by the same instructor shows that they are 
complementary rather than oppositional. The same is true of high-tech versus 
low-tech Braille. They are both shown to be useful in different situations. 
While many students still prefer to use a computer rather than a slate and 
stylus, they know that they can use both, and they aren't bound by the battery 
life of the high-tech devices.
•       Students' difficulties are easier for instructors to pinpoint and 
Breaking the learning process down in the way that we have makes it much easier 
to know if a student is having difficulty with retention or touch. It is very 
easy to tell if the student is unable to remember the sign or unable to feel 
the dots correctly. If the issue is retention, we can see it right away. We can 
shift the emphasis from writing to drills or from drills to writing. If the 
trouble is with touch, we will know it with greater certainty and can proceed 
from this point. This has been extremely useful with students who have 
educational deficits, memory loss, and neuropathy. Figuring out the exact 
nature of a student's difficulties makes dealing with them much easier for both 
the instructor and the student. Knowing what the specific problem is and having 
specific exercises to address the problem makes working through challenges less 
frustrating for adult students.
•       We have seen improved performance in students with high motivation and 
work ethic.
While we have not been able to keep statistics, we have observed generally 
faster reading speeds and improved fluency among those students with high 
motivation and strong work ethic compared with the levels we were seeing before 
we began using this method. These students tend to reach a reading level where 
they can fully process what they are reading and follow the story of a text 
(generally around twenty to thirty words per minute) sooner than such students 
did using the traditional method. Students with average or below-average 
motivation and work ethic seem to show a small improvement over previous 
levels. Braille reading mileage is the biggest factor in Braille reading 
success, and those who don't put in as much effort outside class will always be 
at a substantial disadvantage. However, the more positive outlook and reduced 
stress do seem to make these students more likely to put in time reading 
outside class. This method also appears to make a more noticeable difference 
with students who have higher levels of educational achievement. The logic 
behind the method seems to appeal to students with better analytical skills. 
The lack of difficult or obscure vocabulary in the textbook makes it much 
easier for students with educational deficits to study than the book we 
previously used.
Over the past three and a half years we have seen a remarkable improvement in 
our students' Braillitude. They are excited about Braille and about how it can 
improve their lives. They are also more positive and efficient in their 
learning of the Braille code. We hope to be able to produce and sell our system 
within the next year so that others can implement it. We also hope this will 
enable us to gather data and continue to improve and refine the system to make 
it as effective as possible.


Something is wrong, I know it, if I don't keep my attention on eternity. May I 
be the tiniest nail in the house of the universe, tiny but useful.
(Mary Oliver) 

-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of karuna 
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2019 1:14 AM
To: ViPhone <>
Subject: Braille for seniors?!

Is it possible for someone over the age of 65 to learn braille?
Exploring the accessibility features of my new iPhone, I chanced upon the 
Braille entry option on the rotor. I tried using it and was amazed at how 
quickly I could start typing in Braille! It was also fun and fast!
Therefore my question-can someone over the age of 65 learn to read Braille? 
I know that with practice I could learn to type in Braille.
But reading braille?? Learning to interpret those raised dots into alphabets at 
a reasonably fast speed! Is it possible for me?
If yes, how should I go about doing it?
Should I be buying a refreshable Braille display?
Help, guidance or any indication about this would be wonderful!

P.S. I am actually many years over 65! But ladies are not supposed to give 
their age :-)

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