Re: patch@34561 VMS exec handling / cwd realpath fixes

2008-10-29 Thread John E. Malmberg


Resubmitting for review.

I removed the setup_cmddsc, and the unneeded readdir stuff, so this 
patch is what is needed for getting the symbolic links to be encoded and 
decoded properly in VMS.C and for CWD in pathtools.

Personal Opinion Only

--- /rsync_root/perl/lib/ Sun Oct 19 05:26:56 2008
+++ lib/  Wed Oct 22 23:56:34 2008
@@ -647,23 +647,15 @@
 return $ENV{'DEFAULT'} unless @_;
 my $path = shift;
-if (-l $path) {
-my $link_target = readlink($path);
-die "Can't resolve link $path: $!" unless defined $link_target;
-return _vms_abs_path($link_target);
-if (defined &VMS::Filespec::vms_realpath) {
-my $path = $_[0];
+if (defined &VMS::Filespec::vmsrealpath) {
 if ($path =~ m#(?<=\^)/# ) {
 # Unix format
-return VMS::Filespec::vms_realpath($path);
+return VMS::Filespec::unixrealpath($path);
# VMS format
-   my $new_path = VMS::Filespec::vms_realname($path); 
+   my $new_path = VMS::Filespec::vmsrealpath($path);
# Perl expects directories to be in directory format
$new_path = VMS::Filespec::pathify($new_path) if -d $path;
@@ -673,6 +665,13 @@
 # Fallback to older algorithm if correct ones are not
 # available.
+if (-l $path) {
+my $link_target = readlink($path);
+die "Can't resolve link $path: $!" unless defined $link_target;
+return _vms_abs_path($link_target);
 # may need to turn foo.dir into [.foo]
 my $pathified = VMS::Filespec::pathify($path);
 $path = $pathified if defined $pathified;
--- /rsync_root/perl/ext/cwd/t/cwd.tTue Jan 22 22:17:18 2008
+++ ext/cwd/t/cwd.t Wed Oct 22 23:32:36 2008
@@ -173,6 +173,15 @@
 $ENV{PERL_CORE} ? $Test_Dir : 
File::Spec->catdir('t', $Test_Dir)
+if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+   # Not easy to predict the physical volume name
+   $want = $ENV{PERL_CORE} ? $Test_Dir : File::Spec->catdir('t', 
+   # So just use the relative volume name
+   $want =~ s/^\[//;
+   $want = quotemeta($want);
 like($abs_path,  qr|$want$|i);
 like($fast_abs_path, qr|$want$|i);
--- /rsync_root/perl/vms/vms.c  Wed Oct 22 19:26:20 2008
+++ vms/vms.c   Wed Oct 29 22:04:08 2008
@@ -12990,14 +12990,41 @@
  * A thin wrapper around decc$symlink to make sure we follow the 
  * standard and do not create a symlink with a zero-length name.
+ *
+ * Also in ODS-2 mode, existing tests assume that the link target
+ * will be converted to UNIX format.
-/*{{{ int my_symlink(const char *path1, const char *path2)*/
-int my_symlink(const char *path1, const char *path2) {
-  if (!path2 || !*path2) {
+/*{{{ int my_symlink(pTHX_ const char *contents, const char *link_name)*/
+int Perl_my_symlink(pTHX_ const char *contents, const char *link_name) {
+  if (!link_name || !*link_name) {
 return -1;
-  return symlink(path1, path2);
+  if (decc_efs_charset) {
+  return symlink(contents, link_name);
+  } else {
+  int sts;
+  char * utarget;
+  /* Unless we are in ODS-5 mode, convert the symlink target to UNIX */
+  /* because in order to work, the symlink target must be in UNIX format */
+  /* As symbolic links can hold things other than files, we will only do */
+  /* the conversion in in ODS-2 mode */
+  Newx(utarget, VMS_MAXRSS + 1, char);
+  if (do_tounixspec(contents, utarget, 0, NULL) == NULL) {
+  /* This should not fail, as an untranslatable filename */
+  /* should be passed through */
+  utarget = (char *)contents;
+  }
+  sts = symlink(utarget, link_name);
+  Safefree(utarget);
+  return sts;
+  }
@@ -13203,7 +13230,100 @@
if (haslower) __mystrtolower(rslt);
-   }
++  } else {
++  /* Now for some hacks to deal with backwards and forward */
++  /* compatibilty */
++  if (!decc_efs_charset) {
++  /* 1. ODS-2 mode wants to do a syntax only translation */
++  rslt = do_rmsexpand(filespec, outbuf,
++  0, NULL, 0, NULL, utf8_fl);
++  } else {
++  if (decc_filename_unix_report) {
++  char * dir_name;
++  char * vms_dir_name;
++  char * file_name;
++  /* 2. ODS-5 / UNIX report mode should return a failure */
++  /*if the parent directory also does not exist */
++  /*Otherwise, get the real path for the parent */
++  /*and add the child to it.
++  /* basename / dirname only available for VMS 7.0+ */

[patch@34600] vms.c setup_cmddsc

2008-10-29 Thread John E. Malmberg
This is part of the patch previously submitted as part of a multi-part 

This removes a trailing "." that results in ODS-5 mode when converting a 
Unix "foo/bar" specification to be "[.foo]bar.".

This is incompatible with having setup_cmddsc searching for the 
resulting binary by appending ".exe" or "." to the specification.

This allows the [.vms] program to be run in the GNV/Unix 
compatible mode in order to start validating Perl for it.

Personal Opinion Only
--- /rsync_root/perl/vms/vms.c  Wed Oct 22 19:26:20 2008
+++ vms/vms.c   Wed Oct 29 21:52:12 2008
@@ -9892,6 +9892,19 @@
 *cp2 = '\0';
 if (do_tovmsspec(resspec,cp,0,NULL)) { 
   s = vmsspec;
+  /* When a UNIX spec with no file type is translated to VMS, */
+  /* A trailing '.' is appended under ODS-5 rules.*/
+  /* Here we do not want that trailing "." as it prevents */
+  /* Looking for a implied ".exe" type. */
+  if (decc_efs_charset) {
+  int i;
+  i = strlen(vmsspec);
+  if (vmsspec[i-1] == '.') {
+  vmsspec[i-1] = '\0';
+  }
+  }
   if (*rest) {
 for (cp2 = vmsspec + strlen(vmsspec);
  *rest && cp2 - vmsspec < sizeof vmsspec;