Re: MM_VMS and intertanglement.

2008-11-14 Thread John E. Malmberg

Craig A. Berry wrote:

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 8:39 AM, John E. Malmberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Now about MM_VMS, based on previous e-mail discussions, these routines exist
because VMS PERL by default does not map the %ENV hash to DCL shell symbols.

They exist because WriteMakefile and its children split and recombine
path components all over the place and some of those components are
macros.  That generally works on Unix because there is no special
directory syntax: if $(FOO) expands to 'bar', copying your files to
/usr/local/$(FOO) works just fine.  But on VMS, you can't pass a macro
to catdir and get reasonable results unless catdir expands the macro
first.  Otherwise, you'd be doing things like copying your files to
perl_root:[00.$(FOO)] which would expand to
perl_root:[00.[.bar]] and give you a syntax error.

That makes sense.

If those specific $ENV values put in the makefile where exported using the
DCLsym module in the format MMK/MMS could use, then MM_VMS would not need to
be eliminating the macros.

As far as I know, MMK and MMS map logical names, not DCL symbols, to macros.

Nope, DCL symbols, not logical names.

This test was done on Eisner::

$ type test.mms

sys$login:bar$(test).tmp : sys$login:foo.tmp
   $ write sys$output "process target bar$(test).tmp"
   $ open/write xx  bar$(test).tmp
   $ close xx

sys$login:foo.tmp :
   $ write sys$output "process target foo.tmp"
   $ open/write xx foo.tmp
   $ close xx

$ show sym test
%DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol - check validity and spelling
$ test = "_override"
$ mmk/descrip = test.mms/log/verify
%MMK-I-OPENDESC, reading description file 

%MMK-I-CHECKUPD, checking need to update target SYS$LOGIN:BAR_OVERRIDE.TMP
%MMK-I-TRGLKUF, lookup for target SYS$LOGIN:BAR_OVERRIDE.TMP failed - 
update required

-RMS-E-FNF, file not found
%MMK-I-CHECKUPD, checking need to update target SYS$LOGIN:FOO.TMP
%MMK-I-TRGRDT, target SYS$LOGIN:FOO.TMP revision date is 14-NOV-2008 
%MMK-I-TRGNUPD, target SYS$LOGIN:BAR_OVERRIDE.TMP is out of date - 
update requir

%MMK-I-PERFUPD, performing actions to update SYS$LOGIN:BAR_OVERRIDE.TMP
$ write sys$output "process target bar_override.tmp"
process target bar_override.tmp
$ open/write xx  bar_override.tmp
$ close xx
$ del/sym test
$ define test logical
$ mmk/descrip = test.mms/log/verify
%MMK-I-OPENDESC, reading description file 

%MMK-I-CHECKUPD, checking need to update target SYS$LOGIN:BAR.TMP
%MMK-I-TRGRDT, target SYS$LOGIN:BAR.TMP revision date is 14-NOV-2008 

%MMK-I-CHECKUPD, checking need to update target SYS$LOGIN:FOO.TMP
%MMK-I-TRGRDT, target SYS$LOGIN:FOO.TMP revision date is 14-NOV-2008 
%MMK-I-SRCRDT, source SYS$LOGIN:FOO.TMP revision date is 14-NOV-2008 

%MMK-S-NOUPDATE, target SYS$LOGIN:BAR.TMP is up-to-date

Now with the macros elimninated on VMS, the resulting makefile can be run
outside of the script that generated it, and it will still work.

But if it were changed to have the environment variables set by perl, then
the resulting makefile would probably only be runnable by the script that
generated it, because that is also what set the environment variables.  But
that should also be the case with UNIX.

Or am I missing something here?

I'm not quite following what you are proposing.  I think I did
something for macro propagation in Module::Build's compatibility mode,
which might be worth a look.

Also, MMK/MMS should be able to use UNIX filename syntax, as long as every
file reference is in UNIX format.  That should be able to simplify  the work
in getting mm_vms to support the extended character set mode.

Er, assuming major rewrites of MMK and/or MMS to handle Unix syntax
filenames, which they currently don't handle at all.

My mistake.  I thought I had tested MMK and MMS with UNIX format names. 
 I just tried again, and got syntax errors for my trouble.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: MM_VMS and intertanglement.

2008-11-14 Thread John E. Malmberg

Craig A. Berry wrote:

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 10:13 PM, Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

John E. Malmberg wrote:

Putting a print STDERR statement shows that is not the case, that the
methods of those names contained in File::Spec::VMS are used unless they
are called by MM_VMS.

The internal calls to eliminate_macros() and fixpath() should simply be
removed from File::Spec::VMS.  They're only used to deal with make macros, its
a very MakeMaker specific thing.

They were left in place so that new versions of File::Spec would continue to
work with older (pre 6.11 which is from perl 5.8.0 and older) versions of
MakeMaker.  That was five and a half years ago.  It's safe to remove them.

Whether it's safe or not it's certainly worth a try.  There are a
*lot* more tests now for MM, File::Spec, and all the core modules that
use File::Spec than there were five and half years ago, so if removing
these breaks something I think we'd know pretty quickly.

I am not planning on removing those routines for the default mode of 
VMS, but will not be using them when the DECC$EFS_CHARSET mode is enabled.

In addition to eliminating macros, they can change the file 
specification, and existing scripts ported to VMS may expect this file 
spec change.

My goal with the EFS_CHARSET and REPORT_UNIX modes is to be able to run 
generic Perl scripts with out having to modify them specifically for 
VMS, as that is what I am encountering on open source build procedures.

Now about MM_VMS, based on previous e-mail discussions, these routines 
exist because VMS PERL by default does not map the %ENV hash to DCL 
shell symbols.

If those specific $ENV values put in the makefile where exported using 
the DCLsym module in the format MMK/MMS could use, then MM_VMS would not 
need to be eliminating the macros.

Now with the macros elimninated on VMS, the resulting makefile can be 
run outside of the script that generated it, and it will still work.

But if it were changed to have the environment variables set by perl, 
then the resulting makefile would probably only be runnable by the 
script that generated it, because that is also what set the environment 
variables.  But that should also be the case with UNIX.

Or am I missing something here?

Also, MMK/MMS should be able to use UNIX filename syntax, as long as 
every file reference is in UNIX format.  That should be able to simplify 
 the work in getting mm_vms to support the extended character set mode.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: MM_VMS and intertanglement.

2008-11-14 Thread Craig A. Berry
On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 8:39 AM, John E. Malmberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Now about MM_VMS, based on previous e-mail discussions, these routines exist
> because VMS PERL by default does not map the %ENV hash to DCL shell symbols.

They exist because WriteMakefile and its children split and recombine
path components all over the place and some of those components are
macros.  That generally works on Unix because there is no special
directory syntax: if $(FOO) expands to 'bar', copying your files to
/usr/local/$(FOO) works just fine.  But on VMS, you can't pass a macro
to catdir and get reasonable results unless catdir expands the macro
first.  Otherwise, you'd be doing things like copying your files to
perl_root:[00.$(FOO)] which would expand to
perl_root:[00.[.bar]] and give you a syntax error.

> If those specific $ENV values put in the makefile where exported using the
> DCLsym module in the format MMK/MMS could use, then MM_VMS would not need to
> be eliminating the macros.

As far as I know, MMK and MMS map logical names, not DCL symbols, to macros.

> Now with the macros elimninated on VMS, the resulting makefile can be run
> outside of the script that generated it, and it will still work.
> But if it were changed to have the environment variables set by perl, then
> the resulting makefile would probably only be runnable by the script that
> generated it, because that is also what set the environment variables.  But
> that should also be the case with UNIX.
> Or am I missing something here?

I'm not quite following what you are proposing.  I think I did
something for macro propagation in Module::Build's compatibility mode,
which might be worth a look.

> Also, MMK/MMS should be able to use UNIX filename syntax, as long as every
> file reference is in UNIX format.  That should be able to simplify  the work
> in getting mm_vms to support the extended character set mode.

Er, assuming major rewrites of MMK and/or MMS to handle Unix syntax
filenames, which they currently don't handle at all.

Re: MM_VMS and intertanglement.

2008-11-13 Thread Craig A. Berry
On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 10:13 PM, Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John E. Malmberg wrote:

>> Putting a print STDERR statement shows that is not the case, that the
>> methods of those names contained in File::Spec::VMS are used unless they
>> are called by MM_VMS.
> The internal calls to eliminate_macros() and fixpath() should simply be
> removed from File::Spec::VMS.  They're only used to deal with make macros, its
> a very MakeMaker specific thing.
> They were left in place so that new versions of File::Spec would continue to
> work with older (pre 6.11 which is from perl 5.8.0 and older) versions of
> MakeMaker.  That was five and a half years ago.  It's safe to remove them.

Whether it's safe or not it's certainly worth a try.  There are a
*lot* more tests now for MM, File::Spec, and all the core modules that
use File::Spec than there were five and half years ago, so if removing
these breaks something I think we'd know pretty quickly.

Re: MM_VMS and intertanglement.

2008-11-12 Thread Michael G Schwern
John E. Malmberg wrote:
> Would there be an issue if File::Spec::VMS get the changes before MM_VMS?

Dunno, what you're doing is all gibberish to me so far.  I haven't touched
MM_VMS in a while.  December 2007 to be exact and Sept 2006 before that.

Though this is curious...

> Putting a print STDERR statement shows that is not the case, that the
> methods of those names contained in File::Spec::VMS are used unless they
> are called by MM_VMS. 

The internal calls to eliminate_macros() and fixpath() should simply be
removed from File::Spec::VMS.  They're only used to deal with make macros, its
a very MakeMaker specific thing.

They were left in place so that new versions of File::Spec would continue to
work with older (pre 6.11 which is from perl 5.8.0 and older) versions of
MakeMaker.  That was five and a half years ago.  It's safe to remove them.

You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you
with 'til you understand who's in ruttin' command here.
-- Jayne Cobb, "Firefly"

Re: MM_VMS and intertanglement.

2008-11-12 Thread John E. Malmberg

Michael G Schwern wrote:

John E. Malmberg wrote:

The comments for eliminate_macros() and fixpath() in File::Spec::VMS
imply that they are only used in older versions of Make Maker that does
not contain them.

Putting a print STDERR statement shows that is not the case, that the
methods of those names contained in File::Spec::VMS are used unless they
are called by MM_VMS.

I am now trying to update File::Spec to handle VMS EFS character
specifications and GNV (GNU is not VMS) Unix compatibilty mode, so I
will need to first update File::Spec::VMS, and then MM_VMS later.

In the EFS (Extended character set) mode, in addition to handling the
extended character set, the routines will return Unix syntax for Unix
input and VMS syntax for VMS input.

For cases where there is no input, or the input does not indicate the
output format, then the output will be in VMS syntax unless the UNIX
compatibilty mode is also on.  If that mode is on, then ambigous output
will be in Unix syntax.

This appears to match the expectation of most of the Perl scripts that I
have worked on getting ported to VMS.

Do you need anything, or was that just an FYI/RFC?

Mostly a FYI/RFC.

Would there be an issue if File::Spec::VMS get the changes before MM_VMS?

The last time I did this with Perl 5.8.6/7, I just made the changes to 
get the tests to pass.  This time I am trying to get the operations to 
be as correct as possible.

So I need to re-write File::Spec::VMS so that in EFS mode it almost 
never calls vmsify or unixify, and I do not know how long that will take.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: MM_VMS and intertanglement.

2008-11-12 Thread Michael G Schwern
John E. Malmberg wrote:
> The comments for eliminate_macros() and fixpath() in File::Spec::VMS
> imply that they are only used in older versions of Make Maker that does
> not contain them.
> Putting a print STDERR statement shows that is not the case, that the
> methods of those names contained in File::Spec::VMS are used unless they
> are called by MM_VMS.
> I am now trying to update File::Spec to handle VMS EFS character
> specifications and GNV (GNU is not VMS) Unix compatibilty mode, so I
> will need to first update File::Spec::VMS, and then MM_VMS later.
> In the EFS (Extended character set) mode, in addition to handling the
> extended character set, the routines will return Unix syntax for Unix
> input and VMS syntax for VMS input.
> For cases where there is no input, or the input does not indicate the
> output format, then the output will be in VMS syntax unless the UNIX
> compatibilty mode is also on.  If that mode is on, then ambigous output
> will be in Unix syntax.
> This appears to match the expectation of most of the Perl scripts that I
> have worked on getting ported to VMS.

Do you need anything, or was that just an FYI/RFC?

Robrt:   People can't win
Schwern: No, but they can riot after the game.

MM_VMS and intertanglement.

2008-11-12 Thread John E. Malmberg
The comments for eliminate_macros() and fixpath() in File::Spec::VMS 
imply that they are only used in older versions of Make Maker that does 
not contain them.

Putting a print STDERR statement shows that is not the case, that the 
methods of those names contained in File::Spec::VMS are used unless they 
are called by MM_VMS.

I am now trying to update File::Spec to handle VMS EFS character 
specifications and GNV (GNU is not VMS) Unix compatibilty mode, so I 
will need to first update File::Spec::VMS, and then MM_VMS later.

In the EFS (Extended character set) mode, in addition to handling the 
extended character set, the routines will return Unix syntax for Unix 
input and VMS syntax for VMS input.

For cases where there is no input, or the input does not indicate the 
output format, then the output will be in VMS syntax unless the UNIX 
compatibilty mode is also on.  If that mode is on, then ambigous output 
will be in Unix syntax.

This appears to match the expectation of most of the Perl scripts that I 
have worked on getting ported to VMS.

Personal Opinion Only