[Volokh] New post at The Volokh Conspiracy

2005-06-09 Thread notify
Posted by Todd Zywicki:
Suitably Flip:

   New libertarian/conservative blog looks pretty interesting--[1]here.


   1. http://suitablyflip.blogs.com/

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[Volokh] New post at The Volokh Conspiracy

2005-06-09 Thread notify
Posted by Orin Kerr:
Justice Kennedy's Vote in Raich:

   In his [1]National Review piece on Raich, co-blogger Randy suggests
   that Justice Kennedy's vote in the case was inexplicable:

   Veteran Supreme Court reporter [2]Lyle Dennison has suggested
 that Justice Kennedy [voted to reverse in Raich because he] has a
 zero-tolerance approach to drugs. Justice Kennedy's deportment
 during oral argument supports that theory, but we will never know
 because he joined the majority opinion without comment. . . . How
 [Kennedy] reconciles his expressed support for the traditional
 law-enforcement role of the states with his joining what can only
 be described as the opposite view expressed by Justice Stevens only
 he can say. But he chose not to.

 But is Kennedy's vote in Raich really such a mystery? Justice
   Kennedy broadcast a decade ago in [3]his Lopez concurrence that while
   he valued federalism, and he was going to enforce federalism values in
   a number of contexts, he was not going to favor any positions that
   upset the basic settled view of the scope of the Commerce Clause:

 [T]he Court as an institution and the legal system as a whole have
 an immense stake in the stability of our Commerce Clause
 jurisprudence as it has evolved to this point. Stare decisis
 operates with great force in counseling us not to call in question
 the essential principles now in place respecting the congressional
 power to regulate transactions of a commercial nature. That
 fundamental restraint on our power forecloses us from reverting to
 an understanding of commerce that would serve only an 18th century
 economy, dependent then upon production and trading practices that
 had changed but little over the preceding centuries; it also
 mandates against returning to the time when congressional authority
 to regulate undoubted commercial activities was limited by a
 judicial determination that those matters had an insufficient
 connection to an interstate system.

 I realize that Randy believes his argument in Raich successfully
   distinguished [4]Wickard v. Filburn, such that it was possible to rule
   in his favor without overruling any cases. But the relevant question
   is not whether Raich can be distinguished from Wickard on its facts;
   the question is whether Randy's argument in Raich could comfortably
   coexist with the settled broad understanding of the Commerce Clause
   that Wickard helped cement. On the latter question, I think the answer
   is plainly no. The Raich case asked the Court and Justice Kennedy to
   shift the settled understanding of post-Wickard Commerce Clause
   doctrine in a very real and important way. Justice Kennedy announced
   in 1995 that he was going to decline such an invitation, and that's
   exactly what he did a decade later in Raich.


   1. http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/barnett200506090741.asp
   3. http://straylight.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/93-1260.ZC.html

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[Volokh] New post at The Volokh Conspiracy

2005-06-09 Thread notify
Posted by David Kopel:
Is Resisting Genocide a Human Right?

   That's the title of the [1]law review article in progress that Paul
   Gallant, Joanne D. Eisen, and I have posted as a Working Paper.
   Conducting an in-depth study of the genocide in Darfur, Sudan, and
   also discussing other genocides, the article details the inadequacy of
   many of the international community's response to genocides, including
   targeted sanctions or international peacekeeping forces. Examining
   international legal authorities such as the Genocide Convention, the
   Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Court of
   Justice, the article demonstrates that groups which are being
   subjected to genocide have a legal right of self-defense.
   International treaties, Security Council arms embargoes, or national
   gun control laws cannot lawfully be enforced in a manner which
   prevents self-defense resistance to a genocide in progress, because
   under international law, the prohibition against any form of
   complicity in genocide takes legal precedence over lesser laws. We
   welcome your comments, which can be sent to the e-mail address at the
   lower left of my [2]home page.


   1. http://www.davekopel.com/2A/Foreign/genocide.pdf
   2. http://www.davekopel.com/

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[Volokh] New post at The Volokh Conspiracy

2005-06-09 Thread notify
Posted by Orin Kerr:
Scalia's Vote In Raich:

   I've read lots of speculation in the blogosphere that Justice Scalia
   voted in the government's favor in the Gonzales v. Raich case because
   he's a social conservative who wants the government to crack down on
   drugs. If that's true, though, why did he vote in favor of the
   marijuana grower in [1]Kyllo v. United States? And why did he vote in
   favor of the crack dealer in [2]Booker v. United States? Is the idea
   that Scalia is principled when he votes in favor of defendants, but is
   just a social conservative when he votes in favor of the government?


   1. http://straylight.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/99-8508.ZO.html
   2. http://straylight.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/04-104.ZO.html

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[Volokh] New post at The Volokh Conspiracy

2005-06-09 Thread notify
Posted by Eugene Volokh:
Key to iYou're the Top/i,

   in [1]Slate. (I figure that since Sasha is off-blog due to clerking, I
   have to fill in for him now and again, and this is the sort of thing
   he'd link to.)


   1. http://slate.com/id/2120550/

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[Volokh] New post at The Volokh Conspiracy

2005-06-09 Thread notify
Posted by Eugene Volokh:
Pressure on Companies to Pay Money for Someone's Participation in the Slave 

   [1]Jeff Jacoby aptly criticizes this movement.



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