Engine Powered By Ordinary Water

2005-02-14 Thread Mark S Bilk
Here's a Usenet article from 1995 describing a steam engine that
employs a magnetron to vaporize the water, with over-unity 

I think Randell Mills reported a 3:1 power gain in a microwave
plasma of pure water.  Some state of oxygen serves as a hydrino
catalyst.  The one detail in the article below that causes me to 
doubt it is the sentence The magnetron fits into the spark plug 
hole.  I think oven magnetrons have a flat-surface fitting with 
an opening where the microwaves emerge.  This would not fit into 
the sparkplug hole of a lawnmower engine, which is probably 
pretty small.  Also, the magnetron has vacuum inside, so the
microwaves must pass through a nonconductive glass, ceramic,
or plastic window that already has 15 psi across it.  The pressure
of the expanding steam would add to that and tend to shatter
the window.  An additional stronger window in an adapter fitting 
would be required.  If the original author really built such an 
engine, why doesn't he mention this?

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pat Pelletier)
Date: 1995/08/28
distribution: world
organization: MIND LINK! - British Columbia, Canada
newsgroups: sci.materials

I am posting the following for a friend who does NOT have access to the
Internet. Comments welcomed.


The purpose of this notice is to place into public domain
something which I invented so that it may not be patented and in
order to prevent it's use from being restricted in any way.

The device is an engine in which small quantities of water are
turned into steam by the use of a magnetron (as found in
microwave ovens).

Interested parties may wish to try this test: Place a few drops
of water into a clear plastic 35mm film roll holder and put the
cap on the film roll holder. Place in a microwave oven and turn
the oven on. The 'pop' is the result of the water turning
suddenly into steam.

The engine I have invented is far more efficient than any other
steam engine because of the efficiency of the magnetron in
turning water into steam. In fact, the water droplet 'explodes'
very much like air/gasoline explodes in a conventional internal
combustion engine.

This engine was first tested in 1992. I am however unable to
invest the required capital to produce a more sophisticated
model and therefore unable to patent it. Even though I may not
be able to profit from this technology it is too good to be kept
to myself and I would like to spread it around so that others
may be able to use it.

The following is an outline of how to construct the device and a
few hints and cautions:


1. Magnetron from a medium power microwave oven,

2. Small 4 stroke single cylinder lawn mower engine or similar
engine with 'old style' points, and ignition system.

3. Automotive alternator with built-in rectifier and regulator,
also a 12 volt auto battery.

4. 'Trigger' mechanism from an aircraft 'strove' landing light.


1. The magnetron fits into the spark plug hole.

2. The distributor points are modified so that the contact is
closed when the piston is at the top dead center and this
contact is used to activate the aircraft strobe mechanism.

3. The high voltage from the strobe is connected to directly
fire the magnetron which in turn produces steam which moves the

4. The engine turns the alternator which keeps the battery
charged which supplies electrical power for the magnetron.



1. Be careful around the magnetron. KEEP IT SHIELDED WITH METAL.

2. The 'strobe' trigger delivers a very high voltage which can

3. Be sure to modify the distributor points so they close at top
dead center. Timing advance depends on the power of the
magnetron used and the  amount of water. Try different carb jet
sizes - drill out if needed.

4. Due to variables, don't expect high engine speeds without a
little experimentation due to variables.

5. Start with a fully charged battery or your alternator won't

6. The energy produced is in excess of the power required to run
the alternator but until you get the RPM up, and they parts
working in harmony, it may be best to use a battery charger
instead of an alternator.

7. An easy way to measure net power output after you have the
alternator on line is to run a few 12 volt lights from the
battery. You will see that the battery stays charged even with
the lights on and the motor keeps on going.

8. Although I have not tried it, the idea of vaporizing water
with microwaves should also work well in a converted turbine.





Re: How to appear in the blogoshere?

2005-02-14 Thread Jed Rothwell

thomas malloy wrote:
Jed posted;
About getting into the blogisphere.
I gave your URL to Hugh Hewitt, who has a national radio talk show. Hugh
blogs on his website hughhewitt.com.

While you may think
that the blogisphere is right wing, according to Hugh, there are a lot of
leftwing blogs too.
I wouldn't know if it is primarily left or right. I have not explored it.
I gather there are millions of blogs so I suppose it would be impossible
to categorize them. Anyway, left or right is fine with me, as long as it
brings in serious readers and spreads the word.
- Jed

Re: 35% H2O2-Water Engine

2005-02-14 Thread thomas malloy
Who ever started this thread is to be criticized for a misleading 
subject line, water is water and H202 is H2O2.

Decomposition of a 35% solution Hydrogen Peroxide-Water in
an engine internally plated with Manganese Dioxide will as a decomposition
This reminds me of a story that Harold Aspden told. Following WW II, 
a German engineer showed him a design for a submarine power plant 
that he claimed was O U. This man's claimed were supported by other 
scientists. Later I saw a show on PBS on submarines. There was a 
picture of the last generation of U Boats, very cool streamlined 
design. They mentioned that it was powered by H2O2.

Bottomless well

2005-02-14 Thread thomas malloy

Michael Medved, michaelmedved.com interviewed Peter Huber author of 
The Bottomless Well. Huber poopooed Hupert's Peak thesis. According 
to him, there are enough petroleum resources in this hemisphere to 
last the entire world for a century. Then there is our coal reserves. 
He ignored my question about the collapse of the dollar. Further 
information on the book is on Medved's website.

Re: Bottomless well

2005-02-14 Thread Steven Krivit
what facts did he cite?
At 03:38 PM 2/14/2005 -0600, you wrote:

Michael Medved, michaelmedved.com interviewed Peter Huber author of The 
Bottomless Well. Huber poopooed Hupert's Peak thesis. According to him, 
there are enough petroleum resources in this hemisphere to last the entire 
world for a century. Then there is our coal reserves. He ignored my 
question about the collapse of the dollar. Further information on the book 
is on Medved's website.

Secure self-sustaining mini-mega pyramid communities

2005-02-14 Thread Baronvolsung
Secure  self-sustaining mini-mega pyramid communities 

The self-sustaining mega pyramid city proposed by Shimizu Corporation as posted at http://www-eleves.int-evry.fr/~durand_f/ar03c.htm  which is 1 mile by 1 mile costs to much presently to implement easily, however if we reduce the size of the mega-pyramid from 1 mile by 1 mile to 1/4 mile by 1/4 mile, we may be able to build them more practically presently. My rough calculations indicate that a 1/4 mile by 1/4 mile mini-mega pyramid, should house from 25,000 to 50,000 residences, which is about 5 to 10 times more residences than a typical square quarter mile city block filled with standard apartment houses. Unlike apartment houses the mini-mega pyramids are completely self sustaining, air tight and enclosed, secure, and safe from harsh environments, and environmental pollutants so that they can endure cold weather climates, tsunami's, and biological warfare conditions. We can also place force field or tent like domed above ground, and below ground hydroponic farming plants around and under the pyramids to produce foods in cold weather climates and harsh and polluted conditions locally. We can even make the mini-mega-pyrmids movable and portable if need be. We can also build some underground cities and residences under the movable pyramids so that we have both an above ground and below ground city that can survive in harsh and cold weather conditions. 

Such mini-mega pyramidal buildings can be used in big cities to gradually create more land space for farming, forests and parks, eliminate ugly getto's, and make large cities self sustaining. 25,000 residences in each mini-mega pyramid costing about 100,000 dollars each generates close to 2,500,000,000 dollars if the residences are leased for life but if the residences are rented monthly which is more practical and a better investment to secure the properties for the investors, then they can produce much more income close to 3 times more in the life time of the investors, and 10 to 100 times more for the lifetime of the pyramids, while at the same time being more affordable to attract more client renters. 

We will need to get the costs of the mini-mega 1/4 mile by 1/4 mile pyramids down to around 3 billion dollars for investors to seriously consider them and invest in them. But once we get one mini mega pyramid built to show that it works, and is cost effective and investable, then we can mass produce them to save even more money. I would estimate that if all went well with proper investments we could get a mini-mega pyramid built within 20 yeas time and then mass produce them so that within 50 to 100 years time we could have hundreds if not thousands of such pyramidal communities built world wide. A typical city with a population of a million persons would require about 50 such pyramids taking up only about 5 square miles for the pyramids and 10-square miles for the hydroponic indoor enclosed farms to support the foods for the pyramids. Within a few hundred years time we could have much of the world populated with such pyramidal cities so that they could survive even an ice age if need be. Assuming the worlds population is halved as is expected in the next few hundred years, then we only need about 200 to 500 mini-mega pyramids per state in the USA, and 25,000 such pyramids in the USA or per nation, and 5,000,000 such pyramids world wide for about 200 nations. 

Since there is more land space due to using mini-mega pyramids to house the masses in large cities, we can also build more luxury estates for the wealthy and middle class communities that have more space and room, which are also self sustaining, secure and enclosed by force fields or large tent like domes to be able to survive an ice age, and biological warfare conditions. We can make all communities happy the rich, the middle class and the lower class masses. I have posted plans on how to build the more spacious elite and middle class secure and self sustaining communities at the Architectural Engineers website at www.rhfweb.com/ae in addition to the above mini-pyramidal self sustaining community plans. What's more these modular self sustaining safe and secure community plans all work in outer space on other planets, and on ring world space stations, and I have posted plans for such outer space communities also at the above web site.

Baron Von Volsung, www.rhfweb.com\baron, Email: www.rhfweb.com\emailform.html 
President Thomas D. Clark, Email: www.rhfweb.com\emailform.html, 
Personal Web Page: www.rhfweb.com\personal 
New Age Production's Inc., www.rhfweb.com\newage 
Star Haven Community Services, at www.rhfweb.com\sh. 
Radiation Health Foundation Trust at www.rhfweb.com 

Making a difference one person at a time 
Get informed. Inform others. 

Re: Bottomless well

2005-02-14 Thread Jed Rothwell

thomas malloy wrote:
Michael Medved,
michaelmedved.com interviewed Peter Huber author of The Bottomless Well.
Huber poopooed Hupert's Peak thesis. According to him, there are enough
petroleum resources in this hemisphere to last the entire world for a
What hemisphere, exactly? If that include South America (Venezuela) it is
probably true. There is also a lot of oil in Canada and Alaska. Of course
it would cost a fortune to extract it. If he means oil at $500 per
barrel, I am sure there is enough to last a century. At $2,000 per barrel
it will last forever, because no one can afford to burn it.
These prices do not include the cost of war for oil, ill-health and early
deaths from pollution, accidents in which gasoline powered vehicles
explode, and other add-on costs. If you include this sort of thing, oil
already costs roughly ~$200 per barrel, I think. If you include the cost
of worst-case global warming I suppose each barrel will eventually cost
us something like ~1,000 lives or maybe $20 million. From that point of
view, the total remaining supply is the least of our problems. In a
sense, it would be a blessing if we ran out quickly and we were forced to
invent replacement sources. Unfortunately, people are likely to use coal
instead, which is even worse by every measure.
If Huber is saying there is plenty of oil lying around at today's costs
in the US, Canada and Mexico, he should tell you oil companies about it.
They are paying a fortune to get oil from the North Sea, Russia, the
Middle East and other places. They would be delighted to find it closer
to the U.S., which is the world's largest market. I doubt he knows more
than the oil company experts do.
- Jed

Iapetus and Sir Clarke

2005-02-14 Thread Terry Blanton
Ya gotta love Richard Hoagland with new claims about


But, what *is* that linear ridge ringing the moon? 
(Great image 70% down the page.)

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Mission Earth . . .

2005-02-14 Thread Terry Blanton
. . . was the title of a decology by LRH (released
posthumusly, I think).  Has anyone read *any* of these
books allegedly authored by the founder of
Scientology?  They are quite timely, explaining why
new energy technologies have not, er, taken off.

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