[Vo]: Slow-motion replay of valence electron motion...

2011-09-18 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
You must take a look at the animation on right side of page, about half way

The caption reads:

"Slow-motion replay of valence electron motion. Time has been "magnified" by
a factor of approximately 10^15 in this sub-atomic-resolution "time
microscope" to make this intra-atomic "dance" perceivable to human




Depending on when the 'strobe light' hits it, the electron looks like either
a figure-8 or a toroid!

I think this is one reason why current models are only partially accurate.
because it's a dynamical entity whose 'physical' or 'charge' extent is
oscillating between two or more 'shapes'.


I would assume that the extent of the vertical oscillation is across the
entire diameter of the atom.




[Vo]:John Maddox, editor Nature magazine around 1989

2011-09-18 Thread Bastiaan Bergman
Hello group,

I have a question, its not so important but it keeps bugging me.

In the movie
"Heavy Watergate"
Written by
Mallove, Rothwell & Frank


At min 4:24
John Maddox
Editor of Nature magazine
says: "It [cold fusion] will remain dead for a long long time"

This to me means that it is not dead for forever, or 'temporarily
dead' be it for a long time. Does anyone know what Mr. Maddox meant to
say? Was there maybe a piece of footage cut-of after these words, that
could explain what he actually meant to say? Did mr. Maddox himself
believe cold fusion was true? And did he believe that it would be dead
for "a long time" because the publicity was so negative?

In another movie the voice over on the same piece of footage suggest
that Mr Maddox was NOT believing anything about cold fusion, saying
Mr. Maddox was the last nail on the coffin.

I know, it doesn't matter all that much, it just keeps bugging me.


[Vo]: Siemens quits nuclear construction industry...

2011-09-18 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
German industrial and engineering conglomerate Siemens is to withdraw
entirely from the nuclear industry.

The move is a response to the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan in March,
chief executive Peter Loescher said.

He told Spiegel magazine it was the firm's answer to "the clear positioning
of German society and politics for a pullout from nuclear energy".

"The chapter for us is closed," he said, announcing that the firm will no
longer build nuclear power stations.

A long-planned joint venture with Russian nuclear firm Rosatom will also be
cancelled, although Mr Loescher said he would still seek to work with their
partner "in other fields".

Siemens was responsible for building all 17 of Germany's existing nuclear
power plants.

RE: [Vo]:Calulations for 1 MW plant.

2011-09-18 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Peter wrote:
"So steam speed is about 64 m/s if the pipe diameter is 10^2 cm."

A "pipe diameter" of 100cm is one heck of a big pipe! 
I think you mean "cross-sectional area"?


-Original Message-
From: Peter Heckert [mailto:peter.heck...@arcor.de] 
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 12:32 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Calulations for 1 MW plant.

Am 18.09.2011 21:19, schrieb Peter Heckert:
> So steamflow = 636 l/s = 636 cm^3 / s
> If the crosssectional area of the output pipe is 10^2 cm, then the 
> steam speed is 6.36 m/s.

Oops immediately after posting I found an error ;-)

1l = 1000 cm^3

636000 cm^3/s  / 100 cm^2 = 6360 cm/s = 63.6 m/s.

So steam speed is about 64 m/s if the pipe diameter is 10^2 cm.
Is this correct?
Did somebody see in the video what the actual diameter is?

Re: [Vo]:Thoughts on the eCat and 130C steam

2011-09-18 Thread Colin Hercus
Woops, sorry Alan. I should be more careful.

On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 9:51 AM, Horace Heffner wrote:

> Hi Colin,
> Alan Fletcher gets the credit for that scenario.
> Best regards,
> Horace Heffner
> http://www.mtaonline.net/~hheffner/
> On Sep 16, 2011, at 4:39 PM, Colin Hercus wrote:
> Hi Horace,
> Your 3rd scenario may be right. From mats Report
> "According to Andrea Rossi the increased
> dimension is due to a larger volume inside where the water is heated,
> approximately 30 liters, and a larger heat-exchanger with a greater
> surface which should result in a more effective heat transfer from the
> reactor to the circulating water and *also in additional heating of the
> steam
> after vaporization."
> *Just strange how this works at the outlet and it also means the pressure
> may be 1bar as suggested by Mats. This will change a lot of the energy
> calculations.
> Colin
> On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 1:36 AM, Alan J Fletcher  wrote:
>>  I'm still trying to figure out what's going on!
>> The outlet port is very high on the unit ... if it was just the overflow
>> from a kettle boiler then there wouldn't be any room for steam.
>> I might have to go back to thinking of it as a Tube boiler, where the flow
>> of the steam carries the water with it.
>> But in the early stages of the process the overflow water clearly pulses,
>> just a fraction of a second later than the sound of the pump. That implies
>> it's directly connected to the incoming water. It's a kettle again.
>> I've put up a few of my calculator results at
>> http://lenr.qumbu.com/rossi_ecat_sep11_b.php
>> It's clearly producing SOMETHING ... but how MUCH?
>> How does it get the 130C at the instrument port and 50% fluid water at the
>> outlet?
>> I think there are three ways of reaching 130C.
>> a) The internal pressure is 3 Bars, and the quality is 0.5. The water and
>> the steam are in equilibrium at 130C.
>>As the 130C steam  leaves the system the pressure drops to 1 Bar and
>> the temperature drops to 100C
>>   (adiabatic expansion -- a vertical line on the temperature-enthalpy
>> diagram) -- and it might start condensing.
>>But the 130C water would probably flash into steam, and in the process
>> cool down to 100C.
>>   So do we end up with  MORE or LESS water than we had inside the eCat?
>> b) The internal pressure is 1 Bar (atmospheric, plus a little
>> back-pressure), as a single chamber.
>> In this case, the only way you can reach 130C is for ALL the water to
>> evaporate, and for the steam to be super-heated.
>> The 130C 100% Dry superheated steam leaves the eCat. But to get the
>> observed 50% fluid water, this has to cool and condense in about 10cm.
>> I don't think you can get rid of enough heat that quickly : it need
>> nucleation sites, which will be available only on the wall of the tube.
>> c) The eCat is structured as TWO chambers : the first is a kettle boiler
>> at 100C (1 Bar). Any excess fluid overflows directly, at 100C.
>> The steam component then goes into a second chamber, where it is
>> superheated to 130C at 1 Bar.  Because it is a separate chamber
>> it does not have to be in equilibrium with the water.
>> Note : this separation of boiler and superheater is very common in
>> traditional boiler design.
>> WARNING : needs a non-proportional font like courier !!!
>>  Port
>> |  |
>>  *--*  **
>>  | Superheated   1 Bar  |  ||
>>  | Steam130C ==>   ||  outlet hose
>> 95% Dry  | *
>>  1 Bar 100C  |  ^  *=*   Superheated steam =>
>>   Steam  |  |  |  CORE   |130C
>>  |~| |~~~
>> overflow fluid 100C
>>  | | |  *-* ~  *-
>>  | *=*  | | ~  |
>>~ |   Water  | | ~  |
>>Inlet |   Boil 100C  |Water Trap
>> 100C
>>  *--*
>>This 130C steam also exits through the hose, and may (but need not)
>> condense.
>>It does not have time to reach equilibrium with the 100C overflow fluid
>> over the 10cm distance.
>>The main reason I DON'T like this is that the outlet is so high on the
>> eCat.
>> Missing measurements:
>>   a) Pressure at the instrument port (to confirm it is 1 Bar)
>>   b) Temperature of the overflow fluid water -- should be 100C
>>   c) Temperature of the steam exiting the eCat -- if it was superheated at
>> 1 Bar then it should still be at 130C
>> I can't figure out the "dumping" of the water at the end, either

Re: [Vo]:BLP's CIHT

2011-09-18 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 2:54 PM, MJ  wrote:
>    First the eCat, now BLP.  What's next?  Antigravity?
>    http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/975-undergroundbases

Harrumph!  Not one mention of reptilians.


Re: [Vo]:Calulations for 1 MW plant.

2011-09-18 Thread Jouni Valkonen
Horace wrote: »Side note: the 52 E-cats at 80 kg each should have a mass of
4160 kg! I wonder what the shipping cost on that is?»

Can anyone estimate what would be the building costs of this fake Megawatt
plant? If it is asumed that there is inside conventional fuel water boiler,
that can produce 200°C steam.

Cargo fares may also be some few kilodollars. I think that this cost issue
is right now the strongest argument that support Rossi, because I would say
that no matter if it is a fake, the buiding and cargo costs of this MW plant
should be some hundreds of kilodollars, especially if time is also counted.

Therefore as we do not have any evidence that Rossi has attracted any
investment money, for sure this is not very cost effective fakes. If you
want to do fakes, I think that first requirement would be making at least
convincing tests, that would attract media attention. Rossi have not even
tried to attract media attention and is reluctantly accepted interviews.


Re: [Vo]:Calulations for 1 MW plant.

2011-09-18 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 18.09.2011 23:22, schrieb Horace Heffner:

Assume the condensed water is being fed back at 100°C.

The energy to vaporize water at 100°C is 2260 J/g.  If 1 MW is heating 
100°C water then I estimate the flow has to be 442.5 gm/s, with a 
volumetric flow of 737.5 liters/sec.  This gives a flow velocity of 
(737500 cm^3/s)/(33 cm^3)= 223 m/s in the pipe, or 803 km/hr.

If I did the calculations right, then this indicates the device could 
blow up.  If there are emergency steam relief valves on the devices 
the steam could be released inside the container.

Note, if water is fed back a 50°C I get only 675 liter/sec steam flow.

Thank you very much.
So we must wait. Possibly he adds pipes or tubes.
Or he uses higher pressures and temperatures or something else than water.
Or he has other surprises.
Only Mr. Rossi knows and he probably will not tell this to us and to 
I dont expect too much from the 1MW plant. Observers will not want to do 
measurements and tests inside this hot and somewhat dangerous box.

My hopes are on the promised test in Upsalla.

best regards,


Re: [Vo]:Calulations for 1 MW plant.

2011-09-18 Thread Michele Comitini
> Side note: the 52 E-cats at 80 kg each should have a mass of 4160 kg!  I
> wonder what the shipping cost on that is?

Must be cheap (compared to sending a space aircraft across the ocean).
Those containers are standard they can carry up to 25000 kg. A big
ship carries thousands of those.

see for instance:



Re: [Vo]:BLP's CIHT

2011-09-18 Thread Horace Heffner

On Sep 18, 2011, at 10:54 AM, MJ wrote:

First the eCat, now BLP.  What's next?  Antigravity?



I wouldn't be the first time! 8^)

See the vortex-l rules:




Quoting Bill Beaty:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Vortex-L is for those who see great value in removing their usual mental
filters by provisionally accepting the validity of "impossible"  
in order to test them.  This excellent quote found by Gene Mallove  
states the problem, and reveals the need for "true believers" in a  

community otherwise ruled by conservative scoffers:

  "It is really quite amazing by what margins competent but  

  scientists and engineers can miss the mark, when they start with the
  preconceived idea that what they are investigating is impossible.   

  this happens, the most well-informed men become blinded by their
  prejudices and are unable to see what lies directly ahead of them."
   - Arthur C. Clarke, 1963

So, on Vortex-L we intentionally suspend the disbelieving attitude of
those who believe in the stereotypical "scientific method."  While this
does leave us open to the great personal embarrassment of falling for
hoaxes and delusional thinking, we tolerate this problem in our quest to
consider ideas and phenomena which would otherwise be rejected out of  
without a fair hearing.  There are diamonds in the filth, and we see  

we cannot hunt for diamonds without getting dirty.

Note that skepticism of the openminded sort is perfectly acceptable on
Vortex-L.  The ban here is aimed at scoffing and "hostile disbelief,"  

at the sort of "Skeptic" who angrily disbelieves all that is not solidly
proved true, while carefully rejecting all new data and observations  

conflict with widely accepted theory.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Calulations for 1 MW plant.

2011-09-18 Thread Horace Heffner

On Sep 18, 2011, at 11:19 AM, Peter Heckert wrote:

I did some plausibility calculations for Rossis 1 MW plant.

Thermal Energy of saturated steam @1bar,  @100 centigrade = 2675 J/ 
g (taken from an industrial steam table)

10^6 J*s^-1 / 2675 (J/g) = 374 g/s.
Volume of steam = 1.7l / g
So steamflow = 636 l/s = 636 cm^3 / s

If the crosssectional area of the output pipe is 10^2 cm, then the  
steam speed is 6.36 m/s.

If the COP is 6 then the input power = 167 kW.
At 380 Volt the current is 439 Amperes.

I think they use 380 V 3-phase current  in industry in US.
The single phase voltage against the neutral zero conductor is 230V  
in this case.
(I dont know the precise english words for this. Hope it is  

So this all sounds reasonable.

I post this as is, you may use it or check for errors ;-)

Best wishes,

The photos are here:


The  outside width of a standard container is 8 feet, or 2.44 meters

From the full photo of the back side:

The 8 feet = 129 pixels

The red handle = 16 pixels = (16 px)*(2.44 m)/(129 px) = 30 cm, much  
larger than I would have thought.

In the closeup photo the handle is 94 px, giving (30 cm)/(94 px) =  
0.319 cm/px.

The cap is 40 px, or 12.8 cm OD.

The exit pipe appears to have a 22 px OD, or 7 cm OD.  Maybe the pipe  
is 6.5 cm ID, or 3.25 cm radius, giving an area pi*(3.25 cm)^2 = 33  

The energy put into the steam depends on the temperature to which it  
is condensed before being fed back into the E-cat.

Assume the condensed water is being fed back at 100°C.

The energy to vaporize water at 100°C is 2260 J/g.  If 1 MW is  
heating 100°C water then I estimate the flow has to be 442.5 gm/s,  
with a volumetric flow of 737.5 liters/sec.  This gives a flow  
velocity of (737500 cm^3/s)/(33 cm^3)= 223 m/s in the pipe, or 803 km/ 

If I did the calculations right, then this indicates the device could  
blow up.  If there are emergency steam relief valves on the devices  
the steam could be released inside the container.

Note, if water is fed back a 50°C I get only 675 liter/sec steam flow.

Side note: the 52 E-cats at 80 kg each should have a mass of 4160  
kg!  I wonder what the shipping cost on that is?

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Calulations for 1 MW plant.

2011-09-18 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 18.09.2011 21:19, schrieb Peter Heckert:

So steamflow = 636 l/s = 636 cm^3 / s

If the crosssectional area of the output pipe is 10^2 cm, then the 
steam speed is 6.36 m/s.

Oops immediately after posting I found an error ;-)

1l = 1000 cm^3

636000 cm^3/s  / 100 cm^2 = 6360 cm/s = 63.6 m/s.

So steam speed is about 64 m/s if the pipe diameter is 10^2 cm.
Is this correct?
Did somebody see in the video what the actual diameter is?

[Vo]:Calulations for 1 MW plant.

2011-09-18 Thread Peter Heckert

I did some plausibility calculations for Rossis 1 MW plant.

Thermal Energy of saturated steam @1bar,  @100 centigrade = 2675 J/g 
(taken from an industrial steam table)

10^6 J*s^-1 / 2675 (J/g) = 374 g/s.
Volume of steam = 1.7l / g
So steamflow = 636 l/s = 636 cm^3 / s

If the crosssectional area of the output pipe is 10^2 cm, then the steam 
speed is 6.36 m/s.

If the COP is 6 then the input power = 167 kW.
At 380 Volt the current is 439 Amperes.

I think they use 380 V 3-phase current  in industry in US.
The single phase voltage against the neutral zero conductor is 230V in 
this case.

(I dont know the precise english words for this. Hope it is understandable)

So this all sounds reasonable.

I post this as is, you may use it or check for errors ;-)

Best wishes,

[Vo]:Henry Dircks

2011-09-18 Thread Horace Heffner

The following quote was sent to me by Scott Little.

"A more self-willed, self-satisfied, or self-deluded class of the  
community, making at the same time pretension to superior knowledge,  
it would be impossible to imagine. They hope against hope, scorning  
all opposition with ridiculous vehemence, although centuries have not  
advanced them one step in the way of progress."

Henry Dircks, Perpetuam Mobile, or A History of Search for Self- 
Motive Power from the 13th to the 19th Century, 1870, P.354

http://t i n y u r l.com/3vuopax

The above quote was Dircks' description of perpetual motion seekers.   
As a bona fide member of the free energy lunatic fringe, I must admit  
to seeing much of myself in the above description. It seems human  
foibles in general were the same foibles in the time of Dircks,  
Shakespeare, the bible, or the egyptian pharaohs.  They are  
timeless.  Dircks lambasts those who would engage in Alchemy, or the  
search for perpetual motion. And yet the discovery of the unstable  
nucleus, and its hitherto untapped energy, and alchemy, discounts  
Dircks' view, however well he may have described the personalities of  
those engaged in such Quixotic enterprises, both then and today.  In  
addition to our foibles it is today thankfully still inherent in the  
diversity of human nature to quest for the secret key to the  
limitless energy that nature has hidden beneath its clockwork. If it  
is not found our future looks bleak.  If it is found, it is not known  
if we are ready to handle it. We live in interesting times.

And then there is the derision failure brings for our Quixotic  
efforts, even today.  Some familiar names already appear in wikipedia:


Who will be next?

It seems to me the best thing we can do is to move forward yet  
constantly be on guard against our own self deception, to work as  
diligently to disprove as well as prove our conclusions, to struggle  
to get nature's true response to our view of her.

Scott Little is a former vort (or vortexian might be more  
appropriate), a semi-retired employee of EarthTech International, and  
a guy that I know from personal experience approached many free  
energy concepts with an open mind.  He has extensive experience with  
calorimetry applied to free energy devices.


Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Test of archive dropping posts

2011-09-18 Thread Horace Heffner
It appears mail-archive.com is now screening out mail which uses  

I go to the trouble to provide a redundant tinyurl reference as a  
courtesy, to avoid problems readers might have with line-wrap. This  
is a significant loss of function I think.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Test of archive dropping posts

2011-09-18 Thread Horace Heffner




Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Test of archive dropping posts

2011-09-18 Thread Horace Heffner


I resent the "Henry Dircks"and "BLP's CIHT" posts and they did not  
show up, while the "Test of archive dropping posts" post immediately  

I wonder if mail-archive.com is now screening screening mail for  
unwanted domain name URLs?

On Sep 18, 2011, at 10:00 AM, Horace Heffner wrote:

I noticed that only some of my posts are showing up in the archives  


Any post which starts a new tread name appears to be unlikely to  
show up.

I am sending some duplicate posts of some prior posts to check this  
theory.  Sorry for the redundant posting.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

[Vo]:Test of archive dropping posts

2011-09-18 Thread Horace Heffner

I noticed that only some of my posts are showing up in the archives at:


Any post which starts a new tread name appears to be unlikely to show  

I am sending some duplicate posts of some prior posts to check this  
theory.  Sorry for the redundant posting.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:The September E-Cat

2011-09-18 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 18.09.2011 19:26, schrieb Peter Heckert:

Yes, Rossi repeatedly said selfsustained mode is unstable it can runaway.
Therefore now he runs it selfsustained only for 50% of time now.
Thats what he says. He must have done experiments for this.
He has Labview on his computer.
So I would think he has created a Labview programm to run it
unattended in 50%-50% mode and to study the behaviour, but this seems
not to be the case, or if, then it is not reliable enough.
On the other side he claims he has heated a building years ago and saved 
90% electricity.

Honestly, that all is hard to believe.
His plumber could easily get some old used radiators without cost from 
trash or from a building that is on demontage and connect them for free 
and a old heater pump then he could demonstrate this ;-)

Best wishes,


Re: [Vo]:The September E-Cat

2011-09-18 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 18.09.2011 19:03, schrieb OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson:

From Peter: ...

Also it shows us, the experiment still cannot run unattended.

As far as speculation goes, I find myself in sympathy with such speculation.

What I find interesting about such speculation is that it suggests to me the
distinct possibility that somewhere within the contraption anomalous heat
may indeed be generated when input power is turned off. However, controlling
and measuring these anomalous conditions isn't as predictable as Rossi might
like us to believe.

Actually, alluding to such speculation is a no-brainer. Rossi has pretty
much alluded to it.

Yes, Rossi repeatedly said selfsustained mode is unstable it can runaway.
Therefore now he runs it selfsustained only for 50% of time now.
Thats what he says. He must have done experiments for this.
He has Labview on his computer.
So I would think he has created a Labview programm to run it unattended 
in 50%-50% mode and to study the behaviour, but this seems not to be the 
case, or if, then it is not reliable enough.

Best wishes,


RE: [Vo]:The September E-Cat

2011-09-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Catania:


> The write-up that Lewan gives shoes his lack of general physics
> knowledge and that he is most likely a paid & biased spokesperson.

That is your speculation. However, since you seem convinced of such
speculation, how do you plan on going about convincing... let me rephrase
that, PROVING to the rest of the world that Lewan is indeed nothing more
than a carnival barker? ...or are you just speculat'n, here? It leads me to
wonder: Are the rest of your speculations based on the same caliber of
personal conjecture?

>From Peter:


> Also it shows us, the experiment still cannot run unattended. 

As far as speculation goes, I find myself in sympathy with such speculation.

What I find interesting about such speculation is that it suggests to me the
distinct possibility that somewhere within the contraption anomalous heat
may indeed be generated when input power is turned off. However, controlling
and measuring these anomalous conditions isn't as predictable as Rossi might
like us to believe.

Actually, alluding to such speculation is a no-brainer. Rossi has pretty
much alluded to it.

Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:Fwd: hammering me and cold fusion in Germany

2011-09-18 Thread fznidarsic

-Original Message-
From: fznidarsic 
To: vortex-l-request 
Sent: Sun, Sep 18, 2011 8:37 am
Subject: hammering me and cold fusion in Germany

Quote from planet hunter
Regarding "cold fusion" is indeed so, that in recent years, repeatable 
experiments were carried out, but we find no explanation for it - resulting in 
a paper do so?

This sentence is arrant nonsense. I have to explain why, or you yourself want 
to think about it, how you argue this?

So is there anything to it already.

No. There are no serious conferences will, and there is no reproducible 
results. Cold Fusion Science was short times, but is now run almost exclusively 
by spinners. Because there just are no experimental confirmation.

I would like to get said (sorry, I'm so passive there), here and there, because 
it makes nonsense, wrong assumptions or similar requires

Super, so I will deal further with this stuff and write a rebuttal to 
understand layman. 

Rather jump from banks or lenders get off, for fear of losing the (oh so) 
reputation. Managers are demoted or fired, just because they have tapped a 
sensitive issue. A little more courage would not hurt really.

Why do not you think to yourself sometimes critically, instead of parroting 
this crap? It is not difficult to learn and find out why the field is so dead. 
The reasons lie elsewhere. Paper . Let's start with

Znidarsic's constant Vt qualifies the velocity of the transitional quantum 

Already in the introduction of a constant named after himself. That's enough to 
have proper context as Crank.

Low Level Nuclear reactions proceed in a domain of 50 nanometers.1, 12,13 They 
have a positive 
product of the thermal thermal coefficient.The frequency domain and the size is 
one megahertz-meter.

Misuse of terminology ("thermal frequency"). Completely unmotivated product 
alleged "domain size" with the peak wavelength of blackbody radiation at an 
unspecified temperature.

The product of the disk size and radio- 
frequency stimulation which, as in the case with ColdFusion, one 

Typical numerical mysticism. 

Electromagnetic energy flow strongly from the parent to the daughter states 
during transition.

No. This sentence makes no sense. In the transition from a higher to a lower 
state of energy is released.

It is reasonable to assume that the other 
natural forces interact so strongly during transition.

Not at all. It is finally an Electromagnetic transition.

The flux of the force fields flow strongly, and at 
range, from the parent to the daughter state.

Nice alliteration, complete nonsense. "Parent" and "Daughter states" are in 
general spatially overlapping.

A convergence in the motion constants uncouple the frequency of the EMITTED 
photon from the frequency of the emitting electron.

A convergence of the constants of motion decouples ... Siinnfrei. What could 
possibly be decoupled? What is the "frequency of the electron"? What to do with 
the frequency of the photon?

This theorem authors, "The Constants of the Motion Tend toward those of the 
electromagnetic in 
a Bose condensate that is stimulated at a dimensional frequency of 1094 
megahertz-meters "

A big Bose gas Bruach lower frequency than two small ones? Even if the two 
small ones are just as big as the big one? Anyway, who's suddenly the Bose gas?

Vt Describes the velocity of the emitting 

What speed? What moves it? now I'm tired of detailed comments. The main problem 
is that the author expresses nothing coherent, one could criticize. How does 
one determine when it is based on faulty assumptions, if it ever does not 
define a simple set of assumptions but unmotivated rate ranks? yet what firmer 

Einstein's General Theory of Relativity states that a force can induce a 
field.The gravitational 
gravitational field of the electron may be coupled to the outward force of its 
confined energy.Newton 's 
formulation of gravity was set equal to Einstein's formula of gravitational 
induction in Equation (2 ).

Needless to say, that the "outward force" again is an unmotivated 
zahlenmystischer any nonsense. In any case, says nothing of the kind of ART. A 
search for the keyword illuminates the facts: This fascinating world of law is 
used exactly one author, and it has also devised. No, not Einstein. 
We get one later classical radius of energetic accessibility, an elastic 
constant of the electron, a discontinuity of elastic displacement, 
electromagnetic and gravitomagnetic flux, a transitional centric electronic 
state, Lengths of energetic accessibility  and this is only an excerpt. Not 
one of the terms has a counterpart in known physics. Not one is explained or 
motivated. All calculations are funny combinations of a few classic formula, 
such as the Coulomb or E = mc ². None of these calculations yields a prediction 
motivated some interesting measurement result. Everything is based purely on 
physics educ

Re: [Vo]:The September E-Cat

2011-09-18 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 18.09.2011 17:25, schrieb OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson:

 From Catania,


As I've said before I think thermal inertia neatly explains it all.

I don't know of anyone who was not disappointed in the abrupt ending of the
experiment, after input power had been turned off. Yeah, yeah, I know, they
tell us it was late in the evening and they needed their beauty rest.
Yes, it was foreseeable that it will become late when they started ;-) 
So this was planned.
Also it shows us, the experiment still cannot run unattended. Otherwise 
they could have go to sleep and look next morning what happened and what 
the computers had recorded. Video recording over night or webcam would 
be fine...


Re: [Vo]:The September E-Cat

2011-09-18 Thread Joe Catania
I saw the termination as a resignation that there is no anomalous heat. It 
showed there is no  self-sustaining reaction since the temperature drop is 
correlated with power off. The write-up that Lewan gives shoes his lack of 
general physics knowledge and that he is most likely a paid & biased 
spokesperson. A continuation of the demo would have borne out the 
continuation of temperature drop from the cooling of the thermal mass.
- Original Message - 
From: "OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson" 

Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 11:25 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:The September E-Cat

From Catania,


As I've said before I think thermal inertia neatly explains it all.

I don't know of anyone who was not disappointed in the abrupt ending of 
experiment, after input power had been turned off. Yeah, yeah, I know, 

tell us it was late in the evening and they needed their beauty rest.

For true skeptics, the abrupt ending is nothing more than further proof 

something fishy is going on. I'm suspect many skeptics probably feel
vindicated... again.

I supposed for true believers the recorded anomalous heat is just more
evidence that proof is in the pudd'in... but, oh, what a shame they didn't
run it a while longer, perhaps for a couple of hours, but oh well...

I guess I'm currently in the camp that feels frustrated by the abrupt
ending. Such abruptness tends to make me feel less confident as to the
outcome. In the continued vacuum of solid rock-hard evidence such 

tends to make me personally want to conjure up unfounded assumptions - to
manufacture conjecture based primarily on my emotionally laced suspicions:
That the termination was done deliberately, with forethought. I don't know
why they terminated it so abruptly. They tell us it was late in the 
but Hell! Who really knows why. All I know is that basing my conclusions 

emotionally based conjecture that neither proves or disproves an
extraordinary claim is a fools game.

Therefore, I will endeavor to do what I have done in the past: Wait and 

IOW< I remain ignorant. Under the current circumstances there is no shame 


Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:The September E-Cat

2011-09-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Catania,


> As I've said before I think thermal inertia neatly explains it all.

I don't know of anyone who was not disappointed in the abrupt ending of the
experiment, after input power had been turned off. Yeah, yeah, I know, they
tell us it was late in the evening and they needed their beauty rest.

For true skeptics, the abrupt ending is nothing more than further proof that
something fishy is going on. I'm suspect many skeptics probably feel
vindicated... again.

I supposed for true believers the recorded anomalous heat is just more
evidence that proof is in the pudd'in... but, oh, what a shame they didn't
run it a while longer, perhaps for a couple of hours, but oh well...

I guess I'm currently in the camp that feels frustrated by the abrupt
ending. Such abruptness tends to make me feel less confident as to the
outcome. In the continued vacuum of solid rock-hard evidence such abruptness
tends to make me personally want to conjure up unfounded assumptions - to
manufacture conjecture based primarily on my emotionally laced suspicions:
That the termination was done deliberately, with forethought. I don't know
why they terminated it so abruptly. They tell us it was late in the evening,
but Hell! Who really knows why. All I know is that basing my conclusions on
emotionally based conjecture that neither proves or disproves an
extraordinary claim is a fools game.

Therefore, I will endeavor to do what I have done in the past: Wait and see.

IOW< I remain ignorant. Under the current circumstances there is no shame in

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Debunking Steorn Orbo

2011-09-18 Thread Peter Heckert

Hi Walter!

Am 18.09.2011 14:04, schrieb Walter Eager:

Regarding your "Debunking of Steorn"
You have some great theory my friend. It sure makes a lot of sense, 
and I do agree with some of what you are

saying (because it makes sense).
Just one thing. Have you actually tested your theory?
No. I do however have knowledge and experience how magnet amplifiers and 
magnetic transductors work, and so this is not pure theory. Most of this 
what I say is well understood by any engineer and there is no need to 
prove my theory, ther would be a need to disprove it, if there are any 
doubts. I have now doubts.
I know for a fact that Steorn have done some muli-million dollar 
practical, real-life tests to prove what they are saying, what have 
you brought to the table?
Yes, it is a big investment hoax, this is not the only one that exists, 
this is clear to me.

Even J.L. Naudin have done some real-life testing, even if he hasn't 
yet proven overunity, but he has proven the principle of the point 
that Steorn has made.

What have you done apon which you base your so-called theory?

As said, it is not theory, it is based on well known facts.
I can clearly explain how this works, Naudin obviously cannot. You can 
use all sophisticated instruments and calculation, if there is a lack of 
understanding, this is useless.
Naudin clearly doesnt understand it. If he understood it then he would 
try to demonstrate the back EMF. This shoudnt. be too difficult, but he 
shows no efforts in this direction, but does instead present a lot of 
overcomplicated measuremts and data without getting any clear result.

> You say you "THINK" this is easy to debunk!! This clearly shows to me 
you are unsure of your own facts.

Im not unsure. Im just polite. If you dont want to agree, you need not 
to do it

I dont force anybody to share my personal opinions.

Be careful my friend, words are cheap, and just fools try to "DEBUNK" 
others without physical proof.
2 Days before the Wright brothers made their first flight a so-called 
"expert" debunked them saying "Such a thing (flying) is impossible and 
foolhardy and it will never be done". This "expert" was compelled to 
publicly acknowledge his mistake afterwards!

The Wright brother finally and repeatedly did fly.
Steorn never has done a successful demonstration and all indpendent 
tests that where done years ago where without positive results

How degrading! This so-called expert completely lost face afterwards.
Real proof can only be gotten from real-life experimentation. I don't 
care if you have the most brilliant theories,
but if they have not undergone any physical proof they are worthless 
my friend.

This is not a brilliant theory.
My explanation is based on well known and well proven and rather trivial 
technical facts and principles.

Best wishes,


[Vo]:my offer for this Sunday

2011-09-18 Thread Peter Gluck
My dear Friends,

My offer for this Sunday:
- what I think about the recent E-cat news.

And obviously the issue No 473 of my newsletter- interesting but not my

Next week we (my wife Judith and I) will travel to Toscana. LENR problems

Very truly yours,


Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

[Vo]:Debunking Steorn Orbo

2011-09-18 Thread Peter Heckert


I think, this is easy to debunk.
They say, they have a toroidal magnet. An ideal toroidal magnet has no 
external field and so there can be no back electromagnetic force.

Now this is untrue. In this magical moment, where the permanent magnet 
passes by at the toroidal magnet, the ferrite core is momentary driven 
into saturation.
Because -obviously- the total magnetic field is not toroidal -in this 
magic moment-, the saturation will not be toroidal.
The saturation will be strong where the magnetic field is strong. 
Obviously the magnetic field is strongest near to the permanent magnet.
So, -in this magic moment- the ferrite core is saturated near to the 
permanent magnet and is less saturated at the opposite side of the 
toroidal core.
Therefore -in this magic moment- we have a situation where the toroid 
looks like a toroid, but it doesnt work like a toroid.
In this magic moment the toroid will act like an electro-horseshoe 
magnet. and we get a back-emf for a short moment.

I think this is easy to understand and to debunk.
Im disappointed that Naudin apparently tries to support this rubbish 
instead debunking it and this makes me very critical about his other 

Can he be trusted? He supports and tries all kinds of obvious crap 
Possibly he does it for money, creating faked overunity orgasms for his 
undisclosed customers.

Of course, I cannot accuse him that. Maybe he does it just for fun ;-)

