
A good find.

I have only read it quickly, but maybe a simpler explanation suffices.

Anomalous 'continuum' emissions occur only in proportion to hydrogen
present.  This leads me to conjecture that:

Elliptical Rydberg H-atoms form and ionize, creating fairly intense (mixed
e-p) current filaments, along with (in the lab frame) a strong magnetic
vector potential ('A-field') pointing in the plasma flow direction.

Some of the ionizing e-p pairs form transient, non-stationary colliding
waveforms trapped in their own embracing coulomb potentials.
(Several QM texts cover the math of transient coulomb collisions.)

As the e-p collide, they slow dramatically.  In their collision frame
the vector potential (A-field) suddenly shrinks, donating it's field
energy to the collision (to obey momentum conservation.)

By conventional physics (see Feynman ref[1] below), this must force e-p
wave function into highly localized, high kinetic energy, compressed
pairs - "compressive" collisions similar to colliding rubber balls, as
opposed to colliding billiards.

When the proton recaptures the electron, returning to a stationary state,
the K.E. borrowed from the A-field is radiated and observed.

The author rules out both bremsstrahlung and recombination.
My conjecture combines counter-intuitive elements of both.
If it's correct, no exothermic LENR occurs, but still a valuable experiment.

 -- Lou Pagnucco

[1] Feynman Lectures, v3, ch21, "Schrodinger's equation in a magnetic field"

Pertinent extract (p.21-5) -
"But remember what happens electrically when I suddenly turn on a flux.
During the short time that the flux is rising, there's an electric field
generated whose line integral is the rate of change of the flux with time:

   E = - dA/dt    (21.16)

That electric field is enormous if the flux is changing rapidly, and it
gives a force on the particle.  The force is the charge times the electric
field, and so during the build up of the flux the particle obtains a total
impulse (that is, a change in mv) equal to -qA.  In other words, if you
suddenly turn on a vector potential at a charge, this charge immediately
picks up an 'mv' momentum equal to -qA."

Jones Beene wrote:
> This paper was mentioned 18 months ago on vortex - but has almost been
> ignored by the LENR community since then ... possibly due to some kind of
> absurd jealousy over anything "Millsean" ... i.e. from Randell Mills
> Forget Randy - Read this paper in the context in Rossi-type LENR - instead
> of Mills.
> Pay close attention to detains in the nanometer geometry ! In my opinion
> this paper supports LENR, instead of Mills! Look at those spikes on the
> charts- clearly much more energy than chemical.
> In fact the details actually seem to go against some of Mills
> pronouncements
> - and consequently they can be read as confirming LENR - but in a
> non-exactly "nuclear".
> Maybe you can call it "quasi-nuclear" instead of "supra-chemical" but this
> paper may be the very best and most informative thing out there to bolster
> a
> variety of  LENR... while shifting the emphasis away from BLP and away
> from
> Jones

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