Re: [Vo]:Re: Norway's Afterposten newspaper article on cold fusion

2015-06-22 Thread Lennart Thornros
There is a certain reason LENR has an enormous importance in Norway. Norway
has very few natural resources and poor communication due to the terrain.
The sea has always been a resource Norway have had to lean toward. After
WWll that became difficult as the fishing industry went in to crisis mode
and whales become protected. Other nations become strong contenders in
shipping  No agriculture and no industrial tradition made the Norwegian
economy weak. However, in the 60s one found out that Norway was sitting on
a pot of the 'black gold' (Nord sea oil). Thus Norway has the best economy
among the Nordic countries.
LENR can of course be seen as a future disaster for Norwegian wealth.
However, Norway is in the energy business and adopt the new technology can
make Norway keeping its place in the sun if correctly managed. I am sure
this subject has priority and support of people in general much more than
here in the US for example.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros
+1 916 436 1899
202 Granite Park Court, Lincoln CA 95648

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment
to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” PJM

On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 10:28 PM, Frank Acland wrote:

 To me it suggests that based on the report from Aftenpost the Norwegian
 Defense Research department have asked for funding from some Research
 money-granting source for funds to study LENR.

 On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 12:15 AM, Bob Cook

   Meanwhile, confidence then rising at Defence Research yesterday
 went out in Aftenposten and prayed Research retrieve wallet to fund
 research on LENR.

 What does this mean in English?

 Bob Cook
  *From:* a.ashfield
 *Sent:* Sunday, June 21, 2015 5:30 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Norway's Afterposten newspaper article on cold fusion

 Afterposten has posted a second piece that states they have independent
 confirmation  the the ! MW commercial pant is working well.

 Rossi himself is not available for the press, but expresses itself via
 its website Journal of Nuclear Physics. Where he emphasizes again that no
 conclusions can be drawn before the test period, which began three or four
 months ago, is completely over. But Aftenposten receives confirmation from
 another, independent source that the production unit is a reality and that
 the secret customer actually buys into steam. This source has heavy
 scientific background in relevant subjects, has even been present and able
 to inspect the container. The reason that he does not want to be named, is
 that it is considered very dangerous for his career to embrace the highly
 controversial phenomenon of cold fusion. Meanwhile, confidence then rising
 at Defence Research yesterday went out in Aftenposten and prayed Research
 retrieve wallet to fund research on LENR.

 Frank Acland
 Publisher, E-Cat World

Re: [Vo]:Norway's Afterposten newspaper article on cold fusion

2015-06-22 Thread Lennart Thornros
I read the article in Norwegian and yes it means SSM.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros
+1 916 436 1899
202 Granite Park Court, Lincoln CA 95648

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment
to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” PJM

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 8:27 AM, David Roberson wrote:

 Might be SSM, or it might be a short way to say even and odd modes
 exist.   If that is the case he appears to suggest that two groups of
 reactors are fired in unison, one of these modes at a time.

 I previously referred to this type of system operation on vortex as
 consisting of a overall 'oven' type of structure where designated heating
 ECATs supplied the operating temperature required by several responding
 ECATs that did not require a heating unit to be built in.  The control was
 handled by the units that were heated.  It would not be a long stretch to
 power the heating devices in an even, odd configuration.

 Rossi would have to entirely replace his original structure where three
 smaller devices are contained within each ECAT unit if this is his new
 plan.  The recent discussion of 250 kW devices might refer to an 'oven'

 Anyone that can translate Rossi speak into technical terms would be a
 valuable addition to our crowd!


  -Original Message-
 From: Jed Rothwell
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Mon, Jun 22, 2015 10:04 am
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Norway's Afterposten newspaper article on cold fusion

   a.ashfield wrote:

  Thus it is not necessary to energize all the time, and the container
 can for long periods go in so-called even mode.

  I think that is what we call self-sustaining mode.

  - Jed

RE: [Vo]:Why Most Published Research Findings Are False

2015-06-22 Thread Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Hi Lennart


I just want to respond to one of your comments.


 I do not know who make the statement about your job. I assume

 it is some kind of generic statement and not directed to your

 performance. I know little about what you did for the state. 

 In many cases the job could just have been done under the

 umbrella of a private organization. 


It was not my intention to single myself out, to personally complain that I 
have been accused of being a drain on the economy. Last December at my 
retirement gathering my manager, who 12 months earlier had taken me to the 
woodshed to chastise me over a misunderstanding that he did not first attempt 
to get a clarification from me before jumping to erroneous conclusions, 
publicly stated that I my efforts had saved their bacon. I know my worth.  
Nevertheless, I also knew it was time to get out. I am now happily working 
full-time on a self-imposed task of my own choosing, what I call the Kepler 
Project. I'm working on it at my own retirement funded expense. This is 
something I've wanted to focus on for some time.


Regarding privatization, before retiring one of my final government tasks was 
to help manage high volume scanning of traffic accident and title application 
forms. Hundreds and thousands of documents came in every day. I do not see how 
privatizing such operations would be any less of an economic drain on the 
economy, nor would it be any more efficient. The government still has to 
contract out and pay money to some private organization, typically the lowest 
bidder, to perform the tasks. Unfortunately, you end up getting what you pay 
for. Privatized government work contracted out to the lowest bidder tends to 
breed the kind of quality work that reflects the fact that it is being 
performed by underpaid workers with minimal training. It's been my experience 
that government employees end up having to fix the mistakes for which a lowest 
bid under-paid privatized worker force missed - and, of course, at added cost 
to the taxpayer.



Steven Vincent Johnson


2015-06-22 Thread Peter Gluck
Dear Friends,

As promised:

Things happen in LENR.


Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:Why Most Published Research Findings Are False

2015-06-22 Thread Lennart Thornros
I think you are right that it will be some time before we reduce taxes. I
will take a step back and say 'no personal taxes'. Yes, we need some
government and the best form of taxes is VAT in my opinion.
I think we went from talking about how to finance research on this tread. I
cannot agree with any of the established party. Ideologically I can hear
pieces I like from both sides. However, it is always just talk. Therefore I
can see positive in the Scott Walker interview. He takes a stance and he
does not back down. I am not making any statement about his persona as I
have even less knowledge about him than I have about Trump.

I do not know who make the statement about your job. I assume it is some
kind of generic statement and not directed to your performance. I know
little about what you did for the state. In many cases the job could just
have been done under the umbrella of a private organization. I cannot say
that being the case with your job but I will assume so for the sake of my
argument. Then I think it had been better if the state had let the job be
performed by a private entity instead. My reasoning requires a little book
but in short.
1. We know that changes are coming and they come faster and faster.
2. We know that large organizations (the government being larger than
large) has problem to adopt to new requirements.
3. In a way that makes government (and trade unions) the most conservative
organizations there is.
4. You spent 36 years in a job and that was norm a couple of generations
ago. Not today we need to change several times during our career because
jobs disappear and jobs are changing and new opportunities must be nursed.
5. We also have tremendous capacity to handle information and cooperate.
6. My conclusion (there are more reasons but to keep it short) is that
small flexible organizations that can work together with other small
organizations one project at a time is far more effective than trying to
restructure large overhead inflexible organizations into new short lived

I agree that rich organizations or individuals have far more influence on
how government is run than they deserve. In addition they have ulterior
motives. Trade unions and Donald trump contributes nothing to the political
process as I see it.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros
+1 916 436 1899
202 Granite Park Court, Lincoln CA 95648

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment
to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” PJM

On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

  I agree with no taxes.

 I wouldn't keep my hopes high on that matter being addressed to your

 Keep in mind what Benjamin Franklin had to say on the subject:

 In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.

 As a matter of disclosure, and just so you know where I'm coming from: As
 a democrat (mostly) and a liberal at heart I find myself much more aligned
 with Mr. Rothwell's recent commentary. On a related matter, as a recently
 retired Wisconsin state employee having worked for more than 36 years in
 service of Wisconsin tax payers it concerns me deeply that there seems to
 have been a carefully crafted relentless campaign funded by very rich and
 powerful conservative figure heads who for the most part would prefer to
 obfuscate their actual intentions. Many of these obscure groups seem to be
 doing their best to imply that my 36 years of services, as well as the
 services of my colleagues had been, in truth, a drain on the economy.
 Unfortunately, too many appear have actually bought into such a belief.

 See what Scott Walker back when he was first running for governor of
 Wisconsin said he would do as recorded in a private meeting with some of
 his financial backers, including a billionaire donor in attendance. One has
 to ask, why did Mr. Walker not reveal to the public what he privately but
 quite openly revealed to his rich financial backers concerning the matter
 of what he planned on doing after he got elected.

 We need a healthy government, one that is accountable to the people, not a
 government that is in the process of being hijacked by rich and powerful
 corporations that don't have to follow the same financial campaign rules
 individuals must abide by.


 Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Why Most Published Research Findings Are False

2015-06-22 Thread Lennart Thornros
Hi Vincent,
I certainly tried to say that I am not talking about any particular job.
There are always details, which are hard to communicate correct. The person
handling a task/job can obviously know such details and for someone looking
in from a distance it is always easy to rationalize the big strokes. So in
general I really do not have an opinion about what you did for the state.
Your assessment of how your latest task could or could not have had any
advantage if handled by the state or a private entity is therefore not
possible to discuss. You know and I do not. I agree that the lowest bidder
idea has flaws - regardless of if used by a private or government
organization. I am not asking you but to me a series of questions will
appear when I hear about your task. Why was it required to process so much
data, why was that not done before, was it worth the cost, was there other
ways to achieve the same result, who is interested in paying for the result
etc. etc. I am not going to examine your task so please, no answers. Just
that those questions and long series of other connected questions need to
be understood before finding other solutions- if there even are other

I am glad you have found another project that you do because it is
interesting and brings you joy. My experience is that one produce a better
more effective result when having such working conditions. However, to
connect what this tread was about from the beginning,; you have a freedom
created by a guaranteed income, you are accountable (if you succeed in your
endeavor you reap the benefit and if not you will have lost the funds and
the time you invested. Having said that I think there is another win than
the economical and therefore I can imagine that you have no downside. The
accomplishment of finding an answer is a reward that often overshadow any
economical downside.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros
+1 916 436 1899
202 Granite Park Court, Lincoln CA 95648

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment
to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” PJM

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 10:00 AM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

 Hi Lennart

 I just want to respond to one of your comments.

  I do not know who make the statement about your job. I assume

  it is some kind of generic statement and not directed to your

  performance. I know little about what you did for the state.

  In many cases the job could just have been done under the

  umbrella of a private organization.

 It was not my intention to single myself out, to personally complain that
 I have been accused of being a drain on the economy. Last December at my
 retirement gathering my manager, who 12 months earlier had taken me to the
 woodshed to chastise me over a misunderstanding that he did not first
 attempt to get a clarification from me before jumping to erroneous
 conclusions, publicly stated that I my efforts had saved their bacon. I
 know my worth.  Nevertheless, I also knew it was time to get out. I am now
 happily working full-time on a self-imposed task of my own choosing, what I
 call the Kepler Project. I'm working on it at my own retirement funded
 expense. This is something I've wanted to focus on for some time.

 Regarding privatization, before retiring one of my final government tasks
 was to help manage high volume scanning of traffic accident and title
 application forms. Hundreds and thousands of documents came in every day. I
 do not see how privatizing such operations would be any less of an economic
 drain on the economy, nor would it be any more efficient. The government
 still has to contract out and pay money to some private organization,
 typically the lowest bidder, to perform the tasks. Unfortunately, you end
 up getting what you pay for. Privatized government work contracted out to
 the lowest bidder tends to breed the kind of quality work that reflects the
 fact that it is being performed by underpaid workers with minimal training.
 It's been my experience that government employees end up having to fix the
 mistakes for which a lowest bid under-paid privatized worker force missed -
 and, of course, at added cost to the taxpayer.


 Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:LENR INFO, 2nd EDITION FOR JUNE 22, 2015

2015-06-22 Thread Jed Rothwell
Axil Axil wrote:

 The Cat and mouse control approach is as world changing as Edison’s use of
 a vacuum in the light bulb.

I am sorry to be a pedant, but Edison did not invent that. He invented the
high resistance filament allowing bulbs to be used in parallel rather than
in series. The vacuum technique was invented 20 years before he began
working on incandescent lights.

He greatly improved the quality of the vacuum, but I recall that was mainly
by using vacuum pumps invented by other people. He got one of the best
pumps in the world on loan from U. Connecticut and apparently never
returned it.

He invented a whole slew of other things relating to bulbs, such as the
method of screwing them in, fabrication techniques, improved generators,
and power metering.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:LENR INFO, 2nd EDITION FOR JUNE 22, 2015

2015-06-22 Thread Axil Axil
Why Edison Triumphed: Joseph Swan worked on the incandescent light idea
since 1850. Swan did not succeed because he used only a partial vacuum in
his bulb. He also used a carbonized paper filament. Edison figured out how
to create a pure vacuum in his bulbs. He did this by heating up the bulb at
the same time that he pumped out the air. He used a Sprengle pump.

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 4:17 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 Axil Axil wrote:

 The Cat and mouse control approach is as world changing as Edison’s use
 of a vacuum in the light bulb.

 I am sorry to be a pedant, but Edison did not invent that. He invented the
 high resistance filament allowing bulbs to be used in parallel rather than
 in series. The vacuum technique was invented 20 years before he began
 working on incandescent lights.

 He greatly improved the quality of the vacuum, but I recall that was
 mainly by using vacuum pumps invented by other people. He got one of the
 best pumps in the world on loan from U. Connecticut and apparently never
 returned it.

 He invented a whole slew of other things relating to bulbs, such as the
 method of screwing them in, fabrication techniques, improved generators,
 and power metering.

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:LENR INFO, 2nd EDITION FOR JUNE 22, 2015

2015-06-22 Thread Jed Rothwell
Axil Axil wrote:

 Edison figured out how to create a pure vacuum in his bulbs. He did this
 by heating up the bulb at the same time that he pumped out the air. He used
 a Sprengle pump.

As I said, he improved the vacuum and much else, but I do not think that
was the main claim in the patent. Granted, the patent language is obscure.
It says something about United Santos and marinating the tuna:

Bell; known that I, 'IJcm ALVA Enmon, of licnlo Pork in the Stone of New
Jersey, United Santos oiAznes-lcm have lnvr-ntoil on 5 Improvement in
Electric Lumps, and in the method mnnrnanring the tuna, (Que No. 86,) of
which the following in n npccificaalon.

I believe the main claim was regarding subdivision as they called it
then, which is to say running lights in parallel.

- Jed

[Vo]:good news still not confirmed yet

2015-06-22 Thread Peter Gluck
Dear Friends,

please read:

Hope to come back to you later with better news.


Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:LENR INFO, 2nd EDITION FOR JUNE 22, 2015

2015-06-22 Thread Axil Axil
Regarding: “It seems even a malsolution can be converted sometimes in an
usable one- with much research, additions, sacrifices (!) and creativity.
Plasma triggering seems to be inherently better- and can return.”

Rossi deserves great respect for solving the E-Cat control issue. At this
juncture, Rossi’s approach to the LENR reaction may be a far better
solution to the control of the reaction than does plasma stimulation.
Rossi’s approach allows for the reaction to be copied indefinitely over
many unpowered sub reactors.  The Rossi reaction may be open ended in terms
of power production with unlimited COP. Conceptually in terms of
productivity, it’s the difference between a hand written copy and a copy
machine. The Cat and mouse control approach is as world changing as
Edison’s use of a vacuum in the light bulb. It seems that these world
changing solutions require a lot of work to give them birth. Knowing what
is the best solution is based on results and results are based on the
amount of pain pored into the solution. Clearly, Rossi is the King of Pain.

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 1:05 PM, Peter Gluck wrote:

 Dear Friends,

 As promised:

 Things happen in LENR.


 Dr. Peter Gluck
 Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:LENR INFO, 2nd EDITION FOR JUNE 22, 2015

2015-06-22 Thread Jed Rothwell
Axil Axil wrote:

DESCRIPTION  (OCR text may contain errors)

Ah! OCR errors. Who'd a thunk it?

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:LENR INFO, 2nd EDITION FOR JUNE 22, 2015

2015-06-22 Thread Axil Axil
Today, science in America has devolved into a system of feudalism where
there is a nobility and a subjugate serfdom. It was that Europian system of
thought that the Scots were rebelling against. In so doing, The Scots fled
to America for a new birth of fredom.  Only in America of those times could
the Scots allow their independent and rebellious spirit gaven free rein to
the free thinking that led to the birth of all those world changing

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 11:28 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

 *From:* Axil Axil

 Ø  What made America so prolific in the invention of civaliztion changing
 devices that surpassed anything that Europe was able to produce

 Mainly, it was being the destination country for the Scottish diaspora

Re: [Vo]:LENR INFO, 2nd EDITION FOR JUNE 22, 2015

2015-06-22 Thread Jed Rothwell
Axil Axil wrote:

Could it be,,,these inventers make obsure key components of their invention
 to slow down the competision. Tesla was making bulbs too.

No, I do not think that Edison left any critical aspects of the invention
out of the patent. In those days people went from factory to another
easily, taking industrial secrets with them. Edison knew that his
production techniques would soon be common knowledge. Indeed, many
competitors soon sprang up, and his lawyers were kept busy suing for
copyright infringement.

The patent has a great deal of detailed information about how to make the
bulbs. If the method of achieving a high vacuum had been invented by them,
or if they considered it patent-able, I expect they would have included it
along with all the other details about tar and platina.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:LENR INFO, 2nd EDITION FOR JUNE 22, 2015

2015-06-22 Thread Axil Axil
DESCRIPTION  (OCR text may contain errors)

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 9:20 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 Axil Axil wrote:

 Edison figured out how to create a pure vacuum in his bulbs. He did this
 by heating up the bulb at the same time that he pumped out the air. He used
 a Sprengle pump.

 As I said, he improved the vacuum and much else, but I do not think that
 was the main claim in the patent. Granted, the patent language is obscure.
 It says something about United Santos and marinating the tuna:

 Bell; known that I, 'IJcm ALVA Enmon, of licnlo Pork in the Stone of New
 Jersey, United Santos oiAznes-lcm have lnvr-ntoil on 5 Improvement in
 Electric Lumps, and in the method mnnrnanring the tuna, (Que No. 86,) of
 which the following in n npccificaalon.

 I believe the main claim was regarding subdivision as they called it
 then, which is to say running lights in parallel.

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:LENR INFO, 2nd EDITION FOR JUNE 22, 2015

2015-06-22 Thread Jed Rothwell
Ahem. The patent does not actually talk about tuna. Here is a somewhat
better copy:

The patent begins:

The object of this invention is to produce electric lamps giving light by
incandescence, which lamps shall have high resistance, so as to allow the
practical subdivision of the electric light.

The next claim is about the carbon wire (filament) which offers great

Then it does go on to talk about putting the burner of great resistance in
a nearly perfect vacuum, to prevent oxidation . . .

It says the vacuum has to be one-millionth of an atmosphere, and it says he
uses a mercury pump, but I do not see anywhere in the patent that he claims
a new method of evacuation. I do not see that he tried to patent his method
of evacuation, and Edison was careful to patent every new aspect of his
inventions. Perhaps I overlooked something. It is hard to read.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:LENR INFO, 2nd EDITION FOR JUNE 22, 2015

2015-06-22 Thread Axil Axil
Could it be,,,these inventers make obsure key components of their invention
to slow down the competision. Tesla was making bulbs too.

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 9:33 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 Ahem. The patent does not actually talk about tuna. Here is a somewhat
 better copy:

 The patent begins:

 The object of this invention is to produce electric lamps giving light by
 incandescence, which lamps shall have high resistance, so as to allow the
 practical subdivision of the electric light.

 The next claim is about the carbon wire (filament) which offers great

 Then it does go on to talk about putting the burner of great resistance
 in a nearly perfect vacuum, to prevent oxidation . . .

 It says the vacuum has to be one-millionth of an atmosphere, and it says
 he uses a mercury pump, but I do not see anywhere in the patent that he
 claims a new method of evacuation. I do not see that he tried to patent his
 method of evacuation, and Edison was careful to patent every new aspect of
 his inventions. Perhaps I overlooked something. It is hard to read.

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:LENR INFO, 2nd EDITION FOR JUNE 22, 2015

2015-06-22 Thread Axil Axil

What made America so prolific in the invention of civaliztion changing
devices that surpassed anything that Europe was able to produce? There must
have been something special in American life of that time that has been
somehow lost in regard to the current American attitude to the invention of
over unity energy devices.

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 10:52 PM, Jed Rothwell

 Axil Axil wrote:

 Could it be,,,these inventers make obsure key components of their
 invention to slow down the competision. Tesla was making bulbs too.

 No, I do not think that Edison left any critical aspects of the invention
 out of the patent. In those days people went from factory to another
 easily, taking industrial secrets with them. Edison knew that his
 production techniques would soon be common knowledge. Indeed, many
 competitors soon sprang up, and his lawyers were kept busy suing for
 copyright infringement.

 The patent has a great deal of detailed information about how to make the
 bulbs. If the method of achieving a high vacuum had been invented by them,
 or if they considered it patent-able, I expect they would have included it
 along with all the other details about tar and platina.

 - Jed


2015-06-22 Thread Jones Beene
From: Axil Axil 


Ø  What made America so prolific in the invention of civaliztion changing 
devices that surpassed anything that Europe was able to produce




Mainly, it was being the destination country for the Scottish diaspora


[Vo]:Re: CMNS: good news still not confirmed yet

2015-06-22 Thread Jed Rothwell
No Lugano confirmations after all. Let us hope the news about Rossi's
megawatt reactor is not also mistaken. Quoting Peter's blog:

Bo Hoistadt wrote:

Dear Peter,

I sent the message to you yesterday evening. I don’t know from where the
information comes that we have confirmed the Lugano results. It must be a
misunderstanding. We are working on a test experiment in Uppsala as you
know, but no results are available yet. The confirmations of the Lugano
results  I know of are the two Russians  and one Chinese. Maybe these are
the ones the article refers to?

Best regards


Re: [Vo]:Norway's Afterposten newspaper article on cold fusion

2015-06-22 Thread a.ashfield

Also encouraging, from the same article.

In shipping container will now be many so-called E-Cat units. Andrea 
Rossi reports that he has designed the system so that the energy 
generated by an E-Cat can be used to provide energy to other devices in 
the container. Thus it is not necessary to energize all the time, and 
the container can for long periods go in so-called even mode. This means 
that the efficiency is many times higher than three, and that technology 
therefore will be correspondingly much more commercially viable.

Re: [Vo]:Norway's Afterposten newspaper article on cold fusion

2015-06-22 Thread Jed Rothwell
a.ashfield wrote:

 Thus it is not necessary to energize all the time, and the container can
 for long periods go in so-called even mode.

I think that is what we call self-sustaining mode.

- Jed