Re: [Vo]:JM Products misleading business card.

2016-08-18 Thread Daniel Rocha
One more thing. The container and the room seem to be not connected. On the
last page, notice the lack of tubes and a sign of infiltration just bellow
a empty tube.

RE: [Vo]:The Type A palladium saga -- what Martin said . . .

2016-08-18 Thread Jones Beene
It’s pretty simple. We have no commercial cold fusion device today and are no 
closer to one using palladium filtration alloys than we were 20 years ago. 
Positive but unreliable results were interesting in 1995 but with no progress 
since, it’s likely the “experts” are wrong about very basic and fundamental 
assumptions. If Martin or anyone from JM thought correctly that filtration 
material was sufficient to lead to commercial kilowatt heaters, then we should 
be seeing something today instead of being stuck with Rossigate as the main 


Realistically, the field is further way than ever at the multi-watt level – and 
that means different thinking is needed. The main reason Rossigate even 
happened –was by default, really. There was a vacuum for advancement in Pd-D at 
the multi-watt level, so attention moved elsewhere. The contention that 
filtration material will lead to a robust commercial device is likely to be 


From: Jed Rothwell 


This study is for filtration membranes, which is a main business of JM may or 
may not relate to thermal anomalies.

It can be misleading to think that there is a direct connection between the two 
. . .


On the contrary, Martin said he used palladium designed for the filtration. 
That is what J.M. * recommended. Also NASA and BARC use actual hydrogen filters 
machines for cold fusion experiments, loaded with deuterium rather than 
hydrogen. They both reported positive results.


- Jed



Re: [Vo]:JM Products misleading business card.

2016-08-18 Thread Daniel Rocha
It is surely disassembled facility. The hole is closed and the fans are
off. If Rossi were a scammer, he'd at least put some fake tubes going to
that hole. He did that before, in the 2011 test.

2016-08-18 22:37 GMT-03:00 Jed Rothwell :

> Look at the photos in Exhibit 26. The ceiling was above the test area and
> the reactor. They did not have to enter the room to see the vent and fan.

Re: [Vo]:The Type A palladium saga -- what Martin said . . .

2016-08-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jones Beene  wrote:

This study is for filtration membranes, which is a main business of JM may
> or may not relate to thermal anomalies.
> It can be misleading to think that there is a direct connection between
> the two . . .

On the contrary, Martin said he used palladium designed for the filtration.
That is what J.M. * recommended. Also NASA and BARC use actual hydrogen
filters machines for cold fusion experiments, loaded with deuterium rather
than hydrogen. They both reported positive results.

- Jed

* Johnson Matthey, not Johnson Matthew

Re: [Vo]:JM Products misleading business card.

2016-08-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
Daniel Rocha  wrote:

So, IH was allowed to enter the room during the test? This must be fantasy,
> then.

Look at the photos in Exhibit 26. The ceiling was above the test area and
the reactor. They did not have to enter the room to see the vent and fan.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:JM Products misleading business card.

2016-08-18 Thread Daniel Rocha
So, IH was allowed to enter the room during the test? This must be fantasy,

2016-08-18 21:51 GMT-03:00 Jed Rothwell :

> I think it was during the test.
Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:JM Products misleading business card.

2016-08-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
Daniel Rocha  wrote:

That  company was opened with the objective of testing the device. Was the
> picture taken before or after the test was made?

I think it was during the test. But what are you suggesting? That Rossi
deliberately installed a beat up, non-working fan after the test to hide
his method of ventilation?

If there had been a fan of the size you and Fletcher estimated is needed,
it would have been large and loud. No one could have missed it. There was
no such fan, or any other ventilation or cooling equipment.

Cooling equipment of this capacity is the size of a small truck. It is
impossible to hide. It would be air-cooled, installed in the parking lot.
Water cooling is not possible in this location.

You need to put aside fantasies and deal with simple reality. There was not
1 MW of heat in this building. It is out of the question. Anyone can see
that at a glance. The fact that the rooms were at normal temperature proves

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:JM Products misleading business card.

2016-08-18 Thread Daniel Rocha
That  company was opened with the objective of testing the device. Was the
picture taken before or after the test was made?

2016-08-18 16:06 GMT-03:00 Jed Rothwell :

> Your calculations prove there was no heat release of 1 MW, or anything
> close to that. Look at the photo of the vent and fan in Exhibit 26. You see
> that the fan is inoperable, and even if it were working, it is much smaller
> than the one Fletcher estimated is needed.

RE: [Vo]:The Type A palladium saga -- what Martin said . . .

2016-08-18 Thread Jones Beene
This study is for filtration membranes, which is a main business of JM may or 
may not relate to thermal anomalies.


It can be misleading to think that there is a direct connection between the two 
– but something indirect like loading % or loading time could be relevant (as a 
preliminary factor to thermal gain). It seems to me that if loading were 
indicative of thermal anomalies, then palladium would not even be in the 
picture as it is limited to about 1:1 and many metals and alloys are much 


Therefore, an alternative approach, albeit speculative, to is look for a 
parameter which is relevant to excess heat, other than loading, or should I say 
“in addition to” loading… not sure what that is yet. It could be related to a 
new particle or newly discovered force, since obviously – the old technology 
has stalled out.


From: Jed Rothwell 


This is the best paper I found on JM Pd materials. 

[I think] Ag and Ce is good by Y is better.


I think that the “boil off” was with Ce and Sm in the Pd.


Re: [Vo]:The Type A palladium saga -- what Martin said . . .

2016-08-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
Dennis Cravens advised me --

This is the best paper I found on JM Pd materials.

[I think] Ag and Ce is good by Y is better.

I think that the “boil off” was with Ce and Sm in the Pd.

Re: [Vo]:The Type A palladium saga -- what Martin said . . .

2016-08-18 Thread Che
On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 5:05 PM, Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> Terry Blanton  wrote:
> Every decade or so, I ask if anyone knows the secret to the Johnson
>> Matthey metals used by F&P.  I am told that JM knows; but, won't tell. . . .
Private property: the bane of a free, democratic and scarcity-free society.

[Vo]:The Type A palladium saga -- what Martin said . . .

2016-08-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
Terry Blanton  wrote:

Every decade or so, I ask if anyone knows the secret to the Johnson Matthey
> metals used by F&P.  I am told that JM knows; but, won't tell. . . .

Here is what I wrote about that in February 2000:

The Type A palladium saga

February 7, 2000

For many years Martin Fleischman has been recommending a particular type of
palladium made by Johnson Matthey for cold fusion experiments. He has been
saying this to anyone who will listen, but very few people do. He handed
out several of these ideal cathodes to experienced researchers, and as far
as he knows in every case the samples produced excess heat. The material
was designated "Type A" palladium by Fleischmann and Pons. It was developed
decades ago for use in hydrogen diffusion tubes: filters that allow
hydrogen to pass while holding back other gasses. This alloy was designed
to have great structural integrity under high loading. It lasts for years,
withstanding cracking and deformation that would quickly destroy other
alloys and allow other gasses to seep through the filters. This robustness
happens to be the quality we need for cold fusion. The main reason cold
fusion is difficult to reproduce is because when bulk palladium loads with
deuterium, it cracks, bends, distorts and it will not load above a certain
level, usually ~60%, I think. Below 85 to 90% loading bulk palladium never
produces excess heat. A sample of palladium chosen at random from most
suppliers will *never* reach this level of loading. You could perform
thousands of tests for cold fusion with ordinary palladium, with perfect
confidence that you will never see measurable excess heat. That is
essentially what the NHE did: they performed the wrong experiment hundreds
of times in succession, using materials which everyone knows cannot work.
This is like trying to make a 27-story building out of doughnuts.

It seems likely to me that most of the reproducibility problems with bulk
palladium CF would have been solved years ago if people had only listened
to Martin Fleischman's advice. Alas, in my experience, people seldom listen
to advice or follow directions. Fleischman sometimes compounds the problem
by speaking in a cryptic, convoluted style and by using complex
mathematical equations that few other people can understand. He sometimes
takes a long time to respond to inquiries; he answered one of my questions
two years after I asked. However, in this case he has made himself quite
clear on many occasions. For example, he wrote:

. . . We note that whereas "blank experiments" are always entirely normal
(e.g. See Figs 1-5) it is frequently impossible to find any measurement
cycle for the Pd-D2O system which shows such normal behaviour. Of course,
in the absence of adequate "blank experiments" such abnormalities have been
attributed to malfunctions of the calorimetry, e.g. see (10). [Ikegami et
al.] However, the correct functioning of "blank experiments" shows that the
abnormalities must be due to fluctuating sources of excess enthalpy. The
statements made in this paragraph are naturally subject to the restriction
that a "satisfactory electrode material" be used i.e. a material
intrinsically capable of producing excess enthalpy generation and which
maintains its structural integrity throughout the experiment. Most of our
own investigations have been carried out with a material which we have
described as Johnson Matthey Material Type A. This material is prepared by
melting under a blanket gas of cracked ammonia (or else its synthetic
equivalent) the concentrations of five key classes of impurities being
controlled. Electrodes are then produced by a succession of steps of square
rolling, round rolling and, finally, drawing with appropriate annealing
steps in the production cycle. [M. Fleischmann, Proc. ICCF-7, p. 121]

 Fleischman recently gave the some additional information. The ammonia
atmosphere leaves hydrogen in the palladium which controls
recrystallization. Unfortunately, this material is very difficult to
acquire and there is practically none left in the world, because Johnson
Matthey stopped making it several years ago. Palladium for diffusion tubes
is now made using a different process in which the palladium is melted
under argon. Material made with the newer technique might also work
satisfactorily in cold fusion experiments, but Fleischman never had an
opportunity to test it so he does not know. There should be plenty of the
new material available, so perhaps someone should buy a sample and try it.
Johnson Matthey has offered to make more of the older style Type A for use
in cold fusion experiments. They will charge ~$20,000 per ingot, which is a
reasonable price. Fortunately, the precise methodology for making the older
material is well-documented and an expert who helped fabricate previous
batches has offered to supervise production. So, if anyone out there has
deep pockets and once a batch of the ideal material to perform bulk
palladium cold fusion experiments

RE: [Vo]:Johnson Matthey, Plc

2016-08-18 Thread Jones Beene
From: Bob Cook 
. Thanks for your recalls.  Great information.

Thanks should go to the vortex archive, which is full of surprises. 

In retrospect and having reviewed LENR catalyst material again for the nth
time, my best guess is that the alloy most likely to succeed with deuterium
is palladium with cerium in a small amount. 

Cerium is mentioned by the J&M patent application, P&F, Mills, Piantelli,
and in dozens of other papers, patents and experiments. 

Why cerium? Dunno. but if it relates to the 5th force or "neuglu" boson, and
it very well could since cerium 142-is particularly rich in neutrons -- then
all one can say is that "synchronicity" strikes again. Cerium also has a
lighter isotope near the mass of the Higgs boson and is probably the
heaviest element in the Higgs range. It's main use may tell us something:
Incandescent Gas Lantern Mantles.

Re: [Vo]:A super nickel powder LENR catalyst.

2016-08-18 Thread Bob Cook
In reading the patent I wondered if the fast sintering processes are used in 
the Rossi Effect to heat the Ni nano lattice uniformly--e.g., the DC pulsing 
fast sintering process described in the Patent?  The process was such as to 
maintain the nano structure and the catalytic properties of the Ni.

Bob Cook

From: Jones Beene 
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2016 6:54 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:A super nickel powder LENR catalyst.


You call this a Rossi secret? The inventor filed his initial disclosure 5 years 
before Rossi came on the scene, so it ostensibly cannot be called a "Rossi 
secret" unless SDC Materials is in fact the "customer" which Rossi does not 
want to be known. Is that what you are contending?

That would be unlikely given the numerous Press Releases from the company and 
their backers. They are not flying under the radar. This is a plasma spray 
process and there are dozens of similar ones listed as prior art, so it will be 
hard to enforce.

Notably the document speaks of cold fusion and palladium and palladium-silver 
as coatings to nanopowder, which may be the search criteria which brought the 
document up, but the listed metals for converting into nano are nickel iron and 
cobalt. Notably one of the company's consultants was indeed a Johnson-Matthey 

His name is not Bass :) but he could have been a big catch...

From: Axil Axil

Another Rossi secret revealed as follows:

Nano-skeletal catalyst US 9023754 B2,d.eWE


This super nano nickel powder is Rossi's powder as shown in the Lugano demo. It 
is about 100 times better than the Ni carbonyl powder that MFMP uses.

The specific surface area values using BET method show that the chemically 
processed Ni powders have a very high specific surface area (> 60 m2/g), which 
recommend them for electrical applications, especially for electrode 
applications. For Ni carbonyl powder the specific surface area was found 0.68 

The evaluation of the chemisorption characteristics by using hydrogen selective 
adsorption method shows that the modified Ni powder exhibits high power of 
hydrogen adsorption (600µgH2/g), which recommend them as catalysts in hydrogen 
addition reaction.


Patents - Google Books
A method of producing a catalyst material with nano-scale structure, the method 
comprising: introducing a starting powder into a nano-powder production 
reactor, the ...

Re: [Vo]:JM Products misleading business card.

2016-08-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
Daniel Rocha  wrote:

You have to check the calculations Allan Fletcher and I did.

Your calculations prove there was no heat release of 1 MW, or anything
close to that. Look at the photo of the vent and fan in Exhibit 26. You see
that the fan is inoperable, and even if it were working, it is much smaller
than the one Fletcher estimated is needed.

- Jed

[Vo]:LENR congresses must be as opera- well sponsorized

2016-08-18 Thread Peter Gluck
all I want is to see all the problems of LENR solved!

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:Johnson Matthey, Plc

2016-08-18 Thread Bob Cook
The paper (link identified by 
Axil) is as follows:

This addresses Ni fab techniques.

 Separately, note should be made of the comment in the 1989 JM patent 
application about enrichment of the Pd with Li-?--the specific isotope of Li is 
left out of the statement for some reason?

I could not find a reference to the issue of Li enrichment in the old 
Miles--NRL document.  However, it is a lengthy document and the Li addition may 
be hiding or just in the dark.

This would be a good question for someone to pose to Melvin from MFMP.

Bob Cook

A new family of nickel powder for electrical engineering applications 949 
consists in NiAl grains of stoichiometric compositions having at the grain 
boundaries ...

A new family of nickel powder for electrical engineering applications 949 
consists in NiAl grains of stoichiometric compositions having at the grain 
boundaries ...

From: Jones Beene 
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 8:48 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Johnson Matthey, Plc

One perplexing thing about this palladium alloy discussion over the years is 
that the answer could be hiding in plain sight.

Johnson-Matthey applied for a patent in England in 1989 within months of the 
SLC announcement -- but then withdrew the application without explanation a few 
years later. It probably contains all anyone needs to know, unless it was a 

Fortunately, the application is still available. Google seldom forgets.


Patent WO1990015415A1 - Improvements in 
Materials which are effective to support cold fusion when loaded with deuterium 
are palladium materials modified to change the local environment for deuterium 
under cold fusion conditions. Particular modifications are alloys or 
dispersions of Pd with Ce, Ag, LaNi5 and Ti. Other modifications concern the 
grain size. Excess heat, and tritium and neutrons have been observed.

From: Terry Blanton

>   Every decade or so, I ask if anyone knows the secret to the Johnson 
> Matthey metals used by F&P.

Looks like you are a bit ahead of schedule this time:

Re: [Vo]:Johnson Matthey, Plc

2016-08-18 Thread Bob Cook
It could have been that the retraction of the J-M patent was a government (GB) 
action to make the technology dark--the same as happened in the US to submerge 
the CF technology.

A few well designed FOIA's may bring out the truth of the US actions back then. 
 Much of the information should be subject to declassification and release.  
Maybe the MFMP knows how to get such information--particularly from GB sources.

Bob  Cook

From: Jones Beene 
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 8:48 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Johnson Matthey, Plc

One perplexing thing about this palladium alloy discussion over the years is 
that the answer could be hiding in plain sight.

Johnson-Matthey applied for a patent in England in 1989 within months of the 
SLC announcement -- but then withdrew the application without explanation a few 
years later. It probably contains all anyone needs to know, unless it was a 

Fortunately, the application is still available. Google seldom forgets.

From: Terry Blanton

>   Every decade or so, I ask if anyone knows the secret to the Johnson 
> Matthey metals used by F&P.

Looks like you are a bit ahead of schedule this time:

Re: [Vo]:Johnson Matthey, Plc

2016-08-18 Thread Bob Cook

Terry and Jones--

Thanks for your recalls.  Great information.

The same fabrication metal fabrication processes may be used for Ni.  The 
Romanian research into Ni powers in the the 2004 time frame reported on the EGO 
Out blog identify this report.

Bob Cook

From: Jones Beene 
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 8:48 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Johnson Matthey, Plc

One perplexing thing about this palladium alloy discussion over the years is 
that the answer could be hiding in plain sight.

Johnson-Matthey applied for a patent in England in 1989 within months of the 
SLC announcement -- but then withdrew the application without explanation a few 
years later. It probably contains all anyone needs to know, unless it was a 

Fortunately, the application is still available. Google seldom forgets.


Patent WO1990015415A1 - Improvements in 
Materials which are effective to support cold fusion when loaded with deuterium 
are palladium materials modified to change the local environment for deuterium 
under cold fusion conditions. Particular modifications are alloys or 
dispersions of Pd with Ce, Ag, LaNi5 and Ti. Other modifications concern the 
grain size. Excess heat, and tritium and neutrons have been observed.

From: Terry Blanton

>   Every decade or so, I ask if anyone knows the secret to the Johnson 
> Matthey metals used by F&P.

Looks like you are a bit ahead of schedule this time:

RE: [Vo]:A super nickel powder LENR catalyst.

2016-08-18 Thread Jones Beene

You call this a Rossi secret? The inventor filed his initial disclosure 5 years 
before Rossi came on the scene, so it ostensibly cannot be called a “Rossi 
secret” unless SDC Materials is in fact the “customer” which Rossi does not 
want to be known. Is that what you are contending?

That would be unlikely given the numerous Press Releases from the company and 
their backers. They are not flying under the radar. This is a plasma spray 
process and there are dozens of similar ones listed as prior art, so it will be 
hard to enforce.

Notably the document speaks of cold fusion and palladium and palladium-silver 
as coatings to nanopowder, which may be the search criteria which brought the 
document up, but the listed metals for converting into nano are nickel iron and 
cobalt. Notably one of the company’s consultants was indeed a Johnson-Matthey 

His name is not Bass :-) but he could have been a big catch…

From: Axil Axil 

Another Rossi secret revealed as follows:

Nano-skeletal catalyst US 9023754 B2…hw&bvm=bv.129759880,d.eWE


This super nano nickel powder is Rossi's powder as shown in the Lugano demo. It 
is about 100 times better than the Ni carbonyl powder that MFMP uses.

The specific surface area values using BET method show that the chemically 
processed Ni powders have a very high specific surface area (> 60 m2/g), which 
recommend them for electrical applications, especially for electrode 
applications. For Ni carbonyl powder the specific surface area was found 0.68 

The evaluation of the chemisorption characteristics by using hydrogen selective 
adsorption method shows that the modified Ni powder exhibits high power of 
hydrogen adsorption (600µgH2/g), which recommend them as catalysts in hydrogen 
addition reaction.

Re: [Vo]:Article: This new equation might finally unite the two biggest theories in physics, physicist claims

2016-08-18 Thread Jack Cole
I agree Alain.  There are some elegant aspects to McCulloch's theory that
warrant investigation.  He needs a good experimentalist to test some of his

On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 8:13 AM Alain Sepeda  wrote:

> people interested in Grand Unification maye be interested by this approach
> of MiHsC that link basic newtonian graviation with Heisenberg Uncertainty
> MiHsC need to be studied, to be improved or refuted, as it is one of the
> few coherent way to make really QM and gravitation converge.
> Michael McCulloch claims it explains roughly without tuning the recently
> found anomalies in dwarf galaxies, EmDrive (even some negative=tiny
> results). His claims have to be confirmed sincerely (the hardes is to find
> someone skeptical but not in love with debunking methods), and then
> improved with good math.
> my feeling is that if Einstein GR geometry is in competition with MiHsC
> (which is based on SR and QM), the symmetry founding GR is respected by GU
> theories, as is Heisenberg Uncertainty.
> My naive feeling is that Michael McCulloch need some help from someone
> knowing well GR geometry, QM, and sincerely interested in improving MiHsC
> (Like was the mathematicien of Einstein).
> On point on which I wonder is if MiHsC can explain black hole observation,
> gravitational waves, gravitational lenses.
> 2016-08-18 14:06 GMT+02:00 Jack Cole :
>> This new equation might finally unite the two biggest theories in
>> physics, physicist claims

Re: [Vo]:Article: This new equation might finally unite the two biggest theories in physics, physicist claims

2016-08-18 Thread ROGER ANDERTON
unified field theory as extension of Newtonian physics was presented in 1758 by 
Boscovich; from which quantum physics was developed:
>From Boscovich's theory to modern quantum theory: Prof Dragoslav Stoiljkovic

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whereas Einstein's relativity has numerous math mistakes built into; example:
Maths contradiction in Einstein's relativity with its connection to Newton

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| Maths contradiction in Einstein's relativity with its co... |
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On Thursday, 18 August 2016, 14:13, Alain Sepeda  

 people interested in Grand Unification maye be interested by this approach of 
MiHsC that link basic newtonian graviation with Heisenberg Uncertainty

MiHsC need to be studied, to be improved or refuted, as it is one of the few 
coherent way to make really QM and gravitation converge.
Michael McCulloch claims it explains roughly without tuning the recently found 
anomalies in dwarf galaxies, EmDrive (even some negative=tiny results). His 
claims have to be confirmed sincerely (the hardes is to find someone skeptical 
but not in love with debunking methods), and then improved with good math.
my feeling is that if Einstein GR geometry is in competition with MiHsC (which 
is based on SR and QM), the symmetry founding GR is respected by GU theories, 
as is Heisenberg Uncertainty.
My naive feeling is that Michael McCulloch need some help from someone knowing 
well GR geometry, QM, and sincerely interested in improving MiHsC (Like was the 
mathematicien of Einstein).
On point on which I wonder is if MiHsC can explain black hole observation, 
gravitational waves, gravitational lenses.
2016-08-18 14:06 GMT+02:00 Jack Cole :

This new equation might finally unite the two biggest theories in physics, 
physicist claims


Re: [Vo]:Article: This new equation might finally unite the two biggest theories in physics, physicist claims

2016-08-18 Thread Alain Sepeda
people interested in Grand Unification maye be interested by this approach
of MiHsC that link basic newtonian graviation with Heisenberg Uncertainty

MiHsC need to be studied, to be improved or refuted, as it is one of the
few coherent way to make really QM and gravitation converge.

Michael McCulloch claims it explains roughly without tuning the recently
found anomalies in dwarf galaxies, EmDrive (even some negative=tiny
results). His claims have to be confirmed sincerely (the hardes is to find
someone skeptical but not in love with debunking methods), and then
improved with good math.

my feeling is that if Einstein GR geometry is in competition with MiHsC
(which is based on SR and QM), the symmetry founding GR is respected by GU
theories, as is Heisenberg Uncertainty.

My naive feeling is that Michael McCulloch need some help from someone
knowing well GR geometry, QM, and sincerely interested in improving MiHsC
(Like was the mathematicien of Einstein).

On point on which I wonder is if MiHsC can explain black hole observation,
gravitational waves, gravitational lenses.

2016-08-18 14:06 GMT+02:00 Jack Cole :

> This new equation might finally unite the two biggest theories in physics,
> physicist claims

[Vo]:Article: This new equation might finally unite the two biggest theories in physics, physicist claims

2016-08-18 Thread Jack Cole
This new equation might finally unite the two biggest theories in physics,
physicist claims

Re: [Vo]:Do not burn the bridge to LENR technology!

2016-08-18 Thread Peter Gluck
dear Che,
not only physics, LENR is a combination of synergies between physics,
materials science, catalysis, nanotechnology, chemistry engineering,
Exactly as life is more than DNA chemistry...Have you read my essays about
interestingness of existence? For yu: dialectic materialism is not
contradicted but developed further.

On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 10:21 PM, Che  wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 2:55 PM, Peter Gluck 
> wrote:
>> f20-be-not-more.html
>> and will ICCF20 be a turning point showing there si no more turning
>> back to LENR's seemingly insoluble problems?
> 'Cold Fusion' is either real physics -- or it isn't. The Truth _will_ out.

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania