[Vo]:A LENR molten salt LENR fission reactor.

2017-02-08 Thread Axil Axil
In the light of the Chernobyl reactor disaster, and the insights that we
can glean from it, the best LENR reactor design, IMHO, is a LENR molten
salt LENR fission reactor.

In professional nuclear engineering, it is well understood that fission
produces 100 times more energy per reaction mare or less than fusion, but
fission produces relatively few neutrons to keep the reaction going. On the
other hand, fusion is weak at producing energy but generates neutrons by
the boatload.

If an abundant source of muons is available, the lack of neutron production
that drives the fission reaction is not a concern anymore. A single muon
will produce 200 MeV per muon fission reaction vs. 3 MeV for fusion.

So a muon fission reactor is very rich and efficient in energy production
and a muon fusion reactor is energy poor. So a muon fission reactor is the
way to go because it is about 100 times more energetic than of fusion
reactor at producing energy per muon.

For example, if the QuarkX produces as many muons as I think that it does,
It will require only a few QaurkX reactors inside the core of a molten
fluoride salt based thorium reactor to produce a ton of high quality heat

Rossi said that 20 watts of electric power is produced by his old 100 watt
QUARK reactors

Assuming a low voltage of 1 volt, 20 watts means 20 coulombs of electrons
are produced a second. If one muon decays to one electron not counting muon
escape from the QuarkX, then (20) (6.25 x 10^18 electrons) or about 10^20
of muons per second is produced by 100 watts of QuarkX power production.
This assumes that most of the atoms in the molten salt blanket are
thorium atoms.

That much neutron flux would support a 100 megawatt nuclear reactor on a
single reaction per muon basis. But Muons might generate 150 fission and/or
fusion reactions per muon. Just a few QuarkX reactors can push out a lot of
power and also confine muons inside the reactor thereby utilizing muon
production at high efficiency.

Re: [Vo]:Nickel powder size is important

2017-02-08 Thread Terry Blanton
The FCV Toyota Mirai carries about 2 kg of hydrogen in the 2 fuel tanks
pressurized to 70 MPa.  Here's a video of a 50 cal. gunshot puncturing the
filled tank:


[Vo]:LENR INFO and an implicit appeal for the dignity of the Cold Fusion Community

2017-02-08 Thread Peter Gluck

I apologize for speaking about this situation but nobody IS the Community

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

[Vo]:Georges Lochak's monopole

2017-02-08 Thread Axil Axil
http://www.lenr-canr.org/acrobat/LochakGlowenergyn.pdf Low-energy nuclear
reactions and the leptonic monopole Georges Lochak, Leonid Urutskoev When
Leonid Urutskoev, a top nuclear scientist in Russia was asked to analyze
the Chernobyl reactor disaster, he came to the conclusion that the official
reason put forth for its cause was wrong. He suspected that the disaster
was produced by a number of electrical explosions in a nearby generator.

See for background:

To prove his theory, he came up with a new type of experiment using
electrically exploding arcs in titanium foil. He found that the residue
from the pure titanium foil explosion contained new elements, elements
produced by transmutation. But he also found that dissolved uranium salts
in the water that surrounded the titanium foil explosion channel was found
to fission because of the detection of the fission element byproducts
produced by the explosion. This implied that the explosion of the titanium
foil had an effect at two separate locations, first, inside the titanium
foil itself and second outside of the explosion channel at a considerable
distance from the explosion. Urutskoev asked around the Russian nuclear
community and found that other than neutrons, the only thing that could
produce fission in uranium was muons. But U235 did not fission as expected,
U238 fissioned as the even isotope reaction rule in LENR dictate. The LENR
reaction sent out something that produced the reaction at a distance from
the primary zone of causation (Nuclear active environment - NAE) that
caused even isotopes of uranium to fission. Next, Urutskoev placed the
titanium ash on a photographic emulsion (film) and spotted charged
particles coming out of that ash that behaved like magnetic monopoles. What
this all means is that the LENR reaction is a complex multi-faceted
reaction consisting of many stages and causations. In detail, the NAE
produces nuclear reactions but it also produces particles that can exist
independently once created and can produce nuclear reaction remote n space
and time from the NAE. From the reference above: "Here are some conclusions
based on the presented experimental data 1. The particle which left the
trace in the nuclear emulsion is charged, as nuclear emulsions are
insensitive to neutrons. 2. The particle cannot have electric charge, as
otherwise it could not be able to pass through two meters of atmospheric
air and two layers of black paper. 3. The particle does not have high
energy, as no delta-electrons are observed. 4. The mechanism of the
interaction between the particle and the photosensitive layer is not clear.
Assuming the Coulomb mechanism, the absorbed energy estimated using the
darkening area equals around 1 GeV. 5. The radiation is of nuclear origin;
it interacts with magnetic fields. This calls for a discussion of Lochak’s
magnetic monopole. Lochak created his theory 20 years before our
experiments [9 – 12], that is, before those results for understanding and
explaining of which we are now attempting to use it. It should be
emphasized that this is a good omen for a theory. It is always suspicious
when the theories are created specially to explain an experimental
observation. They are like the circles drawn on a target after a shoot has
been made." To supplement with some knowledge that we have acquired from
other research: The Surface Plasmon Polariton: an analog monopole produces
a monopole magnetic field. The SPP is naturally found on the surface of
metal including metallic nanoparticles. The SPP a boson is coherent and
will readily form Bose condensates. The Ultra dense hydrogen nanoparticle
is coherent and formed under high pressure conditions or via catalysts. The
UDH as a superconductor will allow SPP formation on its surface spin wave.
Once created, the UDH can persist indefinitely on its own and travel in
swarms of coherent particles that will share in the nuclear energy (fusion
and fission) that the swarm will generate via entangled muon generated

A UDH swarm


tracks from Fig. 1 are correlated as a group but cannot all be overlaid on
top of each other. These tracks appear to be correlated, yet twisted or
acted upon by some central force. The tracks were digitized in a vector
graphics editor and shown in Fig. 2.


Measurements taken at successive common points of corresponding tracks
indicate a swarm of identical particles each going through coordinated
abrupt transitions at each vertex or kink. The field influence on
corresponding track segments are geometric centers.


[Vo]:the leptonic monopole

2017-02-08 Thread Axil Axil
http://www.lenr-canr.org/acrobat/LochakGlowenergyn.pdf Low-energy nuclear
reactions and the leptonic monopole Georges Lochak, Leonid Urutskoev When
Leonid Urutskoev, a top nuclear scientist in Russia was asked to analyze
the Chernobyl reactor disaster, he came to the conclusion that the official
reason put forth for its cause was wrong. He suspected that the disaster
was produced by a number of electrical explosions in a nearby generator.

See for background:

To prove his theory, he came up with a new type of experiment using
electrically exploding arcs in titanium foil. He found that the residue
from the pure titanium foil explosion contained new elements, elements
produced by transmutation. But he also found that dissolved uranium salts
in the water that surrounded the titanium foil explosion channel was found
to fission because of the detection of the fission element byproducts
produced by the explosion. This implied that the explosion of the titanium
foil had an effect at two separate locations, first, inside the titanium
foil itself and second outside of the explosion channel at a considerable
distance from the explosion. Urutskoev asked around the Russian nuclear
community and found that other than neutrons, the only thing that could
produce fission in uranium was muons. But U235 did not fission as expected,
U238 fissioned as the even isotope reaction rule in LENR dictate. The LENR
reaction sent out something that produced the reaction at a distance from
the primary zone of causation (Nuclear active environment - NAE) that
caused even isotopes of uranium to fission. Next, Urutskoev placed the
titanium ash on a photographic emulsion (film) and spotted charged
particles coming out of that ash that behaved like magnetic monopoles. What
this all means is that the LENR reaction is a complex multi-faceted
reaction consisting of many stages and causations. In detail, the NAE
produces nuclear reactions but it also produces particles that can exist
independently once created and can produce nuclear reaction remote n space
and time from the NAE. From the reference above: "Here are some conclusions
based on the presented experimental data 1. The particle which left the
trace in the nuclear emulsion is charged, as nuclear emulsions are
insensitive to neutrons. 2. The particle cannot have electric charge, as
otherwise it could not be able to pass through two meters of atmospheric
air and two layers of black paper. 3. The particle does not have high
energy, as no delta-electrons are observed. 4. The mechanism of the
interaction between the particle and the photosensitive layer is not clear.
Assuming the Coulomb mechanism, the absorbed energy estimated using the
darkening area equals around 1 GeV. 5. The radiation is of nuclear origin;
it interacts with magnetic fields. This calls for a discussion of Lochak’s
magnetic monopole. Lochak created his theory 20 years before our
experiments [9 – 12], that is, before those results for understanding and
explaining of which we are now attempting to use it. It should be
emphasized that this is a good omen for a theory. It is always suspicious
when the theories are created specially to explain an experimental
observation. They are like the circles drawn on a target after a shoot has
been made." To supplement with some knowledge that we have acquired from
other research: The Surface Plasmon Polariton: an analog monopole produces
a monopole magnetic field. The SPP is naturally found on the surface of
metal including metallic nanoparticles. The SPP a boson is coherent and
will readily form Bose condensates. The Ultra dense hydrogen nanoparticle
is coherent and formed under high pressure conditions or via catalysts. The
UDH as a superconductor will allow SPP formation on its surface spin wave.
Once created, the UDH can persist indefinitely on its own and travel in
swarms of coherent particles that will share in the nuclear energy (fusion
and fission) that the swarm will generate via entangled muon generated

A UDH swarm


tracks from Fig. 1 are correlated as a group but cannot all be overlaid on
top of each other. These tracks appear to be correlated, yet twisted or
acted upon by some central force. The tracks were digitized in a vector
graphics editor and shown in Fig. 2.


Measurements taken at successive common points of corresponding tracks
indicate a swarm of identical particles each going through coordinated
abrupt transitions at each vertex or kink. The field influence on
corresponding track segments are geometric centers.


Re: [Vo]:Nickel powder size is important

2017-02-08 Thread Brian Ahern
I studied hydrogen explosions under contract for about one year in 1992 and 
learned a great deal about reaction kinetics. We found stoichiometric mixtures 
2H2 and O2 to be explosive when contained within large dimensions. Oppositely, 
collecting the gases within 1/4" tubing results in an implosion as the rate of 
forming liquid water by quenching outpaces the H2O gas  formation. At SRI I 
suspect they had a small volume over water and a reaction would quench at the 
water surface.

However, a large sample of palladium with a PdD ratio approaching one becomes a 
dangerous proposition. The deuterium in the lattice undergoes very large 
amplitude vibrational modes. If the delicate equilibrium is disturbed (for 
example by a shock) then all that vibrational energy will be released in a 
process known as RECALESCENCE. The stored energy is equivalent to the energy in 
a plastic explosive

The palladium goes to red heat immediately and releases all the deuterium and 
ignites the H2 + O2. The reaction kinetics favoring liquid formation are 
sharply decreased and the combination of deuterium release and H2 + O2 
recombination make a formidable reaction.

The SRI analysis did not include the recalescence aspect and it was by far the 
greater source of energy.

From: Jed Rothwell 
Sent: Tuesday, February 7, 2017 9:49 PM
To: Vortex
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Nickel powder size is important

mailto:bobcook39...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I too reviewed the SRI report.  The first thing I looked for was a relief valve.

There was none.

There was a relief valve. It was blocked, and it failed to work.

I have the full report somewhere. I will upload it.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:I am nanoman

2017-02-08 Thread Jones Beene
different Smith ... eer... Cooper. The Illuminati apparently do not have 
much imagination in surnames

Funny that Nanoman makes a bold and impassioned statement (in the vid) 
that he has an actual sample of utility fog, and also has electron 
microscope proof - yet all of his online images are clearly digital CAD 
renditions. And not very good ones.

Like Randell Mills who claims to have samples of real hydrinos, but will 
not share them with skeptics - the whole shtick falls apart when he 
waves the vial around but can't produce the SEM.

Heck, with the help of Wiki, I can show you a convincing and absolutely 
real SEM image of utility fog, and it actually does function 
intelligently to reproduce itself... so the underlying concept is valid.


On 2/8/2017 9:06 AM, Terry Blanton wrote:

On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 6:08 PM, Jones Beene > wrote:

Nanoman may have help from beyond...

Terry will like this ... if he has recovered from the epic choke
of SB LI

Dead birds.

Speaking of aviary, was Bill Cooper one of the birds? I know he linked 
the Illuminati, Bilderbergers and Aliens in _Behold a Pale Horse_.  If 
so, his son Chris still has some catching up to do.  :)  Probably a 
different William Cooper than the one on the patent.

His (Chris's) picture on Utility Fog IMDB web site puts me in the mind 
of Matt Drudge.  Hmmm, a scary place that must be: inside the Mind of 

Maybe this will pull me out of the deflated pigskin depression.

BTW, for those who missed the Teslamotors.com IPO, you might want to 
look into Nikolamotors.com . Seriously, a road tractor running on a 
hydrogen fuel cell and your first 100,000 miles of fuel is free!  And 
I thought the Toyota Mirai was a joke.



Re: [Vo]:I am nanoman

2017-02-08 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 6:08 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> Nanoman may have help from beyond...
> Terry will like this ... if he has recovered from the epic choke of SB LI

Dead birds.

Speaking of aviary, was Bill Cooper one of the birds?  I know he linked the
Illuminati, Bilderbergers and Aliens in *Behold a Pale Horse*.  If so, his
son Chris still has some catching up to do.  :)  Probably a different
William Cooper than the one on the patent.

His (Chris's) picture on Utility Fog IMDB web site puts me in the mind of
Matt Drudge.  Hmmm, a scary place that must be: inside the Mind of Drudge.

Maybe this will pull me out of the deflated pigskin depression.

BTW, for those who missed the Teslamotors.com IPO, you might want to look
into Nikolamotors.com . Seriously, a road tractor running on a hydrogen
fuel cell and your first 100,000 miles of fuel is free!  And I thought the
Toyota Mirai was a joke.

