RE: [Vo]:Stand by for a big breakthrough in LENR

2019-02-08 Thread
My first guess (in 1989) as to the mechanism for D fusion in a Pd fcc lattice 
was the creation of degeneracy of allowed D space positions through the use of 
a strong ambient magnetic field with appropriate resonances to help cause 
overlap of the D’s wave functions within a lattice cell.  This overlap would 
increase the chance of cold fusion.

I also thought that 2 adjacent cells may be coupled quantum mechanically to 
allow conservation of angular momentum and spin in the instant of the  fusion 
of 4 D’s into 2 He nuclei.

On further thought 4 D’s may be involved in adjacent cells to produce Be-8 with 
greater conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy, consistent with a 
trend to increased entropy of entangled QM systems.  I doubt this idea is 
consistent with TSC.

I think I asked Akito—I think it was ICCF-19—how he handled spin and 
conservation of angular momentum?  As I recall his response was,  that was to 
be considered later.  (I may have my Japanese presenters at the ICCF-19 mixed 
up in my memory.)

Bob Cook

Sent: Thursday, February 7, 2019 5:13:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Stand by for a big breakthrough in LENR

In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Thu, 7 Feb 2019 20:08:47 + (UTC):
>Normally however,Beryllium would not be expected to be found in D+D reactions. 
>Yet it could be hiding in plain sight, thanks to updating an older theoryfrom 
>Akito Takahashi, called TSC, which posits thesimultaneous reaction of 4 
>deuterons (as a BEC tetrahedron). The theory makes far more sense with dense 
>deuterium as the reactant.

Li6 + D => Be8 too.

Robin van Spaandonk

local asymmetry = temporary success

RE: [Vo]:Stand by for a big breakthrough in LENR

2019-02-08 Thread
Neutrons in a commercial reactor or a big problem given the activation and the 
radioactive waste resulting.  LENR is a more practical option IMHO.  This 
impractically does not hold a candle to the security issues associated with the 
generation of fissile materials by such reactors.   For example , Th- 232 to 
U-233.well established by light water breeder reactors.

Bob Cook

From: Jones Beene 
Sent: Thursday, February 7, 2019 3:12:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Stand by for a big breakthrough in LENR

Speaking of Holmlid, muons and/or muon substitute here is a new article from 

Rather prestigious venue, one would think...

This is not all that far from commercial realization

Existing Source for Muon-Catalyzed Nuclear Fusion Can Give Megawatt Thermal 
Fusion Generator
Article in Fusion Science and 
 · January 2019 

Leif Holmlid

  *   University of 

Fusion power generators employing muon-catalyzed nuclear fusion can be 
developed using a new type of laser-driven muon generator. Results using this 
generator have been published, and those data are now used to derive the 
possible fusion power using this generator. Muon-catalyzed fusion has been 
studied for 60 years, and the results found in such studies are used here to 
determine the possible power output. Since the muon source gives complex 
mixtures of mesons and leptons, which have very different interactions with the 
measuring equipment, the number of negative muons formed is not easily found 
exactly, but reasonable values based on numerous published experiments with 
different methods are used to predict the energy output. With deuterium-tritium 
as fuel, a fusion power generator employing the novel muon generator could give 
more than 1 MW thermal power. The thermal power using pure deuterium as fuel 
may be up to 220 kW initially: It will increase with time up to over 1 MW due 
to the production of tritium in one reaction branch. The power required for 
running a modern laser and the muon generator is estimated to be of the order 
of 100 W, thus giving a total energy gain of more than 10 000. The harmful 
radiation from such fusion power generators is mainly in the form of neutrons 
from the fusion reactions. Thus, thick radiation shields are necessary as for 
almost all other fusion concepts. This means that medium-scale thermal fusion 
power generators of the muon-catalyzed fusion type may become available within 
a relatively short time.