Re: [Vo]:Hydroxychloroquine Approved by FDA

2020-03-20 Thread Michael Foster
Another voice of sanity.

Re: [Vo]:Hydroxychloroquine Approved by FDA

2020-03-20 Thread Michael Foster


Similar results in Australia also China if you can believe anything they say. Numerous other 
references as well. Anyone can look them up.

Berx? Yesterday during Trump's press conference. Also when she was at the CDC, 
she was responsible for the outrageous lie that HIV was 
spreading more quickly in the heterosexual population. The CDC was forced to 
admit this, but said it was in a good cause, you know, so they
could get more funding. This agency lies its butt off at every turn.

Hard to estimate the number Belt and Road operatives. Italy has not completely 
signed up with it yet, but has some sort of MOU. Nevertheless, as soon as that 
happened the port cities are alive with Chinese taking measurements.

You're sort of missing the point though. When a government agency wants to 
compare apples to oranges with their deceptive statistics, you know they're 
trying to pull something. When the CDC wants to give you an estimate of how 
many flu cases there are in the U.S. vs how many confirmed cases, well guess 
what the difference is going to be?  More cases, more funding. Comparing 
fatality rates of estimated flu cases in the U.S. to confirmed cases of covid19 
is really total deception hiding in plain sight. Funny how nobody seems to have 
picked up on this.

More links later.

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, read it. You'll see 
the familiar theme.

Re: [Vo]:Hydroxychloroquine Approved by FDA

2020-03-20 Thread H LV
Sources please.

On Fri., Mar. 20, 2020, 1:16 p.m. Michael Foster,  wrote:

> Italy is not really a model for what happens with covid19. First of all it
> has an average age nearly 10 years older than the U.S.  It is also swarming
> with Chinese nationals since it signed up for Belt and Road. There are also
> 300,000 illegal alien Chinese working in the leather industry in northern
> Italy where all the trouble is. Further, the head of what amounts to the
> Italian version of the CDC has just announced that he can only confirm that
> two (count 'em two) of the deaths previously attributed to covid19 could be
> confirmed to be so. The other deaths could be attributed to other causes
> because these people were already very old and very sick.
>  All I'm saying is that this ridiculous overreaction to covid19 (SARS-2)
> is probably doing more harm than good. Foot dragging by the FDA about
> getting as much chloroquine as possible out to those in need is going to
> cause a lot of deaths. The cure rate of covid19 treated with chloriquine
> appears to be about 100% where it's being used. That twit White House
> Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx ought to be shipped off
> to China. In addition to providing excuses as to why chloroquine isn't
> being used immediately, she said that she believed the Chinese when they
> indicated there were no new covid19 cases in China. Yup, there's a woman
> you can feel confident about.
> Oh, one other thing about Italy. They literally had a "Hug a Chinese"
> campaign going on a short while ago, because it was feared there was some
> sort of racism going on. There were videos of Italians hugging Chinese
> tourists and Belt and Road operatives on TV and on the internet. Needless
> to say, those videos were pulled quickly.

Re: [Vo]:Hydroxychloroquine Approved by FDA

2020-03-20 Thread Michael Foster
Italy is not really a model for what happens with covid19. First of all it has 
an average age nearly 10 years older than the U.S.  It is also swarming with 
Chinese nationals since it signed up for Belt and Road. There are also 300,000 
illegal alien Chinese working in the leather industry in northern Italy where 
all the trouble is. Further, the head of what amounts to the Italian version of 
the CDC has just announced that he can only confirm that two (count 'em two) of 
the deaths previously attributed to covid19 could be confirmed to be so. The 
other deaths could be attributed to other causes because these people were 
already very old and very sick. 

 All I'm saying is that this ridiculous overreaction to covid19 (SARS-2) is 
probably doing more harm than good. Foot dragging by the FDA about getting as 
much chloroquine as possible out to those in need is going to cause a lot of 
deaths. The cure rate of covid19 treated with chloriquine appears to be about 
100% where it's being used. That twit White House Coronavirus Response 
Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx ought to be shipped off to China. In addition to 
providing excuses as to why chloroquine isn't being used immediately, she said 
that she believed the Chinese when they indicated there were no new covid19 
cases in China. Yup, there's a woman you can feel confident about.

Oh, one other thing about Italy. They literally had a "Hug a Chinese" campaign 
going on a short while ago, because it was feared there was some sort of racism 
going on. There were videos of Italians hugging Chinese tourists and Belt and 
Road operatives on TV and on the internet. Needless to say, those videos were 
pulled quickly.

Re: [Vo]:Hydroxychloroquine Approved by FDA

2020-03-20 Thread Jürg Wyttenbach

Am 20.03.20 um 16:33 schrieb H LV:

Some spread might be possible before people show symptoms; there have
been reports of this occurring with this new coronavirus, but this is
not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.>>

Main spreaders are people without symptoms!

Latest news from Europe:

Italy: All 3400 deaths had 1-3 medical preconditions. High blood 
pressure, Diabetes, respiratory problems. Average age 79.5 years. 
Youngest: 3 with 40 years. Only 3 out of 3400 did finally die from 
corona only.

This indicates that the true death rate of corona is very very low 
possibly as low as 0.001% (from data 0.01%) if we exclude our notorious 
sick population.

Switzerland : Same situation as Italy deaths only with preconditions!

Main drug used for treatment Caletra see what it 

According to China news: All these retroviral drugs must be given early 
before the lung is fully affected!!

Some places in Switzerland already changed the rule: Full lockout for 
all people older than 65 and with medical precondition.

Germany thinks to country wide do the same and calls it reverse lockout.

In my opinion the current strategy is driven by the health mafia as they 
are going to loose their cash cows. 90% of western doctors income is 
generates by just the same group of people (age > 65 multiple 
preconditions) that now fade away!!


Jürg Wyttenbach
8910 Affoltern a.A.
044 760 14 18
079 246 36 06

Re: [Vo]:Hydroxychloroquine Approved by FDA

2020-03-20 Thread H LV


On Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 11:28 AM Ron Wormus  wrote:
> Well observing what is happening in Italy I don't think your fatality 
> argument is relevant. Covid-19 is extremely virulent & contagious and its 
> rapid spread overwhelms medical facilities. The biggest problem here is the 
> lack of testing, to get a clear picture of the pandemic, so we really have no 
> idea of the number of infected..
> It seems that a lot of infected individuals are a asymptomatic see:
> Testing everyone is a solution as there are ~50% asymptomatic, it is those 
> cases that need to be identified and quarantined!
> Ron
> Turns out there are about - Original Message -
> From: 
> Reply-To: 
> To: 
> Sent: 3/20/2020 12:09:06 AM
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Hydroxychloroquine Approved by FDA
> Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are sort of a chlorinated version of 
> quinine. These are used to treat malaria, arthritis and asthma. They have 
> been shown to act as an ionophore to assist zinc ions to penetrate the cell 
> membranes and thus destroy corona type viruses. This has been known to the 
> CDC for 14 years. The lying bastards have kept this close to the vest. The 
> FDA is typically foot dragging about approving chloroqine for corona virus 
> treatment, despite the fact that it is being used successfully in several 
> other countries.
> One other thing. The fatality rate of cov19 is actually lower than influenza. 
> If you compare known cases of flu deaths, 10%, to known cases of corona 
> deaths, 2%, you get a different picture. Instead we get a comparison of CDC 
> estimated flu cases to known cases of corona virus.
> Sneaky, aren't they? Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of 
> Crowds.
> On Thursday, March 19, 2020, 10:16:33 AM PDT, Jones Beene 
>  wrote:
> What is hydroxychloroquine? Donald Trump says malaria drug for coronavirus 
> has been approved by FDA

Re: [Vo]:Hydroxychloroquine Approved by FDA

2020-03-20 Thread Ron Wormus
Well observing what is happening in Italy I 
don't think your fatality argument is relevant. Covid-19 is extremely virulent 
& contagious and its rapid spread overwhelms medical facilities. The biggest 
problem here is the lack of testing, to get a clear picture of the pandemic, so 
we really have no idea of the number of infected..  

It seems that a lot of infected individuals are a asymptomatic see: 

Testing everyone is a solution as there are ~50% asymptomatic, it is those 
cases that need to be identified and quarantined!

Turns out there are about - Original Message -
Sent: 3/20/2020 12:09:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Hydroxychloroquine Approved by FDA

Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are sort of a chlorinated version of 
quinine. These are used to treat malaria, arthritis and asthma. They have been 
shown to act as an ionophore to assist zinc ions to penetrate the cell 
membranes and thus destroy corona type viruses. This has been known to the CDC 
for 14 years. The lying bastards have kept this close to the vest. The FDA is 
typically foot dragging about approving chloroqine for corona virus treatment, 
despite the fact that it is being used successfully in several other countries. 

One other thing. The fatality rate of cov19 is actually lower than influenza. 
If you compare known cases of flu deaths, 10%, to known cases of corona deaths, 
2%, you get a different picture. Instead we get a comparison of CDC estimated 
flu cases to known cases of corona virus.
Sneaky, aren't 
they? Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. 

On Thursday, March 19, 2020, 10:16:33 AM PDT, Jones Beene  

What is hydroxychloroquine? Donald Trump says malaria drug for coronavirus has 
been approved by FDA