Re: [Vo]:Current Findings on the Undeniable Alien Presence

2022-09-06 Thread Robin
In reply to  Vibrator !'s message of Wed, 7 Sep 2022 02:09:17 +0100:
>..i'm just amazed no one's remotely taken aback at seeing an autonomous
>construct in antidesitter space flying around in people's back gardens - as
>if that's a perfectly normal thing and why am i only just discovering it
>For the love of god, LOOK:

This is an out of focus butterfly. That's why no one is interested.

R. van Spaandonk

Crops, not towns, should be planted on floodplains.
Even the ancient Egyptians knew this.

Re: [Vo]:Current Findings on the Undeniable Alien Presence

2022-09-06 Thread Vibrator !
..i'm just amazed no one's remotely taken aback at seeing an autonomous
construct in antidesitter space flying around in people's back gardens - as
if that's a perfectly normal thing and why am i only just discovering it

For the love of god, LOOK:

 - filmed at 4K and 60 FPS from point-blank range and zoomed in
slow-motion, you can see that rather than actually 'moving' - in terms of
accelerating / changing velocity / momentum and KE, it's actually applying
a process of controlled quantum-tunnelling, jumping arbitrarily-short
distances but at a high, if variable cycle frequency!

IOW, most if not all of Luis Elizondo's 'five observables' are resolved by
this one revelation;  they're not dissipating KE because they're not
gaining it in the first place; they're not subject to inertia because
that's only a resistance to acceleration, etc. etc.  What the tech base is
ACTUALLY doing is quantum-leaping in rapid sequences of jumps.

If you check the other captures of this craft - such as the one from the
fruit-loop i posted previously: can see it in both profile and plan views, revealing that it's a
translucent-white disc, horizontal to ground and with two planes of
curvature, like a Pringle;  close-ups hint at a rectangular polygon or
hexahedron in its central 'eye'.  If this geometry is consistent with an
ADS construct, are we seeing the results of effectively-negative mass,
then?  IE. is that how it levitates?

Or perhaps they simply levitate via this process of continually
quantum-teleporting - constantly translocating upwards at a
perfectly-cancelling 9.80555 m/s², albeit without ever literally

I can't imagine what anyone else here might find more enthralling than
this, but if there's any more compelling scientific discoveries unfolding
anywhere else, i don't want to know about them..  and the evidence is being
turned in not by funded academics or even rogue mavericks, but complete
numpties out on the street.  Total noddies are witnessing and videoing the
next phase in our story of life, in 4K at 60 Hz, the whole thing's
happening before our eyes, documented in exquisite detail by absolute
nobodies the world over, most of whom (quite audibly) have no sorry clue
WHAT they're looking at..

In fact the most scientitious amongst them so far is a Polish geologist, on
field duty at the volcano over in Iceland;  she turned in this incredible
scene, amongst others:

..what we're seeing here are the probes i've been listing under 'box-orbs',
being operated by a cloaked saucer, the outlines of which we can just make
out via refraction and chromatic aberration anomalies.  Gold has just been
discovered here, FWIW, but we know their metamaterials require certain
other dependent elements too..

There's more captures from that same channel, and other independent ones
from other volcanos showing similar activity.

Sorry but i'm struggling to understand the intellectual inertia here -
people are complaining about presentation, i get that, but this is almost
Pythonesque - the sole point of the list is signal / noise ratio, broken
down into categories for each type of UAP.  The inescapable conclusion of
that singular endeavour is that there's principally one, unitary technology
base accounting for the overwhelming majority of alien visitors, and
moreover, that they are here in literal droves;  truly, multitudinous just
within our own biosphere, let alone beyond.   They are interacting with us
and with our planet.  They remain anonymous, yet hardly 'in the shadows',
allowing themselves to be seen whether alone or in great fleets, the world
over - if anything, mockingly brazen in their weird and inexplicable
activities (crop circles anyone?).. and yet the saucer craft plainly
releasing, recovering and coordinating the box-orbs continue to use
cloaking techs..  Why the intrigue?   What are they up to?  Are they truly
benevolent?  'Cuz if there's some kind of 'non-interventionist policy'
going on here, how's that actually working out, given that Joe Public at
least is filming them on a daily basis?

Perhaps the most perplexing question must be:  where are the men of science
in all this?  In the movies there'd be some elite team of international
boffins on the case, all talking French and breaking out the big guns
equipment-wise - thank god for Avi Loeb and the Galileo project - yet armed
with just web access, notepad and a few hours a day i've leapfrogged ahead
of what they're inevitably going to find, having collated the collective
UAP experience of most of YouTube, contrary to some expectations an
absolute treasure trove of genuine high quality footage..  with such a
weight of incontrovertible evidence freely available to anyone who cares to
look, why isn't this an international sensation, setting the scientific
world ablaze?

What could even break such stupor?   I

RE: [Vo]:Max Planck quote

2022-09-06 Thread Chris Zell
I know of no one who has any hypothesis or results that might relate to this 
Marks toroid thing except maybe Richard Vialle. The translations of his work 
aren’t very good and can be confusing. However, he seemed to assert overunity 
in getting electrons flowing in a coil to orbit elliptically (Rutherford model).

At least that’s how I understood it.

From: Jonathan Berry 
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2022 4:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Max Planck quote

The latter (not covered by existing theory) because it is an aether.vortex that 
moves with the toroid.

It wasn't a magnetic reaction, it was what I would term aetheric, but it was 

It could be considered similar to the very real feeling forces that dowsers 
feel on dowsing rods I suspect, albeit I can't dowse.

The force felt on SM's toroids might have been stronger, but it was really 
obvious still, my best guess is that it is an interaction between the 'aether 
vortex' setup by the toroid that is stuck in space at that location and the 
continuing vortex in the toroid, at least that is one idea.

But the force was very noticeable and was just as described, but didn't need 
any continued electrical input much as shown in the videos, but there was 
electrical input earlier, can't say if that was necessary.

I am sure I can replicate it, it wasn't identical to SM's toroid and it wasn't 
an attempt to replicate it and no attempt to collect Free Energy was made even 
though this makes me more certain the demo was genuine even if some limitations 
might have been hidden.

On Wed, 31 Aug 2022 at 01:53, Chris Zell>> wrote:
Um…… if you tried to create a Mark’s coil, what were you feeling?

A very tiny interaction with earth’s magnetic field?  Or something else that 
(AFAIK) isn’t covered by existing theory?

From: Jonathan Berry>>
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2022 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Max Planck quote

>I don’t understand what “EM mass” means. Can a EMF field have mass?

Imagine a massless reflective box, then put a lot of light into it, now as you 
try and accelerate it the walls approaching the radiation feel more radiation 
pressure than the ones moving away.

The box suddenly appears to have more mass, what's more it also has suddenly 
gravitational mass as light is accepted to be manifesting a tiny bit of 
gravity, and indeed because it responds to gravity, for Newton to be correct 
light must also attract matter to it however weakly, but this is also a part of 

So we see that light can give all the familiar properties of mass to otherwise 
massless containers.

As for Steven Mark's and his TPU, I have made steel toroidal coils and felt 
this washboard effect as I move the coil.

On Tue, 30 Aug 2022 at 02:00, Chris Zell>> wrote:
I don’t understand what “EM mass” means. Can a EMF field have mass?

I have a practical reason for asking. Once Upon A Time, there was a sketchy 
character named Mark who produced a strange device that pulled electricity out 
of nowhere – even though it was little more than a coil. There are still videos 
of this.
Observers said it had an odd gyroscopic effect in handling it. So, maybe he 
discovered some strange rotating field effect……. But how to explain the 
gyroscopic “feel” to it?  I don’t think about electrical or magnetic fields as 
having any “feelable” mass, however they might move or pulse.

Oh, and read Bernardo Kastrup’s books about consciousness. He is gonzo deep.  
Such as his book “Materialism Is Baloney”.

From: Jürg Wyttenbach>>
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2022 6:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Max Planck quote

According to the new SO(4) physics model all mass is EM mass and as a such can 
go into resonance with all other EM mass. If the energies match then an action 
may happen. Even more interesting is that EM fields in fact act/resonate 
instantaneously. Only a follow up mass like action is limited to the speed of 
light. The transfer of information = change in quantum configuration is not 
bound to energy. So factually all mass bound "information states" in the 
universe can be in direct contact and exchange information.

Consciousness awareness is the highest level of culture we can attain. But I 
doubt that dumb animals feel unhappy about not knowing that they exist. In fact 
this knowledge is the biggest burden we carry and as it look now mankind is 
unable to do so. (See also the movie planet of the monkeys).

So before we discuss about the fiction of a big bang we have 10% more 
important problems to solve.

Help to save the planet.E.g. by supporting Russ George and his OPR work. Or by 
supporting our cold fusion work that is 100% reproducible.


On 29.08.2022 12:07, Jonathan Berry wrote:
Consider if there was no consciousness, matter and s