Re: [Vo]:Are OU Techs Inadvertently the 'Great Filter'?

2021-12-03 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Dec 2, 2021 at 2:43 PM Vibrator !  wrote:

[Vo]:Are OU Techs Inadvertently the 'Great Filter'?

2021-12-02 Thread Vibrator !
The La Palma eruption continues to surprise and confound: longer a case of guesstimating the stored potential energy, so much as
the ongoing processes apparently replenishing it.

What's been bugging me for some time is that OU solutions solve themselves
when input and output work / energy fields are in inertially-decoupled
reference frames;  IOW, when we invoke any effective workarounds for Lenz's
law or Newton's 3rd and thus 1st laws more generally.

For instance consider that we can largely reverse-engineer an apparent
'perpetual motion gravity wheel' from first-principle inductive reasoning:

 • it gains angular momentum, which can only have come from gravity and
time in an otherwise-closed system of masses interacting about a common axis

 • its energy cost / work done to buy momentum from G*t must be constant,
invariant of some effective range of RPM

Net input energy then scales as the per-cycle constant times the number of
elapsed cycles while net output energy squares with the accumulating
velocity component, the latter plot inevitably intersecting the former at
some unity-threshold velocity, below which we're under-unity and above
which, over.

IOW the singular mechanic responsible for causing the input energy cost of
buying momentum from G*t to square with rising velocity is Newton's 3rd and
thus 1st laws, essentially the time-conservation of momentum, and thus
time-asymmetric interactions with fundamental force fields (those reducing
to a dp/dt) - buying momentum directly from a fundamental force constant
and time, rather than by pushing against some external inertia - offer the
potential of circumventing that constraint.. cutting the tether to the
output inertial frame (ie. the lab / earth).  In the diverging input
inertial frame, accelerating say 1 kg-m² by 1 rad/s might only cost say 1
J, half of it dissipated to inelastic collisions each cycle, hence by the
time you've input 10 J of work you've made 5 J of heat but 50 J of rotKE.

The momentum source is gravity and time, and the energy source whatever
constitutes 'inertia'.

But likewise, we can generalise this fundamental dynamic to ANY OU system -
if O>I energy, that difference has an equivalent corresponding 'velocity'
component; any OU system is thus thermodynamically opened because it is
inevitably gaining momentum along with energy..  that is, any
ostensibly-closed system demonstrating OU (ie. a non-local energy source /
sink) is, by definition, also undergoing anomalous acceleration.  Assuming
the amount of mass is constant, of course..  ie. the momentum gain that
necessarily accompanies an OU energy gain must have equivalent components
of 'mass / inertia' and/or 'velocity'.  You can gain angular momentum by
increasing radius without increasing speed (tho physically any change in
momentum is still an effective 'acceleration'), but just assuming the net
system inertia's constant, if the source is an asymmetric exchange of
signed h-bar with the vacuum then the sink (the FoR of the lab) must be
accelerating, it is that simple and fundamental.

It's a complete coincidence that a super-volcanic eruption on NZ's Alpine
fault line seems to date to around the same time Bessler was demonstrating
his largest most powerful wheel on the exact polar opposite side of the
globe during winter 1717.  Geologists haven't yet pinned down a tighter
date range.  But it's also an unsettling coincidence that an unprecedented
and devastating pair of tsunamis struck the NW European coastline over
Christmas that winter..

Consider for instance a gravitationally-augmented inertial interaction that
effectively sinks counter-momentum to G*t by employing a falling weight as
a pseudo-stator; ie. apply a 9.81 N vertical force between two 1 kg masses
in free-fall and only the lower one drops - the upper one hovering
motionless in mid-air.. yet surely the planet is still accelerating upwards
in its mutual attraction to the inertially-suspended weight, no?
Cyclically gaining fixed-rate momentum this way might thus apply a vertical
force component to the planet, effectively causing it to accelerate
'upwards' relative to wherever on earth's surface the gravitationally
non-reciprocating exploit is deployed:  planet accelerates 'upwards',
fluids slosh 'downwards', bounce off the southern hemisphere and rebound
back up to the point of origin of the applied linear acceleration..

Remember, there were TWO tsunamis, a fortnight apart.  This was no freak
atmospheric pressure system striking twice in the same locale.. but
obviously a rebound wave of some kind, centered on that part of the globe
for some reason.  Both events - the tsunamis, and the demonstration of
mechanical OU from an apparent gravity wheel - the very definition of
'unprecedented'..  coincident in time, but also consistent WRT potential
means of causation..

FFWD 300 years and once again, at least one example we know of is claiming
robust OU (non-local